5 Life-Changing Levels of Not Giving a F*ck

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- I'm currently 3000 feet above the ground with no parachute. But you know what? I don't give a (beep). Do you care? - Don't care. - Yeah, I don't care. Every day, hundreds of millions of people suffer from giving too many (beep). They spend their lives in prison by meaningless anxiety and unnecessary concerns. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this video, I'm going to walk you through the five levels of non (beep) giving. Each level demonstrating more non-fuckery than the last. You will learn step by step how to face your fears, how to stop worrying what other people think, and how to achieve the eternal bliss of a fuckless life. But it's not enough to simply learn how to not give a fuck, you have to live it. You have to embody your non fuckery. So to illustrate each of these life lessons, I flew out to Atlanta and met with a fan named Garrett. Now, Garrett had specifically told me that he gave too many fucks in his life, and so I enlisted his best friend Alex. And together, we pushed him through five life-changing challenges that purged him of all unnecessary fuck-giving. In the beginning, he was meek and shy, but by the end, I had him jumping out of planes, asking out models, and of course, dressing like a fucking chicken. Let's get your beaks ready motherfuckers 'cause class is in. In psychology, there's something known as the spotlight effect. Now, the spotlight effect says that we all tend to assume that people are paying far more attention to us than they actually are. Think back to the last time you got a terrible haircut. Chances are you walked around all day assuming that everybody was staring at that tragedy of a mop on your head. But the reality was most people didn't notice. And if they noticed, they sure didn't care. One of my favorite quotes ever comes from the author David Foster Wallace. He said that "You will stop worrying so much what other people think about you when you realize how seldom they do." As someone who grew up with a lot of social anxiety, this idea was absolutely profound to me. But the problem is the idea by itself is not sufficient. You have to get out into the world and experience it. You have to get out and challenge your own spotlight effect. Now, does that mean you have to put on a chicken suit and walk down the Venice Boardwalk? No, of course not. But it does mean you have to do something. You have to challenge yourself. You have to put yourself into public and into uncomfortable situations and prove to yourself conclusively that nobody's paying attention and nobody gives a shit. This is what I did with Garrett, and I guarantee you he hated every single second of it. Tolerating embarrassment is the bedrock of not giving a fuck, so I had my team design and print 50 Flat Earth flyers. Garrett's challenge was to hand them all out in public. The goal, to destroy his inner spotlight effect. - The fact that he actually believes that kind of stuff too is dope. - I don't like at all. - That would be easy for him. - Super easy. - Just share the good news, man. - You got this. - All righty. - You ready? - Yeah, I'll do it. (upbeat music) - Right there. Right there. - No. - Uh-Oh. - Chicken shit. Chicken shit. Chicken shit, yo. (Mark laughing) - Yeah. There you go. - I'm good. Thank you. - Good? (sighs) Hey, excuse me. You good? (both laughing) - You know what he should do? He should hand it to them and he should be like, "Nah, I don't think you're worthy of this." - You're not worthy. - You're not worthy. - You're not ready for this. - You're not ready for all this science. - Science. - I love science. - There you are. This is the best science in the world. - I got you. - Yep. Thank you, man. - Most people, once Garrett got over his initial embarrassment, it turned out he was pretty good. - I'm just gonna hand this out. No elaboration. There you are. - Hey, do you want one? I'm just give it to you. There you go. Thank you, man. - Objectively, why would it benefit anyone to lie above the earth's size? - That's smart. Cool. Thank you, man. I appreciate it. - Surveys show that the one thing that people are more afraid of than death is public humiliation. - Run after her, dude. (laughing) That's so fucking creepy. - You good? Sure? - I gotta give him credit. - No, I mean... - He's got balls. - He's got balls. He's doing it. - He's got balls. - Hey, how are you guys? - How you doing? - Good. Sick cap by the way, I like that. There you go. - Thanks, man. - Oh, two more for the kids or no? All right. (both laughing) - Part of not giving a fuck is overcoming that evolutionary conditioning. Training yourself. You're not gonna die. If you embarrass yourself, if people laugh at you, the crowd doesn't want to go the way you go, nothing's gonna happen. You know why? 