Woodworking Tricks You'll Actually Use | How Did I Not Know These Things

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this video was sponsored by skillshare hey a lot of you guys have been asking for another tips and tricks video so i thought hey i can do that now this video is completely random these tricks follow no specific theme they're all over the place some of them you might know already and some of them might be new to you so watch the video check it out you might learn something you might not comment down below if you've got a trick that you know about that you think might be useful to other people and i'll try and throw it in the next video i think that's it let's do this [Music] all right so this tip it might be stupid but i've been doing this for years so i thought i might as well share it with you all you're going to need for this is a little scrap piece a quarter inch ply a straw and a piece of blue tape now what you're going to want to do is you're going to drill a hole in the center of that little scrap piece of ply the same diameter as your straw then you're going to shove your straw through the center just like that until most of it's sticking out take your piece of blue tape and you're going to wrap it around one end like this this is just going to keep the straw from being able to pass back through that piece of ply now what is this well now you have a straw that can't fall in your drink no i'm just kidding it's got another purpose so i find myself from time to time really wanting to get in tight crevices to clean out dust and dirt and stuff and most crevice tools that come with a vacuum they're just way too big you can't get really in there you can blow them out with the air compressor but then you got dust all over your shop and you're bringing it in so if you make one of these all you have to do is take your shopvac or your dust extractor or whatever turn it on and then it's going to suck that plate tight to the top and then you got this little tiny crevice tool that you can clean up in all your little cracks and crevices let me show you how it works while i'm talking about the dust extractor and vacuums and all that i thought i'd show you one more little trick now this only really works if you got a festool dust extractor but a lot of you guys do so i thought i'd show you now the festool dust extractors have these little green clips on the top and those are made so you can stack sustainers on top and lock them in i never use mine for that because this stays in the shop and i only use it to hook up to my sanders and stuff what i don't like about this system is when you plug stuff in and you're pulling on the sander half the time this thing pops out and comes unplugged in the middle of sanding you can go back and try and stick it in there and make sure it stays so what i did was i took out the green clip right here above the plug and so whenever i plug my sander in i fold my cord in half like that and i stick it down in there and make a loop and then i stick my plug through it just like that and then i plug it in down there and kind of tighten it up a little bit if you want and that's going to make sure that you can pull on this all you want all day long and this is never going to come unplugged while you're sanding which is great so you can use it for your sander your track saw whatever you're plugging in here and you don't have to worry about accidentally unplugging it while you're doing your work hey a weird question i get from time to time is how do i gain respect of other woodworkers people will say i'm new to this field i just want to have the respect of other people out there how do you go about doing that they say you've been doing it a while how did how did you get respect from other woodworkers well i'll tell you a little trick that i like to use you get on amazon and you buy a little bottle of this fake blood and then what you do is you invite a bunch of other woodworkers over to your shop and right before they get to your shop you take some of the fake blood and you just drip it all over your hand kind of smear it around like this okay and then they walk in and you just start talking to them like hey man what's up welcome to my shop and of course they're going to be like dude your hand what happened and you look out you're like just a splinter or something and you just keep on going with whatever you're building they'll immediately think you are one tough guy and you'll gain the respect of the whole woodworking community i've done it like 20 times hey nowadays when i want to hand sand normally i just grab a sanding disc fold it in half and sand away but there still comes a time when i want to use a traditional sheet of sandpaper maybe i need a really tiny piece because i'm trying to get in a small area sometimes i cut these into strips and use them on the lathe every once while they just work better if you use sheets of sandpaper but they can kind of be a pain to cut up or get to the size you want either you got to fold them in half a bunch of times and tear them use scissors but it can destroy your scissors and i remember when i was 12 years old in one of my friend's dad's wood shop he had this cool little sandpaper cutter that he made and it was super neat so i thought i'd show you and all you need is a hacksaw blade what you're going to do is you're going to take your hacksaw blade and a pair of pliers all right so you're going to just put your pliers on there i just like to use the head of the pliers as my measurement so i do it right to the end and you bend that out like that and then you move right to the bent spot and you bend that in like that and then you do the same thing to the other side out back in now you got this nice blade that you can attach to your workbench as you can see i've had one attached down here for a while all you got to do is slide your sandpaper in there fold it over until it's even or whatever size you want it at and then you just can perfectly cut really any size you want pretty quick and easy and you got sandpaper in all your different sizes just like that cost about what two bucks for a hacksaw blade now all right this next tip involves the speed square now this is one of those tips that i just kind of assumed everybody knew but i had somebody over in my shop the other day and i was using a speed square to do this and they're like what i didn't know it could do that so i thought i'd share it if you already know this i'm sorry and if you don't well it's a good little trick to have in your bag so we all know the speed square is great for two main things you can draw a line this way and you can draw a line this way this would technically be like zero degrees 90 degrees depending on how you're looking at it and this would be 45 degrees but what apparently some people didn't know is that you can do other degrees with this thing you got this little point down here it says pivot pivot point so if you keep it firm on that point and you pivot it like this you got all these numbers along this edge here and that changes the degree right here so if you pivot it which would be on zero you can pivot over to five do five degrees ten do ten degrees you can pivot it