5 Crazy Kinetic Grid Tunnel Motion Graphic Loops in After Effects

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[Music] we're all about creating crazy things here on this channel and this tutorial is no short of crazy in this video we're going to show you how to create this awesome grid hallway effect that allows you to easily insert objects like titles or even a logo reveal right into this awesome motion graphic hey what's going on internet josh noel sunduck film hope you're doing excellent today be sure to drop a like on this video it helps us out tremendously and for those of you that are really looking to wow your audience and have an awesome piece of motion graphic for a title logo or an object you want to enter into a grid type hallway we have an awesome tutorial let's jump in and let's get started if you're ready to create the most awesome thing in the world you can download our project files for free if you wish to follow along so the first thing we're going to do is create this entire grid environment here very easy to do and a lot of fun so here we are in a blank composition the first thing you're going to want to do is go to layer new solid and we'll call this grid back and we're going to make sure the width and height is two thousand by two thousand also our composition size is 1920 by 1080 if that's important to you so then we're going to effect generate and as you know we're going to grab the grid effect from here we're going to set this from size from to width and height sliders and we'll come here the width set this to 200 and the height 200 so we'll have these perfect squares so in order to set this effect up for success we have to duplicate this several different times uh and set it up into the right position so what we're going to do is take our grid here make sure it's set to a 3d layer and then we can go to edit duplicates and now we have a duplicate here so what we want to do is connect to the bottom of the grid and also the top so what we can do is we can call this grid bottom and then we'll hit r and keyboard rotation set the x rotation to 90 degrees then we can just hit p on keyboard four position and we come back to the y position put a one in front of 1540 so it'll be 1540 like that and come here to the z value and put a negative 1000. so by changing the active camera here to left if we do this correctly we should have this l shape here with our two layers meeting at this point so then we can duplicate our bottom layer again and this way we can connect to the top and we have here keyboard for position and we'll set our y value to negative 460 and now it's already connected to the top and you can see with our toggle mask and shapes here is that everything is connected here by the corners so we know that we're doing this correctly so now we just gotta do the side so i'll grab our grid back again duplicate it come here the bottom layer we can call this grid left and i'm gonna hit all my keyboard rotation set the y rotation to 90 degrees this time then we'll have here and keyboard for position we'll set the x value to a 101960 and we'll set the z value to negative 1000 and the grid left selected you can see here is on the left so then we'll duplicate this again and this time for grid rights we'll set our x position to negative 40 and everything should be connected so feel free to copy my position settings if you just wish to jump along here before we move on as you know creating motion graphics from scratch takes so much time and it's just challenging to help you get work done in under a minute we have produced over 10 000 templates for after effects and premiere pro for example in our pulse pack you can preview these really cool templates and then apply them to your project from there you can change the settings to your needs and bam another project complete to see all of our templates and start saving time right now be sure to check our links below alright so now let's go ahead and set up this amazing and subtle camera movement to really make the scene come to life and then we can start adding text into this and making it look really cool so first thing we're going to do is go to layer new camera and 50 millimeters is okay click ok then what we want to do is open up our camera one go to camera options and set the zoom to 550 and this is really where you're going to get to see the view of the entire scene like this so it kind of stretches out the sides uh it looks cool right so then what we want to do because i don't like using the camera to animate is we'll go to layer new null object and then all we're gonna do is parent the camera to the null object i'm gonna call it camera control and simply we'll just hit p and keyboard four position make sure you uh turn this into a 3d layer and add a keyframe for position beautiful then we can zoom into our scene by a little bit so we can kind of cut off the black edges here we'll move here to two seconds in our timeline and we'll grab the z position and we will just zoom into our scene like so and that should be okay then we're gonna select both keyframes hit f9 on keyboard to make them easy go to graph editor we'll grab both of our points down here make sure that these handles are dragged all the way in towards the center so we'll have this very smooth animation then we'll simply all click the stopwatch on those keyframes and