5 HUGE MISTAKES people make when WASHING THEIR 4WDS! 4WDetail experts show how to do it properly.

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there are five big mistakes people make when  washing their four-wheel drive and chances   are you've been making a few of them I know  I certainly have if you love your four-wheel   drive you really do need to watch this one chances  are you're going to learn a heck of a lot I know I   certainly will let's get stuck right into it  now of course this Defender isn't my vehicle   you would have seen it before and our show it's  my mate Justin Justin come on here mate good to   see you good to see you now thanks for bringing  a muddy full drive to my place but I've actually   done this on purpose you see Justin's got years  of experience detailing forward drives and I want   to pick your brains mate learn a lot chance  are probably been doing it wrong all these   years at least making mistakes along the way as  most people probably have now what are the five   biggest mistakes a lot of people make we'll start  at mistake number one and that's people going   straight in with a sponge and just trying to rub  all this off and scratching and swirling all into   your paintwork I reckon a lot of people probably  make the mistake thinking that soon as I soap the   vehicle up she's right to start scrubbing no no  no that is not correct first like what you want   to do is get a good quality wash fo it all up  that'll really help down to break down all this   mud that's really on there yeah yeah ex pressure  wash it off and then you whistle up with a nice   clean surface underneath and if you really want to  then go after that with a M you can because you're   not going to scratch into your paint because if  you do that right now you're going to get swirl   marks and scratches absolutely everywhere yeah  and that's the last thing you want you think   you're doing the right thing trying to wash your  forward drive you're actually making it worse by   scratching it up all right let's get stuck  in it mate step number one let's go let's do it well I got to say mate I'm actually surprised  how well that worked you can just see that mud   is actually falling off the vehicle which is  was the plan in the get-go try and loosing   everything up what's the next step mate Next  Step just pressure wash it off pressure wash   so not grab it don't get a Spong start scrub  no because there's still obviously sand and   mud on the vehicle you do that you're going  to create swirls of the paint you're actually   going to scratch the vehicle so you don't want  to do that um even though it looks like it's   pretty clean at the moment you're saying hit  it with a high pressure hose high pressure   hose or else he just going to be putting  sandpaper all through your paint yeah makes   sense I'll get the way mate give this thing  a spray and then we'll see where we go next excited mate it's looking you know 90% clean right  now I mean soon as you've hosed all of the salt   exterminator off all that mud Grime sand is just  falling straight onto my driveway the vehicle's   looking really really clean but obviously there's  a few little imperfections how do we get those   off and make it really clean microfiber noodle M  yeah not a sponge not a sponge okay definitely not   a sponge so you'll hit it with that but first  we going to soap the vehicle back up again yep   we'll just soap it back up put a bit more foam  on it and then we'll go with a microfiber noodle   mitt and then rinse it off again and it should be  pretty clean good to go all right let's do that   we're giving our microfiber cloths a little bit of  a soak down so they're not super dry when we hit   the vehicle there there any technique to this m  we're just going to start giving it a scrub or how   do we do this so the way you got to do it is never  go in circular motion exactly I was about to start   doing exactly what's the correct way to do it so  either go side to side or up and down stay that   that's exactly what I started doing I think that's  a common misconcept see I nearly did it straight   away so just straight side to side straight side  to side there you go going from top to bottom side   to side Mo movements and yeah that's how you  clean a car without getting scratches all over   it that's a good tip to know all right let's get  into it [Music] eh so the reason why we're going   to use a microfi mule mitt is because how it  picks up dirt so you got these long strands   here dirt can go back up into the mid and you  won't be rubbing in that debris dirt sand grit   straight back onto your paint whereas if you're  using a sponge it's got nowhere else to go it's   just going to be on the surface of that sponge so  when you rub it back into it you're going to rub   everything back into the paint that you just got  off of [Music] it well it's looking Mickey Mouse   mate but I've noticed you haven't even made an  attempt to clean underneath now not that it is   very that's actually pretty clean considering  all the mud you've been driving through it's   kind of embarrassing it's very very clean it  wants to see there uh well before I went away   I just put some shassy [ __ ] on the night before  Y and you go through a b hole and it kind of just   drips off yeah right so it doesn't actually stick  to it it's obviously dirty underneath what most   people would probably do is hit it with a pressure  washer that's that's what I would do typically um   what's the goal with cleaning the under body a  full drive well I mean along areas like that you   can hit it with pressure washer straight on the  chassis straight on the chassis but when you're   going back up and in here and you're going where  all the cabling and wires are you don't want to be   smacking that with pressure cuz P oh you're going  to push all the dirt and sand up further harder   to reach it's going to sit in these little nooks  and crannies and I mean you're never really going   to get it out so how do you wash the underneath of  your forward drive so the trick is high volume low   pressure and I got something over here if you want  to come check this out I think you're really like   it check this out Justin just gave me this to play  with now back in the day I used to use a garden   spr I'm sure a lot of you guys would have done  the same now the problem with that of course is   it works a trick but it does take ages to get it  right this way you can actually control the flow   to flood it right out