5 days QUARANTINE in Indonesia - Jakarta quarantine hotel review

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welcome back to another video today we are showing you how it is to quarantine in the holiday inn in jakarta in 2021 so if you're traveling to indonesia this video is important for you we also made a video about our arrival and our flight so and if you're interested in that you can just check it out so yeah today is day one of current time and or technically it's day two because we arrived very late yesterday and this counts technically as day one today is day two we will get breakfast any minute it is eight in the morning and around 12 noon we will get our first pc archers which one where do you want me to get your circles yeah over there here right here okay how was it it was okay okay was it gentle no no our food has arrived what do we bring i think we got some noodles again and you have the possibility to order food with your fruit preferences lara doesn't eat any meat so she gets food without meat and i get food with me as you see on the right side we have lara's menu without meat and on the left side we have my menu which appears to be chicken some noodles some rice and some cabbage [Music] it is evening time and it is around six it's 607 and another struggle with the quarantine food is that we get our food separately so we get one plate and after like 20 minutes we get the second plate that's kind of weird our second dish [Music] arrived here's your food huh thank you [Music] good morning everybody today is day three of six days quarantining in the holiday inn in jakarta and all of a sudden it hit me hard i was so exhausted i slept 12 hours today i'm eating right now my breakfast at 12 in noon we have a potato we have some rice some glass noodles some boneless chicken and a tomato with cabbage i just realized i never showed you around the room it is pretty spacious so i will do i will give you a quick room tour because it's pretty nice all right this is the the entry area here we are they washed our clothes so they wash five pieces every day for you if you put them before ten o'clock in front of the door they're gonna pick that up and they need one day then we have like a mini fridge where we keep all water cool we have a little kettle with some tea uh our snacks then this is a bathroom pretty spacious uh it's good enough we have our pretty spacious living room where we have a working desk a little couch or a queen size bed pretty nice view we actually like to sit here and enjoy the view and lara is right now ordering some sushi on gojek no crap so we're gonna deliver the food here to the lobby and then you need to put in your room numbers so they know in which room they're gonna bring the food because they told us that often the food gets lost because they don't know which room gets it so we just put our room number here and the exactly location and then i'm gonna place the order make sure you register in grab in your local home country when you have service because you will need to get a verification sms and or text message and we did it back in germany and we can use grab here go check doesn't work with the german phone number i don't know you need apparently indonesian phone number and yeah we are pretty happy that we can order some food because we are starving actually they forgot one meal uh for lunch so laura good food i didn't get food our grab food arrived kyoto so yeah our our food finally arrived i'm so hungry [Music] also very excited to eat something different than noodles and rice oh it's actually sushi with rice but you know what i mean french fries i got some hawaiian rolls salmon makis this chicken garlic chicken onion i believe we paid for everything two hundred thousand ish so approximately 12 euros 12 10 euros something like this so yeah excited [Music] today is our third day of current time i have to say current signing is pretty easy i don't understand why most of people have a big problem with it but we slowly are starting to feel greasy and hungry that's why we ordered food [Music] [Music] last day in karen china we wanted to make a little review video for you guys our hotel was okay we were able to order and grab and that was pretty okay pretty nice our internet was okay too we didn't have the best internet but it was enough right yeah it was enough for video streaming some office work just plain things but downloading don't think about it was a little bit dirty um however the stuff was super nice they were always bringing water to our room when we were asking for it so we really can't complain yeah hollyden in express in jakarta ployt i guess it's over mall it is uh totally fine for current ironing and it is the cheapest option to date we are happy to announce that we are tested twice negative and are free so after six days quarantining we are finally able to get out of the holiday inn thank you for watching this video i hope this current time video was helpful for you if it was helpful please smash that like button give it a subscribe and we will see you in the next video bye [Music] so many of you asked how is my day in the current time here and at 6 00 p.m we get our food at 8 in the morning we get our food and at 12 in the noon we get food it's always the same it's rice or noodles with some meat some vegetables and cabbage [Music] good morning i slept until 11 in the morning we got our food we have today on the menu this [Music] i really like the view what up i just want to show you why i'm getting sick and tired of this current time food so this is my breakfast i didn't eat it yet it's plain rice with chicken and some side dishes and this is lunch plain chicken plain rice side dish [Music] welcome guys today is day six we are heart of the current time and we're happy to see something else and do something else so expect many many videos of jakarta before we go [Music] foreign oh
Channel: Lehmann Vlogs
Views: 65,583
Rating: 4.9653749 out of 5
Keywords: 5 days quarantine in indonesia jakarta quarantine hotel review, 5 days quarantine indonesia, 5 days quarantine, quarantine hotel in jakarta, best quarantine hotel in jakarta, holiday inn express quarantine, quarantine in indonesia, hotel quarantine in indonesia, a day in my life quarantine indonesia, jakarta indonesia, quarantine jakarta, jakarta 2021, mark lehmann, quarantine in jakarta 2021, quarantine indonesia, quarantine indonesia vlog, indonesia quarantine
Id: 9qgQTHy3m0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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