5 HILARIOUS Scenes | Weird The Al Yankovic Story

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I'm so excited it's gonna be epic all huge fans of Weird Al yes all huge fans of the fact that Daniel Radcliffe is playing Weird Al absolutely very excited to watch this it was a few weeks later what a mysterious stranger showed up at my door and changed my life forever [Music] why good afternoon sir the gentleman of the house I take it well congratulations today is your lucky day how would you like to be the Envy of all of your friends and the most popular fellow in town well everything you need to make that happen is right here in this box [Music] Feast your eyes [Music] a gorgeous instrument [Music] we've tried on go ahead son take all those ivories [Music] unnatural Talent son you cannot squander that you have got to buy this beauty and I guarantee it you're going to have girls lined up around the corner you're going to need a lifeguard because you're going to be drowning in so much and hello to you sir what are you doing in my house surprise my innocent young child wearing that Devil's Squeeze Box [Laughter] I don't remember you telling me to shut up before God [Laughter] laughs hey Mickey stop it right now you made me do this boy look at you take that devilish monstrosity it's very instant I don't want to see you ever wearing it again Nick why don't you go take a little walk you better cool off because it stinks in here it's a dick nice it sucks it's the fifth audition I've been kicked out of this week it's almost like nobody wants an accordion player in their band because it doesn't make any sense yeah accordions are cool that's the problem with being on the bleeding edge you gotta wait for the rest of the world to catch up okay if nobody wants to have me in their group I'm just gonna have to go in on my own and you know the best part of moving away from home is you can do anything you want hook up with girls get high all the time yeah I mean literally anything there are no rules just last night I was driving down the wrong side of the 101 with my eyes closed not knowing whether I was going to live to see another day or die in a horrible fiery wreck suck on that Mom and Dad what about you Al what's something you always wanted to do but you were never allowed to oh God polka make up new words to a song that already exists well you should do that then absolutely yeah why don't you do it right now go on make up something brilliant no guys it's not that easy yeah I gotta wait for inspiration to strike if you're not gonna write us a song why don't you make us some sandwiches oh yeah dude I'm starving sandwich [Music] okay okay okay guys I'm on it uh Jim you want to put on some tunes yeah [Music] thank you Steve this bologna has your name on it can we uh yeah sure just open up a package of My Bologna [Music] is this DJ asleep the record keeps screaming thank you [Laughter] [Music] guys really recorded you okay [Music] oh I think the toast is done the toast is done [Music] [Laughter] he's so serious where did that come from I've never heard anything like that before in my life you have to record that now come on guys oh you've got something here I don't know if it comes from God or the devil or the devil the world needs to hear it no forget it guys I don't have the money for a recording studio I think the bathroom at the bus station is pretty good acoustics [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it is Wolfman Jack [Music] I just came by to lay eyes on this cat you've been parading around someone who takes pre-existing musical compositions and completely changes the lyrics he has a name you know and it's Weird Al Yankovic well then put her there Weird Al oh too slow what is the meaning of this this is me telling you that I know hit Talent when I see it and this kid ain't it he'll never crack the top 40. he's too Niche this kid as you call him it's the future of Music how about he comes up with a new parody song right now on a spot oh whoa I'm come on man it's a party I don't know that's a good idea do another one bites the dust that seems fitting who said that I did John Deacon the queen I play the bass in Queens all right Future Boy let's hear what you can do with another one bites the dust you don't have to prove anything to him come on guy from Queen let's go find a party with some real talents [Music] on the boulevard [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the bus [Music] [Applause] he's smashed the watermelon at the end [Applause] I don't know what to say that was it that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard in my entire life you truly have a rare gift weird Alice Cooper I'd be good we're playing a little geek next week Live Aid Whaley Stadium I'd be honored if you would join the band and play that song on stage with us say [Music] hard pass [Applause] I felt like I was on the top of the world oh tough call with the folks huh you know I can fire up the downstairs hot tub for you if you like oh no no this is fun I don't want to put you through any trouble I think it's really no trouble I mean I there are actually three other