5 MAGICIANS that SHOCKED the judges! | AGT 2023

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hello hi what's your name my name is Kevin Lee hi Kevin where you from I'm from Los Angeles go how old are you I'm 25 what is your talent what do you do I do magic we love magic then you must be in the right place cuz magic is Magic on this show y a GT I grew up watching this show with my family and to help Bond us to help connect us and I hope I can share the same Joy with other families watching well I wish you the best of luck go ahead young man thank you it's thought that we each have a set of core memories that Define who we are of course photos help capture these memories judges I have a few photos of us here Simon Heidi Sophia hoe Terry and myself to help take a mental snapshot of this moment right here we share a lot of the same core memories mostly from our childhood like pulling your first all nighter your first crush these images represent core Memories We tend to all experience let's unlock some of them together now hi Heidi hello I'd like you to take out one of these pictures for me yes they were all different don't look at it just yet okay Heidi I'm going to close my eyes can you show the photo to everybody show the judges show the world and when you're done Heidi hide the photo put it away and everyone just do your best to vividly remember all the details of about it yes Heidi hold out your index finger for me this is going to help out a lot okay go like this ET phone home I'm seeing a screen not a small screen like a phone this is larger I'm smelling something buttery wa judges in the photo are you all eating popcorn at the movie theater no Sophia can you pretend you're placing a piece of popcorn on my head oh that's a popcorn konel watch closely don't [Music] blink oh no oh no good thing that wasn't [Music] popped Simon what do you see inside the Box nothing we'll take the konel place it inside and heat it up a [Music] bit can you cup your hands for me wow we tend to focus a lot on the future that sometimes we forget about all the memories that made us who we are today let's rewind the hands of time even more judges let's all go [Music] back wa a it's us look how cute you all are even Simon these kids especially me would have never dreamed we'd all be here together this memory we made here tonight will forever be a part of us and I am just forever grateful thank [Music] you I love it I got [Applause] HB Heidi I love your magic I love your magic I love you but I have to say my favorite was when this colonel was coming out of your eyeball I mean it was like it was kind of disgusting but it was so cool I loved it thank you Sophia you know it's amazing to see you now so emotional because when you were doing your show you were so in control you look like you were like so present everything it was spectacular thank you Simon you're just good and you're cool and you're different we've seen a lot of magic over the years but you did something different I could tell how much this means to you you which I think is amazing and you're slick and you're Vagas and you're very us and I really like you thank you Simon thank you thank you you know the story that you tell the image of a little boy sitting in his home with his family and his parents watching America's Got Talent and then years later not only being on that spot that you watched But Rising to the occasion and Rising above that occasion I think you just had a career and lifechanging performance thank you let's vote it's a yes for me idy it's a yes for me Sophia yes you now have four yeses let's go W thank [Applause] you I love it kin [Music] Lee man come here give me a h but that thing with the eye thing with the eye was crazy it was so nasty I loved it yeah I was scared there was going to be popcorn come out of your eyes next time I love you I love you Kevin wow hi what is your name my name is my name is Bren Cummings and I'm a vist a many how old are you um I'm 12 where are you from uh we're from Papa Michigan how did you get into doing this how did you know you could do this um well it was actually I remember seeing Darcy Lynn on AGT and that um inspired me I literally looked at my parents as soon as I saw and I went that's what I'm going to do so and look at you now right here in front of us that's amazing what are you going to do if you win $1 million I mean it's a big thing but probably I'd like to follow and Darcy's footsteps and uh start touring uh so get like a tour bus and I also really want a bearded dragon oh wow okay we're ready go ahead all right penel it's our big moment are you ready for me to cue the music I don't want to sing anr what this is what we've practiced for weeks I've been thinking about it and it's then done they want to see something else something new but we haven't practiced anything else what's your plan I've got it mentalism mentalism wait what I don't mind Reed quit playing around let's just sing the song trust me take me down to the judges is that allowed yeah sure yeah so good I have a bad feeling about this oh stop worrying seriously I don't know what I'm supposed to do it's okay we'll use a deck of cards check your tet wait what taada Heidi I'd like you to cut the deck one time Howie I'd like you to take the top card all right thenen look away and close your eyes show me the card I will send my thoughts to D using thy Brilliance and dental Powers what do I do now just concentrate what comes to mind a migraine th okay I'm Focus I see I think it's black that's it keep thinking it's a club is it the seven of clubs open in your eyes oh my gosh what that's amazing