5 Flat Earth Arguments DEBUNKED

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hey guys I've been doing a lot of comparison videos recently and I thought it'd be a good idea to try something different for a video don't worry this isn't the end of comparison videos I've actually got one coming out and Friday hopefully and I just wanted to try something different and see how it goes so I haven't look around the internet for ideas and rediscovered channel I used to watch it's called flat earth talk and does videos about you guessed it the flat earth hypothesis so I'd look around their channel and found this video flat earth facts top 5 reasons I no longer believe in the globe after wasting a quarter or an hour of my life from the video I saw had so many holes and problems in it that I just had to make a video on it and remember this guy has a culture of 100 thousand subscribers on this channel and just this video alone has 400,000 views so statistically speaking this video has probably convinced a large number of people that the earth is flat so let's debunk it hi my name is Andrew and I love God so for the first part of the video he goes on about how much he loves God and how people think he's crazy he believes in the Flat Earth model I'm gonna skip this part and go to the arguments that he makes here's the top 5 reasons that I no longer believe in the global Earth in 2016 number 1 space is fake space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement red hot chili peppers did you know that there is no real true photo of the Earth from space we're taught that these images are but even NASA themselves openly admit that all these images are done in Photoshop they are composite computer-generated images and if you look close you can see all the discrepancies in each of them how some of the continents do not match up so when the court says that there's photoshopped what it actually means is that different pictures of parts of the earth are taken and put on top of each other to make a full picture if you didn't know the earth is very very big and to get a shot with the whole thing in you have to be pretty far away from it which isn't easy however it has been done and there are actually images out there of the entire Earth I don't actually think that all of the images he showed are composites anyway this image was taken by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft and it's not a composite they got the whole planet in one photo and for the part where he shows North America being in a different size in two different images I wouldn't say that's a fair comparison to make because in the two images you're looking at completely different parts of the earth look at the 2007 image you can see all of South America in it and in the 2012 version it's looking from a completely different angle you can barely even see parts of South America the 2007 version is clearly showing less of the North American continent then the second image and with one seconds thought I'm sure he could have figured that out for himself okay so after this bit he talks about what looks like NASA writing in the clouds of their images I'm gonna skip out this part because judging by how sensitive YouTube is these days I don't want to get demonetised every aspect of space footage is fake we've seen water bubbles and footage in this clip he claimed that water bubbles can be seen in footage in space aside from the fact that there was no evidence for this in the video I don't see how a water bubble in space went through fate space is fake and if you're talking about those balls of water that form in footage from the ISS and referring to those as bubbles the lack of gravity is actually what allows them to become spheres I'll leave a link in the description to an article that explains this process a lot better than I could other discrepancies such as flimsy hatch lids which clearly show this is not real whatsoever I'm not sure about you but I don't think a flimsy door on a spacecraft proves this space is fate footage from the ISS is easily faked using a green screen and what is known as a zero g plane as I'm sure of other methods as well the plane flies high up in the air and then does a basic nosedive producing an environment where everything is just in freefall we can see here that this woman seems a little bit on edge and is clearly feeling unsafe as I imagine most would in a plane that's in a freefall I don't know if you realize this but the woman and her surroundings are actually in freefall when you're in a space station or any other satellite for that matter you're constantly falling towards Earth the gravity at the altitude of the ISS is almost the same as the gravity on the surface so when astronauts just plunge to the ground what happens is when rockets get to space they always thrust sideways this means that while it is in fact falling towards the center of the earth the surface of the earth occurs away beneath it so it misses all the same and it's just a money-making scheme NASA alone pulled in a white wait wait wait can you see a harness and ropes in this clip I honestly can't either my eyes aren't working or there's actually nothing here no I know I'm gonna get some comments pointing out that he's sure it looks like it was being pulled up by a string however that's something that's important to remember is that this is all happening in a zero-gravity environment that part of his shirt has no reason to fall down I see a lot of these harness videos about space but even if they were real why would a harness be needed to fake space being eighteen point five billion dollars in 2016 reason to lie yeah very much this one always makes me laugh because a quick Google search can show you how NASA uses the money they're given also don't you think it's funny how nobody has ever indicated that NASA officials are taking loads of money for themselves according to NASA they have a total of 18,000 employees and there are countless other companies associated with them but you also think is funny how none of the people associated with NASA slipped and said that it's all fake I do well so even if NASA or another space organization was caught faking footage wouldn't matter only prove that space travel is fake and not space itself number two there is no curve last time I checked a ball shape has to have a curve somewhere but in fact once you truly look you will find none anywhere there's none the proof of this is an object's that can be seen from certain distances over water at first this is a convincing argument but if you look closely it's pretty easy to debunk in this case that tall building on the left is called Willis Tower it's about half a kilometer to the very top let's get another image of the tower and compare it to the one in the video putting the second image over the original and it looks like the base of the building has dipped below the horizon after all for the next part of the video he goes on about a couple of other examples of tall