5 Clothes Items I Only Wore After Moving to America

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it's it's sort of my way my little way of becoming American from the waist down [Music] hello I'm Lawrence and I'm on a quest to uncover all of the memos that Britain and America lost in the pond and one of those memos pertains to clothes the things that we wear to stay warm and to also stop are bits and bobs from showing and since moving to the United States has very much become part of my awareness that people in the United States dress differently to how I would have done back home and certainly how all of my friends and family do some of those don't even wear clothes I'm lying we're very shy about us that's the French we're go we're going to Paris in the summer so I'll be sure not to pack anything but in the United Kingdom of course all we wear is tweed and top hats that's that's a stereotype we don't actually do that we wear we were a regular clothes I mean don't get me wrong it's if you see British people on television and their clothes are probably indicative of the kinds of things we actually do wear in the UK unless you're the doctor nobody dresses quite like her but she's from Gallifrey so it doesn't really count anyway American clothes are very slightly different some clothing differences here are governed by sports or the way you sleep or just how you navigate weather and so without further ado as spring is upon us here are five clothing items I only wore after moving to the United States oh yes look at this I look like a truck driver from a 1980s movie or a baseball player because that's what this is it's a baseball cap and because we don't have the game of baseball in the UK these aren't as popular over there and I never wore one that's a lie I did I did once where that light-water Valley has big orange and bright but I was a child it was to help locate me if I got lost and to look cool I didn't ever achieve that unfort I had a tie-dye t-shirt I think all children aged 12 did in the 90s but this baseball cap has quite a lot of meaning to me firstly it's Assam Patrick's Day baseball camp that I purchased I think last year or the year before but also of course it's Chicago based and the reason that this is personal for me is that I moved to Chicago just before the Cubs won the World Series and but I was actually in Wrigleyville the night it happened and it was crazy and meant I didn't have a baseball cap then I I needed to stay neutral in case there are any opposition fans in and around although they would have been beaten to death not saying that baseball fans are murderous I'm just I know what it's like when people have had beers at a sporting event of that magnitude anyway baseball caps are something that I've come to wear if I'm if I'm going casual and it's the summer months or the spring months and the Sun is out and you know otherwise shining in my eyes although that doesn't typically happen here in Chicago where there's there's lots of cloud cover and in that respect is a lot like England and in that respect only something that I wouldn't wear in the summer months is our next entry it's also something that I never wore in England yes now look at me I definitely look like that so stereotypical truck driver from an 80s film my my name is probably Gus or something like that but this plaid or flannel shirt is something that I took to wearing one Christmas when a family member bought it for me and I I didn't have the heart to say no I win I wish I had but it was good in those winter months you know when he didn't really care what anyone thought of you because they were all they all looked ridiculous too and it kept you warm it does that I mean under these hot lights I'm absolutely sweating right now but I'll continue because I'm a pro and you know it's not really the kind of shirt that's popular in Britain mainly because we don't have Cowboys but Amy Pond did wear one in Doctor Who there's another doctor who reference what's going on it's it I'm just trying to be in vogue I think with the trending terms right now just for the record she wasn't wearing one the day I met her you know and yes I've heard the lost in the pond jokes before and so you know this is still the time of year you might wear them you could even be wearing them going into spring but certainly wouldn't recommend wearing them much beyond then especially because as I've established before it gets really hot and humid in the Midwest and because of that I also wouldn't wear our next entry beyond winter okay I'll be honest with you growing up in the United Kingdom I did wear pyjamas when I was a child because I perceived it as something thereafter the only children did and so I got out of and started sleeping in my boxers until that became too much and I started sleeping like a French person sunbathe but and this probably lends itself to the fact that we live in the coldest place in the entire universe and the fact that my wife's family always buy pajamas for everybody at Christmas every single year it's it's getting embarrassing now I've got about 12 pairs in that closet and so I'm just gonna give you a quick sample of what I wear these days it's these perfect Star Wars pants you know just pajama type things and they're kind of made of similar material you know so it is very sometimes too warm in that room where we sometimes I have to close the door because the cat will come in and a scratches otherwise and the heat just cranks