5 Catalysts for Spiritual Growth And Maturity pt2 || 2nd Service || 14112021

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tradition you know was a blessing to every one of us if you were not a part of it or even if you were you should listen to those messages again and it's actually possible to listen to um the messages from the first edition in ibado and then the second one in abuja and the one that held yesterday in lagos and you see how god you know um took us from glory to glory and from grace to grace and the administrations just got better and better and better and they were you know it was a build up on one another so if you if you you can make the time out to go listen to that and it is beneficial for both men and women we're christians we're children of god and the word of god you know um gives life to each and every one of us it's not it doesn't discriminate whether it's you're a man or a woman so we should listen to those messages and you you should go be a part of become friends even though it has fiscally ended the spirit of god that that is that was that was there is always with us to bless you as you listen to the messages in jesus name amen so today we had a bible study and i'm going to give you a quick snippet of what we did in the bible study last week we talked about you know the external environment that enhances um the internet environment that enhances our working with god and today we talked about the external environment the relationship you form the fellowship that you have the kind of people that influence your life the kind of things you do in your environment to ensure that you create an environment around you that helps you to work um with god you know the the kind of relationship that you choose to have the kind of would i interact with you can create that environment regardless of where you are what kind of work you do what kind of life you live the your choice of friends you know as you as you make your choice and you draw yourself closer to people that have better influence in your life and help to enhance your growth and your work with god and that that actually ties into pastor's message for today if you recall last week he said talking about the five catalysts for spiritual growth i mean no christian nobody no human being let's talk of now you as a christian you don't want to remain a baby you know you want to if a baby is born everybody wants a child to grow into maturity and that is our aim to grow into the full stature of christ and so password started talking last week about the five catalysts for spiritual growth that christ performed in us and we're going to the full stature of the image of christ our lord and he's going to continue in that vein today and you don't want to miss that because these are um this is this is a lesson that is essential for our lives and it's essential for living and so you're in you there's your the lord has prepared something amazing for this for this morning's message i want christ to be formed in you i want to learn the steps and what we're supposed to do what we need to know to to do the to know to to achieve or attain these things and it's not enough to hear the word we need to practice it and so to stimulate what we hear properly and that we believe by the grace of god is going to be our portion this day in the name of jesus the holy spirit is here with us and he's here in every part of the service to bless each and every one of us to minister to our spiritual and body and so we do not discriminate at any point in uh part of the service because as we always say the covenant nation we are not distracted by anything or anyone so put away all distractions let's get ready and um go into the service get your writing materials ready but right now put on your dancing shoes get ready to um praise and worship god because the choir the worship team is going to lead us into the presence of god and be um put your worries at the feet of jesus and be ready to receive and every part of this service and i will come back after the service to share a few more information with you thank you very much for joining us today and welcome to church to receive [Music] thank you holy spirit take control take control take control take control take control take control holy ghost elaborated [Music] holy spirit we thank you in jesus mighty name we prayed holy ghost take control take the raids show forth your power and reassure us this morning that all is working out together for our good in jesus name amen can we just raise our worship to the lord this morning hallelujah if he said bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his own amen can you just raise your worship to the lord this morning with your hands with your own song just give him a praise give him a song of praise a word of praise a shout of praise anyhow that you can just give it to the lord this morning [Music] scripture says he's the god of all flesh nothing is impossible for him to do [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign if you know that song i want you to raise with me this morning if you know that song i want you to raise it with me this morning he says [Music] with me [Music] there is nothing impossible for god i want you to erase that sound again if you know the song so well he may not be in your dialect but i want you to raise that song to the lord i like me he's my god and he's powerful allah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the god that is sea soul and fled jordan saw him and ran back allah lifts your voice [Music] scripture says mountains keeps like rums and little hills like lambs all laurentii are bullied there is no mountain that can stop him so [Music] see the way you love me see the way you care for me you carry my mother for you you say [Music] [Applause] [Music] they use me they play [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a little baby oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] hallelujah are you ready to give god some mighty praise this morning ask your neighbour are you ready no if your neighbor is not answering you ask the second person are you ready all right let's go [Music] jump your hands to the lord [Music] oh lord i am very very grateful for all you have done for me oh lord i am very very grateful i am safe thank you jesus leave oh [Music] [Music] i am very very grateful i am safe thank you jesus [Music] i am very very grateful for allah [Music] i never knew you could not know me this way hey i never knew that you could honor me this way and as you are know me this way i thank you jesus [Music] me this way i never knew that you could pay for me this way and as you favor me this way i thank you jesus [Music] i have a father who would never ever fail me jesus is my father he will never ever fill me wrong pages [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh [Music] do you know anyone greater [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is [Music] [Music] are you dancing [Music] he's excellent [Music] [Music] i know he rescued my [Music] my soul is taken away [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] m hey [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] hey everybody [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in your life in your family in your career in your academics wherever [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing can separate me from your life [Music] oh [Music] [Music] that's [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] let's go [Music] are you ready are you ready you don't look like you're ready are you ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] children [Music] are you ready [Music] is [Music] children of god children will you shout hallelujah lift it up [Music] everywhere [Music] everywhere everywhere [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] children [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's take a confession this morning before the message all right okay i want to go as i said to listen to the word of god today it's been opened onto and i hear the voice of god clearly speaking to me this is the way to go walking in it i listen under the influence of the spirit of god and i'm not distracted by anything or anyone the word of god is food to my spirit i am strengthened by it this morning it is wine to my heart creating joy within me it's oil to my face causing my life to shine giving me victory in everything that i do as my eyes make contact with the scriptures used in this message the spirit of god opens new things to me he also brings to my remembrance things jesus once showed me i come to understand god's system on the earth and i receive instruction encouragement correction and the enablement to live out god's will in jesus name amen and amen all right this morning we continue our teaching on earth spiritual growth i want to look at why spiritual growth how to grow spiritually what you do in order to grow spiritually what it means to grow spiritually what you need to do to grow spiritually