5 BEST Ways to WORK LESS and MAKE MORE Money

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hey guys is it possible to make twice as much money as you're making right now by working fewer hours so now I'll unpack five tried and tested ways for you to earn more money by working less on today's video I want to be super practical I'm going to be using real life examples for my own life as well as examples I've seen out there in the world that help to bring this idea together so if you're loving the sound of today's video I'd really appreciate it if you do me one big favor which is to hit that subscribe button when I looked at the analytics on my phone right now it says here that 52 of people previously were unsubscribed to our Channel and right now that number has come down to 48.1 percent but that number's still too high for the value that we'll put out on our channel so it will mean the world to me and my incredible wife Mary if you please hit that subscribe button show some love because the more this channel grows the more iMessage gets out there to people out there and whilst you're there hey hit the like button if you're really loving the vibes from this video okay I'm gonna jump straight in and share these five ideas and I'll be looking at my phone now again because I've made some notes to guide me on this particular one so the very first point I've got to share with you guys today for how you can earn more by working less is to focus on value instead of time okay now there are two core ideas I really want you to take away and I'll be showing you on my board in a minute when you think about money and you think about economics they're two core ideas that I'd love for you to take away the very first one looking here is is that I want us to look at the idea of value and time the very first idea I'd love you to take away is that and you should I hope you remember this going forward is that we get we get paid for the value that we bring into the marketplace this here is what drives everything and the other point though related to value is that it takes time to deliver value okay but as this means misconception in a Marketplace and perhaps this is the way we've been sold um you know the idea of earnings what we've been sold what we're paid is that we are paid paid our income based on time so for example you might have someone say I'm paid say 15 pounds or 15 per hour and that's it and they pinned their whole value the entire uh economics the entire worth around this idea that they are paid by the hour but the truth is is if you don't show up to that work yeah you don't earn that money or if you show up to that work the only reason you're earning that money is because the marketplace has priced the value that you bring to the world value economic value at a rate of 15 pounds in a measured on an hourly basis the key thing to take away here is the value is really the core thing that we're getting paid for and that really then drives the conversation is it possible then based on that idea for you to earn twice as much as what you're earning right now by becoming twice as valuable to the marketplace think about that my answer to that question will be a yes it's absolutely possible in fact you can become three times as valuable five times or even 10 times as valuable as you are right now and as a result of that earning many multiple times what you are currently earning as at the moment let me give you a real life example why do you think there's the reality that someone earns 15 pounds per hour which is a good income to earn but then there's somebody else out there who's earning say 15 000 pounds for the same one hour by for example delivering a speaking gig they might go into a speaking gig somewhere and they get they get paid 15 000 pounds for the same thing it's still the same hour but the difference is that a person who's doing that speaking you can be speaking again being paid 15 grand for their time is perceived it's about perception it's perceived to deliver a lot more value than that person who's earning 15 pounds or 15 for their time now the person who's earning 15 pounds for their times not that they are not valuable to their family members or valuable to their friends or even valuable in the eyes of God it's just that in the marketplace and there are different marketplaces what they bring to the world is currently perceived to be worth 15 pounds as at the moment and the good news for you and I is that on the back of this video and I'm sharing this because this is about money making this is not about watching entertainment or anything like that I want you to take action I'm going to do something from this video The Beauty from a video like this is that we know that we can shift our reality we can go from being that person who today makes maybe makes 15 pounds measured per hour but creates value wonder that might be worth fifteen thousand pounds at a level or in between that period in between that you know that number and the other number you kind of get the points I'm making the point is that that number can be changed for you your reality can be changed now I want to give some real life examples because I don't just like to talk about stuff without having it lived some kind of lived experience event and I'll give you a real life example and I'm not saying this to show off in any way shape or form I just want to use this as an illustration just so you can understand that I'm speaking from reality I did an event a while ago where I got invited by an organization a company to come and do some speaking to their employees and I love that topic because that topic was well in my area of expertise when I went and I did it and I did that talk and for the two hours that I spent doing that talk I got paid a figure of around nine to ten thousand pounds for delivering a two hour session now I'm saying that to say that once upon a time and I remembered it's once upon a time I would have done anything to have made nine pounds in an hour but over time giving where I where I was at that stage of my journey and it was you know a bit a while ago maybe at some time last year the perception of value has changed and what has happened in that time A lot has happened these are so many points I hope to get across to you on today's video so how do you become more valuable there are two options with yourself okay Ken what you're saying sounds good I want to become more valuable what should I be doing right now I