that's crazy judges in a moment we're going to go back on stage but as we do Sophia hi please take out any item from The Thirst the keep it hidden for now okay sign in please turn now into the audience and grab an object any object suround the anyone yep in the audience and judges don't let us see what you picked do not let us see what you [Applause] pick let's make this a little more interesting Terry can you bring out the blindfold blindfolds Terry Inu the blindfold hold it up to the lights can you see through it no I can't perfect please put it on the r okay make it make it nice and tight nice and tight perfect perfect thank you Terry you can go you can leave now thank you so much you're going to figure out what objects the judges are holding sopia hold your object up into the air D clear your mind so what do you see I see it's a food um it might be it has some sugar in it um it might be like a good treat maybe you leave it when Santa comes is it a cookie Sophia what was your object it's a no F cookie oh my gosh since you doing so well you're going to try this one solo penelopee come on I need your help fine here's a clue sign in object can fit inside of this room Penelope come on wait wait I'm getting something it's it's an accessory um you might wear it on your ank no you wear on your wrist uh is it an Apple Watch uh yes wow oh my gosh wow thank you everyone that's amazing yay green you are adorable thank you it was so much fun it's so great to see you ride up closeth how good you're doing it I loved it thank you so much this is the season of mashups the fact that you did Magic or mentalism and ventriloquism at the same time you're amazing young lady thank you so much yes yes I loved it too because you really figured out like a perfect little act for yourself you're part comedian too I thought it was a lot of fun well done thank you so much when did you realize that you have magic powers um when I was about 9 years old I would say that's cool you are so talented so Charming people are going to root for you you did something we've never seen before and for me you never want to see the same thing again but not quite as good you want to see it better or different and that's what you did thank you okay we're going to vote Sophia I'm going to give you your first yes second yes third yes four yeses she did it she did it oh my God oh my goodness oh so oh my goodness BR tell me how you're feeling right now this is the best moment of my life oh that's so beautiful thank you good evening hello hello who are you beautiful girl I'm Mandy Mandy muden I'm from London in a United Kingdom how old are you uh I'm 29 oh it's been a rough couple of years you know what I [Laughter] mean and uh what do you do Mandy um I do magic why AGT now well being British as Simon will back me up to say I love America also I owe money and that to get out of the UK what are you going to do with a min dollar if you win well I do I'd probably spend it on men on men okay we're ready for you we want to see your magic okay fantastic right everybody are you ready to get into a magic mood okay America's Got Talent look at this for strangers ready to judge me it's like one of those parties where you throw the car keys into the Fishbowl heidy would you just I've got a bag here full of letters could you just reach in and get a few out just to make sure that they're all different it's very difficult with the glov son isn't it if you just committed a crime and hoping to get away with it they all look different lovely shove that back I'll give the bag a bit of a shake hi Howie I I want you just to take a letter um don't look at it okay okay fantastic could you take one as well take it out yes please and don't look at it we'll come back to that later okay Sophia could you do the same okay fantastic now Simon I'm going to riffle through my book could you just stick anything in you [Applause] like finger yes a finger would be lovely Simon Okay brilliant now Simon could you look at the page number yes and the first word on the page Simon got it okay and could you write them down and remember them yes I can okay fantastic I'm just going to pop back up to the stage feel free to check me out Simon okay right here we go now hoe I want you to think of any word at all in the English language okay now would you be impressed if the word you were thinking of was written on a piece of paper in the bag in front of you yes more than impressed please open the bag it's a dictionary unbelievable Heidi and Sophia open your packages okay Heidi what lovely love story do you have Heidi mine says 50 Shades of Gray oh now Simon what page were you on 70 okay Heidi could you turn to page 70 I'm just going to go go into a trance and read your mind here we go page 70 does your word begin with an F yes right lovely now are you familiar with this word yes I'm familiar with the word okay oh my God now the spirits are telling me that this word ends in i n g okay have you done this word today [Applause] yes that's my girl fantastic is your word by any chance is it um fantasizing yes it is okay now Sophia could you go to 70 could you look at the last word on PTI I don't have my glasses 170 okay how you've got dictionary there yes could you go to page 330 okay and could you go down seven word entries seven words one 2 3 4 5 6 7 what's the word Looney no it's [Applause] lone now Simon you were thinking of a word you wrote it down what was your word eat eat how you picked a letter did you hold your letter up and shout out it's it's an e an e what do you have there Heidi I have an A and what do you have Sophia a t unbelievable thank