the impact on your life direct impact of all right maturing in christ jesus so what does it mean to grow spiritually what does it entail and what will be the impact upon your life so last week we started with the five catalysts for spiritual growth uh when we talk about five categories the it's based on all right research work that has been done so in order to find out what principles work in a particular situation all right principles work in a particular situation what you do is for example all right so you want to find out what are the real principles for success so you look for say 5 000 10 000 people who have succeeded to the level uh to which you you want people to attend to so what you do is to compare everything going on in the lives of these five ten thousand people to find that the common practices that all right are throughout the entire lives of the 10 000 people you want to find the hidden principles that they might not even be aware of in other words the people who are practicing it or practiced it or were in those environments did not orchestrate it they just happened but these are the things that actually facilitated their success and so the student comes there to find out what these principles are so for example in growing spiritually you may not be aware and i personally wasn't even very conscious of the principle of small groups on seal all right somebody said something i was listening to a person and he said the power of small groups and it challenged everybody doing something to find out and look into your life and you'll find out that this small group prince well then i began to think and i realized it was actually there so you may not all right be conscious of certain things that were at play in your own life but what an outsider who is researching those is that they find all these common principles and say these are the five things that we have seen in the lives of people that have matured spiritually and attained to great height so what you now do with it is that you aggregate that's why you study those things so you can take the principles now and create a body of knowledge or a workable system where those principles are coherent are integrated into a hole and then pass it across to every single person that gets saved in other words these are the five pillars that must be in the life of any new christian that will cause them to mature all right spiritually at the fastest time and the high impact all right individuals on the earth and so that's why those kind of things are studied so that you can create a system that can now be intentionally deployed into the lives of people so we looked at the five catalysts and what are they number one i just want to know whether you are listened don't look at your notes don't look i know you're cheating all right so number one that's got teaching number two private there's five piece number three personal ministry number four providential relations number five pivotal circumstances all right so those five things there uh three of them you control two of them all right you must respond correctly when they happen and the three is all we look at first and then the other two so first of all we define spiritual growth as a process through which christ is formed inside of the individual christian to grow spiritually means there is an increasing measure of the formation of christ within that possible explaining but paul said that in galatians 4 19 he said my little children of whom i travail in birth again until christ be formed on the inside of you so it's the formation of christ within an individual romans 8 and verse 28 tells us this is the goal of god in our lives the formation of christ within us because it's only after that has happened that we can enter into the benefits and certain things on this earth so romans 8 and verse 28 says and we know that all things work together for good so them that love god now let me just say when it says all things work together for good to them that love god there's all things many of sometimes those things have an element of death in them many times have when i say element of death i mean what paul said in ii corinthians where he said we that live are always delivered unto death for christ's sake that the life of jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh so anybody that has an increasing manifestation or outward appearance of god-likeness and christ-like things know that it came out of experiencing death on the inside that death could mean all right disappointments in certain places all right lots of certain things that they might have thought they needed but later on when the things began to work out then they realized that the purpose of god has been fulfilled in a way they never thought nor realized but it contains that and therefore if you are going to be a solid christian the love of god is must be uppermost if you are in this thing for saying that we want to use god to get something and when we don't get what we want to get then you know we are going to start throwing tantrums then there's really no love of god and you won't have the staying power to be able to go through the process where the ultimate plan of god gets revealed in your life and everything falls into place and makes sense in other words it's when joseph got to the right hand of pharaoh that everything made sense but these were painful things that he faced betrayal from his brothers or a betrayal from potiphar after he was loyal to potiphar being lied upon thrown into jail death was at work that the life of jesus might be made manifest so you will go through things but ultimately all things will work together jesus said in this world you will have tribulation but be of good chair i have overcome so those elements will be there but what is uppermost in your heart is the love that you have for god and a demonstration of that love towards him like david said though he slay me right yet will i trust him or job that even though these things are not working out the way i thought they should i will worship and praise him and he says all things will work together for the good of that person romans 8 28 who are called according to his purpose romans 8 28 please or i called according to his purpose now what's the purpose verse 29 and we'll sit in this message where he's going with eight verse 29 it says for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be confirmed this is the formation of christ within a person paul said i travail until christ be formed there's that same word conformed the formation of christ all right confirmed all right to the image of his son that he might be first born among many brethren so let's get a glimpse as to how this formation works here all right because you get conformed to the image of jesus second corinthians 3 18 says we are with an open face beholding us in a glass the glory of the lord are changed into the same image so it's not getting confirmed by beholding from glory to glory even by the spirit of god so the spirit of god does that work so it tells us last sentence in romans 8 29 that he might be first born among many brethren now when he says first born among many brethren all right it doesn't mean that he is first born then the next person to get saved peter was second born and then john was third one and then that's how they were doing it until it gets to you and you are three hundred and something million born all right and that they are counting and god says we are counted how many children do you have he says uh we are now what's your number that's not what it means he is saying that you might be first born first born meant a prototype in other words every other child of god will be a first born you may come to that first born status all right he is producing first bonds his work was to produce first bonds and this is why those that preach that an adulterated grace message because i'm going to talk about grace this morning but the adulterated grace message where you're extending it what they technically are doing because they say well you know you're a child of god you're a child of god and all of that but what they are technically doing in that message is actually it's a satanic assignment which is to destroy all right people from maturing to first born so what happens is you'll be left with believers where the concept is if i sin because of the blood i don't get punished if you the unbeliever sin because you don't have the blood you are punished so the issue is we are both sinning but i am not getting punished but you are getting polished that is the whole revelation there and so you are left with almost a powerless gospel a form of godliness that denies the power thereof and that's not what grace is about grace have a power denying the power thereof and then people begin to sell their rights to be first born like esau for a muscle of meat and what is going on is there is an exchange going on in the realm of the spirit where people's destinies and inheritance all right are being taken out of them by them