5 Biblical reasons the church will not go through the Great Tribulation.

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tonight I want to answer a question that is sent in frequently and that question is will the church go through the Great Tribulation that question just in the last couple of hours has come in twice and forwarded to my attention and it has become a very serious question in recent days because of the seemingly escalating chaos that's going on in our world and you can understand why with economies failing and and the potential of War breaking out and and we are potentially close to war with China we are potentially close to war with Russia and we could go on and on we are potentially close to war with Iraq and Iran and people are are panicking one of the largest banks in America just failed and people are pulling money out of other Banks and putting those banks at risk at failing and there is economic collapse and recession and just on and on and on of course people who don't have right relationship with God or don't know that the Bible promised us exactly what would happen during these times they have no knowledge of that of course they don't know how to navigate it of course there's Panic unrest Etc but the good news is the Bible has answers for the end times in which we live did you know now many times you'll hear Scholars say almost one-third of the Bible is prophecy now I'm not the theology police and I'm fine with that but if you really want the most accurate number the Bible is 28.5 percent prophecy prophetic in content but we really don't study Bible prophecy sometimes because many people have felt like I'm not literate enough in biblical matters or theological matters to tackle those difficult subjects sadly some in church leadership have said we really should kind of stay away from Bible prophecy because it's controversial which is a horrible position for any church leader to take I heard one individual that told me in notable Ministry and I'll not mention their name but they said I never preach on Bible prophecy because it just stirs up confusion and really it's only for season Believers and it's not necessary for fundamental salvation I said really been really helpful if you could have given Paul that advice back in the first century Church Paul wrote for example he wrote almost a third of the New Testament he really was the the craftsmanship of scholarship for the New Testament Covenant but Paul wrote two books in particular first and second Thessalonians those two books were to an infant Church in a city called thessalonica and those Christians they estimate to be just several weeks old three months four months five months there's debate among scholarship but what is not debated is that the church at thessalonica was an infant Church and Paul wrote that church two letters that by and large are focused upon Bible prophecy so Paul didn't think Bible prophecy was for seasoned scholared Christians he felt like Bible prophecy was discipleship material Paul felt like preaching on Bible prophecy was necessary to the foundation of infant Christianity Bible prophecy listen to me like no other subject motivate you to live ready and to live holy for the soon coming of the Lord Jesus Christ but there are many in this day and age are panicking and many views on the tribulation social media has been a two-edged sword it's given us the ability to preach to the world without restriction but it also has given opportunity to people to go online without any expense and to Babylon and on about things they're not qualified to speak on so I'm going to answer to the best of my ability tonight the question will the church go through the Great Tribulation and I'm reading out of second Peter chapter 2 beginning to read at verse 5 and going through verse 9 and as I always do I'm going to start in the Bible stay in the Bible and finish in the Bible and God did not spare the ancient world by the way reading out of the New Living Translation God did not spare the ancient world except for Noah and the Seven others in his family Noah warned the world of God's righteous judgment so God protected Noah when he destroyed the world of ungodly people with a vast flood later God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and turned them into heaps of Ashes he made them an example highlight that as always I encourage our students to listen with a Bible a way of taking notes and a highlighter and mark up your Bible well he made them an example of what will happen to ungodly people very important that you understand that Noah and the flood lot Sodom and Gomorrah that Wicked civilization were examples for those of us who live in the Modern Age to know how God deals in judgment with the ungodly people he made them an example of what will happen to ungodly people why do you think Jesus later taught in the gospels as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when the son of man returns as it was in the days of lot so shall it be when the son of man cometh Jesus verified even the words of Peter here and gave us a theology with no wiggle room for debate these are types and shadows and examples in the Old Testament of how the pattern of God's judgment works in the end of time God also rescued lot out of Sodom because he was a righteous man who was sick of the shameful immorality of the wicked people around him now Paul's here again notice the distinction between what God did in judgment with the ungodly as opposed to the righteous he poured out his wrath upon the ungodly but God also rescued lot why because he was a righteous man who was sick of the shameful immorality of the wicked people around him yes lot was a righteous man who was tormented in his soul by the wickedness he saw and her day after day so you see the Lord knows how to rescue the ungodly people rescue godly people from their trials even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment that's our passage and that's our text let's take a moment to pray father in the name of Jesus as we answer this frequently Asked question will I go through the tribulation if I'm a Christian is the church going through the tribulation will we go through part of it will we go through half of it will we go any of the tribulation period I pray that by the anointing of the spirit that the word of God would be clear and that you would anoint my mind and help me to communicate in such a way that all who listen that may not know Christ primarily don't let one unsaved person walk away from this time together without making peace with God because most of all our prayer is that they may live ready even as Jesus told us in Matthew 24 and verse 44 be ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh and so at the end of our time together when I extend the invitation and we pray the sinner's prayer I pray for all who wonder where they stand with God let tonight be their night of clarification let their night be the night of decision where they make peace with God repent of sin and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and I pray that not only they would be saved but I pray for their entire household and their family let them live in such a way that their family finds Faith as well I curse every chain of sin that Wars against any soul I loose every captive I command every prison door to be opened said every captive free in the name of Jesus in all God's people said amen first of all let's just start with the word tribulation that's a word we don't use much in the 21st century but it certainly is a Biblical word but it's a word that meant something totally different to the early Believers than it would mean to us in the 21st century and let me tell you why because in the original manuscripts the Greek word translated tribulation for us in the English in the days of Christ and in the first century church that Greek word was synonymous with something that was common in all of the towns and villages and do you know what that was it was a large grinding stone a massive heavy Stone round what was it used for it was in every town to make flower to make green and during Harvest times they would come in and depending on the size of the community there could be more than one but every Community regardless of how small they were there was a common grinding place for them to bring their grains and their seeds and their Harvest and that stone was used to pulverize into powder or flour the grains of various harvests so when in the Book of Revelation the scripture speaks of tribulation from the original manuscripts it meant to the people of that era something totally different that it means to us many people think of tribulation and they think of tough times or perilous times or difficult times but it's far more than that it is literally referring to a time when the wrath of God will be poured out with such power and might that he's going