15 Profitable Small Business Ideas for 2021

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hey guys welcome to silicon valley girl today is one of my traditional topics one of my favorite topics we're going to talk about small business ideas for 2021. so if you're interested in starting something that people really need continue watching this video up to the very end i'm gonna pour some really i think they're really great i'm gonna pour some great ideas on you guys but before you continue watching like this video and if you're not yet subscribed this channel hit the red subscribe button below business idea number one organic vending machines whenever i arrive at a hotel or a motel or whatever when i see a vending machine it's normally coca-cola some unhealthy snacks a lot of sugar and i wonder like should i just skip this meal and wait for something that is healthy or should i have a cheat day an organic vending machine business would be a great business for places where people tend to care more about their health and where they watch what they eat in 2019 the vending machine market in the united states was over 6 000 million dollars and is projected to be over 7 000 million dollars by 2026 so this market is definitely growing this business is more suitable for high traffic areas of the city and maybe for a little richer population the next business idea would provide a solution for parents in california and some other parts of the us where you are required to put your child in a car seat so the problem is whenever we want to travel by taxi i either need to carry my child's car seat but if we are flying from abroad we're coming to an airport like this is something that is going to happen to us very soon like i'm a little confused our car is in a parking in our friend's house and we're going to arrive at the airport and we would need to somehow get back home and i didn't want to rent a car but it looks like the only solution for us is to either rent a car or i found this one service one company in san francisco that provides taxis with car seats because if you just order uber or lyft yes you can write a comment that i need a car seat i have a baby but it doesn't necessarily mean that the driver that would arrive will have this car seat and we had this situation couple times when the driver arrived and he realized oh my god your baby's too small for my car seat and he just canceled the order and when you arrive from a transatlantic flight you don't want someone to cancel on you you want just to you know sit down in your car and go straight home so my solution here is i'm either asking my friend to bring a car to to the airport i'm gonna rely on that small company i'm not even sure it's working right now but you know we need more businesses like that we need taxes for children we need taxes with car seats and by the way if you start getting more and more clients in some areas there is a good potential to be acquired by a bigger company by a bigger player like uber or lyft and another idea is driver for your car and again yes i know it exists i know you can find a driver would cost you hundreds and hundreds of bucks but the problem is there is no the service that makes it available for normal people like again in russia where i come from it is really really easy to find a driver for your car because for example you went to a restaurant you had a couple drinks you're no longer allowed to drive and some people would break the rule and they would just start driving some people would grab a taxi and then they would have to return the next day to pick up their car but instead in russia there is a service where you can just call and ask the driver to come and drive your car with you back home again this is amazing i haven't heard about it in the us i'm pretty sure it exists in some parts but it's not that widespread and we need more of it the next service that i would personally use i would call it find a doctor service find a doctor business so the problem with insurance is it works with a lot of doctors like for example i need to find a pediatrician and there are so many dogs in the area for example if i'm in san francisco there are 200 pediatricians and if i go and yelp maybe 20 or 30 of them have five stars and you start calling them and they're either on a lunch break or nobody picks up and when i looked for a doctor for myself it took me five hours to find the right doctor because when i called the office they would tell me oh you know they're fully booked oh you know they're not accepting new patients oh do you know that the next available appointment is in 20 2064. something like that i would really use a service where call you and ask you hey guys i need this doctor this is my problem this is my insurance this is how far i want this doctor to be from my home and this is the minimum rating that i'm looking for could you please find me that doctor who would be available to see me within the next two weeks that would be awesome that would save so much time by the way this problem made me hire a personal assistant a virtual personal assistant because i just couldn't work have a baby have a family and spend five hours per day looking for the right doctor for my family because we were new to the area and it took some time to find the right people talking about the right people talking about great connections i really think that a welcome to the usa service something like that would be helpful for immigrants for workers from other countries from people who arrive to the us to become a citizen become a permanent resident there are thousands and thousands of people like that every single year 2020 was a little different but the trend has been there for decades and it's going to continue so the problem is when you arrive in the u.s in other countries you don't really have a cpa like in a lot of countries you just file your taxes automatically and if you have a business in the u.s if you have something going on in your previous country then you need a cpa in other countries it's not really typical to create a living trust and i'm reading a lot of books i'm talking to a lot of people and they say that the best thing you can do is establish a living trust the day you start a company or the day you start making money and then you need doctors you need to rent a car if you don't have a social security it's really really hard to rent an apartment and i've seen some specialists doing really well in this niche they're called like welcome to the usa specialist they would meet and greet you and then they would provide the necessary contacts cpas doctors uh they would help you rent an apartment something like that for your language if you're bilingual something like that even in english would be in really really high demand because when people come to a new country especially usa which is very different from other countries like even compared to europe even compared to russia you really need this trusted person in a country to help you with everything the next idea is also connected to travel and i saw this kind of business first in russia it is called food delivery to the airplane or to the train so when you're traveling like we know there are five hour flights six hour flights in the u.s where they don't serve you food they give you like a pack of chips and that's it you really need to eat when you fly and sometimes you just can't prepare the meal yes i take eggs with