making decisions careless decisions there because they think all right this issue means that yes you can be a child of god but not that first born status in other words you are not mature you don't get to the point where all right you have that inheritance where you reflect the glory of god where you are moving from one level of glory to another so what happens at the end of the day is that satan therefore comes up with a message that even though there are more christians inside the nation that there is really no significant change that is going on because these people are not entering into it's a doctrinal thing into that place of first born not taking the very image of jesus christ so when you mature spiritually is when your soul takes the shape of the divine nature that is within you we've said man is a tri-paid being he's a spirit he has a soul and he lives within a body all right the soul there is his mind where his thoughts are intelligent his emotions feelings are where he likes doesn't like uh support and all of that feelings are there and then the wheel where decisions are being carried out and then he lives inside a body so when we say a person dies the person is still alive is that the spirit has departed or are literally from the body so we have that in scripture where we had the rich man all right and lazarus and what happened was he was telling abraham that listen ego feel there's so much heat in this place and he talked about his brothers he could remember he was still alive but he had departed or been severed from his body so man is a spirit being and he will live forever so eternal life doesn't mean con life forever is something else because everybody lives forever it just depends on where all right you will be living right so when the nature of god comes into our soul what happens is christ starts getting formed your mind now if your soul is controlled by your body then you cannot if the soul is controlled by the holy spirit then the person is called spiritual which means that if the thinking and the thoughts that that person has is all governed by the five fiscal senses if the emotions which means they're feeling and the decisions they're making are driven solely by the the flesh then you say they are carnal christians but when the spirit now begins to all right take control and the nature of god is taking shape within the soul of that person it means you start taking up the mind of christ you'll start having the intelligence of god you start thinking like god things all right you make your decision not based on information that the fiscal senses are given but information that the holy spirit is giving so this person decides with the will to do something and people around look around and say why are you making this decision but the holy spirit has passed information because they are spiritual to the mind of that person invest in this go in this particular direction associate here they are doing things just like paul because of that nature being formed in a soul when they are about to set on in the ship there set sail he said i perceive that this voyage will be too much happen and it would say what are you talking about the winds are blowing well everything looks good but he said i can perceive so the holy spirit begins to there's the benefit of going up growing spiritually i can perceive if that person is in business they perceive things and noah came to know that a flood was coming this is information that the spirit passes across to the mind and then explains again how you are to build this act because of the nature of the flood that is coming and what you are supposed to do so as christ is being formed within the soul we take up the mind all right of jesus we take up all right the emotions of god there and we begin to feel and relate with people the way god will and make decisions based on that so when you are growing up spiritually what does it mean second peter chapter 3 verse 18 it says grow in the grace grow in grace and in the knowledge of our savior jesus christ so grow spiritually is to grow in grace now what is grace that you are growing in i catch this grace is the influence of god all right let me let me use the scripture before i explain bible says come up to the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help so his supernatural assistant paul said in galatians he said when they perceived the grace that was given unto me let me pull up that scripture they gave on to me the right hand of fellowship all right next verse when james suffers and john who seemed to be pillars perceived so they could perceive it the grace that was given unto me they gave on to me and branagh the right hand of fellowship that we should go to the heathen now what do they mean by grace they perceived the previous verse says this verse 8 for he that wrought effectually in peter to the apostleship of circumcision the same was mighty in me towards the gentiles so it's the might of god they saw in paul so when you are growing in grace it becomes evidence that the workings of god within you and without are increasing every day so when they saw that grace they gave him the right hand of fellowship what was the grace that they saw they saw paul go out and preach to a man in lystra that was born crippled and all that happened was that he had paul preach and then the man leaped and started running they had news like that they saw the might of god at work inside of paul so they perceived that something was going on so when you are growing in grace what is happening is the influence of god in your soul and on the outside is on the increase every day you are moving from one level of glory to another level of glory now let me bring it down and make it practical why you need to mature spiritually now let's assume there is a couple that have a problem in their marriage and they're separate they're separated they're not a default but they're separated they haven't said the divorce what causes separation one party and it can be any of the parties doesn't have to be a man all right has an anger problem and severe anger issues now remember christ has been formed in the soul anger is an is a function of the soul when you get born again your spirit gets born again your soul is still the way it is so this person can pray in tongues but they have a real anger stuff issues the anger issues that once they say tree god there's violence it gets erupted disruptive there destroy things all right violence comes into it and it's always on the repeat so this person decides that look i've got to stay away for not so that there won't be bodily harm now if grace begins to walk now so what caused the problem or what's causing the problem in that marriage that anger issue in the soul what will solve the problem is the removal of anger that's this solution now you go and meet somebody and say listen you know now let's have a question we're separate just pray pray that that that we'll come back together we'll come back together but the problem hasn't been solved now when grace is at work what happens is the other party notices every day they influence of god in the soul is growing so when the trigger happens instead of that person getting violent someone says yeah this was going i said now thompson says listen maybe we should talk about this maybe we should go out for dinner huh the other person dinner what's going on that's grace are you from say the anger issue you go to the office that is why you need to go spiritually because many problems once you grow is over it doesn't cancel it it needs growth it is a formation of christ in the soul now so what happens that is that office everybody in the office says a guy is coming madam is coming they are on eggshells and then something goes wrong yeah i'm going to be sacked this one just comes in and says they say so what happened ah let me just tell you when i made a mistake like this going huh what's going on huh what just happened here that is greece that's the influence of god at work inside the soul of that person and as that person grows in grace every single area of your life starts coming under the influence of god conforming you all right to the place where you are christ-like that influence goes into the mind and the person sits down inside the office and the boss says look i want to make this decision and after i say i shouldn't say this but i just have an incline in my heart that this thing might go in this particular direction and it might lead to the loss of almost 100 million naira that's what i perceive but it's your call let's go on the bus goes on it ends up 100 million naira is lost next thing madame cobb are you a witch how do you know the exact figure grace are you saying what i'm saying yeah benefits of the formation of christ within your soul so let's go on here one more step here so when you grow spiritually you're growing the grace of god and it's tangible people can feel it you are becoming a better person every day people are enjoying your presence more you are more valuable to people