to grind the ungodly he's going to pulverize the ungodly and it was a visual for them that God though he judges the ungodly there is coming a seven year window of time when he will literally grind the ungodly into fine powder as it were because the Bible tells us that God is unchanging God is as holy today as he ever has been he has not changed he has not gone woke he has not become relevant he is the same God today that he always has been he said in Malachi I am the Lord thy God and I change not and so the modern world thinks that they're getting away with all of this they think they're getting away with their perversion they think they're getting away with the killing of innocent babies and on and on and on they think that God has forgotten that God's not acting that God has turned his head or God understands but the Bible says in Romans that the world is storing up its sins as a heap of judgment for the tribulation where God is going to finally call them to account and when the church is removed and the grace of the church is extracted the wrath of God like never before is going to pulverize the ungodly like fine flower can I pause long enough to say that you will one day meet God and you will either meet him as your Eternal Father or you will meet him as your Eternal judge I highly recommend the first I don't believe in God that does not cancel your appointment Hebrews 9 27 it is appointed unto men once to die and then after that the judgment there'll be no atheist at Judgment Day so when the Bible speaks of a seven year period that's going to come immediately after the Rapture of the church and end with the second coming of Jesus Christ it literally describes a time when God himself as they understood in that era the word tribulation Crush grind pulverized this wicked World under the full weight of his Wrath there is so much on this tonight I again have to preface my remarks by telling you that there's only so much that I can cover in one Gathering I love you you have been so faithful to these meetings and I appreciate it and I am going to do my absolute best to let you go before the top of the hour and so please understand that in this limited setting there's only so much theological ground that I can cover but I am going to give you five biblical reasons not my opinion I'm going to give you five biblical reasons why the church will not go through the tribulation number one if you're taking notes Jesus himself told us that we're not going through the tribulation now if you don't understand the Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation is the last book in the Bible by the way we believe in what is called the closed Canon of scripture what does that mean the closed Canon of scripture what that means is that the Book of Revelation is the last authorized book of the Bible so be weary and be cautious of all of these social media voices that are pushing extra biblical resources all you need to get from Earth to glory is the Bible and I always encourage people spend far more time reading the Bible than books about the Bible we believe the Bible to be given to us by God and without error from the first word in Genesis to the last word in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Revelation gives us a warning it says anyone who adds to this or takes away from this that their name will be taken from the Lamb's Book of Life and the curses of the revelation will come upon them God is very very particular about the sacred authenticity of the Bible so the Book of Revelation is actually a vision given to John who wrote it but make no mistake it was given to him by Jesus and I wish I had time to teach a little bit upon how you approach The Book of Revelation but again that's one of the things that I so much love about the technologies that we have now that I didn't have in the infancy of my Ministry is through our social media content I have the ability to instead of approaching a subject that's dear to my heart and leave frustrated wishing I had more time to teach and talk to you about it I now can tell you use those opportunities and be a faithful student but where did Jesus tell us that the church is not going through the tribulation well let me preface that by saying in Revelation chapter 2 and verse 1 and all the way through Revelation chapter 3 and verse 22. we find seven messages to seven literal churches let me say that again in Revelation Chapter 2 and in Revelation chapter 3 we have seven letters given to John by Jesus addressing seven literal churches they were real churches and they were all located in the same region of the world which we Now understand in the Bible and in some geographical context it's referred to as Asia Minor but for those of you who didn't pass geography it's over near turkey that's all right but these I want you to understand are not churches in a vision he's addressing seven literal churches in Asia Minor but these same seven churches though they're literal they provide a road map of the church age and how the church would unfold until its final apostasy and then eventual separation the true church from the lukewarm church under the rapture the letters to the final two two churches which is the Church of Philadelphia and the Church of laodicea are a picture of how the church will be when the Lord returns but in Revelation 3 10 go down there and if you don't have the tenth verse of the third chapter highlighted be sure you highlight this because this is where Jesus told us we're not going through the tribulation let's look at it Revelation chapter 3 verse 10 because you have obeyed my command to persevere I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world notice how specific that's rendered into English from the original text he's speaking to the church he's speaking to Believers and he said because you as Believers have obeyed my command to persevere I will protect you from and that is accurately rendered from the original manuscripts notice that it didn't say I will protect you during it didn't say I will protect you through it didn't say I would counsel you and give you instruction on how to get through it he said I will keep you from it I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world this great time of testing is the Tribulation period how do we know that because when we go from Revelation 2 and 3 Revelation chapter 4 and verse 1 is a picture of the Rapture then in Revelation 4 and 5 we have the Preparatory set up for the tribulation the tribulation begins in Revelation chapter 6 and goes all the way through Revelation chapter 19. write that down where is the Tribulation found in the Bible Well I don't have time to talk to you about other passages I don't have time to teach you about Daniel 70 weeks but primarily in the Book of Revelation we find it in Revelation 6 all the way through Revelation chapter 19. guess what we don't find in Revelation 6 through 19. we do not find one single reference to the church the Greek word Ecclesia representing the church is found 19 times in the first three chapters of Revelation Revelation 1 Revelation 2 Revelation 3 19 times the word church or Ecclesia is found in the first three chapters Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 is a picture of the rapture and then there is not one single reference not one from Revelation 6 to Revelation 19 in all of the description of the tribulation period not one single reference to the church he didn't say I'll keep you through it he didn't say I'll keep you in it Jesus said I'll keep you from it so number one Jesus himself told us we're not going through the tribulation biblical evidence number two the Book of Revelation told us we're not going through the tribulation by the way the Book of Revelation is one of the only books in the entirety of the Bible that gives us its own outline to know how to properly read and study and interpret its content and if you don't know that that's in Revelation 1 and verse 19 go there and highlight it Revelation 1 19 write down what you have seen both the things that are now happening and the things that will happen and so the Book of Revelation like the godhead is given as a vision in Triune capacity the things which you have seen the things which are and the things which will be and if you're taking notes chapter 1 refers to the things which were seen in chapter one John is told to write down what you have seen but then in chapters 2 and 3 it is the things that are the actual Church age beginning with the first seven churches prophetically and then chapters 4 through 22 the things which will be and so there The Book of Revelation by the unique and ultimate wisdom of God knowing that human beings would one day see this mysterious book in their languages as we do how many are thankful that you have a copy of the Bible in the English language the word church found 19 times in the first three