5 Easy Shred Licks - Start Shredding!! ( With Tabs)

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[Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] well why did everybody how are you doing today my name is Robert and welcome back so if you want to skip me talking and blab and go right ahead here's where you can jump to so what are we doing well we have five easy and I say easy shred legs these aren't like beginner guitar licks the concepts of these are freezing Oh straightforward and easy then definitely you know by no means of complicated as many licks that are out there we're gonna go ahead and jump on in this one outfield like lesson tacks and stuff I have on all kinds of topics like building speed less impacted on below there's 20% off right now you can snag that and I get tabs from our website for this lesson so other than that let's go ahead and jump [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our needs to lick number one where we gonna do we're gonna steal a couple exit quite a few these are inspired by eight Van Halen and he was actually to me he's the master of you hear these Lakes you're like oh my god I'll never be able to play those and then you learn them and you're like oh wow it's really not that difficult what he's doing he's just so creative and whether he makes them just sound amazing so this look you can hear and you know songs like I'm the one that actually the jump solo and you just takes a single shape but he moves across the strings like so what am I doing here exactly well this one just something you'd want to use out of the key of al explain that here in a second how I'm Eddie kind of I guess like makes the guitar kind of bend to his will versus just following you know the basic outline of scales what am I doing here well I'm simply going for hammer on 5m run seven on the low e-string gonna go to the a string I do the same thing the knee is the same thing I'm adding a lot of palm muting from right here now picking is not really so crucial in this one because a lot of its legato so you can kind of pick however you want like I'm doing a lot of up kicks so I'm going now all you do is you kind of backtrack and go back one string and do another set of three so I go to the a string four five seven the d four five seven nine three four five seven nicer on the d four five seven eight I go back to the ji-hye now here's where it's kind of crucial because you don't want to end on that B note you kind of go back and you got your fifth but on the hydrogen here's how it resolves they're really nice you're kind of jam it over something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] know whatever the riff might be you could really throw that in there and it sounds really really cool all right time for look number two now this is a tapping link it's another you know Eddie Van Halen style look here and this one I always think this looks cool and I remember hearing it in Spanish why this is like a version of it not know for know so what am I doing here exactly well it's kind of like this a Dorian shape is what it really looks like to me [Music] why it's kind of mixing a a Dorian with a Ionian so I'm tapping 12 on the a string and I go pull up to 5 and I Camaron back to 9 you know you do it once twice how many times and I move down I literally take that shape and move it across all five screens I go [Music] there we have it like I said it's kind like a mixture of this like Dorian Ionian hybrid scale another you know just Eddie was so creative with taking these single shapes and moving them across the string he was just really the man alright so example number three what's it going to be so this is a pretty simple pull off like I would like to do it's kind of you know this one I feel is way better unaccompanied it's just like if you're going like a solo piece with nothing really behind it to dictate the key it's just this one so it's actually just an arpeggio so on that's just an E major chord going up that B note G sharp to an open an E major so you do that and I've got a lot of Palms right now I'm going to do is go take the shape and move across drink you're probably noticing a theme here the theme is one shape moving across the strings but yet it still works in sounds really creative now they're not all going like this but these first three are [Music] you could take if you want more definition Oh you can poke around the other way now when it when you open it to me you have that very like Nuno Bettencourt esque you dealers really palm-muted like hammer on with those open strings I'm so cool you know is just a man so example number four better shut the door what we are gonna do here is crazy number so we're gonna simply take a very very easy kind of common diminish shape and what we're doing is this we're just gonna go [Music] now I know this one does kind of have some more advanced techniques in it it has string skipping in it but if you're really familiar with your pentatonic scale and kind of already like getting into the world of shred this isn't really that bad for you so I'm going to be going like this I'm gonna go eight four five on the high street hello don't do that a plus five now I'm going to skip the bean go straight to the G I'm gonna go eight four five hair back onto the eight and back to five on the high string and that's literally our lick now to kind of keep going with our theme of keeping the shape the same we don't really get to move it across the strings the same way but we can still do this please by moving up three frets shake stays the same now a little trick that I do for moving around these like diminished shapes is when I'm moving up basically you have this first one okay now what I visualize anyways is my index finger will somebody just move to where my pinky is then I continue on when I'm descending my pinky moves to where my index finger is the next one which would just be 11 and 8 next one alright so we're going to finish this with another diminish lick because you know I said staying with the theme of keeping shapes the same this is a really cool way to move around so we're going to be doing this octave shape with our diminished scale I'm always talking about octaves on here because I think they're so useful and just so powerful of a tool for guitar players so I'm gonna be like it's a min ago five and I'm going to go from a five on the low E string I should say and I go three hammer on stick I'm gonna pick it all I take down down up or you could go down down hammer on then you can just shift up an octave you're gonna go to seven on the d and then five eight on the G another octave which is illegal comes right on my octave me ten on the B and then eight to eleven on the high [Music] now let's reference what we just did in the previous one so what did we just do we simply took our diminish scale moves up three frets so if you wanted to really continue this and make it sound really cool you can just do the first one let's refresh and then decent in octave that has a really like there you have it now when I defend it let's do that one real quick so I'm going there was a 14 to 11 on the height and then 13 on the B now if you're picking at all I'm gonna go down up up well mini sweep now this one is 11 to 8 and then 10 on the G or 10 on the beat and shift it down one more time to me 9 on the egg and 6 on the a and then 8 on the load [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] already I think y'all so much for tuning in I hope you enjoyed that like I said you can smack left impacts and all that for my website get tabs for the ski a lesson and I'm gonna go ahead and hop on out here I'll be seeing you guys on Wednesday and guest:it another video another three counts one two three bones o'clock video and subscribe button if you subscribe you'll know that's all I'm saying
Channel: Robert Baker
Views: 343,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: les paul stratocaster fender guitar lesson, shred guitar, rock music, beginner guitar, pedal demo, guitar demo, lessons, learn to shred, rocknroll, charvel, fender, gibson, music, acacia guitars, robert baker, robert baker guitar, robert baker guitar lessons, how to shred on guitar, guitar shred, shred guitar lesson, shreddign guitar, fast guitar, guitar lesson, guitar lessons, 5 easy licks that sound pro
Id: Xgz2MGfr_2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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