me i take stuff with me but sometimes i'm in a rush and then i arrive at the airport and in some airports everything is closed right now in some airports you only have unhealthy stuff that you don't want to eat and yes there are some services that would help you order from airport restaurants and deliver that to your gate but what i'm talking about here is that you prepare meals and deliver them to the airport for people healthy in-flight meals or you deliver them to the train station half an hour before the train parts or two hours prior to the flight and i want you to be a specialist in it i want you to prepare food that would be edible when it's cold that will last for three four or five hours that will be packed in a way that there will be no problems with the tsa and security checkpoints but again in russia a lot of my friends use this and healthy food delivery to their train to the airplane is a great great service another cool business idea it is kind of starting in the us one of my silicon valley friends has already started this in new york and they're expanding to san francisco it is huge in russia it is huge in countries like india and china this is where you get food delivered within 15 minutes it's not like your instacart it's not amazon whole foods delivery it doesn't take hours the way this business works is that people rent an apartment or they rent like a small storage space they fill the storage space with products that are in really high demand all the time you know milk chips beer toilet paper sugar whatever they create an app or you can create a website where you can order everything online and because they only serve the area 15 minute walk or 15 minute bike ride from the storage they are able to deliver things within 15 minutes you can start locally if you have like a busy area where you live and then you can expand i think this is the future of delivery like amazon has won the market because their delivery times were like one day and was free and free returns and it was similar to other online shopping websites but the service is everything these days and if you're able to deliver things that people need right now in 15 minutes this is a game changer people are stuck with you they're not gonna switch to instacart they're not gonna switch to amazon because 15 minutes it's just a completely different mindset you know you're cooking something oh my god i don't have spaghetti anymore 15 minutes and they're at your door another business idea is something that i'm a huge fan of is to start a youtube channel in the area of your expertise i'm really fond of people who are professionals in some area and who are producing videos about it like i've started my youtube channel talking about toefl and gmat and i took them myself i have a three million youtube channel where i talk about the english language because this is my passion and i've been learning it since seven years and i took a lot of tests i won some competitions like huge national competitions in english this is something that makes a great income first of all you get paid by youtube by adsense second you can have partnerships where companies pay you to advertise their products third you have affiliate links or you produce your own products like courses or manuals or you create a physical product so the opportunity here is amazing and what i see in the well this is my vision for the future i see that in the next five or ten years almost everyone would have their youtube channel or a social media outlet where they post regularly but the problem is because there would be more and more influencers everyone would kind of be a micro influencer because people can't just follow everyone but now is still a great time to start i see a lot of creators on the rise i see a lot of new ideas flowing around youtube and if you want to start in 2021 the link to my course will be below there i just gathered my experience of starting three youtube channels two of them have over a million followers and the third channel you're watching right now they are on completely different topics but i think the reason why all of them perform well is because i kind of attract youtube algorithm so there are some rules that you can follow to create content and the algorithm would pick it up and would help you make a whole business out of it the link will be below the next idea again personal chef and you might tell me in comments below marina but of course rich people have personal chefs i'm talking about being a personal chef for again normal people you don't have to be a culinary artist you don't have to throw dinners for 12 people i'm talking about day to day cooking more and more people are staying at home more and more people are working from home and when you're working from home and when your kid is at home it's really really hot it's a lot harder than working from the office when your kid is with someone and cooking is like another task that would take some time away from you i started doing this in the u.s i just found a russian girl who liked to cook and i started paying her by hour and she would come and she would cook for us for five or six hours and she would cook enough food that would last us for three to four days maybe a week because sometimes she did frozen food you can start as a one person business you just create a website you advertise around your area you give people leaflets with menus that you can provide and say hey i can cook for you every monday from 1 to 5 p.m you choose from the menu that i've provided and then you have all the recipes you come you can also create an additional service where you buy all the products i would use the service 100 and i know a lot of moms and professionals who care about what they eat who really love home-cooked food but they just don't have time for it and they're willing to pay extra cash for someone to come and cook for them the next idea is a little more complicated from the ones that i mentioned before just because it is a small business idea but it requires some knowledge and it requires some work before you can actually start this is called direct access testing and what i mean by that is again something i've seen in other countries when you want to draw blood and check your vitamin d levels iron levels i don't know whatever i i just like to check things because i take a lot of supplements and yes i have a doctor but instead of calling her every time and asking her for a lab request i just do that myself every three months because i want to track my health and for example again in russia and some other countries you can just come to a private lab and say hey i need this this this and this they would run a test on you they would give you the results that's it i know there are some issues with it i know that sometimes you can get too scared or disregard a result that should have been important and it's important to consult with your doctor but if you're doing this for the 20th time in your life if you're just checking your vitamin d level i'm pretty sure you can do that by yourself and a lot of people are biohacking these days taking supplements and it's a lot worse to take supplements without knowing your current vitamin level than just testing it regularly and adjusting the doses with your doctor so some states in the us prohibit those kind of testing but 37 states allow that and again there are some issues there are some labs i know there is like a big