around that is a greater measure of the influence of god is seen within you and on the outside in the things that you do colossians chapter one verse five and verse six that's what he's talking about discovering grace and i want to explain what it is for the hope that is laid out for you in heaven whereof you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel which is come to you as it in it is in all the world and bringeth forth fruit which means it starts getting fruitful i see doth also in you since the day you had it i knew the grace of god that is in truth jesus the bible says the law came through moses but grace and truth came by jesus so what the law brought was that commandments this is god's standard there was nothing wrong with the law paul said it was holy it was spiritual and it was good this is standard the problem with the law was that he gave the standard but didn't enable the individuals to fulfill it so what man came to experience by trying to do the law in his own effort was that repeated failure and inherently that's why the bible says through the law came the knowledge of sin which means that there is something in me that contradicts or is different from what is inside god i need a savior but grace now comes and says if you under the law adultery is a fiscal act under grace is to lost the standard got higher but the power to do it became available do you understand what i'm saying for it is now god who is at work in you both for you to will and also to do what to do of his good pleasure so the arrangements that jesus brought was that you will be enabled to do everything god asks you to do by the spirit of god and once you come to understand grace you understand the system through which god now is producing this stuff within you so to understand spiritual growth you must know one concept and this concept i want to explain i said this in other services it's a concept that every member of covenant nation must know it is the difference between your position in christ and explain this and the condition in your life now there is what is called your position in christ jesus and there is what is called the condition in your life right now your position is what you have in christ and who god has made you in christ your condition is what you have visibly now and who you appear to be your position is who god says you are your condition is who men say you are because that's what you appear to be so there's your position and there's your condition now as you grow spiritually the condition of your life begins to reflect more and more and this is that grace your position in christ let me explain it to make it easy i wrote a story here so you're going to the house of a man somebody goes to visit a man who is 62 years old now just imagine this he lives in the poorest part of the town or the city this man can barely feed his family because he got injured about 25 years ago on the job and can no longer do any form of work his wife is selling wood on the streets to try to end some money to support the family his children are struggling all right through the education you'll jump through the whole area as slums as you go to visit this man and he's sitting right there on his dining table sorrowful and in deep regret what i have described there is the condition of a person now the person that went to see him happened to be all right a friend of his or an old friend of his who is knowledgeable and when he goes there he always goes and hands here what i'm saying carefully now the man 25 000 naira to which that man on collecting 25 000 naira says thank you very much thank you so much and he's in tears thank you for this blessing you've given to me one day this man begins to look through the drawers of this 62 year old man because the man is illiterate or he really can't and this man stumbles on a document and finds out it is the will that his father left for him his father died let's say about 30 years or 35 years before this and in that will the amount of cash that he left for him can now be valued at that moment at 100 million naira he sees that vast farmlands were also given to him there are four properties in the city orlando that four wealthy organizations have built their offices on and all those things were given to him because he was the first son of his father what i have described first is the condition of the man what i describe second is the position of that man but his condition doesn't reflect his true position that position he didn't walk to get it his father gifted him the condition is what he's working to try to change do you get what i'm saying you'll see why paul said haven't begun in the spirit why are you trying to perfect in the flesh so the condition there now the minute this man tells him listen you have all this in this document he says are you serious bring the document let's see and start looking through it let me check let me check is anything more than that it's the same thing the day you discover your position in christ and the unsearchable riches that are there before you you will know you have been living years wasting your time because the holy spirit has been sent to make sure that the position that you got not by any label of yours but by christ's work should now become the condition under which you live that's what the spirit has come to do that's why the bible says we all with an open face beholding are being changed which means he's changing that so that's the condition all right and there so we see in luke chapter 11 verse 1. this is what prayer also does then i want to explain second concept it came to pass that as they were praying in a certain place when they had ceased one of the disciples said unto him teach us to pray as john taught his disciples and he said when you pray say this word our father what in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven on the earth which means it's about what is so in heaven that's our position all right our condition begins to take the shape of our position in christ so your position is perfect because it wasn't your work you were not there when god created the position in christ the same way that 62 year old man the position that he has is clearly the work of his father not his own work your position is perfect is the work of the father in christ independent of you your condition is imperfect and should be improving every day and the truth about the matter is till you leave this earth your condition will never match the fullness of your position because paul said this is what i'm preaching to you folks ephesians 3 he said this this is all i'm preaching to you he said in ephesians 3 verse 8 and i unto me whom i'm less than the least of these saints is this grace giving and my friend it takes grace to produce it that i shall preach among the gentiles the unsaturable riches of christ let me tell you this why it takes grace it is more appealing to a law-centered more appealing to a law-centered christian to teach them on what to do to try to change your condition without any knowledge of your position do you get what i'm saying which is once do this do this so people are trying to change the condition without any true knowledge of their position so it is works now are you following what i'm saying okay so it says the unsearchable which means this riches if you start searching it's like looking at the inheritance the documents you're even tired do you get what i'm saying look how it says here the unsearchable riches in christ and then he says to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world has been hid in god who created all things so these things were hid the bible says from ages and generations past no group of men on this earth have ever expressed in their condition the riches that you have in christ kings prophets desire to look into it you know what's happened to us in christianity somebody comes and says i will give you 25 000. you understand this your position is 100 million we are going to meet a pastor pray for me for 25 000 blessings do you get what i'm saying here things go wrong you don't know your position you don't have to download your unsatiable riches you are now operating with a beggary mindset galatians chapter four verse one it says this and i'm telling you ministers would love to apologize for tampering with this message the reason is when i was growing up as a christian i told them in abuja last week every tuesday scripture pastor will go and pray the only prayer points were that men be saved and christ performed in us we were praying that christ be fully formed christ be fully formed christ be fully formed christ and i'll show you because once christ is formed you can't do anything galatians 4 but you see it's easier to lead weak people galatians 4 1 now i say that an heir as long as he's a child different nothing from a servant though he'll be lord over all there's no difference positionally he is this has that but condition is like someone that has nothing he says but his other teachers are governed until the time