chapters never mentioned again until the final salutation at the end of the 22nd chapter but from Revelation 6 through Revelation 19 where the entirety of the tribulation is laid out not one single reference to the church oftentimes people ask me about some of my favorite eschatology Scholars that I read and usually if I find a scholar that I respect and have read something and and find that they are godly people and scholarly people and and they're accurate one would be Dr Richard Mayhew if you're writing that down it's spelled m-a-y-h-e-u Dr Richard Mayhew but listen to what he said quote it is remarkable and totally unexpected that John would shift from detailed instructions for the church to Absolute silence about the church if in fact the church continued into the Great Tribulation if the church will experience the Great Tribulation then surely the most detailed study of tribulation events would include an account of the church's role but it does not because the church is not here now I have some Scholars that I respect and read that disagree with me on this but almost all of the scholarship that disagrees they eventually will take you to John 16 33. this is the passage that is most often times referred to as a key debate point telling us that we're going through some of the tribulation part of the tribulation all of the tribulation and what is John 16 33 say it says in this world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world now if that is something that you've been taught but nobody has ever explained to you in context what that really means that would seemingly give us reason to believe well I guess we are going through some of the tribulation and that's what they'll teach Jesus himself told us that in this world you shall have tribulation he's talking to the church he's talking to Believers but he said be of good cheer we should not worry about whether we go through the tribulation or if we do go through it he's promised to give us an overcoming Supernatural assistance but that's incorrect first of all and I don't have time to go into a total Greek rendering of this but first of all there's tribulation small t and there's tribulation capital T what do I mean by that there's tribulation slash persecution in the Greek and John 16 33 is tribulation persecution but tribulation from Revelation 6 through 19 is a specific prophetic window of seven years it's actually the 70th week of Daniel's vision of 70 sets of seven 69 weeks of Daniel's vision and Daniel 9 has already come to pass in between the 69th week and by the way Daniel said there's teaching on this on all of our channels please listen to it it'll help you but just in a little snippet Daniel's vision of 70 sets of seven refers to 70 sets of seven years 69 sets have already been fulfilled in detail the 70th set of seven and the final set of seven is referring to the tribulation both confirmed by Daniel Paul the Apostle Christ The Book of Revelation and so on so that window of seven years has not yet come to the Earth now for many years there was a great debate saying that the 70 sets of seven were fulfilled and they said it was fulfilled in ad70 when Titus and the Roman Empire invaded Jerusalem Israel burned down the temple the Jews were dispersed throughout the Earth and Nero was the Antichrist fulfilling the Antichrist etc etc that was the view that caused some people to feel there was strength in the possibility of the church going through the tribulation but a problem arose historically those that believed that the tribulation had already taken place was based upon Titus and the Romans invasion of Jerusalem in 1870 in the burning of the Temple and so on we now have more information now than they did when other Bibles were written for example I grew up on the King James version I love the King James version usually when you hear me quote scripture I quote the King James version some people think that I'm against the King James version because I often preach and teach out of the New Living Translation that could be nothing further from the truth I love it but my calling is to speak to and to reach unsafe people and to reach men and women and boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and quite frankly the King James Bible was written in 18th century Elizabethan English and we don't speak that type of English and many modern young people people around the world it's difficult for them so I'm very careful to make sure I have a very accurate translation but here's something you need to know when they wrote the King James version of the Bible they had very limited manuscripts as a matter of fact they didn't have enough manuscripts to write the entirety of the Bible did you hear what I just said at that time there weren't enough discovered manuscripts of integrity to write the entire Bible they had to fill in certain passages based upon what they saw in other manuscripts to the best of their ability for example in the Old Testament the Bible speaks of unicorns well we now know through our archeology and Science and so on there have never been unicorns but because they didn't have enough manuscripts they were dealing with the best that they had we now know that there was an animal in that Old Testament era that had a horn it wasn't a rhinoceros but it was an animal that's now extinct they found fossils and they now know through Modern manuscripts exactly what that animal was so just hold on for a minute let me just give you one more piece on this my understanding and again I love the King James version but what people don't understand because there are people like this I get hate comments from them continuously I actually had an individual say if the early disciples carried the King James version of the Bible that's all that we should be carrying today you hear stuff like that and you know it's all right but here what I'm about to say and if you're intelligent you'll get this if you're stubborn you'll resist it how many of you know that the original manuscripts were not written in English the Old Testament was written in Hebrew the New Testament was written in Greek we have some Aramaic manuscripts the Bible was written and translated and rendered from Hebrew Greek and Aramaic today we have over 60 000 manuscripts Scrolls bits and pieces so it's not fair to attack an older version of the Bible that had limited manuscripts they were doing the best that they can but neither is it intelligent to attack modern translations and to say well they they left things out of the modern translations that aren't in the King James version it's just the opposite they included things in the modern translations based upon the manuscripts that they have today that the interpreters of the King James version didn't have thank you for all of those amens that's why we take the offering first on the arrogance and the ignorance here's where the arrogance and ignorance needs to be illuminated the Bible was not written in English it was written in Hebrew Greek and Aramaic English-speaking people are not the only people on the planet so think of how arrogant it is for anyone to say that an English version of the Bible whether it's the King James or the new King James or the English Standard or the NIV or the NLT nsab et cetera Etc just think of how ignorant it is to say that an English version of the Bible is the only accurate Bible and then completely discard all of the other Bibles and other languages around the world think of the arrogance that is to say that the only Bible God anointed was a Bible in English written in the 18th century by people that didn't have complete manuscripts well I'll just stop right there and say if you want to have a real deep study on that listen to one of my teachings on YouTube and podcast entitled which translation of the Bible is the most accurate that will take you into a deep study if you have interest in that and want to well-round out your understanding by the way here's five Bibles that are very accurate that I recommend the five that I use the most often if you care as do most modern Scholars King James version but typically the new King James version it's an accurate Bible you just have to remember that it had limited manuscripts but second to that I would probably include the nasb The New American Standard Bible very accurate modern Bible equal to that I would probably say the ESV the English Standard Version equally accurate considered the most readable and accurate Bible is the New Living Translation the NLT is a matter of fact many scholars have said the NLT is the most accurate easily read Bible by unchurched people now you know why I most often teach and preach out of the NLT my target audience is unchurched unsaved people around the world and uh was that five or was that four the NIV would be the fifth that I'd recommend for the weeds of details try to find one written in 1984. and not the