5 Damaging Pieces of Evidence Against Alleged Treadmill Child Killer Christopher Gregor

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eight these were superficial fresh scratches they were located um below the belly button above the pubic bone in the center of his body by superficially I mean they they looked I called them fresh because there you could see that there was they hadn't formed a scab there was like a little bit of moistness to them it is not been easy listening to the evidence presented in the murder trial of Christopher Gregor and for the defendant it may lead to his conviction we're going to discuss some damaging evidence against the accused child abuser and killer welcome to sidebar presented by law on crime I'm Jesse Weber hey everybody this is a long crime legal alert Google incognito tracked users browsing data without their knowledge while mastt Alliance one of our legal sponsors is actually helping users file for compensation due to Google users privacy issues through their Incognito browser so if you've used Google incognito anytime since 2016 you can start your claim in less than 10 questions at Incognito claims.com slidebar there has been a lot of evidence presented so far in the trial of Christopher Gregor out in New Jersey how bad was it for him what's some of the most damaging testimony and evidence against him we're going to talk about it now this is the case of a 31-year-old man who is facing murder and child and dangerman charges in connection with the death of his 6-year-old son Corey mitello died back in April of 2021 happened after Gregor brought his son to the emergency room at Southern Ocean Medical Center in Stafford Township carried his limp body there's even surveillance footage where you see him carrying Corey reported that Cory was sleepy that he had thrown up and Cory died at the hospital now why is Gregor responsible what do the evidence show that's what we're going to get into but I want to warn you right now as we talk about this it is never easy hearing about the death of a young child this is some of the worst evidence you can see you can hear about these are the worst cases to cover having said that what we're about to talk about this evidence is very important you need to hear what the prosecution has and what the jury will consider so with that in mind although this will be not easy in any stretcher the ination to listen to let's get into it and we'll discuss it now some of the most damning evidence came from the testimony of forensic pathologist Dr Thomas Andrew do you have an opinion after you reviewed all of this material in regard to the decedent's cause of death yes and can you tell the jurs what that opinion is but Corey died of blunt impact injuries of the chest an abdomen with laceration of the heart left pulmonary contusion and laceration and contusion of the liver after reviewing the materials in this case did you formulate a opinion as to the decedent's matter of death I did and can you tell the jurors what your opinion is Cory's manner of death is homicide Dr rasa saw and documented several abnormalities there was a large contusion of one of Cory's lungs I believe it was the left lung examination of Corey's heart externally didn't show anything but on the internal examination of examination of the heart after the heart was opened to reveal the chambers of the heart a laceration or tear in the tissue was revealed on the right side where the liver lives there were two injuries that he documented there was a laceration or tear in the liver tissue on the right Edge the right lateral aspect of the liver and there was also a contusion or bleeding underneath the capsule of the liver on the front edge of the liver in assessing the potential for child abuse it's not so much that contusions are lifethreatening in and of themselves but it's the pattern and distribution of injuries and also the presence of injuries of varying ages that suggest that a child has been mistreated and Corey had contusions over a wide area of his body of varying ages from under his chin his head his trunk his extremities there was one fairly large one just on the left side of his chest that uh looked looked to be fairly large and that was had been previously assessed and particularly the presence of contusions on the back without uh a pretty clear-cut explanation are it's not diagnostic of abuse but it's very suggestive of abuse certainly given the company that it's keeping so my concern was not so much with the severity of the bruising but the pattern and distribution of the bruising as being suggestive of child abuse and there you have it the Crux of the prosecution's argument Corey mitello was abused a healthy boy that should not have died all of a sudden Dr Andrew testified that Corey died from an acute traumatic injury hours before his death he was in Gregor's care when he was rushed to the ER now on cross-examination when the defense had an opportunity to question Dr Andrew they tried to argue that he changed his opinion on the time frame of that injury based on faulty information faulty testimony faulty accounts things that were not the most reliable which makes his analysis his conclusion maybe not the most reliable as well but going back to this alleged