5 Amazing Woodworking Tips / Hacks

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hey what's up guys I'm going with DIY creators and today we're coming back with another one and I'm gonna be showing you guys some really quick and simple projects that you could tackle in your shop now they are hacks but it doesn't mean that all heck's are bad acts and I want to show you that some of these are really cool and can totally make its way into your shop in a way you operate I'm gonna kick this off by tackling the one that I created a couple of days ago and that's attaching dust collection to your circular saw now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that it's a perfect solution but it does work circular saws create a lot of dust and if you have a circular saw you know exactly what I'm talking about so the best way to contain this is by hooking up a shop vac to it or your dust collection system most of the time does ports are an optional item that you have to purchase after you pick up your saw so not every saw will come with them and I actually have a saw that don't come with them but it's heck you're gonna need a dust port on your circular saw or you can create one I had the best luck using these rubber reducer coupler things that you can find in a plumbing section and also a milk jug or empty water bottle I drew it a bunch of small holes in a jug I am now making the decision that this will be the top section of the container I'm not a hundred percent sure these holes actually help but they're they're coincidental eighth a couple of fit right over the bottle along with these other things that I've had on hand I was hoping that the friction fit would be good enough to hold all this together but after a bit of vibration and shaking I can see that the jug would more likely fall off so a quick fix to this is just applying hot glue around the perimeter of the coupler so now I'm going to do a couple passes just to show the difference with the jug on and with the jug off and then you can make the decision on if this is good enough or this is a waste of time [Music] so as long as you don't mind being a funny-looking person on a job set with a bottle attached to your circular saw then this would probably do the trick and you won't have to worry about throwing dust all over the place and one thing to keep in mind there is no suction happening here in terms of a vacuum so you're still gonna have a little bit of sawdust on your work surface until you have one of these you won't really know how awesome it is to own a marking gauge this is a store-bought version so we won't be making one this cool but we're gonna make one that has very similar purpose to get involved in this one I'm going to use a piece of one inch dowel rod and you can use any piece of wood because this is round it's much easier to hold on to now draw a small hole right in the center of that and add a wood screw anything from an inch and a quarter to two inch should do the trick [Music] now to use some ideas great use for this is if you want to cut mortise tenants if you also want to cut dado joints and rabbits or if you just want to place the line close to an edge somewhere maybe you want to line up pieces of wood in the same exact location then you just make one consistent line along the edge and as a sample I'm gonna show you how you can quickly make a rabbet cut using a handsaw as you can see there is no need for a pencil I just set the depth that I needed to make the marks on both side and bam we're in business [Music] now you would want to take your marking gauge and then start striking lines on a piece of metal with the screw it means not worry draw out your straight lines and just keep on moving as long as the edge is square you would get a consistent line going around the entire perimeter [Music] so coming up the shop tip number three a sandpaper slash tape cutter there's a number of ways you can go about this but I'm going to show you two quick solution for the first option take a piece of wood something that you can store in cabinets are put away easily and you can use any size hacksaw blade that you choose now place a cup of washer or nut to set the gap between the blade and the wood now drive a screw right through and into the wood and this works surprisingly well but at the same time you're probably thinking why don't you just use scissors well I don't know about you but I have a hard time keeping up with anything in my shop that's smaller than a table saw so chances are I may have a hard time keeping up with this cutter if it's stuck to a piece of board so this brings me to the next way to use the hacksaw blade to make cuts attaching it directly to a workbench chances of me not being able to locate the workbench is very low so I think this is a great solution and it would be the option I'd recommend thankfully I didn't have to learn the hard way but it is a better solution to have the teeth facing down versus up not only does this cut sandpaper and just about any grit it also sliced through tape as well and moving on to tip number four oh the joy of having dust collection at your drill press this heck is gonna be like a two-for-one cuz we're also gonna have a drum sander slash spindle sander whichever one you want to refer to it as along with the dust collection so I'm gonna start off by drilling out a two and a half inch hole in a piece of plywood then I'll drill a small hole in a PVC reducer next I attached a round base magnet using a screw in a nut and after tightening that up I can now plug my vacuum hose onto the other side of this now if you have the same exact pieces as I do here with the hose and also the PVC attachment this wasn't a perfect fit so I used two sided tape to shrink the hole and create a wedge adding the magnetic base make this quick and simple to add and remove dust collection not only from your drill press but all the tools in your shop and as you can see the drum sander is working flawlessly the plywood vases held down with a few screws from underneath the dust collection is working pretty good as well and this is using a shop vac so imagine if you have a dust collection system I'd matter in your suction would be a whole lot better but it's next one I'm gonna show you how to use your clamps to get a little squeeze action out of your silicon tubes or conk tubes so you may be wondering like why this well many times a lot of people go to the store pick up things and then you always forget to grab something in my case I have wanted to use the caulk gun but I always seem to misplace it and I want to show you guys a tip that I like to do when I can't find that thing and I don't want to waste a lot of time looking for it so the first thing you going to need is your silicon or caulking and then the next thing you're gonna need is a good sized clamp and a caulk gun you have a cutter so it cut off the tip of this but we're gonna do that with a razor just in cases you can't find cause I'll remember that so the next thing we're gonna do is just attach this here to the clamp tape it on you can probably use zip ties or whatever you have to use in order to make this happen but I think everybody happy now the next thing I'm gonna need is a piece of wood don't have to be this long it can be whatever size you need it to be then we're gonna work that into here there's no reason to strap this down you can probably use a piece of zip tie and have to hold it in place but I think once you start putting pressure on here it's not going anywhere and it doesn't matter if you have a razor or if you have a knife or something you can just snip the tip up just like that alright so let's see if we can make a good nice straight line just release the tension and stop the corn from coming out well I mean what do you think there that looks pretty good to me so my point is we're not trying to eliminate the cop gun completely the point is if you don't have one or you cannot find yours don't be slowed down by not having the right tools there's always something you can do to possibly create a quick hack and get by so I'd love to hear what you guys think about these projects down in the comments let me know if these are things that you would incorporate in your shop also if you want to see more stuff like this let me know down in the comments on top of that let me know what you want to see getting made if you have some cool ideas that you just can't think about how to bring it to life let's do it let me know down in the comments and I'll do my best to create those for you guys but I hope you guys enjoyed this video and that is it for today I'm Glen with DIY creators and I would catch you guys on the next one Oh also if you guys are new here be sure to subscribe to the channel ring that bell turn on notifications so that you know when I upload a new video but I think that was do it for today and I will see you guys in the next one you [Music]
Channel: DIY Creators
Views: 3,073,267
Rating: 4.8789783 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Woodworking, Wood, Easy DIY, 5 Woodworking Tips, 5 Woodworking Tips Hacks, woodworking tips and tricks, Woodworking tips & tricks for beginners, woodworking project, woodworking hacks, woodworking tricks, woodworking tip, woodworking tips, woodworking tips and tricks for beginners, workshop hacks, tips and tricks, woodworking tools, How to, hack, woodworking projects, woodworking furniture projects, clamps for woodworking, table saw, woodworking class, do it yourself
Id: D0Hm-whbWOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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