new NIV and that's not my opinion in scholarship the 84 version is considered uh better but there are five Bibles that I would recommend that you have in your library any one of those if you can only afford one Bible just get one of those but don't ever be arrogant enough as an American or an English-speaking person to say that any English Bible is the only Bible that God has anointed there are Bibles all over the world in thousands of languages that God has anointed so that all people can have access to the Integrity of his word and people say it's been written so many times that it's not accurate anymore that's not true because every accurate Bible is written off of the exact same pattern it's not like it's written in the original manuscripts were forgotten and they translated off of this and that one got burned and now we're using this one and that one got forgotten and this one was uh burned in Paris no no all accurate modern translations are going back to the same original manuscripts and remember today we have over 60 000. manuscripts Scrolls bits and pieces the modern translations of the Bible are 99.9 percent accurate and that doesn't mean to say what do you mean they should be 100 accurate what I mean by that is words like it to the I mean but no content the content's a hundred percent anyway listen to our message on which translation of the Bible is the most accurate and I go into a deep study on that I said all of that to come back to John 16 33 in this world ye shall have tribulation slash persecution well once the modern manuscripts revealed to us the exact date of the writing of Revelation everything changed because there was debate that the Book of Revelation could have been written in A.D 60 80 58 up through 8063 Etc in order for those views to be held concerning the Book of Revelation and Titus and the invasion of Rome and Nero The Book of Revelation would have had to have been written before 80 70. because that's when all of that occurred so when it became proven that the Book of Revelation was written in A.D 95 modern Scholars no longer except Nero as the Antichrist and the dispersion of the Jews in 1870 and so on so that view of of that being fulfilled is no longer held by modern Scholars any books that you're reading on that are outdated scholarship that's why every modern translation of the Bible dates Revelation at A.D 95. now with that said why would I go through all of that to get back to John 16 33. are you ready listen carefully all of the persecution tribulation that has taken place in church history has been carried out regionally has been carried out through ethnicity in other words a certain ethnicity of people have been targeted or a region of the world has been targeted and it's always been carried out by the hands of men that's not the tribulation prophesied in Revelation John 16 33 let me say it again and if you're taking notes get it down because almost every debate against the church being raptured before the tribulation eventually they'll drag you to the table of John 16 33. well Jesus said in this world you'll have tribulation and he was talking to the church but we now know through all of the other that I've told you the dating of the accuracy of the Book of Revelation that that can't be possible furthermore there's never been any tribulation like described in the Book of Revelation all of the tribulate we're not denying that the church has not gone through tribulation or persecution as I speak around the world Christians are being murdered and martyred beheaded tortured not long ago in China they put several hundred Christians in a building welded the door shut set it on fire and burned them all alive men women and children you never hear stuff like that in major news networks and I could go down the line all around the world Christians are being persecuted but the one thing about John 16 33 don't forget this three things that tribulation that persecution that Jesus spoke about that we know has happened in church history has always happened regionally somewhere regionally in the world it's it's happened around ethnicity the purging of certain Wars that go on against ethnic groups and it's been carried out by the hands of men that's not the tribulation found in Revelation 6 through revelation 19. because the tribulation in the Bible the scripture tells me is not going to be regionally the Bible said it'll be upon the whole world it's not an ethnic tribulation it's set upon every tribe every tongue every language all people and it will not be carried out by the hands of men it is the grinding wrath of God Almighty against all the ungodly now again it's hard for me to teach on this and not spend some time because if I were a pastor I would spend an entire probably month on John 16 33. so I warn you in advance I'm leaving a tremendous amount of meat on that bone but I want you to remember those two threes the threes of tribulation slash persecution carried out by men carried out regionally carried out ethnicity not the tribulation of Revelation that is very clearly undeniably carried out by the wrath of God himself upon the whole world and upon every ethnicity all the ungodly number three every example in the Bible tells us we're not going through the tribulation number one Jesus told us we're not going through the tribulation Revelation chapter 3 verse 10 because you persevered I will keep you from this great hour of testing that's the tribulation the great hour of testing that's coming upon the whole world number two the Book of Revelation told us number three every Bible example tells us that's why I have to just kind of bite my tongue when people come up to me and say you know you talk about the Rapture and the word rapture is not in the Bible I love when people say there's a certain word and it's not in the Bible because I instantly know I'm I'm dealing with somebody that only has one bullet and six cylinders Lord Lord I apologize for that and maybe that wasn't as gracious I as I as I intended but I'm a great immigration told Believers I would not have you ignorant Brethren about these things Paul was not being mean ignorance is not an insult ignorance simply means you have not been taught on this matter whereas in the western culture if you call somebody ignorant it's almost like you're purposefully mean-spirited attacking them but the word ignorance in the Bible simply means Paul said I would not have you ignorant Brethren he's saying I don't want you to be untaught on this important truth so understand biblically when the Bible speaks of spiritual ignorance we're not we're not defaming somebody we're not putting somebody down we're lovingly telling them from a position of teaching I love you so much I don't want you to be un lettered on this subject I don't want you to be untaught on this I don't want you to be ignorant brethren but sadly a lot of people have never been taught typology and if you attend North Point Bible College and Seminary or any reputable accredited Bible College you're going to take some courses on typology what is typology in its Essence it simply means that in the old Covenant which is the Old Testament that it's not just random stories and we believe in the Old Testament we love the Old Testament we don't tear the Old Testament out of the Bible it's an important part of the Bible because in the Old Testament typology means we have types Shadows examples of things that are going to be fulfilled in the New Testament well where do we find that go to Hebrews chapter 10 let me show this in your Bible you need to highlight this one for sure Hebrews chapter 10 and go down to verses 1 and 2. there the Bible says the old system under the law of Moses that's the Old Testament the old system under the law of Moses was only a shadow a dim preview of the good things to come not the good things themselves the sacrifices under that system were repeated again and again year after year but they were never able to provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship if they could have provided perfect cleansing the sacrifices would have stopped for the worshipers would have been purified once for all time and their feelings of guilt would have disappeared so the Bible is very clear in not only that passage but other passages even as I read out of second Peter our text it teaches us that there are types shadows and examples that help us to understand the Fulfillment of the New Testament and that includes prophecy so when people say you use the word rapture I don't believe that there's a Rapture in the Bible well if you prefer using the term caught up use the term caught up but people wonder well you know what about the word rapture where did that come from well again there's other Bibles in other languages that are accurately translated the most accurate early interpretation of the New Testament was called the Latin Vulgate and the