website where you can order a test online and then you go to either lab corp or another big lab and they run a test on you but the problem with that is that the test that you can order without a doctor's prescription the list is really really limited and it wasn't enough for me for example in california i had to find the doctor you know explain what i need get this lab request and again go to the lab so it's a little complicated when you have labs available to people because when you understand the audience that needs that kind of testing like biohackers or people who take a lot of supplements you can have a doctor on site and that solves a lot of legal problems again i'm not a specialist here i'm just talking about how other labs work in other countries you need to research what's going on in your state but again i see those businesses exploding in a lot of countries like russia has labs everywhere people line up to see what's happening with their bodies so something to explore here the next service that i really really need and everything is coming from my problems i love all the ideas that i mentioned in this video and if i had passion for them i would have started them by myself but i have passion for some other things i have passion for youtube i have passion for languages so i'm doing what i'm passionate about but if you're passionate for ideas that are mentioned here go ahead try you know we only live once and we want to help people with these ideas so the next idea pack and move service where people not just take your boxes and move you but where people help you with bagging like they take your makeup and they pack everything they take care of everything so they just come to your apartment you say okay see you in the evening in the new apartment and they move everything completely so you don't have to do any packing and again i've seen some services like that they are not available everywhere not in every single state in san francisco i've seen maybe a couple and there is a lot of demand right now people are moving out of san francisco people are moving to towns people a lot of my friends move to l.a and this is something they would really use because packing for me when we moved out of our san francisco apartment it took us a month because we had so much stuff and i didn't want to do everything in two days we just started doing everything slowly and gradually and we lived surrounded by boxes the next app or service an uber for manicure and haircut something that will make it accessible for people to invite a hair stylist or a manicure specialist to their homes you can either start it as a specialist to yourself for example if your hairdresser you can start a website you know call me and i will come to your house or you can create an app where people see available specialists right now who are able to come on demand which means they're able to come in the next hour you know this on demand things again it changes everything we are in the world where we want everything instantly we hate planning so if you're building a service whatever i mentioned here it is a game changer if it's available on demand and i know when you're starting small this is not actually doable but once you grow have this in your mind on demand is really important and the faster you are the bigger chances that you will be able to beat bigger corporations in your area and potentially either be acquired by a big corporation or compete with them on the same level the market for the next idea is going to be huge it is huge right now well it was 4.4 billion in 2018 and it's expected to be 63 billion by 2025 that is a little more than 10x and i'm talking about attention a drone videographer so first of all if you know how to operate a drone if you know how to create a footage for a drone you can be a filmmaker you can create movies you can create footage for ads you can work with bloggers second you can film different events like weddings or business events third there are a lot of industries that rely on images from drones like agriculture oil and gas civil engineering industries and they really need specialists like you they need small businesses that help hire such contractors then that would be drone delivery i'm hoping in the next couple years and again we would need people who know how to operate drones so if you're looking for a skill to hone in 2021 drone operating might be that skill smart home contractor the market for these specialists for these businesses is gonna double in the next five years and what they teach us in silicon valley always always look at markets that are scaling what is a smart home contractor so for example somebody is building a house and they need to make it a smart home you need cameras you need to operate the lights you need to operate the fridge like etc etc etc somebody who would come take a look at your house take a look at your project and come up with a list of possible solutions and create the whole system for you this is a smart home contractor this could either be a specialist or you can create a business where you have certain specialists in your company and you work as a contractor with either families or other businesses who are looking for a smart home another business is already rising but i see it rising in bigger cities and i see demand for it in smaller cities this business is called decluttering services or professional organizers i'm pretty sure you saw those instagram pages where everything is perfectly organized now where you see wardrobes where clothes are organized by callers and marie kondo who wrote a bestseller about decluttering and she has her netflix show made this mainstream which is amazing and there are some specialists that are following her methods some people come with their own solutions but a lot of families a lot of people are working from home they're realizing how much stuff they have and if they get rid of that stuff or organize it they would have an extra room in their house so this is something that people are looking for right now thank you guys for watching this video up to the very end i am looking forward to your comments like if you notice that i mentioned an idea and it's really huge in your city let me know if you notice there is an idea that really really needs other people's attention because you love it comment down below we need your comments i need your feedback it's really important because everyone has a different attitude everybody has a different life and i'm really looking forward to reading about your experience and about your ideas and comments below thank you guys so much for watching this video up to the very end subscribe this channel if you're not yet subscribed and i'll see you very soon in the next videos bye bye
Channel: Silicon Valley Girl
Views: 261,629
Rating: 4.8641334 out of 5
Keywords: silicon valley girl, marina mogilko, linguamarina, business ideas, profitable business ideas, in demand business, small business ideas, new business ideas, business ideas for the pandemic, business ideas for the coronavirus economy, how to start a business during a pandemic, start a business during coronavirus, new business, business ideas 2021, profitable business ideas 2021, in demand business 2021, start a business in 2021, small business ideas 2021, new business ideas 2021
Id: eEPPMJ0-H04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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