5 Best Places to Sell Your Handmade Products Or Crafts Online 💻

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if you're looking for places to sell your handmade crafts and products online you need to watch this video because it's gonna save you so much time from making the wrong choice and get you selling on the best platform right now so that you're set up for long term success and lots of sales may here I help makers artists and designers we could consistent income selling their handmade products online we're just gonna jump right into it okay so I'm going to order these from worst to last or worst to best so we're going to start with the worst number five eBay now I have heard of a few people who used to sell or are currently selling their handmade products or artwork on eBay the thing is eva is not going to be the place for you to build a shop that's memorable and that has a brand a brand is the experience you give your customers like with your website layout your color your logo product images a large part of it is the website itself eBay is sterile it's a cold platform your customers are going to feel anything when they go shop for your pots on ebay they're not gonna even remember what your brand theme was they're gonna just say I bought this thing on eBay they're not gonna remember they bought it from tiny ends jewelry on eBay and a good website that you can fully customize with your brand will make your customers feel something it's just like they're walking into a brick-and-mortar store imagine one that's taken the time to decorate fine furniture and display pieces that are interesting and unique and colorful and maybe they've even put on some soft music in the background and some incense the person working in the store says hi to you really nicely you know that whole entire thing is the experience compare that with walking into Walmart you're not exactly going to feel warm and fuzzy inside the same goes for eBay I eBay is great for selling on there if you make a commodity product and what that means is a product that is you're not very unique and no one really cares if you made it or if someone else made it so for example if you're selling Apple iPhones Nike sneakers books vintage fabric or knitting supplies eBay is powered by a search engine it's a marketplace which means it comes with its own built-in audience of customers and I know that sounds nice but keep in mind that eBay takes quite a big cut of your sales it's around ten percent not counting credit card processing fees or listing fees or any special add-ons you've bought to make your listing stand out more I sell on eBay but the stuff I sell on there are all of my use electronics anytime I buy a new gadget like a camera or a laptop or phone I always sell my old one on eBay I'm not selling my brand of jewelry tiny hands-on there I know people shopping on eBay are not going to value my jewelry if you're going to sell your handmade products on there just be prepared for some really crazy extreme pricing competition overall not a great place to sell your products but it has its own place and purpose depending on what you're selling number four is Facebook now with Facebook there are several ways to sell on Facebook there's Facebook marketplace which is kind of like eBay or Craigslist a lot of people are selling you stuff on there and it's just not a great place to set up a brandon experienced shop that's going to be a long-term thing for you there's Facebook groups I've heard some very creative shop owners who start their own Facebook groups but how it works is they have a very unique business model where they sell one-of-a-kind products so they have limited quantities and they launched their product collections in batches and they release their product collection like once every few weeks so their products aren't available for sale all the time I think this works especially well if you sell something that people like to buy multiple of or in other words they like to collect jewelry is a good example I don't think this would work as well for you if you sold something that the customer only needed one of like engagement rings so they built Facebook groups and the way it works is if you want to see what's for sale when new stuff comes out you have to join the group it's a great way to reach a small group of people who are already really ready to buy from you I know of maybe two or three businesses who rely solely on doing just this and are making close to six-figure sales and not more which is great but again it's not a common thing to do for various reasons for one again you can't brand the Facebook we've talked a lot about branding today and why that's important right - you have the added responsibility of keeping your group engaged even when you're not selling anything so that when you do have something for sale your members will see your sale posts because of your group isn't engaged when you have something for sale no one's going to see your post 3 I don't think a facebook group is the best way to make sales it's a pretty close ecosystem I mean like not everyone has a Facebook account right you're requiring that people have not only a Facebook account but also join your group in order to buy from you that's a lot of steps you can't take advantage of those impulse purchases where a total stranger finds your products and buys right off your website Facebook groups just aren't set up for that or like what if someone's looking for a specific gift for a family or friend they're not going to join a Facebook group and be a part of something like that just to buy a one-time gift I think the Facebook group is more conducive for people who are buying stuff for themselves or if they're buying them as gifts but they're thinking about people who share their same tastes and finally with Facebook there are Facebook pages there are a couple ways you can do this you can sell on your page just like you would on a group and that's probably going to be with comments selling you can post a picture of the product you have for sale write a description for it and say that for anyone who wants to buy it ask them to comment sold on the post you'll then have to send them a private message with a PayPal invoice link so it's a pretty manual process but there are apps you can use to make that automatic with a Facebook page if you have a Shopify store you can also sync your products to your Facebook page so you have a section on your page that shows your Shopify products for sale people can buy her stuff directly on facebook without ever leaving the platform I make a small percentage of sales from that but I wouldn't rely on that completely to make me a full-time income number three we've got Etsy Etsy it is a marketplace site like eBay it has millions of customers already shopping on there and tons of people looking for products like yours I think Etsy is a pretty great site to sell on because it's a lot more targeted at handmade products and I know recently that isn't completely true anymore since Etsy allowed mass manufacture products to be sold on there but the types of products for sale on Etsy are definitely a lot higher quality and more unique than what you'll find on eBay Etsy already comes with some great selling tools and if you know how to do search engine optimization on your product listings well then you are in a great position to have an Etsy shop that brings you passive sales and income like me I make several sales on Etsy every month without ever having to do any active promotion on there in terms of cons I have so many actually I can't even fit them all into this one video so I have made for you a totally separate video talking about how NC is bad for you but in the sense that it's bad for you only if it's all you focus your time and energy on NC shouldn't be your main focus it should be a side dish no not the main course and if