things of great distances but forgets the elevation of the camera so it's not really worth talking about them the only reason to doubt this fact is from false curvature that you've been shown in many aspects and we must not forget the mass deception shown to us from evil corporations such as NASA now I'm not entirely sure if that image is using a fisheye lens but if it was don't you think it's weird that parts at the station seen in the photograph aren't distorted as well and even if you did prove that all the images of Earth are fake that doesn't prove that the earth isn't round only that the images of the earth of fate we would have still had loads of other ways of proving the earth as a globe heck the ancient Greeks were able to prove the earth is round and look at the level of technology they had back then so really you flat earth they should have gone extinct thousands of years ago and even our own public schooling systems or as I like to call them the indoctrination centers the textbooks in our schools are written in favor of the elite number three no movement movement of the earth whether it is the thousand mile per hour spin wobble on its axis or the blindingly fast speed that's going around the Sun or moving through the Milky Way they're never observed felt or even recorded ever in history it's never been measured or have been found to move and just speculated in theories it's perfectly still and we can prove this using science and repeatable experiments well you'll be surprised to know that the Earth's rotation its orbit around the Sun and even the sun's orbit around the galaxies can be measured and observed do you really think scientists just plug these numbers out of the air the motion of the stars are perfectly explained by a rotating earth and why the Sun appears at different altitudes at different times of year the strange motion of the planets in the sky of time is perfectly explained by the heliocentric model if the planets went in a circle around the sky it would be evidence supported the geocentric model but they don't in fact they actually wobble in their paths across the sky over months and years this can only be explained by the heliocentric model and I'll leave some links in the description that go into more depth on the subject even the motion of the Sun around the galaxy can be measured you'll find that certain pictures of stars that years apart show how the stars move relative to the other stars in the image using loads of this data it's possible to measure the sun's speed in orbit around the galaxy so why hasn't any of this been felt the answer is that humans don't actually feel speed rather changes in speed for example when you're sitting in the car and it suddenly accelerates you feel pushed back into your seat this is because the car is accelerating and you are not however after a while things start to feel more comfortable and you'll no longer push back into your seat this happens because you're now moving at the same speed as the car so you're not actually moving relative to the car this isn't exactly the same for the earth the earth spins in orbits the Sun because of the momentum from the disk of debris that formed it the debris disks was spinning so therefore the Earth spins as well what's important to remember is that the material we're made from has been on the earth since the time when it formed so we are actually moving with it the gyroscope is an instrument that will retain its rigidity in space and should appear to turn if the surface it is on is rotating such as the earth should so in fact if the earth were spinning at all we would notice this movement in the gyroscope however we can see that we observe no motion we are perfectly still in going nowhere okay so this is where it gets really embarrassing the assumption you're making in the video is that gravity pulls you down objectively no matter where you are truth is it actually pulls you to the center of mass in this case the earth so no matter what time of day it is the gyroscope will always align with the direction it's pulled which is always to the center of the earth this argument in my opinion is just as ridiculous and laughable as the argument that you can only live on the top of the earth because you'd fall off anywhere else [Music] the michelson-morley experiment also found this as well when the experiment found out that the earth was not spinning along comes Einstein to the rescue to make up his theory of relativity which is just a theory and has never been fully proven what you're forgetting here is that a scientific theory is different from just a normal theory a scientific theory is essentially a statement that has got a lot of evidence to support it and relativity has got evidence to support it in fact I don't think you would actually be able to put your video up on the internet without relativity having been discovered and measured so be grateful for it once again I'll leave some links below and make another video on this in the future because this video is getting quite long so now that we've established relativity is 100% real the Michelson Morley experiment can be explained with the earth spinning relativity states that the speed of light is constant so no matter how fast you're traveling light will always be moving at 300,000 kilometers per second relative to you so if the earth is spinning it makes absolutely no difference to the results of the experiment Aires failure was an experiment that proved that the heavenly bodies are in motion while we are not using telescopes with water telescopes have to be very slightly tilted to get the Starlight going down the axis of the tube because the Earth's speed around the Sun [Music] I myself am an amateur astronomer and work with telescopes all the time I pointed a telescope directly up and I can still see stars or orbit around the Sun is completely irrelevant when observing stars like that airy filled the telescope with water they're greatly slower down the speed of the light inside the telescope are you joking the speed of light in a vacuum is three hundred thousand kilometers a second and the speed of light in water is still more than two thirds that so whether or not it's in water light still moves incredibly fast to slow down the speed of light to the extent you would need to carry out this experiment you would need to fill your telescope with the bose-einstein condensate which is impossible so since this argument has already been disproven let's move on to the next one another strange fact I'd never considered is the fact that airplanes would have to do all sorts of maneuvers just to land on a surface that's spinning in a thousand miles per hour in one direction it would simply be impossible for them to land and wouldn't they fly faster to their location if flying against the spin of the ball what you're forgetting here is that the plane in the scenario is moving with the Earth's rotation we formed with the earth don't forget so we're spinning with it so