let's see how it [Music]  goes look at that you can see the dirt falling out so the really cool thing about this s assassin  is it comes with different quick connects so you   can actually change the mod now you saw the flood  mode that works really well in the main part of   the under body I'm going to change it up to Jet  mode now if you got stubborn mud and Grime on the   Chazzy or under the diff like we do here this  mode is going to blast it all off then we can   go back to the mode just to make sure all the  stuff that's being loosened off goes down onto   the concrete and not up into the vehicle so now  the underbody completely clean we flooded that   out it's looking really nice but of course there's  going to be stuff still stuck inside those chassis   rails now what's the best way to clean that mate  well we can use a chassis one like this and stick   it into each of the holes and do it manually  so I mean it works really well yep Chuck it   on look at that just flushes everything out just  flushes it out you can see dirt and grime coming   out of that already and what what do you want to  do just basically keep that going until it's nice   and clear until it's running Clear Water y yeah  you just keep that going run through each one so   you basically go through the whole vehicle find  every hole that you can and and and follow that   same process yep but I got something else you  might want to have a look at yeah go on what   we got come around to the back yeah oh yeah you  got a hose fitting got a hose fitting here plug   this in Let It Go handsfree chassis Flushing yeah  right so so hang on that's we got it completely   plumbed all the way through each of the chassis  rails all the way to the front right so you can   just literally do that set and forget go crack a  CO one something like that and the vehicle's just   washing itself fit once forget and you're good to  go now that we flooded all the shazzy rails with   water got a bit of salt exterminator we're going  to do the exact same thing and give that so just   clip that straight in yeah give it some water got  salt Exterminator coming out all the holes in the   shazzy so everything's got to be nice and clean in  there this is a really handy product now obviously   you need to install this into your vehicle so  it comes with hoses that go inside the Chazzy   rails obviously it leaks out and is the best way  to clean your vehicle but the cool thing is it's   set and forget so as soon as you get back from a  trip just plug it straight in clean inside those   jazy rails if it's anything like my vehicles  chances are you your vehicle's got stacks of   clay and mud and stuff in there you've probably  neglected it inside of your shazzy rails I think   a lot of people don't even think to clean that the  cool thing is Justin sells all those products on   his website it just makes washing your vehicle  so much easier and so much quicker well here's   a new one that I just learned um after you  finish doing all that hard work washing your   vehicle you want to seal off that hard work so  got a couple of products here Justin take us   through what we're about to do mate yep so next  up we're going to put some salt seal on the top   side just at a 1 to9 dilution ratio spray that  on sit for about 5 minutes rinse it off and then   for next time when you go on a trip it's just  going to be that much easier to rinse off after   afterwards and clean yeah right so protects all  your hard work and then it's also preventative   when you go Offroad the next time it's going  to make it easier to clean see that's that's   something I'd never do I think 90% of people out  there as soon as you wash your car yeah you're   done but this is just that fin little thing it's  not that hard as well Chuck it in foam the vehicle   up wash it off and then this one shazzy Shield  that sort of the name says it all really what   are we going to do with that we're just going to  spray that straight on the chassis just making   sure you clean it beforehand yep like we have  yep wait for it to dry spray this on about a   day or two before you trip that's it and that's  it and then again next time you go through mud   sand salt all that sort of jazz that stuff's  not going to stick to the other side of your   vehicle very cool mate all right you grab this  one I'll do this one let's get to work let's [Music] go now the cool thing about this is you can be  a little bit agricultural in the way that you   apply it I've got runs and all sorts of stuff  it doesn't really matter you basically spray it   on and set and forget so you don't have to do  anything else other than spray it on it really   is super easy and super quick as well the way  I understand it basically turns the underside   of your vehicle into like a Teflon pan so Teflon  nonstick that's the whole idea behind this so when   you go off-road you typically want to do this a  couple of days before you go bashing through the   mud again you let it set on the bottom of your  vehicle and what next time you drive through   mud it's just so much easier to get off when you  when you're back home so that's why we seal the   top side of the vehicle and the bottom so it's a  bit of preventive maintenance obviously keeps it   looking cleaner for longer but just when you do go  Offroad and we know that if you own a four-wheel   drive you're going to take it out to use it what  it was built for you're going to get it dirty but   then if you can keep that preventative maintenance  make sure it's easy to clean off afterwards you   save yourself so much time and effort not to  mention the cost of more products and stuff like   that another tip for chassis Shield if you got  some steel leaves and you want to keep them in   good condition or just kind of bring back that  gloss and shine to them you can just put some   chassis shield around in these areas just kind of  even coat it put some on a microfiber towel and   then you can just kind of work it in well mate I  reckon she's come up an absolute treat and I just   want to take you back to the S day you rocked  up in my place it's a bit overcast today you're   actually quite excited by that and I thought I  wish it was nice and sunny for you but it's not   um why is it important to have an overcast day  overcast day well if you don't have cover you   want to avoid direct sunlight at all costs yeah  and why is why is that that it goes what most   people think about car washing I like look for the  sunniest day possible you know get