'Cause nobody's fucking thinking about you. Everybody is busy thinking about their own shit and worrying about themselves. They don't care what you're doing. - I'm just gonna hand it to you. No elaboration. - I believe flat earth- - There we are. There you are. - All right, I'm gonna intervene for a second. Hey, Garrett. Time out. First of all, you're crushing it. - Really? - You're killing, like- - I hate it. I hate it. - All right, so you still got... - Yeah, I got a lot left. - 15. All right. I'll make a deal with you. This video is sponsored. If you do the ad read for me... - Yeah. - We can throw half those away. - Deal. - [Mark] This video is sponsored by CoPilot, A fitness coach that goes wherever you go. So to prove that point, I made Garrett work out in a mall food court. - CoPilot is a fitness made easy. - Sorry, I'm bad at this. Okay. - When you sign up for CoPilot, you are assigned a personal fitness coach. Your trainer creates personalized workouts for you based on your individual needs or goals. - [Mark] Best of all, your coach meets with you every week and keeps you on track and accountable. You can use CoPilot at home, at the gym... - Or even in public. (chuckles) - Oh, hi. - Let me see the paperwork and manual. - Sorry. We can go outside. With CoPilot, you never have to worry if you're doing the wrong thing. - Your CoPilot coach figures out and plans everything for you. By now, you've probably noticed how fucking hot and ripped Mark is. (laughing) This is partly due to CoPilot. So sign up for CoPilot today, so you too can be fucking hot and ripped. Oh, and healthy too. - Click the link in the description to get your free 14-day trial to CoPilot and get your first consultation today. Good job, man. - Thank you. (both laughing) - If the willingness to look like an idiot is the bedrock of not giving a fuck, the next step is to be willing to face rejection. And what better rejection than romantic rejection. It's one thing to not care what strangers think, but what about people you actually care about? Are you willing to say things that your friends and family might not approve of? Are you comfortable having difficult conversations? Are you afraid to embarrass yourself on a date? Wait, wait, wait. Oh, shit, no. (laughing) This is so ridiculous. Most of us tie up our self-esteem and our romantic successes and failures. I'm just like constantly trying to hang on. That way. No, your feet that way. But that's why I made Garrett go on dates with 10 professional models while asking them the most awkward and uncomfortable questions possible. - I think we nailed that. - Awesome. - Yay. - If you had to compare your sex life to a type of food, what would it be? - Wow. - Ladies first. - Whatever the spiciest Asian food out there is. That's my sex life. - Really? - Oh, yeah. Always. - Damn spicy. - Always spicy. Just being honest. (laughing) - Yeah, I like that. That's a good answer. - Honesty, you know, honesty is key, you know. - Damn, this is a question that I was not ready for. - What comes to the top of your mind? Like the first word? There's gotta be something. - Yeah, sushi, but that could go wrong though. - Sushi. - Yeah, that can go wrong 'cause... - Dude, what? - That's the first thing, my bad. - You don't wanna bring raw fish. - I know, I know, I know. That's what I'm saying. That's why I didn't wanna say it at first. (all laughing) This is card. What do people most often get wrong about you? - Ooh, that's a very good question. - Uh. Hmm. That I can be mean. (chuckles) I'm usually nice all the time, honestly. I'm very open and honest. - Really? So people think, wow. - Yeah. - Okay. That's interesting. I don't know what people most often get wrong about me. - These are really- - You're killing me, dude. - Do I need to answer these questions for you? (all laughing) - Is it that you're actually not shy and that you're actually... - Yeah, maybe that's what it is, like... - No, no. Come on. (all laughing) - I am really sorry. - So I have to interrupt this relationship segment for just a second to explain something. There are two ways to approach your relationships. Performance and authenticity. People like Garrett who give way too many fucks, they tend to see the relationships in terms of performance. They view every social situation in terms of "What do I say or do to get people to like me?" And then they try to say or do that. - Did you play any sports? - I personally train people at the gym so... - Really? - Yeah. - I actually have a friend that does something similar to that. - This is a terrible way to live, for a bunch of reasons. The first is just that it's incredibly stressful. I mean, every social interaction basically becomes like