all the way over to 30 and get really crazy 30 degrees so this is really helpful to draw different degrees besides just 45 and 90. it's also helpful if you have a piece of wood that's already cut in an angle and you're trying to figure out what that angle is you can slap this on there rotate it until it matches up with your cut and it'll tell you exactly what the angle is so if you didn't know now you do i'm getting tired of all those running around one of the most common questions i get is how do you glue up a table top without getting it to bow and i've shared a little bit of some of the ways you can alleviate this alternating the grain but clamping is another big reason that people get bows on their table and i've talked about this before most people will clamp up a panel and they'll just put way too much pressure on their clamps and that just causes it to bow but sometimes it doesn't even matter if you put too much pressure just the pressure on the outside of that is going to cause your table to bow up so what do you do well panel clamps are a wonderful solution to this problem because as you clamp things together they can't bow up but if you've looked into the price of panel clamps it's pretty insane for a nice set of panel clamps you're spending hundreds of dollars so i thought i would show you how to make your own panel clamp system just using stock wood from home depot and it's not that expensive and they work just as good if not better because you can customize them to whatever size you want so let's do this [Applause] all right to make my panel clamps i just got some stock what is this um 1x4 from home depot it's poplar you use poplar you can use maple you can use pine whatever you want because we're going to orient these this way so it's going to have a lot of strength because it's up and down but before i get going cutting these up i thought a one more tip i can show you if you ever buy wood from home depot which you should try and avoid at all cost for some reason home depot likes putting a million price tags on everything which is super annoying because you want to use that wood and if you want to put finish or stain on it or whatever there's always a square wherever you put the price tag so here's a quick way to get rid of price tags really easy all you want to do is get a heat gun a blow dryer will work just as well and you turn it on just like that and then the price tag it comes right off in one piece and you don't have to worry about it now you know this video was sponsored by skillshare [Music] skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people explore new skills deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity whether you're trying to hone an existing skill or maybe learn a new skill altogether skillshare is the place for you with a wide array of different classes and a plethora of different topics like this sweet class called youtube success hey what's up i'm marquez brownlee aka mkbhd on the internet i make youtube videos about tech products i'm excited to share my process which i haven't really done before because i identify as a or maybe you're just trying to find your style yep they got a class for that too hey do you want to find your style let's go you've heard it said that to be creative is to think outside the box i think it's more about creating your own box your own set of constraints my name is andy j pizza and i am an illustrator podcaster and public speaker yes his last name was pizza skillshare is curated specifically for learning meaning there are no ads and it's less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription the first thousand of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get a free trial of premium membership so you can explore your creativity [Music] all right i cut these pieces down you're gonna need four pieces for each set of panel clamps so i cut this down to 48 inches because i want it big enough that i can stick a standard table top in between there so once you get your pieces cut down you're going to take one of your pieces and you're going to mark over an inch from the end of the piece and then you're gonna set your clamp on there i'm just using these po pony jorgensen i don't know what these called f clamps these big bodied ones and you're gonna mark out where that clamp is gonna land just like that now we've got to remove some of this material so i'm going to take it back over to the chop saw and use the trenching feature and you're going to take out equal amounts on both sides of two pieces the goal is to make a space big enough that that clamp can rest down in there now it doesn't have to be tight so it's all right to mark your line out a little bit so that there's a little wiggle room and i'll show you why here in just a second so let's remove that material [Music] all right so really quickly on the miter saw with the trenching feature we just took out equal amounts of material on both pieces of wood you could do this any way you want you could do with a miter saw you could do with a dado stack you could do with a router you just want to remove enough material that you can stick a clamp in there like that and it'll float between the wood okay so that's step number one next thing we're going to do is we're going to glue these together in one long piece like this you just want to make sure when you glue them up that obviously your notched out little holes are lined up so let's do that man i just keep thinking of different tips and tricks now you've probably heard the trick where if you're gluing two pieces of wood together you can put salt on them to keep them from moving around it just holds them so they don't slide back and forth but fine sawdust works exactly the same way so i just grab a little sawdust off the floor and i sprinkle it on there and it just helps them not slide back and forth when you clamp them up so good to know okay while those dry up we can start getting our clamps ready now i like to use these f body clamps when i do these um panel clamp jig thingama whatsits the only problem is if you have these f-style clamps there's a little tab at the top to keep this from coming all the way off obviously you don't want to just be pulling it off which is a nice feature except for these because we want to be able to take it all the way off so we can stick it in and out of those clamping calls so we're just going to remove the little knobs on here that make it impossible to take this off so we can slide this end off check it out [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay our panel clamps are done that took me maybe half an hour to make these and i'm going to show you how they're going to work so i got these slabs of walnut in here these aren't milled up i'm not actually going to glue them together but for demonstration purposes they'll work great so the way i like to use these is i lay out my bottom row on the bottom usually you only need two sets for one big panel glue up because all you're trying to do is keep the panel from bowing up so you do one on the bottom and then you take your top one you stick it over the top like that now remember i've already prepared these clamps so that this comes all the way