relative to us the earth isn't actually spinning and when the planes take off they are actually moving with the earth but relative to the ground are moving to their destination number four water the nature of water is always flat when left unmanipulated it always finds its level it never curves or bends the only time it does so is with what's called surface tension in surely surface tension doesn't have waves like our oceans do it's called water level for a reason and that water curve all no matter what container it is in water will always remain flat what you're forgetting is that there's a huge difference between the containers showed in the video and the earth do those containers have gravity strong enough to have any influence on the water at all no but the earth does and somebody says water is always flat in the case of the earth well they actually mean is that the level of water is always perpendicular to the direction to the center of the earth also how can you expect to see curvature like that when you're looking at such a small section of the earth it's pretty stupid to compare a glass of water to the earth man please done number 5 horizon always rises to eye level no matter what height an observer on the earth will rise to the horizon will keep on rise in two eye level which is impossible on any sized ball whatsoever any height you rise on a ball the horizon would stay fixed in place but this is not what we observe the horizon keeps on rising at any height clearly indicating a flat plane we are on instead of a ball so do you mean that the high you go the higher the horizon Rises Susan the horizon moving up with you I'm pretty sure the horizon would stay in place regardless of whether the earth is round or flat with the enormous amount of others coming awake to the globe deception they are launching many more high altitude balloons to see what we can find out on our own we are finding that the Sun is much closer indicated with a hotspot underneath where it is which is a clear indicator that is not 93 million miles away as we're told before debunking this argument I just want to quickly point out that you can clearly see the curvature of the earth in this video are you going to tell me this is a computer render or so so I don't really get the point you're trying to make here but I've simulated this in 3d software with accurate scales and it worked so I don't know what you're talking about that that hotspot was still created when I had a giant sphere of a Sun really far away from the scene I think what you're actually forgetting is that there is a difference between something that's small and something this far away in fact the number 93 really has a lot of Masonic ties and is simply a number found in Jewish gematria which they love to use when fooling the masses no proof of the ball now I know it sounds absurd but when you have been searching for the answer to the Flat Earth versus globe debate for a while he will see a lack of true evidence for the ball and that the earth is truly flat each ancient civilization knew the nature of the earth and how it is the greed and evil nature of man came along and tried to turn the true nature of Earth into something it isn't to fool the masses and to lead them away from our God it's this simple when you trace back the origin of the globe there was truly no proof or evidence just mathematics that could work out in favor of the model with the earth orbiting the Sun how would someone benefit from convincing everyone earth support and how is maths not valid as evidence if I was to pick two shirts from a shop that each cost 10 pounds I could assume that the total cost would be 20 pounds because math and I'm sure you wouldn't tell me I was wrong because of lack of evidence the math in this scenario is the evidence so why tell me I'm wrong because of lack of evidence for the globe it's provable by math yet you're saying that it isn't valid if it is if it was valid in the shirt scenario why can't it be valid here what's the boundary where math cannot be used as evidence somewhere it can he then goes on to repeat that relativity is just a theory so we're gonna jump to the next argument gravity doesn't actually make sense when you think about it and a good example that it doesn't is in the following passage from Henry's book Newton's theory of gravity is founded upon the premise that all objects are attracted to all other objects based upon their mass Eric debase explains that this law of science has never been proven and cannot be observed this magnetic like attraction of massive objects gravity is purported to have can be found nowhere in the natural world there is no example in nature of a massive sphere or any other shaped object by which it's a virtue of its mass alone causes smaller things to stick to it or orbit around it so here's a view of Sasson and it's rings I need to emphasize that this is not computer generated by NASA this was recorded with the webcam through a 4-inch telescope that cost less than 500 pounds and I know that for certain because I was the one who took this footage I honestly encourage you to buy a small telescope and have a look for yourself gravity perfectly explains the Rings from why they even exist so why there are gaps in them based on the orbits of Saturn's moons try spinning a wet tennis ball or any other spherical object with smaller things placed on its surface and you will find that everything falls or flies off and nothing sticks to or orbit it this part of the video really tells me that he doesn't understand gravity whatsoever first an object doesn't have to be spherical to have gravity gravity is the result of anything with mass take the asteroid curricula for example it's not spherical and it has a ring system orbiting it second point an object doesn't have to be smaller than another object to be affected by its gravity not at all a perfect example of this is the Earth's moon system anyone with a decent computer and some basic programming skills or even just universe sandbox 2 or something can run a simulation of the earth moon system and see that the earth is tugged on by the moon as it will beast the earth despite the fact that the moon is 81 times less massive so this part of the video really sends your credibility down the drain and also I just think it's absolutely crazy how you use a tennis ball as an example of something that doesn't have gravity a tennis ball is ridiculously small compared to how big things have to be to possess any noticeable gravity to claim the existence of a physical law without a single practical evidential example is hearsay and not science you see not science as the globe all earth is real and flat earth is hearsay and not science [Music]
Channel: Harry Evett
Views: 2,112,281
Rating: 4.186532 out of 5
Keywords: flat earth, debunked, globe earth, round earth, flat earth debunked, round, flat
Id: qkRnJutL5ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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