an exam at school where you have to say and do the exact right things to get the result. But the real reason is that it prevents you from having healthy relationships in the first place. Even if you do perform in the right way and get people to like you, you will never fully trust that they like you for you. What comes after that? Oh, that's it, right? - [Cameraman] That was it. That was it, you just... - Whatever. (laughing) Once you've been rejected romantically enough times, you realize there's no reason to protect yourself and no reason to be afraid of criticism. The big breakthrough for most people comes when they finally drop the performance and embrace authenticity. ♪ Authenticity ♪ Because of performance guarantees that you're gonna feel rejected eventually, you might as well get rejected for who you already are. This is what happens when you start approaching relationships with authenticity, by being unapologetic in who you are and living with the results. By realizing that you don't have to wait around for people to choose you, you can also choose them. Hey there, Duckie. (chuckles) How are you? Garrett seemed to start to understand this about halfway through his dates with the models, he started to realize he didn't have to make every girl like him. In fact, he can decide if he likes the girl, and this simple switch changed everything. - Tell her what you find attractive about her. - Oh, wow. Okay. - Let's see. I don't really know you though. I feel like your most attractive characteristic is like internally. - Oh. - So I don't know. - Okay. - You seem like a really genuine person. - I'll definitely take that. - Okay. What's the craziest place you've ever had sex? (both laughing) - There we go. - I'm a boring girl. - Okay. But that leaves room for improvement so... - Valid. That's valid. - Yeah. What kind of porn do you like to watch? - Lesbian. - Lesbian? - Yeah. - That was quick. You didn't even think about that. - No. I think there's just something sensual about two women together. - Yeah. - With heterosexual sex, it's so much about like penetration. And I feel like with women, it's a more like central experience. - [Garrett] Yeah. - So that's why I like watching it more. - What's your biggest irrational fear? - Getting into a fight with a giraffe. (Mark laughing) - Getting into a fight with a giraffe. - Giraffe. - Too many spots? - No, it's the height. (both laughing) - Dude, he's killing it. He's fucking crushing it. - I like you. I gotta get your number then. Is that okay? - Sure. No, that's fine. - I'll have to grab your number then. - Yeah. - Well, we could definitely carry on this conversation if you like. - Okay, I like that. - Cool. It was a pleasure meeting you. - It's been delightful. - It has been delightful. - Goodbye. - You're cool as a cucumber now. - Really? - You're only mildly awkward. - Yeah. (both laughing) (upbeat music) - Something incredible happens when you stop giving a fuck about other people's opinions about you. It gives you the freedom to fail. All those things you've been curious about, all those adventures you've dreamed of but been too scared to pursue, it all suddenly opens up to you, because the people who previously got in your way aren't there anymore. - Yo. - What's up? - Welcome. All right. You ready for this? - Yeah. What is this? So he's gonna teach you how to break dance, and then we're gonna go to the club tonight and you're gonna show off your new moves on the dance floor. (Alex laughing) You ever break dance before? - No. Never. - [Mark] You ever danced before? - Yeah, it's not break dancing. - Most people are afraid to try something new because they don't wanna be bad at something. But the fact of the matter is, you can't be good at something until you're terrible at it first. - The first one can be a first step, so we'll be here. The arms front. So then you're gonna step forward like that, more like across from you. Boom, then we'll go back, and then step all the way. - Most of us are two results-oriented and not enough process-oriented, and I think a lot of this comes from the way we're raised. You grow up and you're rewarded for getting an A on the test or getting a gold star at the activity. Everything is about "Can you achieve this result? And then we will reward you." - Oh, there you go. He's doing the whole thing, boom. Boom. Six steps. Is like this. - But the fact of the matter is life doesn't actually work that way. In fact, in many ways, life rewards the willingness to fail, life rewards the person who is willing to embarrass themselves a little bit, who's willing to take some risks. - There you go. Can't be scared to go to your back. Go to your back. - Garrett is a bonafide perfectionist. He's one of those people who will not try to do something unless