you so much oh wow thank you so much thank you Mandy that was quite a surprise oh you're so funny and and I didn't expect to have so much fun Howie you're a very good magician you're funny I love you I'm a huge fan of yours you are the epitome of somebody that deserves to have their own show I would go see just you in Las Vegas oh wow thank you so much thank you II I think that you are adorable and can I keep this yes of course Dion we saw everything didn't we I mean you were Min reading you were funny you're very naughty I really like you oh thank you I do so we're going to vote Heidi it's a yes for me for Mandy oh thank you so much s it's it's a yes Howe three yeses yes thank you so much that's amazing [Applause] thank you thank you she is really good I'm absolutely in shocked that was amazing I couldn't believe what Howe said it it was like he's such a hero of mine I was like oh my God she is great thank you thank you so much celebrate thank you thank you hi hello welcome welcome welcome what is your name uh my name my name is Ryland how old are you I'm 10 years old and uh where are you from I'm from England uh so Ryland okay oh yes yes yes yes yes he yes yes he's from England we know um what is your talent young man uh well I'm a magician oo wow how long you've been doing that since I was two so eight years wow two um so uh I was I was born with magical powers and my dad's uh is a magician and he gave me some of the magical powers that he didn't need anymore wow okay and what about the million dollars if you get it what would you do with that I'll give some to my mom my sister and my dad and spend the rest on Legos okay okay let's see what you've got tonight thank you tonight I would like you to help me create a brand new magic word a magic word but first I have gifts you see I love drawing and coloring in and I've drawn you each of picture to look at later this one's for you hoe all right this one's for you Heidi thank you this one's for you Sophia and this one's for you Simon now don't peek inside the envelopes don't let anyone else touch them we'll get back to them later what you about to see is amazing but I can't do it on my own I need help luckily I have lots of friends that love magic just like me oh hello there hi friends we got a lot of friends I'll let each of you to pick one of my friends pick one of the numbers and I'll place it in this holder you get to choose which position it goes in there are multiple combinations and the choices are all yours we'll start with you H please name one of my friends me uh okay uh Mark and would you like the number seven or 23 I'll take seven it's lucky and where would you like it to go 1 2 3 or four first cuz I'm first okay so number one hey it's your turn I choose om would you like 11 or 26 11 and where would you like that to go two three or four four thank you Heidi so if it's your turn which one my friend would you like Skyler and would you like 24 or 10 10 and where would you like it to go two or three two thanks Sophia and Simon which my friends would you like Jordan Jordan I'm going like one or 15 one I'm going try something a little bit different with you would you like to put it in the last position or swap it out for another one taking my position he's taking my position okay thanks Simon now let's look at the drawings you didn't use as you can see they're all different we've got things like Lego dragons we've got Burgers so they're all different yeah yes let's look at the drawings you did choose you chose a snake a slice of [Music] lime a house and some mountains each of you had a free choice of which dra you wanted and more importantly where to put it the snake looks like an S the lime looks like a c the house looks like an A and the mountains look like an M that's why the word scam right right yeah I said though we're going to create a brand new magic word that can be our magic word everyone shouts scam as loud as they can on the count of three one 2 3 [Applause] SC but what if I told you that we knew what the magic world would be before we even picked it at the beginning of my ACT I gave you each a drawing to hold on to I like to take the drawing out of the envelope and show it to everyone as you can see they match now as well as I'm something on the front of their t-shirt my friends also had something on the back look word equals scam wow now look okay so I'm at AGT I'm going to go in do what I need to do get out as fast as I can okay let's go I can't believe I'm actually inside the AGT theater right there's a desk better be quick can't get caught what is he doing some there oh God some's going to hate this what's that oh now you probably were doing what I did at the death assignment well hopefully you're not too mad watch [Music] this wa it's a scam everywhere look scam scam scam scam scam scam SC sorry Simon wa hello hello what's your name Magic Mike Jacobson Magic Mike Jacobson so you're going to be doing magic that's right well what a coincidence to have that name and to be doing what yeah the movie was Lucy based on my life okay how long have you been doing magic I like did Magic everywhere I could from like my home to barber shops and everywhere in between and eventually kind of just like rose and Rose and Rose and the love you keep doing it you know so this perfect okay and how old are you uh 36 36 and where are you from LA and what how do you make a living do you make a living doing magic uh no uh not yet I work in advertising by day but um this performance will determine whether I can quit oh so we'll see what happens no pressure yeah no big deal but actually a huge deal for me well