appointed by the father he says even so when you are children we were in bondage to the elements of this world so bondage is there it takes growth to come out of certain things the solution really is spiritual growth so your condition is imperfect and should be improving every day not by human effort but by the spirit who was sent forth to make your condition look like your position the second point i want to bring today in closing all right i thought i'd be able to get to the thought but i'll mention it because i put that on instagram i will teach you on this and i put arrows but i i've struggled to get there all right but i will just say something about it and pick up next week in making your condition look like your position please hear this if you don't get anything get this the spirit does not directly change your circumstance the spirit changes you get what i'm saying now we've been praying god changed my circumstance god changed my situation god changed myself god changed my marriage god did it god is not changing me outside he's changing you let me give an example after he has changed you you will change your external god is not going to build the business he will build you you build the business god is not going to bring the clients he will build you you will know how to get the clients to you this was costing on some people that no longer really come to church and they say things on social media sometimes and you know you listen to what they're saying and they i get what i mean it's because they didn't understand the roots of christianity but i guess what you're saying what you're trying to say here is this please help me look for that scripture is in sound now judas i will make my first born higher than the kings of the earth all right now i will make him my first born higher now that's why we said it's first born higher than what's the kings of the earth now this is what they're saying they'll tell you that listen the christian will say you know i pray to god by praying to god my friend to god my praise to god god damn and bless my business all right but people that are most successful in business they are not shouting god god god this is the reality they build the businesses they are not shouting god god and you are praying to get a job in those businesses now and when he said i say it's a breakthrough i now walk with susan so but those people are not all right so what they are saying is that you people come this thing you are saying look at it well now what really is going on is that people are trying to get the blessings on the outside without allowing god to change them now god wants to make his first born higher than any king in other words when you meet any king in any industry and you are first born status the watch your mind is producing the king looks at you and says where did you get this information if you sit down in a strategy session it should be with christians gathered together things they should be saying there it should be fire on how we're going to grow this business fire nobody prays there they prayed before they came are you for nobody's playing religion there they don't go there and say oh listen to me let us pray no no they pray before they came they come to the meeting is and the unbeliever looks and says when from when it's cometh do you know what firstborn status is when christ is formed it's like a wind is blowing all around that's why jesus would look at them they would start win this boy he'll say what how long am i going to be with you people when will you know how to do it it's like a heavyweight is when we go out here and everyone is blowing that's why they said of just what manner of man are you what type of person are you where is my hand someone just comes out and says peace be still the wind stops all of you are doing church service they look at you they say do you know the god are you following what i'm saying is the formation of christ inside so that people come with that statue this one show yeah of jesus on the inside of them and that's what the spirit that's why in second corinthians look at what he says in 3 18. look how he says here it says that second corinthians 3 but we all with an open phrase beholding us in a glass the glory of the lord are changed into that same image so is you he changes from glory to glory so there is greater glory in you all right by the spirit of god you change now let me give you three scriptures isaiah chapter 41 god says we pray god move the mountain god says i'm not moving any mountain you are the one going to move your mountain isaiah 41 and verse 15. look how it says behold i will make thee that's you a new that's an it hasn't happened before a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth and thou shall thresh the mountains who is threshing the mountains you what god does is to change you into an instrument with teeth and then you now go and use what he has changed you to so if you meet the christian he should be a transformed person that is with the capacity to do certain things he said and you will beat mountains and beat them small and thou shall make heels of us chaff look at what jesus said matthew chapter let me say this here matthew chapter 4 and verse 19. he says and he said follow me and i will make you fishers of men now that i just go out on evangelism i will make you they say if you don't know how to fish and they take you to the lagoon put you in a canoe even when the water you say please let me get that because you are not a fisherman you you you'll be shaking you say this night where do you carry it now when he has made you a fisher of men it means you know how to get the job done this is not guess work the way a fisherman goes out if he makes you that's why he told abraham a father of many nations have i made thee not that i will give you i will make you somebody then you will go out and do stuff so when you are made you end time to a company it is not a question of you are not delivering any value then you are quoting the scripture lord lord lord promotion doesn't come from the bible says god is the judge you know what that means he looks at the value you are bringing in if you are not bringing value say sit down where you are god is the word judge is they said god is a promoter god is the word judge he puts one up this one you can be praying and he judges that you should go down yes read it how can you join a company you are so what are you doing you're stealing they're increasing the value you're not putting anything but because the company is making more money you are saying by force you should ask yourself if they take me out of this organization will the organization go on if the answer is yes you are not qualified for increase that is you should tell yourself god all right make me do you get what i'm saying that when you are made into something and your production even the owner of the company will say they will call look all this corporate governance is just governance to cooperatives it's not that people it is not it's not cast denial if a very productive person comes and i don't want to lose the productive person the owner will call that person outside please between both of us don't tell anybody i'll just be making bonuses to you but if you have anything on your idea come directly to me let me tell you where we can meet uh we can have lunch don't say ah are you from saying and that's going because he knows where the production is coming after some time he said don't worry i will increase my shares offer you will put it get your lawyers so that they will know in the communities you getting this then we do it use legal instruments to retain people with value and when christ is formed in you then you become that type of person that's why isaac didn't struggle they took his father as well they said you can take they took the other one so you can take when they finally said you don't understand it is not that god gives us blessing we are the blessing anything we touch prospers this is not a game of chance it was who joseph was not what god was giving him because anywhere joseph went the pattern was the same it was joseph you remove joseph as spotify everything came down so god judges everybody judges that's why spiritual growth is important all right last one i'll quote here and i'll close john chapter 1 verse 8. all right this book of the lord shall not depart out of your mouth you shall meditate on the day at night that thou mayest observe to do according to that which is written for then who is going to make your way prosperous who thou shalt make thy what thy way prosperous and thou shalt have what good success i'm gonna have what questions someone told me in fact somebody went to introduce me somewhere and it's no lie and i'm sure they're watching now because the opening business is everywhere the lady her husband was because there are ministers in church one was introduced to me so my wife used to tell me she said it's everything i used in my business i got it from walker's meeting in fact there was last