5 Coolest One Wheeler Vehicles That Actually Exist

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[Music] as we step more fully into the 21st century there is a growing demand for people to move from place to place in as economical a way possible for those living within a few miles of work those who spend their days on a college campus or for people who want a unique toy one wheeled vehicles are the answer these transitional vehicles move along with pedestrian traffic and are easy to store once you get to your destination and they all stand out from the crowd here are five coolest one-wheeler vehicles that actually exist number five moto pogo the moto pogo is a new take on an old idea the unicycle it is a fully sized self-balancing single wheeled electric scooter that anyone can ride at only 60 pounds and three feet wide it fits easily into the trunks of most vehicles the moto pogo's power comes from a 60 volt 10 amp lithium battery that charges in about 4 hours the charge lasts about 20 miles this battery drives a 500 watt brushless hub motor the entire powertrain is located inside the wheel giving its all-aluminum frame a clean look interestingly the moto pogo is capable of climbing inclines up to 25 degrees so small hills or a couple of steps are no big deal while you cruise along the sidewalks of your favorite city at a cool 16 miles per hour steering the moto pogo doesn't take much effort simply lean forward to move ahead or lean back to slow or stop the machine number eight airwheel x8 unlike the moto pogo the airwheel x8 takes a bit more effort to learn to ride anyone with experience skateboarding will find riding this electric unicycle very similar like a skateboard it does not have handlebars and is controlled by the rider's feet this machine is equipped with an intelligence chip that allows it to be self-balancing no matter the tilt angle of the wheel even at 45 degrees the airwheel x8 is powered by an 800 watt motor it takes about 90 minutes to charge and it can be ridden about 15 miles on a single charge it has a top speed of about 15 miles an hour if the rider attempts to go over that speed the wheel automatically slows for safety number 3 segway 1s1 so far it sounds like the moto pogo is relatively easy to learn to ride the airwheel x8 a little less so but certainly not impossible the segway s1 however is advertised as being for the bold only right on segway's website it must take a bit more time to learn to ride because in early 2017 training wheels and a kickstand were added to the accessories for it like other single wheeled personal transporters the segway s1 is self-balancing and lightweight 25 pounds easy to carry in store it is powered by a pair of 150 watt lithium-ion batteries that need about four hours to fully charge the s1 has a top speed of just over 12 miles an hour and can go about 15 miles on a single charge it is not made for wet surfaces but it can climb small slopes up to 15 degrees the segway one s1 electric unicycle is fully bluetooth capable in fact its downloadable app controls the little machine's safety features monitors speed and allows the rider to customize its lights and pattern number two one wheel like the segway s1 some of the features of the onewheel electric skateboard can also be controlled with a downloadable app the app checks battery life monitors speed and allows the rider to switch into different modes that affect the feel of the board beneath their feet one of the outstanding features is that it was designed to travel on any terrain thanks to self-balancing technology the one wheel skateboard works similarly to the others the rider simply shifts their weight in order to engage the motor go forward or into reverse it should be noted that this electric board is capable of shifting into reverse even when the rider is standing still with an experienced rider the one wheel travels at a top speed of about 14 miles an hour and can go about 7 miles before needing a recharge awesomely it is fully charged in about 20 minutes it is powered by a 2 horsepower 500 watt transverse flux motor number one rhino motors you've got to admit that the rhino single wheeled electric motorcycle is really cool to look at if the moto pogo is a new take on an old idea then the rhino is a peek into the future of personal transportation in fact there are features on the rhino such as a handbrake and handlebars that gives its rider a feeling of safety and comfort that may be lacking in other models it is completely built in oregon usa and its design is based on one drawn-up of a futuristic motorcycle by the founder's 13 year old daughter the rhino is self-balancing relying on the rider only for left right stabilization which is done simply by the rider putting their feet on the ground other top of the line features include the ability to climb up to a 20 degree incline a top speed of about 10 miles an hour and a range of about 30 miles on a single six hour charge its motor is a powerful 2000 watts but vehicle regulations keep its speed low electronically uniquely at 160 pounds the rhino weighs more than other models but it is this weight that helps make it feel more like a motorcycle the body is made from steel tubes and best of all many 3d printed parts it really doesn't get more 21st century than that thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like and hit that subscribe button so that you won't miss any of our future videos [Music]
Channel: TechJoint
Views: 1,777,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, top 5, tech, inventions, gadgets, new tech, tech joint, technology, one wheel bike, bike, bikes, bicycle, one wheel motorcycle, monowheel, unicycle, motorcycle, self balancing, electric scooter, electric unicycle, one wheel hoverboard, electric bike, vehicle, electric, wheel, segway, motorized wheel, transportation, future, one wheeler, concept, future tech, outdoor gadgets, outdoors, skateboarding, monobike, e bike, bike inventions, new bike inventions, bike accessories, bike gadgets
Id: Hy5H0ZrkdWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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