would say there are two possible options the very first option is that you do more work to do more work so you put more hours in you know you grind more all that kind of stuff yeah that's one option the second option is that instead of putting more work into your job your job you put more work into yourself okay now I know based on my experience that the thing that helps me have that transformation where many years ago I was begging for nine pounds an hour to a point where I'm being paid a certain level in the four figure Mark to deliver one to two hour talk I know that the thing that's made a difference for me is that I invested a lot of my effort into this segment I spend I've been spending time and money shall I say in improving who I am how can you go about doing that the first thing you can do is to learn from personal experiences okay think back to your life experiences where you've had failures or successes or stumbles along the way what have you learned from those experiences and how have you improved yourself the second thing I'd say is to learn from other people's experiences yeah other people's experiences could be people who are around you so friends and family what have you learned from them who's making money who's smashing it in their lives right now and what can you learn from that person or who has not been doing very well what can You observe in and around their lives that can help you to avoid the same uh direction that they've gone down yeah so you can essentially learn from other people by learning about their failures and learning about their successes this is the beauty of today this video is a great example you're learning from my experience and I'm learning from other people's experiences and bringing those experiences to you so the first thing is learn from your personal experience and the second is learn from other people's experiences the third thing and this is the third thing I'd say when it comes to uh how do you then create more value for yourself is to start to create a vehicle that will then distribute the value that you're creating and you see this in the second part of this video in point two that I'm going to be sharing in a minute that one we can go about Distributing the value you create is by creating your own website for example or becoming a part of a Marketplace marketplaces include your ebays your Amazons your YouTubes for example your spotifys your gum roads your you know all these platforms they essentially mean that you have a way of Distributing uh the value that you create and by Distributing that value you're then able to extract that value I.E actually get paid for the value that you bring to the marketplace all right that's point one took a bit of a while but it was necessary to set the foundation for today's video now point two on how you can earn more by working less is to embrace the Creator economy okay now creators own two things in my personal opinion that help them to work less and make more money when I say creators I'm talking like you know the Creator economy more broadly and I'll give you some specific examples actually there are three things not two things the first thing I think that creates this owner really set them apart is that creators have actually built a platform a platform on which that platform acts as a form of distribution as a form of a billboard or an ad you know how when you're driving down a Motorway and you might see an ad saying oh stop off at the next rest area for your McDonald's or your Starbucks or whatever yeah the analogy of the motorway is that a platform is effectively that Motorway but the beauty of the platform is that you can then place your Billboards your ads and I'm sure whilst you're watching this video an ad probably came up served up by the YouTube platform simply because I'm creating content on this platform they can then Place Those ads effectively like at the motorway analogy to therefore generate some income and as a Creator I then earn a bit of that income yeah in the same way my channel and channel the Mary and I run here on YouTube act as a form of a platform that acts in effect as a form of a billboard so creators have that number one which is a platform yeah creators have a second thing which is that they might then create their own digital products and I'll give you some real life examples from people you might know uh in a minute like Taylor Swift and people like that I'll give you an example in a minute the third thing I think creators have to their power is a voice okay when you when you add and you stack up these three core areas of a platform and you stock up products and you stack up the voice because the voice speaks to trust and speaks to Authority we bring these three core areas together the Creator economy has become a very powerful economy I believe that you should be doing your best to be a part of in one way shape or another yeah I have full experience of this because I'm living it right now I'm actually speaking to you as a part of the Creator economy but I'm bringing to you the realities of how that might benefit you so let me give you some real life examples there are two kinds of creators that I see first uh they're probably more but I'm going to focus on two on this video first are your entertainers and second are your Educators yeah let's look at the entertainers for a minute and I'm just gonna put this up on the screen as where I'm as I'm looking at this I Googled that I'm looking at my phone now the world's 10 highest paid entertainers okay this is on Forbes right back if you go and read that published in 2023 only a few months ago and as I'm scrolling it says here these top earning celebrities musicians and creators made more than 1.3 billion dollars last year only last year people 1.3 billion dollars now I want you to ask yourself what sets them apart from you yeah let's look at some examples and I want you to see if you can spot a trend as I go through this right the first person I'm going to stop at as I look through this list is a guy called sting he made 210 million dollars last year it says here the 17-time Grammy winner and former police frontman known for his hits including every breed you take Every Breath You Take at Roxanne pocketed 300 million dollars before fees by selling pay attention his entire musical output both solo and with the police to Universal Music Group in February so he had something that gave him Leverage he had his catalog and things like