abuse an example of what we're talking about is the infamous treadmill video if I talk about the Christopher Gregor case most people will remember this unfortunately why this is an incredibly damaging piece of evidence in this case surveillance footage was presented that shows video from the gym at Gregor's apartment complex back on March 20th 2021 the video purportedly shows Gregor forcing Corey to run on this treadmill at fast speeds Cory continually falling off of it Gregor allegedly forcing Cory back onto the treadmill it even appears that he possibly bites the top of the boy's head it is crazy it is a disturbing thing to watch something that I know will be ingrained in many people's minds I have to imagine it's going to be ingrained in the jury's mind and Gregor is actually specifically charged with that incident to be clear about that he's charged with child endangerment it's because of that treadmill incident it's such bad evidence of not only that crime but also as prosecutors would argue a symptom of ongoing abuse that may have contributed to cor Cory's death it's so bad that Gregor's defense had to acknowledge it in their opening statement at some point you're going to see Christopher go over to that treadmill and speed it up and you're going to see Cory fall and you're going to see him pick that boy up six times and six times put him back on the treadmill and I'm going to tell you right now you're not going to like him and I don't care if you like him when you see that video you're going to be horrified you're going to be mortified but I'm telling you right now that the evidence you're going to see of Cory's death had absolutely nothing to do with that treadmill by the way the timing of that treadmill incident is so important listen to Kim pce this is Corey's first grade teacher this really stood out she noticed something was off she noticed something was wrong about Corey so listen to what she observed with respect to Corey and what the defense defended allegedly told her do you recall seeing the mark on his forehead the abrasion on March 19th before the weekend on Corey no the first time you saw it was when you returned on the 23rd exactly when you saw the injury to Corey did you try to talk to Corey about what had happened to him I did what was Cory's demeanor during the conversation that you had with him um just kind of like quiet would just answer one word I I noticed them with long long sleeves often you know and um those weird months in September October where you know we all get our new school clothes but they their winter clothes so like he always had um long sleeves on could you tell me specifically what the message said sure I I'll it yes please hey I just found out Cory's other side of the family had left the state and saw him this weekend after being at a mass Gathering so he will not be at school this week also the week following spring break he will not be there because he will be on vacation with me in Key West um in order to do the virtual learning is there anything we need other than logging on to Google Classroom is that the entirety of the message yes so with all that going on with the treadmill and all this she gets that message from the defendant that Corey wasn't going to be in school that they were taking him on vacation it is strange timing after that treadmill incident the long sleeves the cover up bruises maybe that's an assumption you have to make here now again prosecutors are saying Corey was a victim of his father's abuse that's the theme here and moving on to some more damaging evidence I want to focus on injuries whether Corey died from something else now I want to talk about the testimony of Dr Yong so he is the Doctor Who evaluated uh Corey on April 1st 2021 in emergency room uh this is the day before Corey died Cory's mother brought him to get checked out and can you tell the jury what Corey's demeanor was when you observed him he was very scary little bit scary boy and he afraid to answer my questions did you conduct a physical examination of Corey while at the emergency room at Jersey Shore yes I did I did from head to toe examination and then we marck down all the bruises scratches in the diagram I put everything in my chart now how were Cory's Vital Signs his vital signs are stable and I'm not concerned when he arrive because of the vital signs are stable he saw some bruises on the head some bruises on the body and some bruises on the back and legs and neurologically we do the cranial enough examination basically neurologically intact he has no neurological deficit he is active alert and not in distress and any signs of failure and test examination within the noral limit I did not hear any a respiratory distress wheezing mmal hypoxia he has nothing and by abdominal examination abdomen is soft no signs of acute abdomen that mean no tenderness no pain and no heart inconsistency by pations and physical General EX amination within the normal limit all four lymphs examinations heat moral is intact sensory is intact sa only bruises scratches so according to this Dr Corey has bruising he is scared but his vital signs were normal nothing to indicate on the outset that he's about to die suddenly out of nowhere no infection which is important because Gregor's