Family Feud Joke Leads to Gruesome Murder Accusation of Illinois Woman

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friends of Quincy resident Tim bnck gathered a day to watch him and his family compete as contestants on the show Family Feud what's the biggest mistake you made at your wedding honey I love you but said I do I'm going to get in trouble for that aren't I if something ever happens to me please make sure the number one person of interest is Tim as that is who would do something to me the town of Quincy Illinois home to under 40,000 people was widely regarded as a safe Pleasant place to raise a family nicknamed the state's Jim city quiny did not have many issues with violence or crime but this all changed in the we hours of February 23rd 2023 later that same day 41-year-old mother of three Becca postal would be found dead on her bathroom floor lying in a pool of her own blood and the killer would be closer than anyone could have imagined this is the story of Becky post's tragic demise Becky had married her ex-husband Tim bnck in 2009 together they had three children and were described as a perfect family by those around them you know when we knew Tim and and and Becky that was when they had gotten engaged and were getting married and it was a very happy time in their life bck was a valued member of the Quincy Community he was a Quincy University graduate where he had made a reputation for himself as an athlete in 2019 he was inducted in the University's football hall of fame at the time of Becky's death Bink was working at Quincy farm products and Business Development Becky herself was a career woman having found her true calling in nursing a compassionate and dedicated professional Becky worked as a travel nurse during the covid-19 pandemic helping those fighting the illness in various hospitals throughout the United States but what may have seemed like a perfect life on the outside did not hold up behind closed doors in fact behind Becky and Tim bleck's wide Grins and family photos were years of conflict years which were slowly adding up in 2020 Tim Bing appeared on an episode of the popular game show Family Feud during the show contestants are asked questions and the more popular the answer the more points contestants are awarded what's the biggest mistake you made at your wedding honey I love you but said I do not my mistake I love my wife I'm going to get in trouble for that aren't I bnck was in fact speaking from the heart his marriage all jokes aside was falling apart at the seams on the 21st of January 2021 Tim bnck filed for divorce but to those close to him and Becky the divorce did not come as a surprise a fierce custody battle ensued with both parents wanting to have more time with their children than the other in May 2021 Becky he even texted a longtime friend to confess I absolutely think he'll try to take the kid sometime to those close to Becky bnck had been revealed as an abuser Becky felt that she needed to somehow protect herself from bnck and protect her children from being abducted but in spite of revealing that she believed bnck had true middle health problems she was afraid of filing for an order of protection the divorce would be a tough battle and Becky had reasons to be scared bleck did not simply represent a hypothetical threat to her and her children he was armed and she knew it Becky's initial divorce attorney disclosed in November 2021 that bnck had still not returned a 9mm handgun belonging to Becky one that she had asked to have back multiple times in response to Becky's concerns the court appointed a guardian ad lium to their case I I serve as what's called a guardian adum the role of a guardian adum is to represent the best interest of the children involved in the case uh whether it be a divorce a family or other type of case after months of debate Becky initially filed for an ordinance of protection against bleck's father on December 16th 2021 similar to bleck's case she feared for her children's safety around their grandfather the mother of three it seemed had started fearing for her life in a text sent to a friend in 2021 she stated he has screamed in my face he shoved me in front of the kids and has thrown things across the room where the kids and I were standing separately in a text to her sister that same year she said if something ever happens to me make sure the number one person of interest is Tim I'm putting this in writing that I'm fearful he will somehow harm me but Becky's nightmare was far from over months later as the divorce was still ongoing Becky texted her close friend on the 14th of March 2022 saying that if bnck doesn't get it his way he may literally lose his mind the text was in reference to the ongoing divorce and custody battle in August 20122 a court order detailed how the children must be exchanged between Becky and ble bnck for reasons of safety bnck and Becky must stay within 3 ft of their cars when exchanging children yet regardless of the safety procedures which were being put in place for Becky tensions between the former lovers were rising and she knew it in the meantime bnck started looking for a new bicycle he created anonymous Facebook account under the name John Smith and started inquiring on Facebook Marketplace he asked about a blue 26in Schwin mountain bike and a black Mongoose Bicycle which he also purchased on the 5th of January 2023 a friend of Becky's named Melissa young recalled running into her at a local store she looked very mentally and emotionally exhausted um nothing like I used to see her she was really in hopes to get the divorce over with and stuff did Becky tell you that she felt as though Tim could snap at any moment yes did she also tell you that she had found out that Tim was hiding money yes did she also tell you that Tim had told her you'll be dead before you have any of my money yes around this same time bnck was beginning to also act strangely and people were beginning to notice he asked his neighbor Bradley Aon whether he had any security cameras pointed toward his back yard he didn't on the 10th of February 2023 bnck finally made an effort to return Becky's long lost 9mm handgun he called the Quincy police department and asked them whether they could return it for him since he did not want to do it directly his request was denied but perhaps they should have accepted bleck's request more people were starting to notice his threatening behavior and the toll it was taking on Becky on the 13th of February 2023 Ted Johnson Becky significant other decided to stay the night at the house I would park right here this area right there behind the house by the driveway yes between midnight and 1:00 a.m. that same night video surveillance detected a cyclist riding past multiple residences in the area Becky's nextdoor neighbor also received a notification from his surveillance system did you get an alert on your phone that there was Motion in your drive yes did you view that video yes when you viewed that video did you see a person walking in your drive yes I did incidentally both bleck's phone and his whoop armband designed to track his movement were turned off between midnight and 1:00 a.m. between 1:10 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. bnck Google searches included license plate look up title registration lookup VIN check