that that's the first person 210 million and this is this one made oh wow I saw this one I was like Blown Away Tyler Perry number three on the list made last year alone 175 million US dollars this guy is super talented he says here just call multi-hyphenate Perry a Modern Renaissance Man the actor director writer Studio Mogul had another lucrative year thanks to simultaneous income streams pay attention people keyword simultaneous income streams from film his BT TV shows and sprawling production back Backlot he he outrightly owns in Atlanta so there's clearly a theme Here of some ownership of some simultaneous income streams and things that produce income notice that what I'm talking here platforms I'm talking here products and of course what they've not spoken about here is the voice that these people obviously have and on top of that they said this guy uh Tyler Perry he said here in his second year among Forbes top 10 highest paid entertainers Perry is the lists so billionaire with an estimated one billion dollar Fortune I can guarantee you this did not happen overnight and this guy did not get here doing a nine-to-five job not crushing nine to five jobs they have a place and everybody has to start somewhere but I'm just putting it out there and reading in between the lines so that we are clear on what it takes to get to certain places in our lives if that's what we are aiming for okay so that's entertainers yeah now let me look at Educators I want to give a real practical example and again I'm not you know I'm not really here to show off or anything I just like to share because I think it's important to have transparency as a as a value it's important to share things that I think really add something to the point that one's making yeah I'm going to use myself as an educator yeah I'm going to give another example and again like I said I'm really stress this I'm not trying to really get across any kind of show or anything so make the point I want to give an example of something that really stunned me about two years ago yeah about two years ago we were working with two companies at the same time and they happen to have crossed paths unrelated entirely but we're doing some work for them we're creating some content on Instagram as well as on like on YouTube and we had to attend an event and stuff like that as part of the agreement yeah um but by the time we added up what we were being paid for all these little bits you know oh come to this event tick come to this tick an event and about three videos we had to make and I think two Instagram posts or something like that when we'd worked out what we were being paid it worked out to be at around 27 and a half thousand pounds now of course that required work we had to show up we have to be a damn person we had to do various things we had to create content you know that kind of stuff there was work to be done don't get me wrong but it did make me think for a moment that wow like I think how 27k is not far off the average annual income that someone might have earned in a whole year okay why was this possible this was only possible because of the what we built over time remember things start very small and fancy path compounding your Authority your platform your voice everything you bring along the valley you bring to the world your expertise everything builds ups and compounds yeah so I'm giving these practical examples to say that this is something that is real and something that everybody can tap into in some way let me give another practical example of an educator in case you think oh ken this is too out there for me let me give you a real life match example somebody in our community at Financial Joy Academy who works in Social care yeah a social worker uh wanted to find a way to start earning more Our advice to her was why don't you create a blog using what you're good at she created a Blog about social work yeah different tips creating blog posts about three or four times a week even just writing for a whole year constant writing constant writing we interviewed her to do a master class in our community at financial academy about about three to three weeks or four weeks ago to to show us her data and show us what she's doing she she is earned earning of around four thousand five hundred dollars from ads on her blog alone per month and this is by being completely Anonymous on her blog but showing and creating value but what were the ingredients she owns a platform yeah and on top of that she's starting to create her own products on her platform and I'm doing it anonymously and by doing that she's creating a bit of a voice for herself okay sharing not to say this is something that's possible for those who abide who are interested in learning more about that Master Class if you're in the FJR Community obviously head over and check it out and if you want to learn more about that if you're not in our community our sister brand I'll leave a link and below and above for you to check out in your own time if you want to the third way I'd go about doing this to earn more and work less is to create your own price okay now interesting that it requires the same amount of energy to earn 500 pounds as it does to earn a thousand pounds have you ever thought about that a lot of you watching right now a lot of us and I've been there and that's why I notice I'm speaking from experience a lot of us under price ourselves and a lot of that comes from undervaluing ourselves yeah you know you're probably you know you could probably make seven hundred a thousand pounds from a service you offer but you pitch yourself at 150 pounds or a hundred pounds because you're like oh I'm not sure I can charge that much for my services am I really worth that much yeah I'm putting that out there because you are leaving a lot of money on the table for the value that you bring to the world this reminds me of a story actually in 27 2017 2018 actually it's 2018. uh during the early part of starting the humble Penny remember someone reaching out to me to say hey I love what you're doing I'd love you to offer me some coaching at that time I didn't really know what I'd charge for coaching but I said to myself you know what I'm going to try and charge what like these magic circle law firms like these these Partners what they charge on their uh for their hourly rate back then I was like let me Pitch myself on an hourly rate and see what they might offer so I said you know what for one session of