3 Boogie Woogie Finger Runs That Sound Pro 🔥

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with Boogie Woogie you might have seen those professional Boogie Woogie players like say Jules Holland and when they're improvising they're adding in these really intricate really fast finger runs and it makes their Boogie Woogie sound so much more professional they add so much spice to your Boogie Woogie but when you first start out it can be really difficult knowing how to play them or even where to slot them in to your own boogie boogie so in this video I'm going to give you three Boogie Woogie finger runs that you can just learn have some fun with so let's crack on with run number one so this run is fantastic to just get your foot in the door and get your fingers exposed to how playing runs feel so sounds like this okay so right hand into this C position first and you want your thumb on the C and your little finger on the G and the very first thing you're gonna do is just don't even worry about a run just start at the top and just get your fingers used to playing all of those notes nice and evenly and smoothly staying relaxed and just falling from the top down to the bottom like this so we've got a g then we've got an F sharp with the fourth finger f with the third E flat with the second finger and thumb onto the C okay so top and then down okay and when you've given that a few goes then we can start using this and trying to play that in what we might think of as more of like a run now this is a good point to talk about my falling down the stairs Boogie Woogie finger on method a bit of a mouthful but it does what it says on the tin if we imagine we're at the top of the stairs we've got a g and at the bottom of the stairs when we land in a crumpled Heap we've got our C and all of these notes in the middle these run notes we'll call the stairs so we start at the top of the stairs we tumble down these notes here all these stairs and then we land on the sea at the bottom like this and there are many ways to play finger runs don't get me wrong you know what it was sticking to very specific rhythms but when you speed it up when you play Boogie Woogie really really fast there's no way you're picking out what all those runs are and how many notes are in the run or anything it just sounds like a cool little ornament so it's a really nice way to kind of picture what we're doing here and get a feel for it because if you think of these runs in the middle as one thing as one entity it's like you push yourself into it and you relax into it like this and that's the feel we want we want to start you know hook The Listener in fall down the stairs fall down those that run and then anchor it with our bottom note so it's like top fall to the bottom top fall to the bottom like this and as a solid exercise we can say you know we can do this run starting on any beat really but let's say we'll start on the four and we'll end on the one so we go one and two and three and four and one and two and three and four and one and when you're playing that run we've got to maintain that looseness and that kind of snap from the fingers [Music] okay if we put the left hand in one and two and three and four one and two and three and four and one and two okay if you want to make it a little bit more exciting put the C in at the bottom as well so C and G and then see so like that and two and three okay really nice run to start with now on run number two things are going to start getting a little bit more interesting and I use this one all the time and you can actually use it in a few different places so I'll play it for you first uh sounds like this you know so what's happening here this is a fantastic way to connect your Boogie Woogie positions together so let's say we're playing around in F [Music] it's a fantastic way to move from the f Back to the Sea Okay so following our falling down the stairs method we're going to start at the top of this C here and we're gonna our uh so this is okay we're at the top of the stairs with the c and then our staircase is the a the G the F and then the C at the bottom so we're going okay these are our staircase notes and then to finish off if we're going to bring this into a nice very useful very practical riff that you can pull into your Boogie Woogie we will end with [Music] um a pullback onto the E and the g you can just pull back onto the E if you want um but you can also just pull back onto the E and the G and you get that really nice let's just Boogie Woogie sound yeah so from here and then pull back and it's it's a very short little lick but you'll be able to put that in to numerous places especially when you're moving from the after the sea so again one um one and two and three and four yeah now watch this so it also works moving from the C position down to the G position as well super super useful run and quickly just before we move on to run number three if you are finding these runs a little bit difficult right or you need some help with more of the fundamentals of Boogie Woogie like hand coordination Rhythm uh even the 12 Bar Blues in general then I put together a completely free five-day get started masterclass I'll send you five structured lessons over five days and each day follows on from the last okay so by the end of those five days you will be playing your very first amazing sounding Boogie Woogie riff I'll put a link in the cards up above and more information Down Below on how to join uh it's completely free so let's move on to run number three sounds like this very useful run again and it's really good if you're just sticking around in the C position and you want to kind of move from a top octave saying and you want to nicely move from like a high position down to a low position so we'll learn this as like an isolated riff slightly longer if this time but again it's great for you to learn pull it into the Boogie Woogie bank so to speak and just pull it out when you need it so we're going to start off on this G and we'll isolate this bit okay so we're going to start out we go one and two and three and four and okay so we're coming in on the end of the four g c d e flat E all right so now we're at the top of the stairs the E is our top of the stairs note g c d e flat E and now we're going to run down our staircase notes which is a d a c and a g like this and then at the bottom of the stairs our third finger comes over and Strikes the F like this so a little bit more technique here okay uh one and two and three and four okay one and two and three and four okay one more time one and two and three and four and then thumb down to the C and then pull back like this onto the G uh sorry pull back from the E flat to the E and then back to the C like this okay with the left hand three and four really cool uh run now let's see if I can play all of those three runs within one full Boogie Woogie um I'm Gonna Keep It relatively simple this is all about just seeing how we can actually use those runs so how might it sound [Music] so you know they can work and they comfort in and they can sound absolutely fantastic I really hope you enjoy them and you bring them into your Boogie Woogie Arsenal one thing you might have noticed throughout all of this video is that there is another essential Boogie Woogie technique that I've been using and I call it the pullback and the drop technique so if you want to learn all about that you can go check out this video next and I'll guide you through that technique step by step and I'll even give you a full piece of music to use it in that sounds amazing as well so till next time peace
Channel: Creative Piano Academy
Views: 97,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn piano, online piano lessons, piano beginner, piano technique, piano, creative piano academy, piano exercises, boogie woogie, boogie woogie piano, boogie woogie piano tutorial, how to play piano, piano tutorial, piano lessons for beginners
Id: 7hh3e2SZylo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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