up anyway you didn't need to hear that this is too much I mean it's it's it's good when you're being lazy and you just want to walk around in your house in this you know you know you don't have to be naked and which is particularly good when you've got people around much better to have people hang out than you but never mind and just a little word on the spelling of pajamas of course in Britain we spell it p YJ a ma s whereas in America it P a je a mas I frankly don't care which Spelling's is although I did write an article about this very different many years ago if you would like to look into the etymology of that word the link is below now sometimes if the stars align and the cat is being well-behaved and we can leave the door open it gets a bit chilly in there and I get cold feet not in the metaphorical sense but in the literal sense of course we wear socks in the United Kingdom I mean who doesn't wear socks except the French perpetually naked but here I take into wearing not a socks but extra thick socks and particularly of course during the winter something that I've talked about before I didn't think I'd need them I didn't think I'd ever need anything quite as as thick as this but they are they're about that thick and they are nice I will say that and and sometimes they're good to wear beyond the winter like in the springtime right I'll wear them I'll wear them in the house especially when the floor hasn't been cleaned and I'm too lazy to do that there is a nice substitute for slippers although I do have those I've I've always had slippers but in my draw at any one time I do have the odd sometimes very odd pair of socks and the these are literally odd I don't not sure what happen with those and sometimes that will happen though in my life it's just the way I roll but so long as they they keep my feet warm who cares if they match no one's gonna see them because you're wearing those big hefty boots that I wear in winter um incidentally if you are wondering why those winter boots and the big winter jacket haven't made this list it's because I've I've covered them before I don't want to tread old ground that was a joke about Footwear besides we're moving away from winter spring is almost upon us I mean that is in March technically although I live in Chicago so let's finish now on an item of clothing I not only wear in the winter but when the flowers are blooming it's not a Hawaiian shirt yes jeans jeans jeans but not just any pair of jeans Old Navy jeans I did wrestle with the idea of including my H&M pair of jeans in this very list but there are two reasons I didn't firstly we have H&M in the UK secondly and no offense but H&M clothes tend to fall to pieces if I if I could think of an appropriate phrase here it might be what my British comp a tree is referred to as absolutely pants I mean I've just realized that's literally true here sort of goes with the territory but Old Navy jeans and I'm not getting paid to say this so don't get that idea in head Old Navy jeans are way better far far more durable and they keep me warm during sometimes I don't even have to double up there are some pairs of trousers under which I will wear my cycling pants which are very tight especially around the legs and you don't want to see me in those on a French beach or otherwise and you know unlike the agent M jeans Old Navy very much an American company San Francisco born and is not really known in the United Kingdom you will not find Old Navy stores now there so this is it's sort of my go-to it's it's it's sort of my way my little way of becoming American from the waist down that's it for this episode thank you for tuning in let me know in the comments below if you're wearing clothes or specifically what they are that's the more important bit and if you would like to keep up with me on a day-to-day basis and find out more little factoids about Britain vs. America follow me on Twitter at loss in the pond us and if you want to get a more visual update on those things you could you could just subscribe that's the easiest way click my little face or whatever it is you need to do to subscribe to me and that'd be great big shout out to all my patrons you have made this channel amazing basically you've paid for everything and I really appreciate that I've gone from videos in my bedroom to videos in an actual studio it's nice I mean it is still my apartment but I have lights and camera and a good mind nowadays and a few more brain cells because of you you paid for those brain cells and I really thank you if you'd like to become a patron of this channel you can do so at patreon.com slash lost in the pond takes five minutes head there now and if you do that I will go to that beach in France I know will wear those cycling trousers that's that's not a promise that's a threat thanks for watching bye thank you for watching this episode of lost in the pond don't forget to hit my stupid little face to subscribe and please share this video with the world hit me up on Twitter Instagram and Facebook and if you would like to support this channel please do so at patreon.com slash lost in the pond you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lost in the Pond
Views: 284,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Finding America, Laurence Brown, clothes, America, Flannel shirt, Old Navy Jeans, BASEBALL CAP
Id: QBkSjmzg3OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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