5 Board Games I Want To Play More in 2024

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welcome back to specifically solo my name is Jared Boomer and this is a channel that focuses on solo board games and solo modes for board games and today I wanted to talk about five games that I want to play more in 2024 now I did a shelf of Shame video These are not going to be those same games these are games that I have played before but I just feel like they have more discover or I haven't gotten them to the table enough and I want to focus on them more in 2024 so without further Ado here we go number five on this list is none other than Earth this is a tableau building game a card game with tons and tons and tons of cards in it and throughout the course of the game you are working on your own ecosystem you have terrain cards you have uh plant cards you have goal cards that you're trying to accomplish and every time I play it there is so much variability that happens with the game in terms of what cards come out and also maybe what goals you have there's lots of goal cards in the game you might have different starting conditions you might get different terrain cards or an ecosystem card so there's just a lot to discover in Earth and I just want to play it more in 2024 I've I've played it a couple of times I played it at a convention then I've also played it solo a couple of times and every time I really enjoy it and I just want to get it to the table more to really discover all the options that are that are in it and all the different strategies every game that I've played so Earth my number five game I want to play more in 2024 coming in at number four on the list is a game that I've played a couple of times but I feel like I just need to get it to the table more because it is so fun every single time that I play it and that game coming in at number four is none other than Obsession Obsession is a game set in Victorian England where you are a basically a royal family and you're trying to bring some prominence to your your house your family name and so throughout the course of the game you're going to have various guests that come to your estate you're going to host events with those guests using different workers that you have on your board the solo mode for this is really really easy to run you're just basically removing a tile from the market for the solo mode um and other than that you get to take your entire turn and you focus on yourself a lot more in this game the solo mode literally takes 15 seconds it's roll a die see what number it landed on figure out which tile from the market is going to be taken and replaced and then you're on to what you want to do next so there's tons of strategy with Obsession there's lots of different ways that you can gain victory points you might have a really good estate you might have a really good Gentry of guest cards that you are pulling in to to come to your estate and be a part of your your family you might also do some other things with Goal cards that come out in terms of the courtship how that works and and what goals you're trying to pursue so and it doesn't take long to play either it's about 45 minutes to an hour in terms of a a play of obsession it doesn't take up a lot of TBL space either so for all those reasons I want to play it more in 2024 I've played it a couple of times so far I've loved every single play and every time I see it on my shelf I think I want to get that out and I want to play it more this year okay number three on the list is Carnegie this is a game by Pegasus this is probably the heaviest game on this list by far but you are playing as basically Andrew Carnegie you are trying to develop your company you have workers you're trying to send them to different spots those spots do different things the solo mode works well in this one I I loveed this the first time that I played it I think it just da it's a little daunting to get out you know every single day it's going to take you a couple of hours to complete a game but when you do it is extremely satisfying and it is a fantastic Euro and a and a great worker placement game that I need to get to the table more I I look at it on my shelf a bunch and I I remember how much fun I had playing it that one time but like I said some of the setup is a little lengthy and some of the solo mode how it works you just have uh some more rules overhead than some of the other games on this list but that doesn't detract from the fact that it is a really really good game it's got extremely high quality components and it seems like even though I've only put it a couple of times there would be multiple different strategies to win and and pursue a victory in Carnegie so I want to check it out more that's my number three game on this list Carnegie from Pegasus okay my number two game on this list is the biggest game by far in terms of content one that I just got a few months ago the box is so heavy for this I'm going to try to hold it up and show you that is sleeping Gods distant Skies this is the new game from Ryan locket Red Raven games the sequel if you will to sleeping Gods this is an expo open world game where you have a crew the first one you have a ship this one you have a plane you're going to different locations and in classic Ryan Lockett style you are reading from a story book and that story book is going to tell you some things that happen to your crew some of them are good some of them can be very very bad I've played a couple of sessions of this solo it works fantastic Solo in fact what's really fun solo is that you get to make all the decisions it's a little selfish sounding but when you are the only one controlling all the characters you can decide what you want to do with each of those characters you can decide exactly where you want to go there's no conversing with other people around the table so if you're the type of person that likes that sort of thing that likes just setting up a a book and a big map and going out and exploring this is the game for you and I've played this a lot already this year I've probably put about 10 12 hours into this game just between the months of January and February and it is one that I I want to revisit because there is so much more story to discover and the campaign it is a campaign game as well so it's a it's a little lengthy campaign and I I I'm not even halfway through the campaign yet because I'm taking my time and I'm enjoying all this this world and the environment that Ryan Lockett has set up and it's a very easy game to play in terms of what you are actually doing but the the thinkness of it comes from how am I going to manage my crew members where do I want to go there's combat situations that you get into those are a little thinky but it's very fun taking a turn and saying okay we did that this turn now where are we going to go next what are we going to explore every square there's something else to to find in sleeping Gods distance skies and I love that so that's my number two on the list of games I want to play more in 2024 okay so my number one game is a game that was hard to get for a while it's from Days of Wonder and it was just out of stock a lot of places but I finally got it over the holidays I've played it a couple of times and I totally understand the hype and that is heat pedal to the metal this is a racing game art by Vincent DET trade and what you are doing is you are a race car driver you are going around the board there's multiple different tracks in the box and you are trying to strategically use your heat cards to gain an advantage it is a hand management game and it is a lot of fun also the solo mode works fantastic for this it could be really complicated for a racing game heat it is super simple you can race against the five other cars in this game and you can feel like you're having a full race every single time that you play the solo mode you just flip over a card depending on how close the car is to the next Corner that's how far the car is going to move and obviously every card is different so the cars it does feel like a race one car will go in front maybe you'll go in front maybe a car that's in the back jumps up to the front right at the end of the race and wins it is it is so fun it is a very quick game I want to play the championship mode for this which I have not done yet and there's multiple different modules that you can add in to like that Championship mode there's a weather mod module there's upgrades that you can apply to your cars and they just announced an expansion for this heavy rain which is going to be out later this year that's going to add some new elements to the game as well the base game already has so much stuff in it though between all of those modules and then the four different tracks it comes with two boards each board's double-sided so it is a great game fantastic solo game which is really hard to find in a racing game and I I really like racing games so I was really happy to get heat and I cannot wait to play it more in 2024 so there you go my top five games I want to play more in 2024 again I've played all these before but I think they have more to discover and every time I look at them on the Shelf I think I should get that back out and I should explore that one a little bit more so thank you so much for watching if you would like to like And subscribe that definitely helps me out and check out some other videos on the channel I've got my shelf of Shame for 2024 games that I have not played that I want to make sure play this year also I've got reviews on apiary and world wonders and what makes a good solo mode for a board game so check all of those out thank you so much for watching until next time this has been Jared for specifically solw well
Channel: Specifically Solo
Views: 2,711
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Id: UN8rh4xQxGA
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Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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