5 Animals You Didn't Know Existed | BBC Earth

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Beaches are made of parrotfish poop?!? These things are bizarre. Oh and they build islands!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheGalaxyEater 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you look at these months two feet you can really understand how they dispatch their prey so quickly as you can see in particular the back talon is very very long Pelin that's the main healing weapon right and and they drive it right to the hilt and I had a talent put through the glove not aggressively just uh excited and gripping and it drove the Talon this town right to the bones and fortunately it wasn't meaning to hurt me you're telling me that this this Eagle here could could actually damage me through this cloth oh absolutely he's not gripping at all these feet are much much more powerful for example than a Rottweilers jaws of the two of us hey I am more intimidated by him than he is of me yeah there are there oh hang on let him hang limp yeah now you want to rotate him so he's facing upward now Berto regular climbs up to eagle nests to check the health of the chicks as part of his job and this time he allowed us to go with him it was a unique opportunity to check out a nest and even perhaps see a Wild Eagle trouble was the nest was around a hundred and twenty feet up in a very wobbly tree [Music] as well as a healthy hungry turkey size chip the nest was littered with bits of prey many slots and monkeys all pick clingy ways from her large framing but we had to keep our time in the nest to a minimum if we upset the mother it could be very serious for us are we in any danger here Alberto from the mother coming back and possibly taking offense to our visiting her home it's quite rare it does happen if it does we'd be in a lot of trouble and why didn't you tell me this is more comforting not no whoa whoa she is huge is that she doesshe he's looking right at your head actually I can see it claws when the air itself becomes saturated and the temperature is just right rare Giants emerge [Music] a per wellif antis now it can grow to the size of a man's fist [Applause] [Music] so rare they can only be filmed in captivity where their extraordinary behavior is revealed it's still a mystery as to exactly how they track down their food but one thing is for sure this snail has unusual taste and revolting table manners [Music] [Music] [Music] it's mouth envelops and suffocates the earth world [Music] it sucked down like spaghetti [Music] for anything bigger it's got 6,000 teeth ready to shred the next meal in the supersaturated environment this specialized smell is the ultimate predator many caves are like islands cut off from the outside world and from other caves [Music] this isolation has resulted in the evolution of some various strange creatures they are the cave specialists troglobites animals that never emerge from the caves or see daylight [Music] these troglobites from Thailand are possibly the most specialized creatures on earth so they live only in cave waterfalls the entire population of these cave angel fish seems to be restricted to just two small caves it's the same story with other troglobites there may well be less than a hundred texas cave salamanders in the wild [Music] and the Belizean white crap is another creature that is unique to just one cave system living in perpetual darkness they have all not only lost the pigment in their skin but also their eyes it takes thousands of generations for eyes to be lost so these species must have been isolated for a very long time but the blind salamander has other highly developed sensory organs receptors in the skin detect minut movements in the water made by its prey external gills help it to breathe in water that is particularly though in oxygen [Music] the cave angel fish feed on bacteria in the fast-flowing water keeping their grip with microscopic hooks on their fins food is often in short supply and troglobites like the crab have to survive on whatever washes into the cave from outside [Music] a salamander might not encounter food for several months so when something does come along it can't afford to miss it it's astonishing that these extraordinary cave dwellers managed to survive at all compared parent fish nearly a metre and a half in length their jaws are so powerful they can bite through rock when they descend to feed the reef itself is under threat they are indiscriminate feeders taking both rock and coral alike in their quest for Algy these fish play a large part in the erosion of the reef the rock and coral they swallow emerges later is a fine sand on a single reef they can produce tons of it every year this soft sand forms the tropical beaches that we find so alluring over time the sand builds up to form an island which is then colonized by animals and plants [Music] trees take root birds arrive [Music] the guano from thousands of terms which have chosen to nest here enriches the sandy soil which then can support more plants
Channel: BBC Earth
Views: 2,522,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Animals You Didn't Know Existed, best animal videos, harpy eagle chick, bbc documentary, bbc, bbcearth, bbc earth, rare species, compilation, snail eats worm, harpy eagle, harpy eagle nest, snub nose monkey, snub nosed monkey, troglobite, cave animals
Id: 8eW-_cPXtLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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