Latin Vulgate used the word raptus r-a-p-t-u-s which is the root of the word rapture so if you ever wonder where they get the theological term Rapture from they get it from the original and from the Latin but in the English Bible it's translated caught up if the word raptis or Rapture triggers you just say caught up I'm not going to lose any sleep over it but I do want you to understand that the word rapture is a theological term that refers to the catching up of the bride of Christ so when people say I don't believe in the rapture well it's one thing to say you don't believe in the word rapture not being found in your Bible but don't ever tell anybody that the the Rapture is not anywhere in the Bible don't ever say that around intelligent people you'll embarrass yourself there are seven raptures in the Bible so for somebody to come up and say there's no Rapture in the Bible don't ever see that at least after this because now you don't have an excuse the first Rapture in the Bible was Enoch the Bible said he was walking with God and was not he was transferred instantaneously to Heaven Before the Flood so Enoch is a type a shadow a preview of The Rapture a man who walked in right relationship with God a man who was righteous Before the Flood came before judgment Came Upon the whole word he was raptured Methuselah by the way Methuselah was Noah's grandfather and Methuselah's son waslamic and Noah's father but Methuselah's name and so it was you know many of the names in the Bible were given by Prophets there was a lot more in the name in in biblical times than going through a book of names today and and you know I think we ought to call him curlicue you know they they took names more seriously is what I'm trying to say but the prophet that gave Methuselah his name do you know what his name means his death shall bring judgment now you know why he lived longer than anybody on the face of the Earth his name was given by a prophet and it means his death shall bring judgment the prophet of the Lord knew that the flood of judgment was going to come after the death of Methuselah and prophetically as a baby he was named Methuselah his death will bring judgment he lived for how long 969 years but we now have pretty good evidence with a lot of the modern manuscripts and other historical records that he died seven days before the flood that's a piece of trivia that a lot of people don't realize get ready because I'm about to put it together for you his name Methuselah given by a prophet when he dies judgment will come he lived longer than anyone on the face of the Earth 969 years why did he live so long it's a picture of the mercy of God God let him live the longest life because World wrath World judgment would come after his death so God extended his life as long as possible which is a type of the grace of God being extended to ungodly people as long as possible he died seven days before the door was shut on the ark do you know what the customary time of mourning a righteous man was seven days God allowed him to live the longest of any who have ever lived in all of human creation allowed them to honor the seven days of mourning and on the last day of mourning God himself shut the door and the floods of the deep were released and the rains begin to flood and we have the story of Noah and the Ark it's interesting to note that both lamech and Methuselah were alive when Noah was building the ark but were spared Before the Flood there's so much meat on this I wish I had time to talk to you about but even the ark is a type of the rapture why do you think God was so strong about their only being one door doesn't make sense if you're going to load all of the animals on the planet to only have one entry to the zoo why was God so stringent about the ark having one door because Jesus says As it was in the days of Noah Noah was a typology Noah was a preview Noah was an example what did Jesus say I am the door he said I'm the way the truth the life nobody comes to the father except through me God was so strict about the typology of Noah and the Ark the wood is a type of the cross Noah was a type of the Gospel he preached the truth of God and Redemption and possibility for being saved for a hundred and twenty years but when that window of opportunity was over the door was shut what happened to the righteous on the ark type of the Cross type of Christ the only door what happened to the ark when the Judgment fell as judgment fell upon the whole earth the ark was raised above the flood waters of judgment as judgment came down the ark went up Enoch was taken up literally raptured he'll return potentially as one of the two prophets of Revelation to preach but listen carefully to this as it was in the days of lot Jesus used both of these as typology as examples in his own Ministry with his own words as it was Jesus said in one passage in the days of lot in one passage as it was in the days of Noah well what about lot before God destroyed and completely pulverized unmercilelessly in his unlimited wrath with Sodom and Gomorrah and the Judgment that fell upon them what did he do he sent an angel of rescue what did the angel do he gathered up the only righteous which was lot and his wife and his kids what did the angel do with them when he rescued them before judgment he took them up the mountain now I don't have time to preach on the seven raptures there's a there's a bible study on that I think on all of our platforms listen to it it'll help you there are seven raptures in the Bible do you know what they all have in commonality the righteous were always rescued right before the judge poured out his Wrath and they all were taken up before judgment came down but never an example in all of the typology of the entire Bible of the righteous going through unlimited wrath and judgment turn to Genesis 18 verse 25 you talk about typology that you can't get around listen to the words of Abraham negotiating with God before Sodom and Gomorrah surely you wouldn't do such a thing destroying the righteous along with the wicked why you would be treating the righteous and the wicked exactly the same surely you wouldn't do that should you not judge should not the judge of all the Earth do what is right the Bible is very clear even in the Old Testament you do not judge the wicked and the righteous exactly the same way you cannot do such a thing I'm going to go through these last two it's almost at the top of the hour and I'm going to keep my word to you tonight again as I'm mentioning to you every night I am so thrilled for the opportunity to begin to Archive our 43 years of ministry in systematic theological classes where people who want to learn the Bible can go deeper and as of today I think there's 300 close to 300 videos on our YouTube channel be sure to subscribe to that somebody asked me how do we find that just Google YouTube Tiff Shuttlesworth the original channel was lost lamb Association I've always hidden everything under the banner of lost lamb Association and kept my name off of it when I hired a media team to help us with what was going on the first advice I received in a staff meeting Tiff before you say no listen very carefully we're going to start YouTube all over and we're going to delete lost Lamb's YouTube channel I said what yeah we're going to delete lost Lamb's YouTube channel I said doesn't that mean we lose the channel we lose all the content we lose all of our followers yeah that's exactly what it means I said well give me an intelligent reason why we'd want to do that he said because people don't Google lost lamb Association and half the kids in America can't spell Association he said people when they're looking for content today they're going to Google whose Tiff Shuttlesworth or they're going to say Tiff Shuttlesworth Bible prophecy in the search engine but they're going to search your name and I know you've wanted to keep your fingerprints off the ministry and hide everything behind the vision of lost lamb Association but if you're asking for my technology and skill sets that's what you have to do if you're going to have a channel that's available to people so for that reason we had to start a brand new channel I think it was at the end of 2018 but he was right and that simple decision prepared us for something that we didn't anticipate we've had over 25 million views in the last several months and not just on our Channel the bulk of those are on other channels I was just at a church recently and and preached the message on Bible prophecy that on their channel has over 800 000 views and it's just amazing the hunger that people have to learn Bible prophecy and to navigate the hours in which we live so in these closing moments I'm going to run through these last two very quickly but you can go to our YouTube channel by the way I'm told that when you subscribe I think there's a notification uh Bell I think they