5 CHICKPEA Recipes EVERYONE Should Know

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- Today I'm gonna show you five incredible chickpea recipes I make all the time, starting with these spiced chickpea tacos with cilantro pesto. These tacos actually take just 20 minutes to make, and we're gonna start by draining and rinsing our chickpeas. I've got a large frying pan over medium high heat. While that heats up for a minute or two, we are going to dry our chickpeas. You don't want them to be wet when they hit the hot pan. It's kind of fun. Add a little bit of olive oil to your pan, you don't need much, and then pour in your chickpeas. Try to spread them out, so they're not bumping and grinding against one another. And after about three minutes, you're gonna stir the chickpeas. Our chickpeas have some nice golden color on them, so it's time to add our spice blend. We've got oregano, garlic powder, smoked paprika, a little bit of cayenne and some salt. (pan hissing) Keep an eye on these, but they don't need too much babysitting. So in the meantime, we're gonna make our cilantro pesto. The key to making a super quick recipe like this is to do as much prep as you can and then to multitask during the rest of the recipe. So I've already prepped some of my stuff for the pesto. We're gonna add our garlic and jalapeno to the food processor, and 1/2 cup of roasted cashews. You could also use walnuts or pistachios. (food processor whirring) All right, that looks good. Add in your cilantro. This is a good amount, about 2 1/2 cups, maybe one small bunch. We're also gonna do the zest and juice of a lemon, salt, and some black pepper. (food processor whirring) We've got this nice paste-like texture. So now, it's time to stream in our olive oil. You wanna keep an eye on it and wait until it's emulsified. I like to just add a little bit of lime juice to the chickpeas. Pesto's ready, chickpeas are ready, so now it's time to assemble our tacos. One final step, though, because cold tortillas scrape from the packet. Not the best, don't recommend it. So, we're going to quickly char our tortillas. If you have a gas stove I like to add the tortilla directly on top of the burner. Medium low heat, about 20 to 30 seconds per side or until it's nicely charred. If that method intimidates you or you have a different stove, go ahead and add your tortillas to a dry frying pan and heat them until warmed through. To assemble, add a nice dollop of the pesto to your tortilla. That's gonna act as kind of the glue that prevents your chickpeas from spilling out of the taco. Diced avocado for creaminess and healthy fats, and a couple spoons of your favorite salsa for heat. These are forking delicious, and they couldn't be easier to make. This is why I always have canned chickpeas in my pantry and recommend that you do too because if you have some, then you can whip up easy yet delicious dinners at a moment's notice. I've got another 20-minute meal coming up right now. Our next recipe is Za'atar chickpeas with charred broccoli. We've got two really easy and delicious flavor boosters in this recipe. A yogurt sauce and quick pickled chili peppers. We'll start with their peppers. What you'll wanna do is thinly slice a chili pepper and add it to a jar. Now, I'll cover it with three tablespoons of distilled white vinegar, tablespoon of maple syrup, and a pinch of salt. Give these 15 minutes to hang out while you prep everything else. They're gonna add this sweet, spicy, tangy flavor that is incredibly delicious. A savory yogurt sauce is one of the most underrated ways to elevate your meal. I'm using this yogurt from Culina. It's coconut-based, but it doesn't taste like coconut. It's nice and creamy. It's got a great tart flavor. We're gonna add a couple things here to give the yogurt sauce a savory flavor, some lemon zest and the juice, two garlic cloves, 1/4 teaspoon each of cumin and coriander, and some salt and pepper. Now, it's time to start on our broccoli. Got a large cast iron skillet here. We're using high heat because we want the broccoli to get nicely charred in a quick amount of time. And we're gonna add a few tablespoons of a high-heat oil. This is avocado oil. I've got 12 ounces of broccoli here cut into smallish, medium-sized florets. If you can, try to cut the florets so they have one flat side, and that will help them brown really nicely. PSA, eat your broccoli stems. Not only are these edible, they're also really delicious. And when you cook them this way, they get this nice, crisp chew that is delightful. Just make sure to peel off the first outer layer 'cause it can be kind of tough. We're looking for little wisps of smoke. As soon as you see those, you can add your broccoli. Be very careful when you add this. You don't wanna get splattered by the oil. Try to spread them out as much as you can and let them cook undisturbed for two to three minutes. Now, flip the broccoli and let it char on the other side. (pan hissing) After six minutes, the broccoli should be nicely charred but still tender, and I like to finish it with a squeeze of lemon juice. For six minutes, that is incredible. Now, we're gonna start on our chickpeas. And normally, to make those a 20-minute meal, you would cook the chickpeas in a separate pan from the broccoli, cook them at the same time. But to be able to show you in depth what I'm doing and explain things more easily, we are doing this one by one. We're gonna cook the chickpeas pretty similarly to the method in the first recipe. The main difference here is that we want some more Middle Eastern flavors, so we're using cumin, coriander, and Za'atar. By the way, if you're not familiar, Za'atar is this seed condiment with herbs and spices that's used in a lot of different Middle Eastern cuisines. It has this nutty, herby flavor, and it's just absolutely delicious. Just a little lemon juice to finish, and now we're ready to assemble. All right, so to