we're going to type in loop outs capital o open privacy quotations ping pong quotations and close parenthesis so now we're going to have the smooth back and forth animation of our grid scene so now i'm going to show you how you can just add any sort of text or object into this very easily without any animation so you can grab your say your text style tool for example and you can type out a title and the only thing we need to do is make sure that title layer or object is set to a 3d layer then you can simply have piano keyboard for position it grab the z value and you can bring it forward here so what's going to happen here is that as our scene moves back and forth our title is going to be directly in place a cool little tip you can take your title you can duplicate it and come here to this swap fill stroke icon and you can just hit pinky board position and move this back further here so now it looks like it'll be a little bit of a stroke three-dimensional look to that title so you see boom that looks pretty cool all right so now i want to talk about some creative effects i'll show how to create this at the end as well but there's some other creative effects in here that make a little bit of a difference in our work and we'll show you how to do that so we'll go ahead and create ourselves a new adjustment layer and we'll come here to effect the store and we'll grab optics compensation and we can set our field of view up here to say like 160 or so and then make sure you check on reverse lens distortion and you're gonna have this crazy look here we can add a keyframe for field of view move forward maybe by less than a second or so and set the field of view down to zero and then we'll hit u and we'll go ahead and select that last keyframe hit f9 to make it easy and you can just come to graph editor and bring that point all the way to the left here so this gives us a little bit of an intrigue start and then we can come here to effect distort and we grab cc lens which is right here and right when we touch the end here what we can do is come here to size set this up to 500. add a keyframe for it move forward in time by a little bit maybe by a few frames and come here and set the size down to 100 and we're going to get this really weird warping edge here and then we move forward by a few more frames and set the size back up to 500. so now these creative effects is going to add a nice level of dimension to our overall work all right so for those of you that are interested in creating this you know block here very simple to do this all we just created a new composition it's a 1920x1080 black title white background and once that's typed out and ready to go go to composition composition settings and we can bring down the width and the height to fit around our title so it should look like this nice and rectangled out then go back into your previous comp bring in that precomposed comp there so there it is and we simply can come here to the anchor point grab the pan behind tool and just move this here to the top and then set this to a 3d layer and we'll solo it real quick and we'll do is we'll take this layer and we'll duplicate it and we'll hit our keyboard for rotation come in x rotation and we'll set this to say 90 degrees then if we go ahead and create ourselves a quick null object so we'll go to layer new null object we can parent both these titles to the normal make sure the null is a 3d layer and simply hit rn keyboard rotation and now we can start to rotate this kind of like so so then you can come here add a keyframe for x rotation um or actually you don't have to do that you can also stop watch type in time asterisk 20 or something like that and now we're going to have this rotation and since this is the 3d layers automatically going to be moving um you may need to play around with different sizing here so we can certain keyboard for scale break the chain set a minus value on the x scale and also maybe a minus value on the y scale and we might need to reposition this but by tweaking those settings you should be able to create yourself a quick little block like this and then we can take our work we've done here pre-compose it call it all and then make sure three layer hit png keyboard position bring forward the z value so now we should have this in here so whatever we put in the background now should be able to stay in there and you can add whatever objects that you wish to have for your grid effect so if you're looking to jumpstart your motion graphics you can download our free after effects and premiere pro template packs those links are below you get our free extension as well hope you enjoyed this video if you're new here be sure to hit that subscribe button we post multiple post production tutorials every single week right here on sunday film and always be creating
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 29,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects, After Effects Grid, After Effects Tutorial Grid, After Effects Tutorial Grid Motion Graphics, After Effects Tunnel, AFter Effect Kinetic Grid, Motion Graphic Loop, Motion Graphics, Motion Graphics Tutorial, Motion Graphic, After Effects Motion Graphics, After Effects Tutorial Motion Graphics, SonduckFilm Tutorial
Id: YAa3iNjUvVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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