The Best FREE Language App Is THIS, thank you for coming to my TEDx Talk. || Language Transfer

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i wish i knew about this app years ago why don't they teach you like that in school like that's my question [Music] hello my name is emmy and i started a youtube channel because i wanted to document the process of learning spanish today i am here to bless you with some information you've probably heard about apps like duolingo memorized babble rosetta stone there are a million different language learning apps out there and some of them are good and some of them are bad and a lot of them are just kind of like and i do know a couple really good ones but today i wanted to talk about one that no one really talks about and i don't know why it deserves so much more recognition and that is why i'm making this video she deserves so much better and i'm talking about the language transfer so if you don't know about it and you want to learn a new language or you're currently learning one and you're still in kind of the beginner stage stick around because i'm going to be explaining why i think this app is so damn good so in this video i'm gonna walk you through what language transfer is how it works and why i think this is such a game-changing app and at the end just some cons to keep it honest here yeah okay so what is language transfer so language transfer is a free app that primarily focuses on grammar and it's not one of those free apps that you actually have to pay to get the premium version to get the whole package no no no it's actually free it relies completely on donations so unless you want to donate it is completely free what's crazy about it is that it was created by one guy it doesn't have a whole team behind it it was just this one dude who i think is greek and he was explaining that okay the language teaching is done notoriously badly and there has to be a better way and i'm gonna make that better way okay next how does it work okay first of all it is a classroom style so basically the greek guy he's the teacher and he always has a student a volunteer student and they're just doing a class together so it really feels like you're in a classroom the length of each lesson varies it's sometimes only five to six minutes or sometimes it goes up to 15 minutes but still the point is it's not very long another key feature is that there is no memorization he discourages memorizing and even note-taking which was bizarre to me at first because for me i used to think that language learning like such a huge proportion of it was just memorizing a lot of stuff like memorizing vocabulary memorizing grammar rules and that kind of stuff and i still think it's really important to use flashcards and stuff to expand your vocabulary however in language transfer it really focuses on teaching you how the language works it always makes you dissect the language to it's like its tiniest piece and then it makes you build the sentence from there so the lessons are always full of like mental exercises so your brain is like busy the entire time and kind of related to that point another key feature is that it takes a very linguistic approach you might be like oh my god linguistics that sounds way too difficult but actually i don't think so i think it makes it way easier to approach languages that way and the lesson the guys always kind of relating the words to each other looking where they came from categorizing them into groups constantly comparing it to different languages he explains why certain grammar rules exist it's always just like connecting the dots and that's fun that is very satisfying to me what used to seem like random ass rules that i just have to kind of memorize now makes sense to me it happened multiple times when i was like oh my god i see now why didn't they teach me like that in school so that's fun that kind of language learning is fun to me it just makes it so much more interesting so it's always about identifying words and roles that you can convert or transfer from one language to another and i think that's why this app is called language transfer because it's it's it's doing it all the time it's a constant theme what i love about this app is that it doesn't start with the basics and what i mean by that is that it doesn't start with a typical like hola como estas no he starts by saying you know what english and spanish are actually related and there's a bunch of words that we can convert from english to spanish so why don't we look at those first and that's how it starts for example there's this golden rule that i was like mind blown by and it goes like this words ending in io and such as like opinion passion preparation creation organization those type of words those you can all convert right into spanish just to say it in the spanish way opinion creation like that and it gets better out of those take the ones that end an asian for example like preparation creation organization complication take out the shin at the end and add an r and that gives you the verb form in spanish okay so this is how it works for example preparation if you read in the spanish way it goes preparation take out the shun and add an r at the end prepara that means to prepare another example generation we have the word generation in english if you read it the spanish way it goes generacion drop the shun stick an r at the end general that means to generate and it goes for other words as well like creation creation complication complication and the guy's like c you already know a thousand different spanish verbs this method is brilliant why don't they teach it like that in school like that's my question so that's why i think this app is amazing and that it's really special you take your time to dissect the language it takes you through the language in a way that really helps you understand the language it's constantly giving you all these mental exercises so you can really internalize it as well to me it almost feels like this whole course is just a love letter from one language nerd to another there's so many good things to say about this app in general but there's one crucial thing that is very multinai i don't know how do you say it in english there's one big con that is hard to ignore and that is that unfortunately there's not a lot of languages what do they have so they have spanish arabic turkish german greek italian swahili french and english for spanish speakers so they've got those nine languages and if your target language isn't that i'm sorry but they don't have korean or chinese or japanese i have a lot of friends especially who are studying korean because like kpop and kdramas are such a huge thing now but unfortunately they still don't have those courses but well let's just hope that other languages would be added in the future this isn't like really criticizing the app itself or anything but one thing i would say is that if you're just doing language transfer it's not gonna make you fluent no i think it's good to be using it with a combination of different sources definitely because it's really more focused on the grammar and the structure of the language and all that so the vocabulary you learn is very limited so you should definitely use it with another or multiple different sources and that is all i have to say about this app okay honestly i've only done about like 20 something lessons so far out of 90. so i still got a long way to go but i really wanted to make this video like right now since it's a very new year's resolution season and i know a lot of people maybe want to pick up a new language in 2021 so i thought it's like the perfect time to make this video and share with you guys so i'll definitely link their website down in the description so go check it out if you want i love this course can you tell can you tell it was it obvious you know me too well so this was a very different type of video but i hope you guys found it useful i hope you enjoyed it and it would make me so happy if you could subscribe and i'll see you guys again very soon bye [Music] they should honestly hire me as their sales and marketing person
Channel: emi grace
Views: 335,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Learn Spanish, language learning tips, Emi Grace, how to learn spanish, how to learn a language, Tokyo, how to learn spanish self study, Spanish language self study, language learning app, best language app 2021, best language app, best language apps free, best apps for learning spanish, language transfer, best apps for learning spanish free, language transfer review, language transfer spanish review, spanish learning for beginners, best free language learning resources
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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