5 Levels Of The Boogie Woogie ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽน (Piano Lesson with Sheet Music)

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foreign what's up people it's Kevin Castro here today we're going to be talking about the five one two three four five levels of Boogie Woogie which level are you let's find out alright so level one is the beginner level so for beginner Boogie Woogie what you need to know is the 12 Bar Blues pattern so let's just quickly go over that so we're going to be playing in the key of G so we're gonna have a G chord we're gonna have a c chord we're also going to have a d chord so the progression goes like this four bars of G one two three two three four then two bars [Music] c chord back to G I'm gonna stay on G here a lot of Blues will do a turnaround at the end there right at the end just to start over a G again but in this case we're just going to do g at the very last measure here so that is your 12 Bar Blues progression so let's learn what your left hand is going to be playing Left Hand is just going to be playing what we call power chords so when you're playing a G chord we call this G5 but it's just a power chord it really just means that it's not really major it's not minor we're playing G and D that's it when we play a C chord we play C and G and when we play a d chord we're gonna play DNA but I'm actually going to play those down here yeah there we go so that's our left hand and our right hand is going to be playing the Boogie pattern so this is actually the tricky one [Music] all right so we're gonna add a little bit of Rhythm in this one so we're going between a G chord and a c chord so what we want to do is play G B and D fingers one finger two and finger four and that leaves finger three and five to play c and e right there we're gonna go back and forth between b and d and g [Music] swing so we're gonna go long short and really add that nasty smell in there and really make it you can go up there [Music] okay so let's put this together one two three four two measure three [Music] now we're going to go to C chord so just reposition C and do the same thing with c chord and then F chord CFA so just like this I remember long short long short short and back to G [Music] for this D chord we're gonna go one and two three four one two three four [Music] so now let's just add a little bit of Rhythm right at the very end [Music] and three and four one two three four one two three four foreign so if you are having a little bit of trouble with this don't worry about it we do have some practice tools to help you out on our piano website you can take this take the notation and just practice it really slowly you can increase the speed and we will have the first few levels of this notated for you after that though it is going to be a little bit more improvised because the blues the Boogie Woogie is all about improvisation so we do want you to take these foundations that you're learning and apply them and make it your own so if you're not already a member of piano don't worry about it we do have a free trial here just for you so make sure you check out that link all right let's move to level two intermediate okay so level two is going to be all about adding a little bit more rock and roll type left hand patterns it's just gonna be a like a power chord like we use in level one but now we're gonna add the sixth so we're going to go one and two and three and four so keep that swing rhythm in there for four measures and when we switch to C we're gonna do the same thing but now C and G and notice I'm playing CNG with my pinky and my finger too I'm moving up to a with my thumb back to g d c [Music] all right so let's go over the right hand now so right hand it's going to be very similar we're going to keep that G chord in this root position but the C chord and the D chord we're now going to play in versions of so instead of the C chord we're now going to play G B flat and D so if you know music theory you might think hey that's just a G minor chord that's not C but if I play c e down here it makes C dominant nine which is really bluesy and we're going to be going back and forth between this B flat and d and c and e and that's actually going to make it a little bit easier to play so you're just going from B and D to B flat and D so the C sounds like this [Music] just like that then we go back to G [Music] chord instead of going up here we're going to play D chord in our first inversion so the chords were F sharp a d for D chord C7 E G B flat and c one two three four and then back to G so let's listen to what this sounds like level two [Music] all right so there's level two if you're not quite there yet don't worry about it take some time stop here practice that part and then move on to level three so level three now is Advanced so in level three things get a little bit trickier we're gonna start talking about The Walking bass line and we're going to add a couple little slips Little Blues and slips stuff like that so the walking bass line instead of doing this pattern now for advanced players you're gonna go but to really make it sound like a base we're gonna do it way down here the lowest G that you can so what I'm doing here for this bass line I'm taking what's called a G6 chord g b d and e and all I'm going to do is break that apart do that four times for c chord c e g a and just play broken back to G D chord d f sharp a b c chord c e g a and then back to G that's our left hand and our right hand is going to start to add a couple of these little slips here so what those slips are is when I'm playing that B flat note I'm keeping my D hell down and I'm actually going to just kind of slide down but you notice I'm not playing it every time so use this at your own discretion you can slide whenever you want so slight the beginning then leave it and slide maybe one more time there [Music] if you do it too much you might overuse it so just use it at your own discretion there it sounds like this when you put it together [Music] it's really starting to sound