into a singet   take the shirt off get the sponges out yeah no no  no no sponges no no sponges no direct sunlight so   so why is it important not to have direct sunlight  on your car when you're washing it well if you're   washing your car in direct sunlight the surface is  going to be hot and that foam from those wash is   going to dry up really quickly right and that's  going to create what swirls marks on your paint   and just marks and whatnot yeah it'll be a little  bit harder to get them out when you're rinsing it   off and you might have to rewash it again yep  um so if you got cover like this or you can go   under cover there it's just exactly what you're  after yeah makes it so much easier so much faster   you're not racing against the sun then wash it  off again afterwards and our final tip is as   soon as you rinse off all that wash you want to  dry it straight away with a microfiber towel cuz   that way you're going to avoid any marks on it  and you're going to get that shiny nice glossy   appearance as soon as you're finished so Justin  when it comes to choosing the right chemicals   for your forward drive to clean it properly and  not damage the paint what's your best advice mate   best advice would be choosing a product that's  specifically made to your full drive and where   you're going to be taking it yeah right so first  off we got saltic we've been using that on the   car and you've seen how easily that's taken away  the mud and everything top side and underneath yep   and it's all about using the correct dilution  ratios on that as well right right and give us   a little bit of an example of that so you know  obviously you can read the instructions probably   got everything you need to know right on the back  here but what's what's a general sort of rule of   thumb so General dilutions if you're going for  salt and sand about a 1 to 10 or 1 to n yeah right   so not too much at all not too much it's it's  quite economical that that's going to last you   a long time if you a lot of Beach driving so one  to n sand and salt and that sort of jazz what if   you've been playing in bog holes like you have  M playing in B holes well today we used a 1 to   three dilution ratio and as you can see that did  a a very nice job did a fantastic job easy what's   the drama if you use something that's um you  know not really designed for you know Vehicles   maybe like heavy machinery sort of heavy deterg  what's the effect of using that on your Fri and   joy so it's just going to over time really bite  into your clear coat or you got a lacquer on top   your old school yeah um over time it's going to  bite into that degrade it and just you'll see   those fading and effects afterwards a bit of usage  good advice get something that's actually made for   your four-wheel drive that's not going to damage  the paint dilute it the correct ratio correct   um you got some shazi Shield obviously that's to  protect the shazis you saw how easy the mud fell   off the shazzy that works an absolute treat it's  worth that's a prevention though isn't it you do   that before you go out so you clean your vehicle  you want to hit it with some shy Shield so when   you do go through some mud everything just sort of  falls off it looks pretty clean under there and we   just basically hit it with a bit of San assassin  we just flooded the area it all came off and then   what's this one mate the Sal salt seal so that's  just for your top side sealant y so you go 1 to   10 1 to 9 for that in your snow firm Cannon fill  the rest with water spray it all over leave it   about 5 minutes and then rinse it off rinse it  off as easy as that it'll seal all the hard work   she scrubbed up all right now it really is is  absolutely gorgeous mate now this is not a brand   new vehicle by any means it goes to show though  you do a fair bit of um prep beforehand and just   that regular maintenance of keeping it clean it  it turns out just like this it's a good little tip   if you've got an older vehicle you don't clean it  very often I.E me um it's probably worth spending   the time cleaning it properly and then sealing  it off so next time you go to clean it is super   super easy better couple of things that have stood  out for me mate and um you know I've been washing   cars mind you since I was about 10 years old I  was doing it for my parents before I even got my   own first car I think a lot of people are in the  same boat as me um number one don't clean your   car on a really sunny day out in the middle of  the sun try and keep it shaded that was a bit of   an eye opener for me it makes sense as well I've  had it before where your halfway through washing   your car all that soap dries on the vehicle um  number two is not using a sponge that's that   was a new way don't use sponge you don't want  those Swirls and scratches and it and it makes   pure sense as well last thing you want to be do is  rubbing especially all the sand and grit into your   paint work microfiber cloth is a way to go give  somewhere for any of that dirt and zand to go up   and into so you can keep that vehicle looking nice  and um the third one of course we touched on it   just before but after you've gone to the effort of  washing your vehicle use some sealant to protect   the top side by using some salt seal and then on  the bottom side using some shazzy shield and then   of course you're going to use your four-wheel  drive Offroad it's going to get dirty again   but when you do get it home it's going to be super  easy to clean that's right mate there you go well   now we practice on this rig I got a couple in the  shed that need a bit of a clean so we might hang   around that I'll sit here and I'll just watch  well I should be pretty versed in it now mate   well there you go folks I certainly picked up a  few new tips and I bet you guys did too like I   said I've been watching cars for a long time and I  thought I had it down pat but it turns out you get   the right gear and the right techniques and your  rig can be looking like this so do so a favor if   you want to get the products that we use today  the best way to do that is to support Justin's   homegrown business and the best way to do that is  jump on his website which is for drive detail.com   right mate I'm serious about my cars they're  just in there they're not that dirty not that dirty y
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 197,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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