my time which was about an hour I would charge 400 pounds the person who I offer that kitchen to said yes without a hesitation to come to coaching love their experience and it went well that experience taught me something the money really wasn't really the exciting part what was more exciting was that I set my price okay question to you how have you ever set your own price before yeah because if you've never set your own price before then you're still operating from that place of an employee mindset I've talked about this before and made a previous video to this which I'll link to below and above for you to go and check out so the very first thing to do when it comes to setting your own price limit I'll just speak to that as an illustration is I want to use a bit of a psychology something I learned about that you can hopefully relate to you know how when you go to a pharmacy right and let's say you want to go and buy paracetamol and you get into the shop and it's you know you're looking on the counter you've got two kinds of paracetamols you got one that's 20p right you're like yeah that's that's an option but you've also got a paracetamol there's two pounds I'm gonna ask you and be honest with me now if you saw a parasetta model that was 20p and one that was two pounds which one of these would you buy yeah I'm just putting it out there I'm pretending out that well the psychology suggests that most people we got would go for this option why because most people perceive a bit more value for something that's priced a bit more don't ask me why now for us and I'm letting you in on this you can learn something from this psychology because that means if you're currently um at a point where in your life where you're not really pricing yourself properly if you really wanted your equivalent of the two pound version in your life I.E you wanted to earn more what you ought to do is actually create a 20p version but first guess what people will come and go yeah I know you've got this version in your life I know you can offer me this service or this product at this price but you know what I want your premium version because I am a premium kind of person there's a name for this in Psychology and I can't think of it right now but this is an interesting way to think about a way of actually creating your own price okay and obviously increasing your price as a result of it point four is focus on the 20 percent now it's really into financial times recently and I saw a really interesting headline yeah and I'll put this up on the screen for you guys to take a look at headline said 20 S P 500 stocks account for 90 of the Wall Street gains this year who these stocks makeup 90 of the gains of the entire 500 companies of the S P 500 just pause for a moment and just think about that and again I'm up on the screen is a split of those games you can see the top five stocks and then the next 15 and then the remainder do you know what thinking about this I thought to myself there's a big lesson we ought to learn from this because Beyond obviously didn't need to invest in the S P 500 I wanted to just share something that I think will help you earn more okay and this is very practical let's say each day I'm sure you've got your to-do list you've got various things that come up in your life each day let's say you have a list of things I said they're at your top ten top 10 lists of things to do list and that list is growing one two three all the way to task 10. yeah you've got all these things you've got to do one way I will try to look at this idea is the thing that the S P 500 article revealed to me and I knew this already but I just connected the dots is that the Pareto Principle exists in and around our lives what that was really saying in that article was that around 20 roughly or below right 20 of the S P 500 companies were making up about 80 of the gains of the s p 500. what this tells us and we can relate this to our day-to-day lives in a minute what this tells us is that the 80 20 rule applies so for example on this YouTube channel I know that if I go and looked at all our video content and we've made more than 400 videos on this channel sometimes I even forget what videos I've made because they've been that many I know that around 20 of all our videos are one in five of all our videos make up more than 80 percent of our entire traffic that comes to our Channel yeah because it's a rule of life it's actually a universal rule you know that means that for you to make more money around 20 of your to-do list every day will make up 80 of the results you're gonna get to create that money so that means each day when you make your task list and this is what I do I want you to ask yourself which of my 10 things are most valuable which one should I really care about right now which one is my Prime movie what is giving me the most value and likely to help me achieve my goal if your goal is making money or making more money which of these is it this one and that one if you identify your top two what I call your Prime movers you should make sure that the first thing you spend your time doing as part of paying yourself first in the day is to focus on those two things and then once you've done those two things that will give you the most value when it comes to generating an income growing that income you can then spend a bit of time focusing on everything else that way you are giving yourself the best chance of focusing on that 20 rather than wasting a lot of your energy on the 80 percent now the final thing I want to share today is the whole idea of creating a value ladder so again I want to illustrate there are two different ways that people make money in the world more generally okay so on one hand you've got people who are creating uh low price products and then relying on lots of value okay that's one way yeah like my son and I were talking about it he plays this game called Roblox which is drives Mary and I completely Bonkers but this game in this game they buy this thing called Robux you can buy them from 299 or 4.99 or whatever small bits of money and they rely on millions of Gamers to then make lots of money from it yeah and they do they make that money that's one way of making money the second way of making money is to focus on high high price a high value but low volume so my question to you is which method do you think is more likely to make you more money if you are somebody who's trying to make some extra money by earning