call it and if you want to be notified when all of the new teachings drop I think if you hit that Bell is that true that it automatically notifies them if they take that by the way we usually drop new content once a week there's usually a new Bible study every single week except for sometimes the way my schedule is I'm not in the office enough to keep up with that but pretty close to that number four the love of God told us Romans 8 1 there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus I think the reason why some people get confused on the chronology of the tribulation is they don't know the purpose of the tribulation once you understand what the purpose of the tribulation is it helps you to secure why the church isn't going through it because when you study the Theology of the tribulation there's only two reasons for the tribulation there's only two reasons in the Book of Revelation why the tribulation people ask just two reasons in all of Revelation number one to purify Israel the tribulation which takes place after the Rapture and that's another reason why and I don't have time to teach All My Life notes but that's another reason why the Rapture takes place first is God ends the church age with the Rapture and then he goes back to the original Covenant with the Jews so the Book of Revelation is God's dealing with the Jews he reveals the Messiah to the Jews Jesus the true Messiah comes and rescues them reveals himself to them the Bible says all of Israel shall be saved Revelation tells us that God will raise up a hundred and forty four thousand Jewish evangelists 12 000 out of each tribe so the spotlight of Prophecy after the Rapture of the church goes back to God's original Covenant with the Jews in Israel and so the first purpose of the tribulation is to purify Israel to restore them to the original Covenant and give them an absolute knowledge as to who the prophesied Messiah of Isaiah 53 really is they're already crying for the Messiah they're not going to be surprised for the revelation of the Messiah they're just going to be surprised as to who it was the leading Rabbi in Israel just a couple of days ago I don't know if you follow this on the news I follow Israel and the Jews on the news all the time they're having Mass rallies there Asbury is a drop in the bucket compared to what the Jews are experiencing in Israel around the wall they're they're in mass and do you know what the leading Rabbi said we know that we know that we know that the Messiah will soon be revealed everything's in place but the second reason for the tribulation is for God in that great Stone of pulverizing Wrath the Bible said you have stored up for yourself you have heaped up for yourself a great pile of sins that's appointed for a day of judgment the tribulation second reason is God once the church is gone the restraining power will then allow the wrath of God to completely pay the debt of the ungodly on this planet hear me Church they're not getting away with anything all of their wickedness all of their perversion all of their gender fluidity on and on and on God is storing it all up and when the church is raptured you had better pray that you're not left behind on this planet in seven short years more than half of the world is going to be pulverized eliminated through the judgments of God you think about that for a moment let's just use a round number of nine billion the world's currently around 8 billion we're growing at about 1 billion every seven to ten years the tribulation is yet to come so let's add one billion to about 8 billion bring us to 9 billion nine billion people in seven years about four and a half billion people are going to be wiped out there's going to be multiple wars during the tribulation several of them nuclear America is suspiciously absent in Bible prophecy America is the only nation that has sown nuclear bombs and whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reapeth America is the only nation who has an appointment with nuclear war you can understand the direction we're headed now that once the church is raptured out of this nation America has piled up a great heap of sin and perversion and wickedness and Corruption it's not just one person's hard drive America's got a hard drive that will soon be revealed and lastly and fifthly the blood of Jesus tells us praise God praise God Revelation 5 verses 9 and 10 much more than having now been justified by his blood we shall be saved from Wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his son much more having been reconciled we shall be saved by his life the cross paid for your Wrath the cross paid for your Wrath and he said I'm coming back for a purified bride a holy bride without spot without blemish without wrinkle pure holy white if the bride were going through the tribulation she wouldn't be pure she wouldn't be white she wouldn't be without blemish she wouldn't be without wrinkled she'd be beheaded she'd be bruised she'd be beaten she'd be bloodied but Jesus isn't coming back for a bloody bride he's coming back for a pure blide and one day you will meet him through the Rapture in clouds of glory and to be with the Lord forevermore Hallelujah I thoroughly understand that there are opinions on the chronology here's the attitude that all of us should have when people disagree with us on secondary Doctrine now not primary Doctrine but secondary doctrine that doesn't mean that they're not your brothers and sisters and what I really hate to see in something that I'm trying to ingrain in all of our students at North Point is you must always have a profound love and honor and respect for the full body of Christ even if they don't agree with you on secondary doctrines but primary doctrines are Hills that we die on that Jesus Christ Alone is the son of God that he was born of a Virgin Mary that he died upon the cross that he shed his blood for the Forgiveness of our sins that he rose again and over 400 times in the Bible he promised us he will return again he's about to return in clouds of Glory by the sound of a trumpet and it goes back to soteriology it goes back to the doctrine of salvation it goes back to the blood that was shed either Jesus Paid for our wrath and our judgment on the cross or he didn't yes the world faces Christians face trials Christians face torment Christians around the world face persecution Christians are being beheaded Christians are being burned alive but this is all being carried out by the hands of men it's carried out in regions of the world it's carried out against ethnicities of the world but the tribulation of Revelation 6 through 19 is going to be carried out by God himself it's going to be carried about upon all ungodly and there will be no ethnicity spared upon all tribes all languages all people the wrath of God will be fulfilled in the tribulation period Israel will be purified and the ungodly will be judged and it will all end with the second coming of Christ and then we enter into the millennium where we will rule and reign with Jesus Christ for those of you that are new Christians the Rapture which is the next major prophetic event that's Christ coming for the church the second coming at the end of the tribulation is Christ returning with the church people say you people that believe in the Rapture and the second coming you believe in in two second comings no we do not we believe in one second coming carried out in two phases the removal of the righteous before the wrath of God is released and we return with him and we end the tribulation period with our return with Christ and he sets up the Millennium a Thousand-Year period that's why it's so important for how you're living right now because the position the responsibility the rank that you'll have in the millennium is determined now how you serve the Lord by your life on Earth listen some people and I love this phrase I don't know who coined it this is training time for reigning time in the Millennium We Rule and Reign but your life here on Earth now is training time for reigning time that's why it's so important that you live clean live pure live holy live right carry out the will of God utilize everything that he places in your hands for the Fulfillment of the Great Commission do the work of God dedicate yourself to it whatever your secular job is is not your holy holy calling it's a means by which God helps you to provide for family and Carry Out Christian responsibility but if you're a Believer you have a calling you're preparing you're training for reigning time live in such a manner that you'll not lose your rank you'll not lose your responsibility you'll not lose your reward because soon and very soon we are going to see the king if you believe and receive the word of God tonight give Jesus Christ The Mighty hand to praise come on somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] well I'm going to pick right