plate this, we're gonna add a swoosh of our yogurt sauce, followed by the broccoli and chickpeas. A few pickled peppers for nice color and heat, and a little of the tangy liquid on top too is really nice. You can eat this as is, but if you wanna make it a little heartier, you can add some bread on the side. Bread for me. Or serve it with some cooked grains that you have hanging out in your fridge. Maybe this is a little large, but this meal feels so gourmet, it's delicious, but as you saw, it was very easy to put together. Our next recipe is a chickpea tuna salad. It tastes very similar to tuna. This recipe is even quicker than the ones before. It takes 10 minutes to put together, but I actually like to make it as part of my weekend meal prep because it stays good in the fridge for five or six days, and so it's really nice to enjoy throughout the week for lunch. Also, making this recipe couldn't be simpler. We're just gonna add the ingredients to the food processor, and that is it. To mimic the texture of tuna a little bit, we're gonna use two ingredients, chickpeas, of course, and hearts of palm. These are sold in a can at the grocery store, but if you can't find them, go ahead and just use more chickpeas. We've also got some ingredients that you would use in a classic American tuna salad, vegan mayo, and Dijon mustard, and these are gonna add a nice creaminess and tang. I also like to add some chopped celery and celery seeds, but I know some folks are not a fan of celery. So, if you don't like it, feel free to omit it. Some dill pickle relish is really nice here, too. Definitely evokes the childhood nostalgia of eating a tuna salad sandwich at the playground, or at least that's what I think. I just, my mom packed me doll. Doll at the playground, doll at lunch, doll for dinner, doll 24 hours. To give our tuna salad the oceany taste that you might expect in tuna salad, my secret ingredient is nori. These are just dried seaweed sheets. Look like this. You can get these at most grocery stores these days and they don't taste fishy, but they are gonna add that kind of characteristic taste of the sea. A few final flavor boosters, nutritional yeast, two tablespoons. That's gonna add a nice savory umami quality. Two tablespoons of lemon juice. This is gonna brighten everything up. And of course, salt and pepper. Important note, you don't want to blend this continuously. It's gonna turn into a pate texture, that's not what we're going for. Instead, you wanna do short, quick bursts or pulses, and that's gonna give you some nice texture throughout. That was about 12 pulses. Let's take a look. Delicious. It's got the perfect texture right now. There are a lot of different ways you can use a chickpea tuna salad during your week for different kinds of lunch. So you can add it to a salad or a grain bowl. You can make an open-faced tuna melt. You can just have it with some crackers or critate as a dip. But I have some really good sourdough from my local bakery, some nice heirloom tomatoes from the farmer's market, so I'm gonna make a tuna salad sandwich. There is no elegant way to eat a baguette sandwich, so I'm gonna eat this off-camera but I've got another delicious recipe coming up right now. And that is Tandoori chickpea stuffed sweet potatoes. This recipe does take a bit longer than the previous ones, but it is a fantastic option for meal prep. It's still really easy to make and it's great for lunch or dinner and even breakfast. And it's got these like really spicy aromatic Indian flavors that you'll absolutely love. The first thing we're gonna do is bake the sweet potatoes. I've gone ahead and scrubbed these because I'm gonna eat the peel, and you wanna take a knife or fork and prick them all over so they don't have a little explosion in the oven. And we'll bake these at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes to an hour. We're gonna start off our cilantro sauce with some very classic Indian aromatics, two garlic cloves, small knob of ginger, and half of a green chili pepper. These ingredients are a little too punchy to add raw to the sauce, so we're gonna quickly saute them in a little bit of olive oil. You wanna stir frequently so the garlic doesn't burn. Once the garlic gets a little bit of color on it, you're gonna add in 1/4 teaspoon coriander, 1/2 teaspoon of cumin, and a little bit of salt. And those need just 30 seconds. Smells really good. We'll add this sauteed mixture to a blender or food processor, either is fine, along with a heaping cup of cilantro. I had some fresh mint that I needed to use up, so I'm also gonna add that in there, but it's totally optional. A little bit of lime juice and just enough water to bring the sauce together. Let's blend it up. (blender clicking) Turn it on first. (blender whirring) Smells good. (blender whirring) Ooh, if your cilantro is on the bitter side, go ahead and add a little bit more lime juice, a little more salt, or a pinch of sugar as needed. Now, for our chickpeas, I'm gonna roast these in the oven so they get a little nice and crispy. And these are Tandoori spiced chickpeas, so we're gonna make a quick Tandoori spice blend. We've got cumin, coriander, turmeric, ginger, paprika, as well as cinnamon and cardamom. If you wanna add a little heat, you can add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper. Also gonna add some kosher salt, and then the oil is gonna help them crisp up and give them a better mouth feel. The chickpeas need about 25 minutes in the oven, so go ahead and add them to the oven when the sweet potatoes have 25 minutes left. We have a little bit of time, so we're gonna make our last condiment. It's raita, which is a yogurt sauce. It's kind of like India's alternative to tzatziki. We're gonna start with a cucumber. Probably just need 1/4 of this today. We want all of the flavor and texture of the cucumber, but not the wateriness. So, squeeze it all out for as much