defense has seemed to suggest that this young boy possibly died from a complication of sepsis but Corey was discharged that night his mom brought him to Gregor the following afternoon and he ends up dying natural question did Gregor do something to Corey in that time or as the defense suggests did the boy's mother have something to do with that and by the way under cross-examination the defense seemed to suggest that Dr On's calculations were off maybe he didn't review all of the proper medical records in other words did we really understand what was going on with with Corey did we get a full perspective on Corey but I tell you what when I talk about damaging pieces of evidence in this case I have to talk to you about probably one of the worst pieces of evidence for Christopher Gregor actually I was on air on the LA crime Network hosting when I saw this go down live this is when Sergeant Raymond Kohl's computer forensic examiner took the stamp and he went through Greg purported search history now remember the treadmill incident is March 20th 2021 and Corey dies on April 2nd 2021 so the first hit in the Safari web browser on this was a search conducted on March 25th 2021 at 93631 p.m. uh the body of the surge States will red marks turn into bruises and could you please move on to the next one sure uh the next search is on April 1st 2021 at 8:43 36 p.m. uh the search was Neptune not emergency police the next one uh next search is on April 1st 2021 at 8495 p.m. uh the message or the search was Jersey Shore Medical Center please move on to the next one the next one is a uh web history on April 2nd 2021 at 30837 p.m. uh the search was lost Consciousness sleepy and nauseous DG Google search please move on to the next one next entry is April 2nd 2021 at 61022 p.m. uh the search was can your phone be tracked in airplane mode the next one the next search was for April 2nd 2021 at 6135 p.m. for can my car be tracked the next one uh next search was uh for April 3rd 2021 at 35540 p.m. uh the search is could internal bleeding raise your blood sugar levels please move on to the next one the next search is on April 3rd 2021 at 35655 p.m. the search is how does gastrointestinal bleeding happen is there a next one there is could you please tell us what it is uh next search was on April 4th 2021 at 9583 a.m. the search was there was a murder determined from excuse me there was a murder determined from an autopsy how long to file charges is there another one uh the last one is on April 4th 2021 at 102116 a.m. uh the search was how long after an autopsy to file charges get filed now the searches from before Cory's death attributed to Gregor are arguably indicative of the defendant concerned about bruises and how they will look on Corey and looking up Cory's symptoms but then the searches on the day of and after his death seem to all be concerned about if he's going to get in trouble no I think that's the argument that the prosecution can make the argument would be why is he so worried about criminal charges a phone being tracked his car being tracked or a car being tracked we call that in the law evidence of consciousness of guilt you know you did something bad you're worried about the consequences and I forgot to mention that Gregor allegedly left the hospital as Corey died drove off and left so that certainly looks bad for the defendant but that is not all could you please describe to me what the first task was and what you did sure uh the first uh thing they proposed to me was to identify a conversation between Christopher Gregor and Brianna Mello were deleted from Christopher Gregor's iPhone if messages were deleted please identify when they were deleted what did you do with regard to that so essentially I opened up uh Miss melo's phone extraction and I opened up Mr Gregor's phone extraction on Mr Gregor's phone extraction there were zero text messages with Miss mitello on Miss mello's phone extraction there were 3,466 text messages saved with a conversation with Mr Gregor um you know that was the first that something was deleted from Mr Gregor's phone I looked at the message retention settings within Mr Gregor's iPhone and so the value for message retention duration on his phone was set to forever as then messages would not be deleted unless uh user did it themselves yeah looks pretty bad that he allegedly deleted search history entries over 3,000 messages between him and Corey's mom defense would try to pinpoint we don't know when these were deleted how they were deleted why they were deleted but overall that is a good sampling I think of some of the evidence along with some context put forward by the defense some of the more damaging pieces of evidence against Christopher Gregor we're going to continue to monitor this case for you here at law on crime that's all we have for you here on sidebar everybody thank you so much for joining us as always please subscribe on Apple podcast Spotify YouTube wherever you get your podcast I'm Jesse Weber I'll speak to you next time [Music]
Channel: Law&Crime Network
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
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Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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