back up here tomorrow night and we're going to preach on five things about the mark of the beast that every Christian needs to know all I can tell you is don't miss tomorrow night I'm not saying I've saved the best to last but tomorrow night is another one of those what I believe to be life-changing messages just as the message on five political agendas of the end times to me is a life-changing message for believers once you get that message the light of Revelation 13 is turned on and you see God's prophesied accurate five end time political agendas by the way if you missed that night it's it's on the YouTube channel on the podcast Channel that's one you should listen to until you can almost quote it verbatim to friends and family because once you understand the five end time political agendas of Revelation 13 then you know everything that's going on in the world through a lens that nobody else can see through unless they understand it from the Bible but I'm talking about a secular world political systems secular media universities Trends on and on and on once you understand the five political agendas everything that's going on in the world answers to one of those five and it'll change the way how you navigate your life in the last days I'm going to ask you to stand to your feet with me please [Music] I never close a service without praying for you and as much as is possible let's Hold Steady this is the most important thing we're going to do and I understand that some have to leave because of various schedules and obligations but as much as is possible [Music] there might be individuals tonight as I mentioned earlier that whether you came here tonight for this reason or not tonight's your night you're appointed night to pray what many people call a sinner's prayer because even if you're the worst sinner in Indiana I'm not your enemy tonight I'm your best friend I love you the lord loves you I know I preached straight down the middle that's just the way I was taught that the Bible should be taught just tell the truth and don't try to soften the edges and don't make it harder than it is but don't make it easier than it is either just preach it let the word of God under its own anointing its own Integrity fall where it false but no preacher should ever talk about eternity without giving an invitation to heaven preachers should ever preach about wrath to come without giving people an opportunity to receive the grace of God as I always tell our students good preaching should never be diagnosis only there are too many preachers and teachers in the world that everything's diagnosis they're just diagnosing the problem everything that's wrong [Music] good preaching and good teaching must be diagnosis with remedy a hundred percent of the time if you're going to tell people what's wrong be sure you tell them what's right don't send them home with diagnosis without remedy and some of you the diagnosis is that the wrath of God is coming and if you'd be honest with yourself and honest with God you may not be ready to meet the Lord if he were to come tonight and again I'm not judging you I want to pray with you but let me tell you why people ask me all the time what do I have to do to make sure that my heart is right with God how can I have a an assurance that when this all goes down how do I let God know that I want to be on his team how can I be the righteous one you know the Bible says that the only qualification for the Rapture it just continually refers to those who are in Christ in Christ well what does in Christ mean let me make it very simple so that even the children can understand number one God is Holy and he's unchangingly holy holy holy holy is the Lord number two we by Nature are sinful all of us the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God you're not the only one all have sinned every preacher included Nobody's Perfect [Music] we've all fallen short of God's standard so number one God's holy number two we're not holy by Nature number three Jesus Christ when he died on the cross became a bridge between the Holiness of God and the unholiness of people you and I it's almost like when they nailed one hand of the Cross he took the hand of the Holy Father and when they nailed the other hand of the cross he reached out and took my hand or took your head that's why the Bible says in Acts chapter 4 and verse 12 neither is there salvation and any other for there is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved that's why Jesus himself said in John 14 I am the way the truth and the life and nobody can come to the father except through me cross is almost a visual picture of Christ with one pierced hand taking the hand of the Holy Father and with the other pierced hand taking my hand or your head by coming to this altar tonight to pray with me you are literally visually showing God I want to take the hand of Christ that Bridges me from my sin my failures my past my bad habits my poor decisions I take the hand of Christ and I trust in the grace of the cross I trust in the Forgiveness of the cross I trust in the blood that was shed that breaks the curse of sin sickness disease infirmity and lack I want to be a child of God some of you that will pray with me at this altar it'll be the very first time perhaps you've ever done this personally and publicly but you need to know this the Bible requires you sooner or later to personally and publicly make peace with God it can't be done in a hidden manner why do I say that I don't say that Jesus said it I just repeat it Jesus said in Luke chapter 12 if you confess me before men I will confess you before my Father which is in heaven but if you are ashamed of me before men I will be ashamed of you before the father and the angels from the original Greek in the modern language it literally means if you confess me openly or publicly before men I will confess you openly and publicly before the father how about some straight Indiana language what you do with Jesus determines what he does with you he said if you receive me publicly here on Earth he said on Judgment Day When you stand before God I confess you publicly there but what was the flip side of it he said if you're ashamed of me here or you deny me here then in Judgment Day When you stand before God you have forced me to say I never knew them by coming to this altar listen by coming to this altar your personally and publicly saying in the presence of a holy God I recognize my sin I'm willing to repent of my sin that takes Faith you don't have the power to do it you have to say to God by faith I'm trusting and in childlike faith I'm willing to turn my back in sin and turn my heart to Jesus and he has to give you the power to do that you don't have that strength in your own that's what salvation is it gives you the power of God to be what he created you to be you recognize your sin you repent of your sin you're receiving Jesus Christ some of you that will pray it's your first time but there are others that perhaps if you'd be honest with God and I'm not judging you but for some reason you've drifted from having a genuine relationship with God to just becoming religious what do you mean by that religious well you're still like a moral person or a decent person you believe in God you can still go to church and and sing the songs Etc but you're not living in victory over sin anymore sin is living in victory over you and like the Pharisees you've slid from relationship with God to religiosity Jesus said here's how I'll know you're my true disciples you'll continue in my word but you don't read your Bible every day anymore you don't pray and talk to God about everything every day anymore Proverbs 3 in all your ways acknowledge me I'll direct your path you don't have a love to be in the house of God on the Lord's day which is one of the Ten Commandments you've lost your first love and you feel like man I just need to make a recommitment and several have come to me in the meetings and privately have said you know I needed that during the pandemic I don't know what went wrong but I just I'm not where I should be and I feel like I needed a night of rededication so whether you're coming for the first time or making a recommitment I'm your best friend I want to pray with you I'm not going to keep you I'm not going to embarrass you this is not about joining a church this is not about being Protestant or Catholic or Jewish or Methodist or none of that by coming to this altar Listen by coming to this altar you're saying to God I want to be a real Christian by coming to this altar you're saying I trust in Jesus Christ by coming to this altar you're saying I want to be forgiven of all of my past all of my sin by coming to this altar you're saying I want to live ready whatever is happening in the days ahead in this world and around the world I want to live ready to meet the Lord and we're going to pray a