workout we had there was a couple here the husband was writing he's not a walker but he followed the wife because the wife is a minister and he was writing the wife told said i was telling him this is not church mata you're right now what person is teaching is church mata he was writing his own business strategy from it when you say souls you put product services he was drawing graph are you following what i'm saying here it's not about being religious is that the holy spirit has entered your mind you should go to work and when you talk i mean phil daniel um philip daniels what's that's not enough right one of the three families in the world they are allowed to print their currency i wonder i played again because they gave me the training they're not supposed to give you supposed to be seven thousand dollars for the cd but we did it once twice they just left everything with me but i i keep it into my house but yesterday i mean one of the training was talking about wealth creation he said look a peter daniels he said somebody in the office they said every time they having board meeting he goes to the bathroom so the other ones were complaining they didn't know how much he brings 80 percent of what we are using the company is him bringing it he said so they came to meet me said i wish all of you will go to the bathroom too if you are as productive as him if you are highly productive you are taking a phone call they don't know what that is the deal you are closing they say you just step outside and take the phone call when you are not productive they say let me warn you you do not take your god's side don't ever try to take any phone inside this meeting you say but you are being passionate you say i've been pressure they angry at you everything called what is the benefit of it in fact the guy said next time if you're in a meeting and doesn't go to the bathroom i'm asking haven't you why you going because we don't know what is the key we are trying to get handouts when god is trying to make us says men are looking for better tools god is looking for better men he makes you so let me just close here because i put it out on ig so let me just show it because i thought i would get to this as the thought so in this process of making you there's what we call private discipline so many of these problems is is who people are a marriage is as good as the characters in the marriage there's nothing troubling you anyway is character all right say some people are following us nobody's following you he's character following you all right as they say shakespeare the fault is not in our stars he's inside us i say therefore that's why the marriage is just breaking that's why the mind is just breaking is the tongue that is causing the problem it's the way you respond that's where the problem is so that is what god says i want to solve why is the business not working i mean i'm going to do this on midweek service you version the first time they did it the guy was presenting it you version you know the bible version the first thing it was a website he didn't walk he said he totally failed he told people in the congregation because it was craig rachel's church pastor he said he said do you remember this website no he said then blackberry came out and they talked about something and then we changed and then he said next thing apple steve jobs just announced about apps and i got a 19 year old boy there he built an app he said within two weeks we had 83 downloads first set of apps that came out but they failed at first they didn't blame anything there's something wrong are you fully so just put up the image let me close here so here we have the image here and so there's the full stature of christ and jesus said i'm the vine you are the branch so there's a connection let's just see this invisible cord between you and jesus from the heavens passes through the heavenlies and that's you growing up all right as more of that life because the branch does not use any effort to bear for fruit apart from abiding the vine so long as it stays in the vine the vine passes all within to it and it brings forth fruit so here is the flow of life from christ the vine into you the branch this should be happening every day the private disciplines is what ensures that that happens so let me get into private disciplines which means the private disciplines minister you just ask me i'll give you all right yeah you're powerful now you're powerful all right so life is flowing there and jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you the words they are they must explain so it's remarks that are constantly coming in so every day you have to have the discipline whereby this life is flowing now when that life begins to flow in you start seeing things and you start saying what he shows you within and as you start speaking for those words your environment begins to change in other words jesus said if you are thirsty come to me and drink he that believeth on me as a scripture said out of his belly shall flow so you take into your belly then from your belly you now cause it to flow out there please put up the scripture let the redeemed of the lord say so in terms so you must keep all right that's what i want to say here private discipline says want to look at it what causes there to be that constant or right surge of life because if that life stops and that's what peter was telling them he said come on serve tables he said we cannot serve tables he said because if we leave the ministry of the world and prayer we are going to have a short supply of that coming into us we are not going to grow then on the outside the impact of our work will begin to diminish because if you stop life from flowing into a branch then it begins to wither all right when he says let the redeemed of the lord say to whom he hath redeemed from the hands of the enemy now so that scripture says the lord has already redeemed let the redeemed of the lord say so whom he hath redeemed there is a past tense so he is already redeemed from the hands of the enemy but he has to do what say so that is his position if he let's go back chief i didn't ask for the redeemed of the lord says so i'm not bill winston i don't have hundred dollars to give i'm joking i'm joking with you all right let the redeemed of the lord say so whom he hath what redeemed from the hand of the enemy so he has already redeemed you but you have to do what say so so what the spirit does is he reveals positional truth you say so do you get what i'm saying that's why it says in this world you have tribulation be of good chair i have overcome as you rejoice the spirit reveals positional truth then you say it and then he might so in that revelation he changes who you are all he's about father in the name of jesus we thank you for your word this morning i ask by the power of your spirit that you cause this world to take deep roots in us and to bring forth fruits in our lives in the name of jesus with all heads bowed the nice clothes if you're here this morning i just want to make two calls you do not know jesus as your personal lord and savior this position we are talking about in christ is not known to you you have never received them therefore you cannot as in ephesians 2 1 we saw where the bible says he's rich in his mercy he quickened us caused us to sit together with him at the right hand that is not present in your life you may have been coming to church but that transition has not occurred from into the kingdom of his son jesus where you have your position in heaven and you want to receive jesus this morning to enter into your position at the right hand of the father i want to pray for you and number two if you've received him but you've not received the holy spirit the second gift with the evidence of speaking in other tongues that is the flu the supply of the spirit the life that comes from jesus that flows right down into us and you happen to receive the holy spirit there all right so you won't have the full benefits of that union with christ for the first thing the bible says he will do is that he will baptize you with the holy spirit john said that he said i baptized with water he is coming to baptize the holy spirit for when the holy spirit has come he will begin to do things on the inside of you you fall into any of these true categories all right i want to pray for you this morning with all hezbollah a nice close where you are just lift up your right hand and i will pray for you anybody here you want to anybody in the auditorium you want to receive jesus or receive the baptism of the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in all the tongues and you are here this morning where you are just lift up your right hand quietly and i have god bless you for that and god bless you for that hand i see you second hand i say thought and god bless you any other person god bless you for that hand god bless you any other person all right god bless you for that hand those of you with your right hands up quietly just stand to your feet so he can see