5 Easy Ways to Improve Your English Vocabulary!

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I don't like learning new words. But do you know what I don't like more? Talking like this... So to complete my sentences, I started mixing 'English' with 'Hindi'. But imagine speaking such broken English in a meeting or in an interview! Interviewer will say.. 'You aagey bado!' But now, I can speak complete sentences in English. My methods are a little different, but they have improved my vocabulary quickly and easily and I hope they do the same to you. So in today's video we are going to see.. 5 easy ways to improve your vocabulary. And towards the end, I'll give you a Bonus Tip so that you are no longer afraid of speaking in English. But before that, if you like my work make sure you hit that 'Like' button because it tells me that I should make more videos about English and Communication. Let's begin. #1: Give out Compliments to people. All of us are facing some problem or the other in our lives. So we are usually sad, angry, tired or moody. In such a scenario, imagine if somebody comes up to you and says.. 'You have a beautiful smile.' It just makes your day! So learn one compliment word a day and use it for everybody. Not only will you remember that word for the rest of your life but you will also make that person's day! Infact, if you want to make my day then.. share this video with your friends and tell them.. 'What an impeccable Youtube channel this is!' #2: Read a story before sleeping. Don't get influenced by people who say that only non-fiction books are useful. Pffft. Who wants to read '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' right before sleeping! At night, you want to relax and stories are the original 'brain-melting ASMR!' Infact, all the WORLD'S BEST DADS read a story to their kids at bed time. Because it teaches them new words, it makes them creative and it puts them to sleep! So in bed, instead of wasting 2 hrs on phone pick up a nice fiction novel that'll relax your mind, it'll reduce your screen time and trust me, it will improve your vocabulary. If you are a beginner and want to know what story books to pick first then check out this video. I've left the link, in the description. #3: Entertainment, entertainment, entertainment. I understand that all of us need entertainment in our lives, but we don't necessarily have to watch 'big-boss' level videos, no? How many times will you watch, 'Expectation Vs Reality' videos on Youtube? If you want to learn new words, then chose your entertainment wisely. For example, you can watch movies like.. 'Shawshank Redemption', TV Series like 'Shark Tank', even some English Stand-up comedy like 'Vir Das for India' and Rohan Joshi's 'Wake N Bake' because these entertain you, teach you new words but they also make you think. #4: Read news from an app! Don't get me wrong, if you follow me on Instagram you know that I read 'The Hindu' newspaper everyday and even post some articles in my stories sometime. But throughout the day, my hand 'itches' to go back to my phone and at that time, instead of logging onto the black-hole of Social Media, I open a news app. It keeps you updated throughout the day, it saves your time and because you are on your phone anyway, you can google what a new word means. And #5 (and this one's my favourite) Convert your takiya-kalaams to English! Takiya-kalaams are phrases that you use quite often while speaking. It's like a catch-phrase in your regional language. For example, I usually say... 'Why didn't you say something? Mu me dahi jama ke baithei thei?' If you convert this to English, it's equivalent would be.. 'Why didn't you say something? Has the cat got your tongue?!' Did you see that? I just learnt a new phrase. Similarly, 'Ayyo' can become 'Merlin's Beard!' Another example is when you can say.. instead of saying.. So when you convert your regional catch-phrases to English, you learn not one but multiple words. Now, apart from these, some other methods include.. learning one new word everyday, playing games like scrabble, using flash-cards, carrying the dictionary. But let's be real... you will not do all of this unless you are preparing for an exam like GRE or GMAT. So if you want to improve your vocabulary without much effort then these 5 methods will have you covered. There is another easy way to learn english and that is by 'Subscribing' to my channel and hitting that 'bell' icon because I make Career, Finance and English-speaking videos regularly. And don't forget to comment below and tell me which of these 5 methods are you going to start using first. Learning English is an investment for life because it can get you a better job and a better salary. Now, before I give you the Bonus Tip, let me tell you what you can do to grow that salary using our today's sponsor, Upstox because of the following 4 reasons. Backed by the trust and investment of Mr. Ratan Tata Upstox is one of the highest-rated trading apps with over 1 Million+ downloads and it helps you invest in both Mutual Funds and Stock Market. It has 100+ chart indicators on the app to guide you to invest and trade. By creating an account with Upstox, you get benefits worth INR 28,000. Account opening is absolutely free and there is a new offer.. If you pay Rs. 249, then you get a brokerage credit of 400. If you pay Rs. 499, then you get a brokerage credit of 1000 and if you pay Rs. 999, then you get a brokerage credit of 2500. The validity of this brokerage credit is mentioned in the description. So if you think Upstox is right for you, then use the exclusive link in the description and open your account in just 10 minutes. Let me tell you a story. When I was a kid, I used to watch a news reporter on National TV, smile and think that one day I would speak in english fluently, just like her. But whenever I tried to speak up at school, my English would always be broken. Sometimes, I would even hear the boys of my class giggle at the back. But boys are silly! I used to continue talking in English imagining that I am speaking like that news reporter and that happiness kept me going. So today's Bonus Tip is this.. Don't be afraid! Broken English to Fluent English is a loooong road and this distance will keep decreasing only when.. you start ignoring the giggles. On that note, you go learn that new word and I am going to go work on my next video. And a quick reminder, if you think Upstox is the right discount broker for you then don't forget to open your account using the exclusive link in the description. I promise to see you again in the next video until then, keep fighting, The Urban Fight to be Fit!
Channel: The Urban Fight
Views: 2,466,011
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Keywords: vocabulary building, build vocabulary, vocabulary, english, english learning, english vocabulary, learn english, english speaking, how to learn english fast, how to improve vocabulary fast, building vocabulary, english words, how to improve english vocabulary, how to build english vocabulary, improve vocabulary, vocabulary improvement, how to speak in english fluently, how to get over the fear of speaking in english, sentence formation skills, learn english fast, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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