Jacuzzis in the house that are not here in my bedroom oh that's so sweet of you but really I'm good you on the other hand you don't seem so good do you want to talk about it I could never eat it's just in the bathroom no this is a weird thing my whole life go get it all I wanted is for my father to accept me for who I am look you don't have to write parody songs if you don't want to what you look a little hungry here have a snack you can write your own songs you think I took you under my wing because you write parody songs no saw in you a visionary this guacamole taste funny [Laughter] enough and your mind break your chains [Music] just relax and enjoy the ride it'll be over in like 10 to 12 hours this is your time believe in yourself and the song will come to you yesterday it's a bad trip all right power over you keep going I can't maybe you should try a little Captain Crunch ES [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] I was such a feeling [Music] I've heard enough brilliant okay I'm sorry I don't recognize the tune what song are you parodying here I'm not parodying anything this song is completely original afterwards and the music that's right just to be perfectly clear so you're saying this is not a parody of an existing song but an entirely original composition that you wrote all by yourself yes not based on anybody else's song in anywhere did I stutter I'm tired of people thinking I'm some kind of joke okay I am done writing parody songs done oh Al you can't smoke in here [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I totally deserved it I am totally blown away this is a bold New Direction you've completely changed the game here this is going to be your biggest hit yet so then I'm stomping on him and stopping here with my booth and he's going for his mom and I'm like stop being so extra you know oh my goodness oh we've been expecting you why welcome welcome I got all of your albums to the Colombia house record club for one penny you guys really great deal anyway oops I hope you will forgive me for kidnapping your lovely girlfriend I just it just seemed like that was the only way to guarantee that you would come to my birthday party I'm sorry let me turn on the music please [Music] [Laughter] I can hear myself thinking now so noisy up in there oh where are my manners we were just about to Cut the Cake may I offer you a slice let's get him a slice please no cake okay Mr diet okay what else am I right I just want my woman and I'll go I'm afraid that's not how it works you see you can't live until you perform for me do you understand me no dice not gonna happen I'm not your monkey I can do borderline no I don't want that I want him why why all the drama I mean you're already here just perform one measly song for us and then you guys can leave come on just one song no how about that wonderful Michael Jackson parody that you did huh not a parody foreign [Laughter] Psych anyway back to the party should we got the geiger hey Pablo you forgot what you got those on his necklace a certified plan I'm certified plan hey Escobar [Music] damn okay oh let's get out of here okay oh it's in there oh girls girls [Laughter] you just killed Pablo Escobar I know I killed so many people this week before last Thursday I never really killed anyone the things we do for love huh come on we gotta go wait wait wait wait wait hear me out here with Escobar out of the picture Maybe maybe we can run the drug cartel what is what supply and demand baby look someone's got to run the cartel may as well be me us you can't be serious what about all our plans writing songs together touring together I wrote the music in history when you can rule the world no way my life is in America and my family would never forgive me if I became involved in a drug cartel your family's already disowned you Al I'm all you've got remember and it'll still be together I'll be the head of the cartel and and you can be my number two [Music] number two I can't believe this Dr Demento was right yeah you were just using me to further your own career weren't you well yeah my relationship with you was a business decision and so is this it's all just business Yoko wow wow okay then whoa I can't let you leave Al so you know too much what are you talking about we could have made such a beautiful team and you know what I decided I do like we're Donna better than Madonna Vick we're done that's all over now goodbye Madonna [Music]
Channel: WMK Content Creator Studio
Views: 27,602
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Keywords: daniel radcliffe, weird al yankovic, weird al movie, movie reaction, wmk reacts, mikeismurphy reacts, full movie, weird the al yankovic story, daniel radcliffe weird al, daniel radcliffe interview, daniel radcliffe funny, daniel radcliffe movies, weird al, weird al yankovic amish paradise, this is the life weird al, daniel radcliffe harry potter, comedy, weird al eat it, weird al yankovic story, weird al versus pablo escobar, weird: the al yankovic story, reaction video
Id: cO9AD3rIIIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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