he knows he can do it perfectly and so step four is to get him to be bad at something. To show him that there's a joy in the process of learning, of improving, of developing a new skill set. So I ask you, what are you unapologetically bad at? What are you more than happy to be terrible at because it brings so much joy to your life? If you can't answer that easily, well, then that's probably a fucking problem. - You're gonna be ready? - Yeah. - Be ready. - Yeah. Good, I'm good. Thank you, man. - Of course. - I appreciate it. - Of course, bro. ♪ Feel your eyes, they all over me ♪ ♪ Don't be shy, take control of me ♪ ♪ Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight ♪ ♪ Baby girl, yuh a carry ten ton a phatness ♪ ♪ Gimme some a dat ♪ ♪ Mixed wid di badness, look how she hot ♪ ♪ Shaped like goddess, but a nah jus dat ♪ ♪ Is a good piece a mentals under di cap ♪ - That night in the nightclub, as Garrett danced the way elderly people fuck, I realized that he was tasting for the first time the sweet, sweet internal freedom that comes from not giving a fuck. That he felt zero pressure, zero regret. He wanted to dance, so he went and danced. ♪ No lie, gyal yuh never miss ♪ ♪ Feel your eyes, they're all over me ♪ ♪ Don't be shy, take control of me ♪ ♪ Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight ♪ ♪ Gyal yuh never miss, gyal yuh never miss, no lie ♪ (upbeat music) Congratulations. We've made it, my friends, to the pinnacle. Undeterred by embarrassment, rejection, ridicule or failure, we have achieved the perfect freedom of non-fuckery. Welcome to the zero fucks zone. Up until this point, I've been primarily challenging Garrett to embarrass himself in front of strangers. But what if we turn that around? What if we took Garrett's newfound internal freedom, his surmounting of his doubts and insecurities, and used his newfound superpower to help others overcome their doubts and insecurities as well? After all, emotions are contagious, and once we've liberated ourselves from our imagined constraints, it's our moral duty to help liberate other people from theirs. So I brought Garrett back to a crowded shopping center and challenged him to convince a stranger to go skydiving with us. But you have to do it wearing the chicken suit. - What? Are you... Okay. (both Laughing) - And while he suited up, I wondered just how different of a Garrett we would see compared to the first challenge. Here we go. - You guys wanna go skydiving? No? Do you guys wanna go skydiving? - No. Thank you. - No? You guys wanna go skydiving? - Interesting, but no. - You wanna go skydiving? - No. - [Mark] I was impressed by Garrett's confidence. It was a stark contrast to just a few days earlier when it took him 10 minutes to even get close to approaching someone - Chicken shit yow. (Mark laughing) - Y'all wanna go skydiving? - No, thank you though. - [Mark] Now he really was chicken shit and he was completely okay with it. - Morgan, it's a chicken. (Garrett imitates a chicken) - After getting shut down for about an hour, we took a break, and then this happened. - We do love skydiving. - I've never been. - [Lady In Dress] I'm not ready for this. - Hey brother, I'm not ready either. - [Guy] I'm not ready, buddy. - I'm in a chicken soup and I'm for sure not ready. - I'll go if you go. - I would go. I would. - [Mark] Are you guys in? - Yeah, I'll go. - Yes, let's go. - Yes. - Quick side note, it turns out that Garrett is absolutely terrified of heights. The dude never told me. So while he killed the social part of the challenge, the fact that he had to jump out of an airplane, well, I thought he was gonna piss in his chicken suit. (upbeat music) ♪ White man came across the sea ♪ ♪ He brought us pain and misery ♪ Look, you and everyone you know are gonna die one day. So what the fuck are you waiting for? That goal you have, that dream you keep to yourself, that person you wanna meet. What are you letting stop you? Go do it. Because seriously, who gives a fuck? ♪ Run to the hills ♪ ♪ Run for your lives ♪ ♪ Run to the hills ♪ ♪ Run for your lives ♪ (upbeat music) You did it, dude. - Woo.
Channel: Mark Manson
Views: 1,223,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenges, comfort zone challenge, high school, how to cope with anxiety, living with social anxiety short film, mark manson, mark manson anxiety, mark manson confidence, markmanson, mental health, overcoming anxiety, overcoming fear, personal growth, self-help, self-help books, social anxiety, social anxiety meditation, social anxiety playlist, social anxiety short film, social anxiety treatment, stop anxiety, stop caring, subtle art, the subtle art of not giving a f*ck
Id: zhjuqTGMaAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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