you and i'll pray for you where you are god bless you just rise up for god bless you god bless you even if you didn't put up and god bless you even if you didn't put up you can't stand up god bless you god bless you if you didn't put up your hand you can all right stand up father i pray for this once in the mighty name of jesus christ i ask whichever if it's to receive jesus or to receive the holy spirit i ask that when they are prayed for that if there be any inhibition within their hearts any mindsets that will hinder this from happening that it be removed this moment in the name of jesus that as they are prayed for instantly the miracle will occur within their souls and inside their spirits in jesus name all right let everybody take this confession together in the name of jesus i declare jesus came into this earth to die for my sins on the third day he was raised up from the dead i believe in my heart in the resurrection of jesus and i confess with my mouth that jesus christ is my lord my sins are forgiven i am born again i'm a child of god's kingdom in the mighty name of jesus christ amen um all right the gentleman putting up his hand here at this point just quickly see him after the service all right and he will he's standing he'll be on that very spot where he was god bless you all put your hands together for your amen and god all right um three announcements quickly first announcement please uh our declarations continue are splanting words and speaking words like we said you must say it whatever is not said is not recognized the realm of the spirit and the principle is let's get it right let's do things the right way you can't lay foundation when the flood is on jesus before he came john the baptist had to be the voice crime which means prepare you the way of the lord he says make a highway for the lord he says his glory shall be revealed and all flesh succeed you have to with your own words all right creates the way for the manifestation of christ's presence and glory within your life so what we're doing for 30 days is creating that pathway in the realm of the spirit saying words they're insane words prophetically and planting those seeds into the earth so that we take off once 2022 all right gets in number two fasting and prayer will be from the first to the 21st of december 21 day praying and fasting and then watch night service will be on the 31st at tafar bale square and then wafflex starts second of january to 9th of january all right it's going to be loaded i'm thinking should i tell you any speaker i must say let me not say but strong men are coming they just do that it's going to be a very powerful meeting all right saturday please um we're having a workers meeting who are workers members of departments cell leaders community group leaders core team members and well-wishers all right so the workers meeting will be here 8 am prompt all right you have the registration link you register you can get it through your leaders there register for the meetings from 8 a.m to 10 a.m they have very very important things all right new direction we want to share all right as we go forward god bless you all [Applause] let us rise to our feet to pray hallelujah it's quite clear what it is that we'll be praying for this morning so galatians chapter 4 verse 19 what do media help us so the prayer this morning is for christ to be formed in us it is quite clear that when christ is formed in us all things are possible so let us start to let us read the scripture together my little one two three go my little children of whom i travail in birth again until christ be found you let us start to pray in the spirit if you can pray in the spirit start to pray in the spirit christ should be formed in us hallelujah when christ is formed in us all things are possible we become transformed we become we begin to be transformed from the inside the change that we need is not external it needs to happen on the inside of us hallelujah libra kashaka satan yadava [Music] i want you to pray this morning like your life depends on it because our lives depends on it if we want to see the manifestations of the sons of god christ has to be fully formed in us hallelujah you want to be transformed in your home you want to be transformed as a wife as a husband as a business owner as a career person you need to be transformed on the inside libra casa tanda under transformation it happens with the help of the holy spirit [Music] it's about you going into the word le braka satan fixing your eyes in the word fixing your eyes on it hey you said you shall meditate on this book of the lord day and night so that you shall be careful to do all that is written in it and then you will be transformed to make your way prosperous hallelujah lord we need you we cannot do it without you you are our oxygen you cannot live without oxygen so you can live without christ being fully formed in you as a christian elaborate as a burning a child of god elaborate [Music] [Music] [Laughter] holy spirit you are our helper your intercessor you are our strengthener you are stand by your director your guidance you are everything to us we cannot do it without you you are the one that gives us correction you give us you teach us how to make adjustments where we should go what we should read what we should listen to what we should not listen to holy spirit we need you we can't do it without you beckett said to your level i want you to cry out to god this morning i must manifest our library together we all must manifest if we all manifest the world will be transformed every day you see me i am going to be a newer version an upgraded [Music] foreign [Music] in jesus mighty name we have prayed father we want to thank you because we know that we will manifest and we start manifesting from now because things will change we will go into the word and the word will begin to transform us all in jesus mighty name amen [Music] luia let's have our seats please good morning church we'll take the closing confession it's our power declaration for the week let's say so let's go i declare this week the lines are falling onto me in pleasant places my steps are ordered by the lord every day i open my mouth wide declaring the things i believe calling into existence those things i see with my inner eyes as though they are and god in return daily loads my life with benefit advancing my position morning by morning he opens my ears to hear his voice and has positioned me by his instructions such that others call me fortunate lucky and blessed by what has occurred every day i declare wisdom is the principal thing therefore i have gotten wisdom and with her understanding i call wisdom my sister an understanding my closest friend i have exalted wisdom and she has promoted me making my life glorious she has brought me to the place of honor because i have embraced her i have listened to her and received our sayings and so by the decisions i make years are added every day to my life god has taught me in the way of wisdom he has led me in the right parts when i go out this week my steps do not end in dark narrow passages nor do i waste time making wrong turns in jesus name amen let us put together offering our that's and offering right now this is the time to give our offerings your tights if you need a tight envelope please raise your hand for your offerings there is an envelope on your seats please package your thoughts and offering as we pray over them we'll use the scripture first corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 and we declare it over our seed this morning let us read together and god is able to make all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to me in abundance so that i always under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation father we thank you for your abundance thank you for the life of christ that we have we thank you for the seed in our hands thank you for this opportunity to give out of the plenty you have given us lord in jesus name we seed this and ask your blessing upon it in jesus name amen praise the lord if you're worshiping with us for the first time at the covenant nation negomo we would like to welcome you this morning so if this is your first time in this house please can you rise up on your feet let us give you a covenant welcome warm welcome thank you so much for coming today god bless you sirs god bless you mars thank you for coming he who has begun this good work in you is sure to perform it bring it to completion you're welcome this morning we love you with the love of god thank you for coming and on behalf of our pastor our senior pastor pastor poju and his wife pastor tony amadi we would like to welcome you today to the covenant nation you are welcome god bless you we would like you to move take your bibles your bags everything you came with this morning please move to my right which is your left there is a team who is going to give you a warm reception this morning please put your hands together for them if you are beside them or along the way please