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$5 French dip we have made the French dip before you guys loved it today however we have a $20 try tip we're going to get that crazy good french dip flavor with all the fixings and all that [ __ ] but for five bucks a sandwich let's get into it first off we have our beautiful red and white onions by the way you guys are going to have to be nice and patient with me I don't know if you notice yet but I have a [ __ ] up ass wrist purely my fault I was trying to slide tackle somebody in a soccer game and I shouldn't be playing soccer anyway I should just you know stick to the kitchen [ __ ] fill your pan all the way up these onions are going to reduce to like nothing get that on the heat so like a half a stick of butter little drizzle olive oil big pinch of salt oh look at that and these are going to sauté for like an hour and a half once they start to caramelize and get nice and fragrant we're going to add some more Shure and some red wine oh God I love those onions they're like french onion soup onions but minus the soup you know what I mean you know what I mean they like this goopy amazing just like oh just the glossiest most delicious fatty [ __ ] onions with all that butter let's make our nice horseradish [ __ ] aoli oh so get your garlic cut the tops off you know how to roast garlic both of these in the thing olive oil on both nice big pinch of flaky salt also on both all right a that [ __ ] hurts we had to have a sub uh grind in the pepper yeah crack some crack some pep on that garlic thank you Jimbo Dream Team over here all right these are going in the oven 400° for about an hour something really special happened we got [ __ ] merch I made sweatpants and a [ __ ] hoodie and they match they're the same color let's [ __ ] go are you kidding me solar Club in that goddamn building dude it's [ __ ] so comfy like so ridiculously comfy and it all has like funny little slogin on this one says does your grandma you use preserved garlic and instead of a a neck tag I have a recipe on here so printed on the back of the hoodie is a nice little recipe for the aou last time we did that entire thing where we roast it use the drippin all that stuff which is great but you know what else is great beef buan cubes this is like a perfect little cheek code all right gravy stock aou anything that needs more like beefy beefy beefy beef flavor throw a little bit of these bad boys in they pack a [ __ ] punch outa so don't don't accidentally overdo it so we're going to do three of these cubes it's about a 5 cup thing of stock a nice couple drizzles of wor sauce reduce this by like 30% and there ow by like 30% and that's your a you on the stove I actually really wanted to go high quality with this I was like if I'm going to make some [ __ ] I'm going to make it [ __ ] nice it's not a merch we dropped a [ __ ] clothing line there's 10 pieces of apparel on the website on December 1st so check it out and if you like it buy it if you don't that's okay too time to get this steak going just as a binder some olive oil salt all over so much salt I'm starting the movement by the way flaky salt on everything I swear to [ __ ] God if one person yells at me for this it really does add texture it's it's like a a crust look at that giant chunk of flake salt by the way is't that a beauty guess where this is available salt lovers club. [ __ ] comom we got some Pepper too I'm just going to do this one myself okay oh yeah 300° for about 45 minutes if you have an internal temp thing 130 internal temp hey Alexa set timer for 40 minutes okay thank you 40 minutes always be nice to your robots guys especially now all right you never know everything is moving along quite nicely get some of these onions the wine is cooking off look at those uh this is the other sweatsuit is there a recipe in the back of this yeah there is I forgot we put recipes on the sweatpants too yeah this one's chimmy Cherry we just didn't put the sizes or anything it just says chimmy cherry and then there's a chimmy cherry recipe on the back of the sweatpants that's every single piece of Merch this one I think is a melada there it is that's our roasted try tip now we're going to sear it off in the pan so we're preheating our pan right now get your aromatics ready for the basting before you even throw your [ __ ] steak in the pan cuz literally 30 to 45 seconds and that's it otherwise you're going to overcook your steak oil in steak goes in W press it down you want full surface coverage flip her over now comes the fun part whole stick of butter basically look at all these [ __ ] aromatics Sage Rosemary time and that is our beautiful garlic that we found woo all right we're basting with the [ __ ] fire alarm it's happened before if you're new to this channel welcome okay almost there folks so we're going to let this rest for like 10 minutes we did pour Blood Sweat and Tears into this and by that I mean I did a popup to like promote this and I chopped off like half my finger um I've cried over it for sure got really [ __ ] stressed out one time and had a panic attack on the phone with a supplier so I've cried those are tears I cut my finger off that's blood and of I think of sweat I'm pretty I'm like sweating right now so it's steak time all right so thinly shave this as thin as possible and look this this thing was 20 bucks this is going to make like four or five sandwiches all right and it's just as [ __ ] good honestly so get your bread we're going to paint it with that sauce a nice big spoonful of prepared horseradish there you go there's our roasted garlic okay roasted garlic goes in next up hor sauce right up in there big [ __ ] heing spoonful of mayonnaise all right there's our like chunky horseradish garlic sauce let's make a sandwich to begin our chunky garlic horseradish aoli look at that when you cut your tri tip make sure to mop up all that extra juice all right and then we're just going to layer meat all over this [ __ ] oh that's a beauty nice [ __ ] bed of onion all right finally three perfect slices of proon cheese under the broiler once that cheese gets nice and melty time to eat we did it more than anything I want to say [ __ ] thank you I like this [ __ ] means so [ __ ] much to me that you watch these videos and you support me enough to be able to do [ __ ] like like this that I think is so [ __ ] fun and cool and awesome and it's high quality I care about this [ __ ] it's important I love you guys is the main message here you made this possible and I'm so [ __ ] grateful and it's you know fck having a billion subscribers we get like I think we have like 10 to 20,000 people that really tune in kind of every time these people are like some of the most nicest like amazing positive people I've ever [ __ ] met in my entire life and I just just want to let you know I appreciate you okay that's it hello oh [ __ ] obviously we're going to laugh the other side with some more sauce can we top it oh my God all right we're going for a crosssection oh god look how delicate and perfect last step steaming hot a so just fill a hefty bowl with that all right so these are our second time doing a French dip but the first time it broke the [ __ ] bank so at what cost really was it this time it was $5 to start if you have our bagette a nice rustic loaf then we have aoli our tri tip steak the caramelized onions on top of that a nice blanket of cheese more aoli and then our bread and then of course our beautiful three ingredient aou which I'm going to dip this sandwich in right now let's go oh yeah okay here we go baby $5 French dip it's also a lot easier to cook it took us like 45 minutes to make this thing let's eat boys cheers oh my God that makes me emotional it this is my favorite sandwich in the world I've said it a thousand times that is so [ __ ] insanely good it like hurts my brain all right Jim I think it's your time to shine buddy get back here that is [ __ ] up though I'm S I think you have to tell us that what you think is better the real French we made before this is better I swear to God TR tip in my opinion is one of the most like flavorful cuts of beef I'm excited right yeah nice little [Music] dunon it's my favorite part oh my God how [ __ ] good is that that is insane it is what do you think Jim po man's French dip or the rich man's French dip that's tough to say I mean this is so good why spend the extra cash there really is no reason save your money and do this this is insane it's [ __ ] up good thank you guys for watching we love you salt Los club.com if you want to support the show thank you for watching we'll see you next time goodbye all right my God it's so good yeah it's so so good I love a you yeah [ __ ] that might be better than making it from drippings is D those boo cubes are [ __ ] insane
Channel: salt_hank
Views: 104,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tRrnDqVuYso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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