lookup vehicle records and a search for Ted Johnson's exact V and license plate registration at 1:32 a.m. a phone call was made to the Missouri Department of Revenue The Authority which handles vehicle registrations as the coincidences between bleck's late night Google searches and the Mysterious cyclist prowling around Becky's house started mounting up it was becoming increasingly clear that the mother of three might indeed be in danger yet for the following week between February 14th and 21st the bike rider was no longer detected on any surveillance footage on February 21st at 2:11 a.m. the same cyclist was once again picked up by cameras in the same area as before on that same day Rebecca messaged fnck asking whether he could keep the children overnight for the next two days she spent the evening with Ted Johnson on the following day February 22nd the same cyclist was once again caught on camera performing a similar route as before the same happened later during the night with a bike rider being recorded at around 1:00 a.m. the cyclist stopped near Becky's house and forced his way in with a crowbar at 1:11 a.m. Becky attempted to call 911 she failed the home security system alerted Becky that the front door was open at 1:16 a.m. the cyclist can be seen heading back the way he came on surveillance cameras incidentally bleck's phone and whoop armband were disconnected from 12:28 a.m. till 20:07 a.m. on that same night at 6:45 a.m. on February 23rd a nearby res acent left for work noticing that Becky's front door was open at 11:51 a.m. bnck called his Children's School to ask them to not let his kids walk to their mother's home and he told me that he would be picking them up instead of having them walk home and approximately what time did he arrive at St Peter school on February 23rd 2023 150 so about an hour before the dismissal even again yes at 300 p.m. bnck texted Rebecca's father he asked if he could call her to find out when she'd be picking up the children since the school had called to informed them that they had not yet been picked up at 3:30 p.m. Bill postal Becky's father would enter into his worst nightmare he arrived at Becky's home to find the front door open something which he immediately noticed as unusual Becky did not answer his calls in the the bathroom his daughter lay dead in a pool of her own blood F I went to check to see if she was she had any uh heartbeat I picked up her arm but uh rigger mortars had already set in she had been shot 14 times bullet casings would later be found around and under her body meaning that she had been shot whilst On The Ground by the time I answered the door I didn't see anybody but um then I saw a man walking away he had a long coat so I didn't recognize him and I asked him if he wanted something and he turned around and it was Bill Becky's father he said I need to use your phone call 911 Becky's dead at 400 p.m. bffn was told of Becky's death he replied with shock and was audibly upset on the 27th of February police found an abandoned blue Schwin bike near the Quincy Public School's bus barn the surveillance footage cyclist had been filmed around that area multiple times police searched bfn's home on the 1st of March but the investigation into Becky's murder was far from over this is the third known location to be searched in this investigation of course that includes BF Nick's home in Quincy and of course the residence in the 2500 block of Kentucky Road where Rebecca bnck was found dead in these type of cases you want to get as much evidence as you can and um it it continues all the way until until the trial during the investigation police found shell casings in bleck's basement which matched the ones found around Becky's body Becky's DNA was also found inside a plastic bag found in bleck's home this discovery tied into evidence found at the crime scene tell me what you saw multiple pieces of what appeared to be plastic reportedly the shooter had used the bag as a homemade silencer for his weapon once again bleck's recent Google searches incriminated him they included how to wash off gunpowder average police response time and how to open a door with a crowbar on the 13th of March 2023 Tim bnck was arrested and charged with first-degree murder he pleaded not guilty during his initial hearing and was denied bail throughout bnck Six-Day murder trial his attorney maintained that he was not guilty in instead they claimed a Prowler the same one who had been seen biking in the area of the murder was at fault during the trial the jury heard of three simulations that law enforcement performed in order to retrace bnck steps leading up to the shooting during the tests it was discovered that the site of Becky's house was easily climbable and it led to a window which had been PRI open by the Intruder bicycle rides were also timed according to the route taken by the security footage cyclist security cameras had captured the cyclist in the exact time frame Becky is believed to have been killed police also wrapped an identical plastic bag to the one the killer had used around a 9mm handgun and fired shots the plastic shards created by the shots were similar in size and shape to the ones found around Becky's body on the fourth day of bleck's trial even more Google searches were revealed can you just wash off gunpowder residue correct phone was used to visit a website DIY quickly how to use a crowbar to open a door yes by this point the extent of bleck's premeditation of the murder was becoming clear the searches included can you identify if a shotgun shell was shot out of a specific gun how to open a window from outside can I force open my door with a crowbar if I lock myself out and can gunshot residue be washed off on the 31st of May 2023 Tim bnck was found guilty on all charges we the jury find the defendant Timothy bnck guilty of first degree murder a sentencing hearing is scheduled for August 11th 2023 but Becky's tragic death is more than spousal murder it is a story of long-term domestic abuse and how her cries for help were repeatedly ignored a Bev friend of Becky's wrote we've watched waited and prayed for justice we have to listen to women when they fear for their or their children's safety this could have been prevented it breaks my heart to know that these boys will grow up without their mama we have to do better a GoFundMe has been created to help support Becky's children so Far Over $110,000 have been raised the description reads despite the circumstances of her death she is remembered for the life she cherished a life of compassion generosity faith and fierce love for her family what are your thoughts on this tragic story do you believe Becky's death could have been prevented let us know your thoughts in the comments below at the decoder we produce and publish all our videos from start to finish and compile reliable sources to bring you the truth about the world of crime your support is what keeps us going so make sure you hit like and the Subscribe buttons click the notification Bell to not miss out on any of our content and we'll see you next time on the decoder [Music]
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 69,474
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Id: tjoLKMnyg8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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