like the Boogie Woogie now for c chord we're going to keep that one the same [Music] but now we're adding that walking bass line down there right back to G all right so that was level three level three is Advanced now we're moving on to level four which is pro so we're actually going to kind of build upon level three here so we're gonna keep that walking bass line the same and now we're actually going to start adding some walking bass line chromaticism so to kind of approach the C chord something that bass players like to do is they like to walk up so you might be going let's watch the left hand here foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you can start doing approach tones have a little bit more fun with that walking bass line [Applause] [Music] so approaching it by a semitone that's what I'm doing every time you don't have to do this every single time again because you'll overuse that technique so this is when the improvisation aspect starts coming into play when we're talking about chromaticism here it's important to know where you're going so if I'm on G chord and I'm trying to get to the C chord that's my target note in the fourth measure I have four beats where I can go from G to C and I can get there a multitude of different ways I can go one two or I can go one two three four well I can go one two three four one as long as you kind of get to that c that's what's going to be important and you can approach it either From Below or from above and it's gonna sound nice so now that you're adding this left-hand chromatic system into your playing You're Gonna Keep that first time through you can keep that all the same but now let's say you finish it [Applause] you don't want to just keep playing that Rhythm that whole time so now we're going to add a new Motif a new kind of Melody so let's take something like this so Blues is all about patterns you want to make a pattern and then repeat it let's do a variation so what I just did there is B flat b d e and then a G chord hold B and G B and f b and e b so for c chord let's do the same thing we're going to go from that minor third to the Natural third but do not see but this time let's go to that C7 chord right there [Music] so we just made that Melody so let's see what that sounds like [Music] [Applause] [Music] a mix match so we have this pattern we have the one so we're starting to add all these different tools into our toolbox which is really really cool and then if you finish that one then the next time you can go even higher [Music] going from there so Advanced is kind of putting together level three which was Pro to level four which is Advanced so adding those slips and now adding your own Melodies and so that was just the Melody I came up with now but you can make up your own Melody and just kind of keep building upon that creative theme and that's how you make your Blues so now we're on to level five the Mastery level so before you get here the purpose of this is to put all of these together start with level one beginner move on to level two level three level four and once you get to level five you've already done you've done level three there and now you're ready for some fast play Fast fingers so we're gonna do something like this [Music] that is our right hand pattern and it sounds super tricky but actually this is probably one of the easier levels to play but it is so show and people just think you're amazing when you can do this but really if you take it like break it down slowly d b a g that's all I'm doing take it slow that's why I'm playing over the G chord the C chord [Music] a C9 but I'm not playing the C chord I'm playing D B flat G and E [Music] they're called 16th notes or one bunny and a two e and a three and a Fourier I kept the D chord the same [Music] and over that c chord I just played a broken chord like a and you can do it any way you want or just break it apart however you want and then back into the original position [Music] so let's hear what that sounds like with the left hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you're at level five you might need something in the middle of your Blues let's do a little interlude [Music] let's learn that that's really fun to play it's really easy G chord we go one two and three chord is called G diminished a octaves B flat octaves B octaves One Last Time slowly [Music] broken c chord [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] now the ending that's all you need to finish this off ending at the very end was [Music] true then what I'm doing is I'm playing G7 playing really really fast here and I'm using what's called our minor pentatonic which is E flat C C sharp d f g I'm going down I'm holding the pedal the whole time and then I go and big Bliss and when you're doing that gliss go up with your middle finger and down with your thumb but you have your left hand ready to attack the G so it sounds like this [Music] all right so there it is the five levels of Boogie Woogie you gotta let us know what level you're at right now because even if you're at level three make sure you come back to this video try to get to level four and then try to get to level five let us know below what you are right now or if you can even Master the Master Level then who knows you can even make your own level six it'll be awesome so make sure you try that out have fun with it let us know how it goes in the comments below and we'll catch you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Pianote
Views: 127,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pianote, lisa witt, how to play piano, beginner piano lesson, easy piano, piano tutorial, boogie woogie, blues piano, piano lesson, boogie woogie tutorial, albert ammons, how to play boogie woogie, boogie woogie piano, learn piano, sheet music, boogie sheet music, boogie woogie lesson, jazz piano, beginners boogie, easy boogie lesson, boogie woogie for beginners, how to play, boogie-woogie (musical genre)
Id: GLoFOp_TfHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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