let's see what you do are you nervous exactly let's see yeah I'm a little nervous I'm also just excited to be here we'll wish you the best of luck buddy thank you go ahead I'm going to share something with you all tonight that every magician has but no magician will show you for some reason it's this it's an invisible deck of cards uh it's a bit hard to see in this light um so what I'm going to do is I'm going to burn the invisible deck from 52 all the way down to one at the end Simon you're going to be a hero as you always are in my heart and you're going to save one of the remaining cards from Bernie but it depends on what Heidi and Sophia decide Heidi take that match I don't want you to strike it and stare into the flame let's just say there's two groups number cards and face cards we need to decide whether you want to start the burn all the numbers or all the faces blow it out when you're ready am I telling you yes please all the faces the faces are now on the fire you can pass the box over to Sophia Sophia take your match okay left in the fire we got Jacks Queens Kings okay the only way to divide those up would be yeah men and women we need to burn that match and tell us do you want to burn all the men do you want to burn all the women to a crisp oh the men that was a very quick decision you go ahead you blow it out and you can pass that to Simon you're going to save one of the remaining cards for Burnie all we have left are the Four Queens Queen of Hearts Queen of Spades Queen of Clubs Queen of Diamonds going to light that match and whenever you're ready blow it out I want you to draw with that match the suit of the queen that you want to save Hearts Spades clubs or diamonds is that a diamond here's the thing are you sure Simon if you shake the matchbox do you hear something in there open that up for us because in all of your hands the entire time there's been nothing but one card sitting inside there protected by a paperclip my sure singed like a spined a bit of a fire you guys could have saved whatever you wanted to but you and you and you decided together Sav the Queen of Diamonds thank you thank you very much thank you I appreciate that very much but this is America's Got Talent I'm here to take this to the next level and so how I don't know if you noticed but there's an invisible deck of cards right next to your cup how if you would I want you to just Shuffle the deck for me please you might want to uh take it out of the box first thank you stupid me great and now feel free to show off all your shuffling skills just make sure it's really mixed oh my god oh wow that was very impressive he's so good how now howwi what I want you to do is just fan out the deck to yourself and pick out any card you want don't don't show me but remember it make sure everyone can see it great how if there's an invisible Sharpie right next to your cup sign the back of the card for me just with your first name okay great I don't want to see it and now take the card slide it right back in put that all back in the box and then throw it right back up to me whenever you're ready perfect now you just just minor Miracles it's fine Howie you shuffled the deck you picked a card you all saw it for the very first time what's the card that you picked 10 of clubs I want to clarify something you and I have never met correct never nobody came up to you before the show said anything for the very first time I to open this up you said the T of clubs cor I did because every single card in here is face up except for one uhoh one card with a signature on it Howie can you confirm is that your signature it is will you flip that over for me are you kidding me is that your card thank you very much that's crazy thank you thank you and he kept all his clothes on Heidi what do you think I mean the audience was so quiet I haven't heard this audience this quiet all day I mean we were all like like hanging by every word that was coming out of your mouth and it was incredible thank you very much thank you really cool I'm like mesmerized it was like fantastic and it was funny at the beginning also with the invisible part good job thank you I'm going to make a prediction no more advertising jobs for you cuz this is what I think you were born to do genuinely thank you yes thank you so much I got to say and you know people at home are always skeptical because I think I I I swear to you nobody here was in on this this is my signature that was incredible I loved it you know I think it was really good and I think you're really good I'm going to start the voting with the yes it's a yes for me too Sophia yes and Simon for yes thank you thank you guys so much thank you thank you thank you thank you very much magic M oh my god listen how are you feeling tell me I feel amazing I feel like I've had so much stress all day and now I feel like so punched that is crazy that's my signature too is it your signature it is my signature that's crazy to it is crazy I know I want to keep this
Channel: America's Got Talent
Views: 4,705,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: America's Got Talent, AGT, Got Talent, AGT 2023, Got Talent 2023, America's Got Talent 2023, Auditions, AGT Auditions, AGT Auditions 2023, 2023 Auditions, Got Talent Auditions, Fantasy League, AGT Fantasy League, Kevin Li, Brynn Cummings, Mandy Muden, Ryland, Magic Mike Jacobson, Magic, Magicians, best magic, best magicians, top magic auditions, top magicians, top magic acts, top magic, amazing magicians, amazing magic
Id: 9tBsMSDoDqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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