welcome them warmly welcome them warmly to the covenant nation god bless you thank you for coming please move to my right you can do better put your hands together we are so glad to have them delighted to have them this morning thank you for coming god bless you we will take the digital announcements now here are the announcements our midweek service holds on the 16th of november at 6 30 pm prompt it will be a time for an in-depth study of god's word it has become our tradition to break bread and drink of the blood every tuesday come and be part of this refreshing time you can also listen via mixalar.com simply search for tcn e-commerce center and listen tuesday at 6 30 p.m it's good news for all our single ladies and gentlemen tcn igamu now has a singles fellowship and is open for membership we don't hope you remain singles for too long you know but while you wait simply use the link b i t dot l y forward slash tsf to register you'll be glad you did the following departments are calling for volunteers and new members the children's church the teens church e-library unit the medical team the marriage enrichment team egomu center for those who have been married for five years and above if you're interested in joining any of these departments please visit the info desk for more information those interested in joining the medical team can send an email to tcn egomu medical at gmail.com our online prayer meeting continues this saturday the 20th of november at 7 00 pm on mixilar.com forward slash tcn hyphen igor hyphen center do you have yourself a great week and god bless you the weapons of our warfare are not colonel we are not your regular army we are god's army we also want empowered and deployed for love maxed up or not we see you come rain or shine we will stand with you fired up with love in our veins we cannot be weary because we are on a mission to take care of you we stand for you we are your ushers and we are growing to join us send your email and phone number to c3 ushers at gmail.com or pick up a firm from any of the ashes at the end of your service we love you and we can't wait to have you join us [Music] our midwife thank you so much what to media um i have to make a comment about the austrian that was powerful but you know we're in the lord's army now we are all together in the lord's army so please if you want to join the austrian department please send that email or meet the head usher after the service god bless you um also if you give your life to christ or you were baptized in the holy spirit this morning during the ministration of pastor poju please would like to also meet with you there is a brother by my right which will be your left he would see you he would meet with you this morning also if you park services if you parked in front of someone the ushers would like you the traffic units would like you to come out that was a phenomenal message wasn't it it was an insightful message and um the the the it was insights for living most definitely we need to understand our positional and conditional circumstances in christ and these two should progressively align to do that as christians we need to steward what we receive the word we receive appropriately and then also appropriate our blessings from the word of god um um adequately and appropriately so in to do this um if you all recall if you were part of last week message we also mentioned pastor went over that um the five pillars the catalyst for spiritual growth in this message is to take this step by step we need to receive the word of god through practical teachings to study of the study of the word you receive and understand and discover the truth the treasure that is in the word of god that is your blessing and then um with private discipline that requires private discipline to actually then take this by saying it as a redeemer of the lord say it and bring it to life and this progressively transforms your life and that is what we are required to do to grow into the full maturity of christ for christ to be formed in us for for us to grow into the full image of christ that we express the life of christ everywhere we go not just on a pulpit but in every area of our lives in the marketplace in relationship with people that we actually demonstrate the effectual power of christ in our lives and i'm sure that you have been blessed today and it cannot end here you actually should receive the word and practice it we're not heroes only we are doers of the word and so we're going to go into our week go from today onwards we continue to do this word and actually um receive the blessing that is therein received the blessing of actually um living the image of christ in in our daily lives um as pastor has explained it is it is almost worthless you can't you don't want to be a baby and not grow so what we want to achieve is that maturity and let's let's do that in our lives and if you give your life to christ because that is the prerequisite to be to receive any of what we're talking about if you give your life to christ during this service please go to our website at www.insightforliving.org forward slash new to church and share your experience with us let us know and somebody will reach out to you and you should also go to the bible believing church if you are not if um wherever you are and of course if you're in the city of lagos or in any of the cities where um a covenant christian um a covenant nation um campus is at we would love for you to come in if you do wonder if the lord is leading you to come in and join us and come and we'll be able to fellowship with you and help you in the process of your growth where of course we are in um all over the city of lagos if you go to our website and our social media handles you'll be able to see the information regarding all of this we're also in ibadan in um uyo in very soon we'll be in pothakot and of course we're in abuja as well so if you're in any of those cities and of course if you're outside the country we're coming to a place near you sometime very soon um if you're in any of those cities please come in and join us for fellowship and if we are not please you will need to fellowship with the children of god it helps the process of growth as we talked about at the beginning of this service uh talking about um working with god and how to um show um an external environment that enhances growth that includes fellowshipping with the children of god all right so you should listen to this message again and to do that go to our archives at elibrary.insightsforliving.org and you can access um the messages from the all of the messages that have been preached at covenant nation and of course if you go to our social media platforms where these messages were aired today you can still access that and you can receive you can listen to the message again before we go i'm just going to share if some information part of which pastor has shared i'm talking about talking about christ being formed you know i was talking about the reading of the lord saying so we have been do we are in a season of planting we usually do this at the end of the year at the covenant nation and we started on the 1st of november and so you should join us for the watches that's from six a.m nine and three hourly after that till twelve midnight you are we're planting powerful seeds to and making the way paving the way for a powerful 2022 all right so we would like for you to join us and of course on mixelr and on pastor's um instagram handle um for some of these sessions but constantly on mixelr so just look for covenant nation on mixcellar and you can join us there um we also have prayer meetings at 5am every morning and you should join us we pray for concerning our lives we pray for our family we pray for the covenant nation we pray for nigeria you know and you can pray for your nation wherever you are so 5 a.m nigerian time join us for prayers and then the watches from six um from six a.m you know and so um that is taking us powerfully to the end of the year and this is going to culminate in um a period of fasting for 21 days from the 1st of december to the 21st of december and then we have um our watch night service on the 31st at baliwa square and then the exciting time of the year where our year actually starts at the governor nation we're going to have wolfbeck 2022. wifebeck is the west african faith believers convention and it holds from the second to the ninth of um january 2022 i would advise you to make some time out um even if you are joining us online because it's going to be streamed live it will be good if you're able to take some time off work to be part of it to actually be part and be immersed in in what deck and so we're looking forward to having you and you
Channel: The Covenant Nation
Views: 6,994
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Id: DzvtbmusuFE
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Length: 115min 8sec (6908 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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