5 Common Mistakes when talking with Preschool Children

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hi I'm Cindy welcome to positive preschool tips today I'm going to talk about five common mistakes people make when they're talking to preschool age children there really is a certain way to talk to preschoolers to get them to do what you want them to do and there are some real obvious mistakes that people make that if you correct them you might be able to get better results so here are my list of the five common mistakes I see people make number five is over flattery just going over at the top with a child telling them how fabulous they are how fabulous their artwork is how much you love love love love it and after a while what happens is that everything you say starts to sound very insincere the first time you say something over-the-top like that's the best picture I've ever seen anybody draw in the history of my classroom they may enjoy it but time and time and time again what they find out is that what you're saying isn't really sincere because they hear you saying it to everybody and then they start feeling like everything you say is not very sincere or genuine so you want to be sure when you're talking to a child when you like something say it from your heart not going over at the top with too much flattery and compliments number four number four is saying terms that mean nothing to children and honestly you're just wasting your breath things like you know better or how many times have I told you or I have told you time and time and time again you know how to do this well the reality is maybe they don't because they're not doing it and sometimes you really have to teach children how to behave much like you would teach them the alphabet the numbers colors shapes you really have to spell it out for them they might not walk into your classroom automatically knowing how to behave in a preschool classroom and quite frankly you may have to tell them time and time and time again children learn through repetition and you might have to find several different ways to tell them the same thing so that they are constantly hearing it and hearing it from different directions and hearing it from different ways so that they do know how it is that they're supposed to behave so save all that those terms for another time they don't really work with preschool age children number three is when you ask a child if they want to participate in something when they really don't have a choice they are actually required to do it so if a child is playing in the blocks and you want them to come over and work at an activity with you I've heard teachers say Oh Caden do you want to come over here and work with me and Kaden's in the blocks and he's like no I'm good I want to play here in the blocks when what you're doing is you're asking him to come over and he doesn't have a choice he's supposed to come over so you want to do that in a very direct way instead of asking him just tell him Caden it's your turn come on over you need to come here and sit and work with me so be sure that you are stating things as a command and not a question when they don't really have a choice which brings me to number two very similar to number three is when people say it give a command directly but then put the word okay at the end which then turns it into a question so it might sound something like Caden turn to come over here and work with me okay re class line up it's time to go outside okay well maybe somebody doesn't want to line up maybe it's really hot it's too cold so if it's not a question and it's not a choice take that right off the end of your statement and then that brings me to the number one common mistake I hear people make when they talk to preschool aged children and that is you want to be sure you state your command in a positive way and not in a negative way so an example would be if you see a child standing on a table do not say don't stand on the table because all the child hears then is table and stand what you want to do is tell them exactly what it is they're supposed to do so instead of don't stand on the table try put your feet on the floor and then they go Oh feet floor or if you're passing out papers and it's time for them to do an activity but you don't want them to start yet instead of saying when you get the papers do not start coloring instead you could say when I pass out these papers put your hands in your lap so you're telling them what you want them to do so those are my top five most common mistakes people make when talking to preschool age children and if you happen to make any of those try and catch yourself and so you can approach it in a different way and I hope you get really good results from that and that you have a much more happy productive classroom and you have children doing what it is that you want them to do
Channel: positivepreschooltips
Views: 530,082
Rating: 4.9229746 out of 5
Keywords: Top 5 Mistakes, Ways to talk to preschool children, how to talk to preschooler, strategies for effectively talking with children, talking to daycare children, best ways to communicate with young children, making mistakes with young children, how to change bad daycare behaviors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2016
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