as we can. This is honestly the hardest part of making raita. Chop up 1/4 cup each of mint and cilantro. This smells like the start of a great summer cocktail. An inch of ginger and some garlic, half teaspoon of cumin, as well as garam masala. If you like, a pinch of cayenne or Indian chili powder, lime juice. And of course, the yogurt, the most important part. This is a creamy coconut yogurt I showed you earlier. We want one cup of that. And of course, some salt. The potatoes are ready when you can pierce them with a fork or a knife and there's no resistance. So, to assemble, we're gonna create a slit in the middle of the sweet potato, add in our chickpeas, top it off with some of the raita and drizzle on some cilantro sauce. Now, if you wanna add some veggie action to this, you can top off your sweet potato with some chopped cucumbers, some chopped tomatoes, sliced red onions, maybe some sauerkraut or pickled onions if you have it. The sweet potato is fluffy and tender, and the chickpeas are crunchy, so it's got this amazing textural contrast. The raita is cooling, the cilantro sauce is tingy and herby. All around outstanding. I think you guys are gonna love this one. Our next meal are these buffalo chickpea quesadillas. Honestly, I think these are better than any vegan quesadilla I've ever had and even the regular quesadillas I had before I went vegan. They make such a great meal for a date night, or dinner with friends, or dinner with your kids if they're like precocious little baby chefs. The first thing we're gonna do is start with our queso. I'm starting with one cup of raw cashews. These have been soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes and also soaked them overnight in cool water. 1/2 cup of any vegan yogurt, as long as it's unsweetened. 1/2 cup of any salsa you like. This is a medium heat. We're already gonna have quite a bit of spiciness in the quesadillas, so I don't want the salsa to be too spicy. A little water so it's not too thick, a teaspoon of cumin, 1/2 teaspoon of chili powder, and 1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika. Two tablespoons of nutritional yeast to add that subtle cheesy flavor. And of course, we need some salt to season. (blender whirring) It looks perfect. I swear I should start bottling this stuff and selling it. So good. Now, we'll prep our chickpea filling. We're just gonna mash these up with the fork, but you wanna keep some chickpeas whole so you have a little more texture. It also looks nicer that way. We're also gonna prep some aromatics now. We'll dice up one medium yellow onion, mince four cloves of garlic, and slice one small bunch of scallions. I love this as a collaborative date night meal because your partner can make the queso and you can work on the aromatics and chickpeas, and then dinner will be ready in, like, 25 minutes. These are buffalo chickpea quesadillas, so of course we need some buffalo flavor, and our buffalo sauce is very simple. We've got equal parts vegan butter and hot sauce. You can technically use any hot sauce you like, but if you want that buffalo flavor, you should really use Frank's. For a little extra flavor, just a tiny bit of garlic powder, pinch of salt, and a bit of sugar. This is coconut sugar. Any sugar's fine. It's just gonna balance some of that spicy thing. You could heat this up on the stove, but I'm just gonna stick it in the microwave to keep things easy. Oh, it's going up the nostrils. For the chickpea filling, you wanna get a large frying pan or saute pan over medium heat, add a little bit of oil, doesn't need too much, and then you'll go ahead and add your onions. Once the onion is softened and has a little color on it, you can go ahead and add the garlic. Quick reminder, I've created a free PDF guide that has all the recipes in this video. You can print them out, have all your chickpea recipes in one place, become a chickpea master or chickpea god or goddess. You can find the PDF linked in the description box below. The garlic just needs a minute. And now, we'll add our chickpeas and buffalo sauce. Let this simmer for two minutes. (pan hissing) Add on the scallions. All right, that's it. It is time to assemble these quesadillas. So grab a tortilla, preferably a large one, and we're gonna dollop a nice amount of the queso in the center. Spread the queso out, but leave a border towards the edge. Spoon the filling on top. Yum! Now, you could fold the tortilla over in half, though I have overstuffed this one to do that. I'm gonna add a second tortilla on top to make it a bit more filling, and we'll cook our quesadillas now. We've got a pan over medium heat. I'm adding just a little bit of oil and I'm just spreading out the oil with the paper towel to get it evenly coated. All right, in she goes. I wanna make sure our quesadilla has a crisp exterior, so I'm gonna weigh it down with a clean pan. All right, it's been about three minutes. Let's see how the quesadilla is looking. Oh, that looks good. Nice little browning. Look at that. And we'll give this another two or three minutes. This should be done by now. Okay, it's almost ready. I can't wait to eat it. But, one more thing. I whipped up a very basic guacamole. I think it'll go great with the quesadillas, but it's totally optional. Time for the taste test! That is a life-changing quesadilla. It is honestly so good, and this alone is reason enough to keep a can of chickpeas in your pantry. You can find all the recipes in the PDF guide that's linked in the description box below. I'll see you in the next video, bye!
Channel: Rainbow Plant Life
Views: 312,732
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Keywords: rainbow plant life, rainbowplantlife, chickpea recipes, vegan chickpea recipes, chickpea recipes vegan, easy vegan recipes, simple vegan recipes
Id: wBX4HX0-0-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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