5 Godzilla Kaijus for Gigabash

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so gab best just has recently announced their next wave of Godzilla Kaiju coming to the game so just like the Ultram man video made a while back I'm going to be making this one about five of the K from the Godzilla franchise who I love to see make it into the game none of these picks are any a particular order but one of two are monsters I feel like that need to be in this wave of DLC I'm also not going to go over any monsterverse Titans since I feel like they won't be added unless it specifically says the monster verse so even though Behemoth Sila tmat scarane they would be cool ideas or cool additions to the game I don't think they're going to be added in this one so without further Ado let's get straight into five Godzilla kaijus for gabat before I get straight into the number five here are some arable mentions for the Kaiju that barely made the list that being King Caesar space Godzilla bolante bat hedora and megalon at number five we have Baragon a personal favorite monster of mine and one I feel like should be considered for gigabash well I wouldn't say Baragon is a must in gigabash but the idea of a monster that could dig on the ground would be fun and neat you could also create sinkles trapping monsters that walk in the made for his ultimate he can bury in the ground and move faster a beon CES With the Enemy Kaiju they will take damage and will be rooted for a little bit overall I would love beon to be added but I don't fully see him joining gigabash anytime soon at number four we have rodian a good pick I think for this wave of DLC for gigabash Rodan is definitely one of the more popular Kaus from the Godzilla series being a mix of an ally enemy to Godzilla so if R was add into the game I think it'll be focus on being able to fly around the map with ease and breathe fire burn all other kaijus on the field I go see4 Road ultimate he will spin around very fast cre a tornado that he control wherever it goes this tornado could suck up other Kaus into it and after duration the normal tornado will start blazing moving faster and deal more damage to Kaiju inside of it Ro D should definitely be considered for this wave of DLC and if it's not then definitely the third one if that happens at number three we have Angus the first monster Godzilla fights since Godzilla Rays again Angus is a monster I absolutely love mainly due to his design but also consider him most loyal Ally that Godzilla has maybe not as much as Mothra but a good close second so in Gears was in gigabash I think his main thing will be rolling around and hit every other Kaiju on the field stopping once he is hit by a range attack or a building that is thrown at him he could also have a charge up tail slam attack applying a small stun to a monster went H fin has ultimate could be him rolling around the map so fast it looks like he's bouncing off the walls better way to describe this is like how Sonic Smash a better way to describe this is how Sonic Smash attack looks like in Super Smash Brothers ultimate definitely hoping this guy makes it into the game at number two with the queen herself that being Mothra Mothra I feel like is definitely going to be at it since I think that her not being the first wave was kind of strange I think Mecha Godzilla destroying gigen were some pretty good picks for the Godzilla DLC but this may be considered a bit of a hot take but I have have personally either taken out mega Godzilla or Destroyer for the first DT in the favor for MRA I feel like having two main Godzilla enemies couldn't make Godzilla team up with Mathra would have been great kind of like how they showed with the Ultram man DLC trailer but anyways back to Mothra so Mothra I feel like be more projectile focused as a fighter and will have two main forms at the start Mothra will be in her larva form moving slow but can apply silk onto other kaiji and make them move slower she can also cover herself in this silk entering into a cocoon State then she'll turn into her moth form mothur while in the moth form can fly in fire beams of light onto the other kaijus I also think that mothur while in the moth form is immune to melee attacks however there will be a counterplay to this if moth is either hit by a projectile thrown Building she'll fall to the ground for a bit and will take damage from melee attacks until she isn't attacked for a duration also once motha dies she will respawn back into her lock a form lastly moth's ultimate is that moth put all the other kaiji on the field to sleep kind of simple but I feel like this will be very annoying to deal with and I definitely hope Mothra makes it into gigabash at number one we have my Most Wanted and most likely going to be added to gigabash that being King gadora King gadora I would consider be the number one Nemesis for Godzilla and I can for sure see him being added and I believe he will be added because the teaser shows a stormy sky and I can't believe that's them hinting at kadora might not be the best guess but kadora doing stuff with storms and lightning I think this is a possible teaser for him so if gadoro is added I can see him doing a few things he can have it where he flaps his wings to create a small twister that damages all other kaiji that are nearby him you can also have a charge up projectile where at first one head is firing lightning but holding the button longer the second and third head will join increasing the damage in the range of the lightning kodor Ultimo be him creating a storm on the map stking down randomly damaging all other Kaiju besides King gadora which will gain a small damage buff if he gets hit by the lightning King gador should really be added in this wave of DLC and if he isn't then I'm going to be really surprised so those are my Kaiju picks from the godo series for a gigabash and what do you think let me know down in the comments if you agree or disagree with any of my selections But be sure to also let me know who you want this to see be added from the Godzilla series to gigabash I love to hear them but anyways that's right today's video I hope you enjoyed if so hit that like but if new to the channel will definitely be appreciated and yeah I'll see you in the next one peace out and have a good one
Channel: TheGamingSnallygaster
Views: 3,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gigabash, godzilla, godzilla gigabash, mothra, king ghidorah, baragon, anguirus, rodan
Id: K8IXRI638rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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