simple prayer together that many people call a sinner's prayer and people say you really think God will hear my prayer he promised he would he said in Romans all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved if you pray from a heart of sincerity God said of course I'll forgive you of course I'll take you of course I save redeem heal adopt make you mine of course I do all doesn't work for 80 percent of the people who do it all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and if you're watching online wherever you might be when we pray with these in just a moment if you'll be patient I want you to pray that prayer with us as well and if you pray with us online I want you when we're done to go to the website lostlam.org l-o-s-t-l-a-m-b one word lostlam.org and click on New Beginnings and follow the simple prompts because everybody's somebody to Jesus and we want to make sure that you get rooted and that you understand that this is a vow to God that you're sincerely making I'm gonna kneel here as I do every night and when I kneel I just pray that God will give people the courage and the faith and the humility to do what they ought to do I always ask those that have the courage be the first ones to come your courage will help somebody else and then Christian you know if you've heard me I always ask you to do something I ask you to be very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and as people are gathering I want you to take inventory of friends or family or people that are with you tonight and if you're not sure that they've ever made their own personal and public commitment to Christ I'm going to ask you just turn to them graciously not aggressively not forcibly but just turn to them and graciously say if you want to pray let's go together I'll walk with you and we see thousands of people literally thousands of people every year who come to Christ because at the invitation somebody says I'll walk with you if God's speaking to your heart and you want to pray that sinner's prayer you come right now and then we'll pray what a beautiful name it is [Music] [Music] of Jesus [Music] so Jesus [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're going to pray together now foreign the only reason I ask you to repeat a prayer with me is because you know as a guest I don't know everybody everywhere I go and it just seems like in the last 10 years I'm meeting on a regular basis people who've never been to church people who've never heard the Bible people who don't know how to pray don't even know where to begin but for those who think that it's not biblical to pray a prayer that somebody gave you as an example to pray the disciples told Jesus teach us to pray and he gave them a model prayer that we call the Lord's Prayer and he said when you pray here's a model on how to pray here's what you have to remember the most important thing about prayer is prayer has to be from your heart [Music] and that's what we're going to do from your sincere heart and I know you're sincere you never would have come to this altar if you weren't sincere so the sincere part has already been passed God sees that so when you pray the only thing you need to know is you're not just repeating a prayer with a preacher or a priest or a rabbi or an evangelist you're literally from your heart talking to God and he said all who call upon my name shall be saved I know it's hard to understand but literally When you pray from a sincere heart God hears every word and as we pray with these that are here in the sanctuary if you're online you pray with us as well let's pray just say heavenly father tonight as I was listening to the Bible you were speaking to me down deep in my heart I want to be a real Christian tonight as I was listening to the Bible [Music] today I recognize my sin you know everything I've ever done and in childlike faith I repent I choose tonight to turn my back on Sid and turn my heart to Jesus I receive him now as God's only son and my savior and my Lord I receive salvation as God's glorious gift by your grace and by your mercy today I'm saved today I'm Healed today I'm delivered and I'll never be the same in Jesus mighty name I vow this night I will serve you all the days of my life give me your strength in place of my weakness fill me with the Holy Spirit [Music] give me your power in Jesus name keep me ready for your soon coming and it's in the name of Jesus I pray amen and amen Give the Lord a mighty hand of praise God praise God so very proud of each and every one of you and again this is not the end of what God's going to do with your life this is just the beginning every successful Christian has four habits read your Bible every day pray every day that just means talk to God you don't have to be in a church to pray you don't have to be in your best clothes to pray you don't have to be in a building with stained glass windows to pray 90 of my prayers are in jeans and boots not suits and ties just talk to God about everything [Music] when I get up in the morning thank you Lord for another day thank you for life and health and strength guide my steps today protect me help me to walk in your will and just talk to God about everything in all your ways acknowledge him he'll direct your path those of you that weren't here last night classic example of that one of the most unique answers to prayer that just shows you how much God cares about the details of your life I told you that my wife had taken our dog biscuit for a walk in the woods and his collar had fallen off and had no idea where in the woods it was and today there's even as I'm speaking she sent me video we've got a big snowstorm coming she said it'll be buried in the snow and and I'll lose it and I know you paid good money for that electronic GPS collar and it's my safety blanket when you're not here and she was upset I said well let's just pray that God will help you to find it and the next day she took biscuit for a walk and she said I had prayed that morning I asked the Lord to help biscuit to find it because I had no idea everywhere he'd run around the woods and so I just said Lord help biscuit to find his collar and she said the whole time I was walking him biscuits find your caller for me please find your collar it's going to snow tomorrow long story short didn't find the collar came home walks over biscuit always goes in the house after a walk and we give him a little treat biscuit looked at her before he got to the door and took off running ran all the way to the back of our four acres and went into the woods and came out of the woods with a black five gallon bucket that was cracked and broken and he's so proud he's carrying this bucket in his mouth and running across the field and dropped the bucket at Judy's feet and guess what was in the bucket his collar I don't have any way of explaining that I mean that's just a freak Show right there in the natural but I told Judy I said oh my goodness I said in the bucket she said in the bucket she says a matter of fact I didn't see it in the bucket he dropped it at my feet and I thought he wanted to play with it she said I gave the bucket a kick and his collar flew out of it [Music] and she thought oh my goodness [Music] why would I share such a a crazy story like that I want you to know that God cares about all of your life if it's of importance to you it's of importance to God in all your ways acknowledge Him and that's really what will teach you to pray once you begin to figure out that the things you give to God In Prayer there's miraculous answers that begin to happen you pray about everything because you know how Stuff turned out when you when you took charge I always tell my staff I'm not making any decision unless God directs me because I learned a long time ago he pays for everything he orders but he lets me pay for everything I order I want to get his Blessing and his permission before I do anything live in prayer live in the word be faithful to the house of God every Lord's day and win your family to Christ pray for your family your sons your daughters your grandkids your wife your husband pray for your whole family to be ready to meet the Lord don't go to heaven alone take your family with you I love you tonight pastors coming to close the service thank you for your hunger for the things of God tomorrow night our last night do your best bring a car load of people that need Christ bring your family your friends your in-laws your Outlaws get them into the house of God tomorrow night five things about the mark of the beast everybody should know and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night
Channel: Hobart Assembly
Views: 351,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pQKzyDaBUbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 14sec (5894 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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