more whilst working less in my personal experience if you've got limited resources such as time you're actually better off focusing on the high price you know the premium but with low volume because like this guy imagine this guy here trying to sell a lot of lots and lots of cheap things huge volume of them yes they'll sell some but if you sold one thing that was premium you probably made more money from that person with all their constant effort by selling lots of things of small price okay so to illustrate to you this idea of the value that I want to just show you real quick with my diagram and I hope I hope this really speaks to you because I think this is such an important concept to understand yeah so on this side you've got Valley and on this side you've got price so in order for me to charge more for something I have to offer more value yeah so a very linear relationship but I think I wanted to explain here though is and this will speak to you if you've already got a side hustle or a business or you sell you've got some products or something or even if you haven't got any of those things and you want to create them one day you have the aspiration this will help you as well or if you just have a career this will also help you so imagine how many is a dentist and an allergy yeah imagine I went to my dentist and my dentist says you know it can you know you've got okay teeth yeah but I think you could do a lot better yeah I think you'd you could end up having Hollywood teeth one day you know really that Hollywood look with your teeth where everything's just like really white and shiny with no gaps at all okay I've got and the dentist says do you know what one thing I could do is let's begin by um actually doing some cleaning for you let's clean your teeth if you're like a random routine so I go then dentist says yeah I'll offer you some tooth uh like cleaning and routine and chat and stuff like that so I do that and I'm happy and like wow this is great then the dancing says to me do you know what Ken since you've been through that I would love to actually suggest that you had some braces yes I know you're an adult but it's still good for you be good for your image if you had braces on uh but it will cost you a bit more money yeah it will cost you I don't know how much these things cost maybe it cost you maybe 900 pounds or or seven 750 pounds or whatever this is a dentist other offer yeah I don't say you know what I've been thinking about doing these braces for ages I will take on your your braces offer yeah and then Nancy says you know what go away Ken and come back to me and along here I want you to check in keep coming back for your checking yeah various checks I come back after a few months of wearing these braces and dentist says this is great we've been able to close to close all those gaps for you Ken but you know what it's created new gaps in your teeth because when you close those gaps there are now these bigger gaps left so what I can do is offer you veneers for your teeth these veneers are made in the mountains of wherever and they're Brilliance and they will help your teeth look even more amazing and I'm like oh man I really want the Hollywood smile so I'll have the top tier version what the dentist has walked me through is to offer me more value but also offer me more price yeah and I'm like you know what I want more value so therefore I'm happy to pay more but the key thing I wanted to establish here when it comes to making more money and you probably need a bigger session for this to understand this fully but hopefully this has made sense is the there is a mechanism that the dentists use to get me from here to here and to here yeah so if I was someone who wanted to work less and earn more I would create a blend between my low price products and my high value products by creating a mechanism like this effectively a value letter a system a sales system that means there's somebody every single customer that comes across my products my services whatever I offer whatever you offer will end up a percentage of them will end up here purchasing my high value products at a higher price or some might just purchase the low value products but either way this blend of high value and low value serves to help me make more money by working less over time guys I hope you've really enjoyed this session I've been very practical as I promised at the very beginning of this video and I hope you've taken away something even if it's one thing that you can apply to your own life today my entire goal for making this video is to shift your mindset to shift the core belief you have in yourself that you cannot earn more or that you need to always swap your time for money this entire video is really to expose you to the mindset that this is all about being Smarter with the resources we have in order for us to create the opportunities and the value that then makes us more money I hope this video really spoke to you if it really did again I'd really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button and support our Channel and let's get that percentage down to something like 40 or even lower of people who are currently watching every single day or every week but currently unsubscribed please support our Channel by subscribing guys I'd love to hear from you in the comments which one of the five ideas I shared today will you take away and actually do something with please jump in the comments and let me know and if you've got any questions related to today's video any of the ideas I share today again I'll be in the comments after this video making sure I respond to your questions but other than that thank you guys so much for watching today's video and as always in all things be thankful and seek Joy take care people bye for now
Channel: The Humble Penny
Views: 10,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: work less earn more, how to make money uk, how to make money online, how to work less and make more money, make money online, how to make money, make more money, make money, how to make passive income online, making money online, how to earn money online, work less, earn more, how to become a millionaire, how to make more money by working less, how to make more money with little time, how to work less, the humble penny, humble penny, uk, free ways to make money, 2023, money
Id: 84vP7fP34CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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