you're curious to know more about why I say that check out that video number two Amazon okay so Amazon like eBay and Etsy is a marketplace site it's got that built an audience of customers and it's powered by a search engine there are a few ways to sell on Amazon there's Amazon handmade there's regular Amazon for the lack of a better way to call it and then there's Amazon FBA which stands for fulfillment by Amazon Amazon handmade was the most recent initiative personally I prefer to sell in just regular Amazon I've heard that you do get better reach and results with just regular Amazon than with Amazon handmade more which means more visibility which means more customers which means more sales now with fulfillment by Amazon FBA what this is is you're shipping your products to Amazon's warehouse where they store your products for you when your product sells Amazon takes care of packing and shipping that order for you so you're just shipping one box with a batch of multiple quantities of that same product to them and they're doing the individual shipping for you so you ship to Amazon and Amazon ships directly to your customer that's the definition of a fulfillment company now of course there are added fees for that but in exchange for the extra cost you get the really cool prime label on your product with steam this is yet another way to categorize your products people can filter products based on what is a prime product listing which means it's got much faster shipping and it's free shipping to your products on FBA will appear in that list I don't know about you but I never buy anything that doesn't have a prime label on it it is a huge conversion booster people are also more likely to buy products with a prime label on it I have personally seen my FBA products sell much more and I make a lot more sales through FBA then on regular Amazon having said that just keep in mind that Amazon isn't cheap if you compare it to Etsy for example but also consider that you're reaching a much larger audience than on Etsy of course there are other marketplace disadvantages just like Etsy and eBay where you can't control your branding you have a lot of competition you don't really own the contact details of your customer so you can't send them like emails so I really don't believe you should make any of these marketplace lights your focus instead just sell on there for the side income and for the sales that you otherwise wouldn't get if you weren't on there because one thing you have to understand is the customers on these marketplace lights are going to be totally different customers from the people who shop from you from your own platform so you don't have to worry about like it being the same people and think of these marketplace sites as like your sales reps who are doing the work to make you sales you pay them a higher Commission but the work to get that sale is pretty hands-off it's all a part of diversifying your income so that your sales aren't coming from just one place don't put all your eggs in one desk because that's really scary and dangerous so finally with number one we have Shopify and if you know me you know I always recommend Shopify and if you don't know me hello Shopify I believe Shopify to be the best place to sell your handmade products online because you can control and customize the entire shopping experience you give to your customers that means your shop is more memorable people will remember your shop tell their friends about you and they're much more likely to stay loyal to you as a customer it's a better recipe for long-term success Shopify also comes with a ton of really cool apps you can add on to your store to help you do marketing free so for example I have an app called quickly quickly with a cape where it promotes my products for me on my behalf and when a sale is made I just pay them a commission but I've set so the higher you set the commission the more they promote your products for you I don't pay them anything else besides the Commission and you know the way I look at it I'm making sales through their app that I otherwise wouldn't have made without them that's just one example there are dozens of apps you can install to make your job of marketing your shopping easier which is the hardest part and possibly the biggest disadvantage to a Shopify store because it's not a marketplace platform like Amazon eBay or Etsy you don't have the benefit of customers searching for your product you have to bring your own traffic to your Shopify store which for a lot of people is very hard to do but I don't think it's that hard if you know what you need to do and I have a ton of videos on my channel that show you how another disadvantage with a Shopify store that puts people off is the price it's not the cheapest but honestly you get what you pay for that cannot be more true in this case and that's a reason I haven't talked about other similar website builders like Wix or Squarespace or GoDaddy or Square up or did I say Squarespace sorry or WordPress because none of these sites were designed to be a physical product shop the way Shopify was built and designed comparing Shopify to all these alternatives Shopify has the best speed the best security the best user experience which in turn results in higher conversion rates compared to all of those other sites Shopify is also the biggest website builder site for selling the physical products that means it's got the largest community for support if you ever need help it's got the best technology and always the first to access cool tech and new apps like when Instagram came out with the ability to tag your products in your photos so all people needed to do was tap on your photo and they can go directly to your site to the exact product listing without going to your link in bio landing on your homepage and then figuring out where to find that product that they saw on your feet a month ago that feature is only available to Shopify users people on Wix or Squarespace or all those other sites as of this recording don't have access to that yet and seriously if you're going to choose any of those other sites instead of Shopify because you want to save like ten dollars really think about it here you only need to make one extra sale to make it worthwhile and it's definitely worth it to use the best site out there from the get-go Shopify is great for beginners but it's also great for stores who are doing like millions of dollars a year I recommend you start with Shopify from the very beginning rather than starting with a different site and then moving onto Shopify years later just because you're trying to save money because we're gonna spend all of that money try just trying to move over to Shopify trust me because I've done a lot of my own moves from one platform to another and it is painful time-consuming and expensive alright so there you have it my breakdown of the top five best websites to sell your crafts online if you enjoyed this stay on to watch this next video if you have any questions leave me a comment below and if you have any suggestions for other videos you'd like me to make let me know in the comments also don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe
Channel: Creative Hive
Views: 319,915
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Keywords: sell your handmade items online, sell your handmade products online, how to sell your handmade items, sell handmade, sell handmade products, selling handmade products online, handmade products, handmade product tips, selling handmade products on etsy, handmade shop tips, where to sell handmade items, deborah engelmajer, evanandkatelyn, handmade craft ideas, Amanda Love Santos, Angela Jasmina, Mei Pak, creative hive, 5 BEST Websites To Sell Your Handmade Products
Id: HgpwgYUaNqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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