off so you're going to just slide this through both of those holes and then reconnect it on the bottom like that do it on one side come over here do it on the other side now what we have essentially is our own homemade panel clamp you just tighten these down on this side tighten this down on this side until you get them nice and tight now this is going to completely eliminate this panel from being able to boat it's not going to be able to so you get all your glue in there you stick these on get them tightened down and then you add your clamps in the other direction and what that's going to do is give you a perfect flat panel every time and it only cost a few bucks and a half an hour of time and a quick run to home depot so there you have it let's talk about finishing specifically application of finishes i get a lot of questions from people saying what's the best way to apply a finish whether it be oil or stain or lacquer anything do you want to use a rag garbage should you use a sponge stupid should i use a foam brush why go spend money on something when everything you need is right in front of your face what you're going to want to do is take your finish grow out a nice thick luxurious beard it's a built-in sponge then take your piece of wood yeah that's it just let the hair fibers mingle with the wood fibers i mean look at that that was like two seconds and i'm already getting a perfect sheen all right now this trick seems a little goofy but i swear it works great now i use rubio monaco a lot to finish my furniture which comes in these little jars but this works for ruby and monica it works for stain anything that comes in these little pop top jars the problem with these jars is they're a pain to pour out of because you go to pour something and all the liquid gets in that little rim and then you can never get it cleaned out when you go to put the lid back on well you don't get a good seal and it shortens the lifespan of whatever chemical you might be using so what i like to do is you pop the top off of there okay and then you steal some play-doh from your child stole this from my son you take some of the play-doh out you just work it a little bit and you smush it right down into that rim then this is where it gets tricky if you want to go a step further i like to make a little spout a little little pour spout out of it just have fun with it be the artist you were meant to be okay just like that then all you got to do is take your liquid pour it in there just like that okay and then you just peel the play-doh off and you've got a perfectly clean rim around the top does it waste play-doh yeah but this stuff is like 25 cents for a little tin of it so waste away at least you're gonna make your expensive chemicals last longer so now you know one of the most common questions i get asked all the time is what is the best way to install inset cabinet drawer faces it really depends on the application to be quite honest there's a number of different ways you can do it and i kind of switch back and forth between all of them depending on what i'm up against now the easy answer is the best way to do it is before you put a top on the cabinet because then you can just get it all shimmed out reach in there screw it on and you can do it all the way down but that doesn't always happen sometimes you're replacing drawer faces sometimes the top's already on for whatever reason you can't get in there so how do you get the inset cabinet drawer face installed with the perfect reveal all the way around without being able to reach inside the cabinet i'm going to show you my three favorite ways to do it and you can decide what's going to work best for you so here they are all right so here's method number one i'm not saying this is the best method but it's a method that you can use so for this i've already got my door spaced exactly how i want it for spacers i like to use playing cards because they're just easy you can add more or less no problem so i have it spaced i know the amount of cards i want on the bottom and on one side i don't need to put any on the top or on this side because that's all i need to get my reveal so what i'm going to do is take these out those are my side and i'm going to take these out those are my ah cards everywhere okay side those are my bottoms remove the drawer face then i'm gonna get some double-sided tape now you can get double-sided tape like this jazz here that is crazy strong i mean it's really secure stuff and i'm gonna stick a piece right there on this side all right i sped that up so you didn't have to watch me fumble around with the tape but you get two pieces of double-sided tape now the thing i like about this specific tape is it's super thin so i'm not even going to worry about taking this back off after i get these mounted i'm just going to leave it there and sandwich it in between the drawer and the drawer face then i take my spacers i know these go on the bottom and i kind of set this in there like that i know these go on the side so i set those i pull it tight against there and then i'm just gonna push push push push until that adheres down then i can remove all these and then i can pull my drawer face out and screw it in it's that easy it's installed with my double-sided tape i can put a clamp on there to hold it firm while i put my screws in and you're good to go so that's option number one let's look at option number two all right option number two for whatever reason double sided tape isn't gonna work maybe it's a really heavy drawer face and you just can't put enough double sided tape on there to make it stay firm the way you want it so here's another option you take screws and you insert them from the inside of your drawer until they're just sticking out about an eighth of an inch out the front of your drawer just like that so they're just these sharp little points you're gonna insert your drawer you're gonna put your spacers back in place like that you're gonna set your drawer face in there get it all spaced out exactly where you want and then you're gonna take a mallet get those in there nice and tight and you're just going to hit it now what's going to happen here is those screws that are hanging out the front of your drawer they're going to put little holes exactly where the screws need to go then you can take a drill pre-drill those out a little bit you're going to pull your drawer out line it back up onto those holes right where it left the marks clamp it down and screw it in and it should be perfect that's option number two what about option number three gazoon tight okay option number three now this is actually my favorite option but it doesn't always work because the key here is you have to know what hardware is going on the drawer if you're lucky it's going to be some sort of handle that's going to be hooked in in two places but this will still work if it's a single knob pull whatever so what you're going to do is you're going to mark out exactly where you want your hardware to land on that drawer face you're going to get spaced out how you want and you're going to drill for your hardware but you're going to drill all the way through into the drawer face then you're going to take a couple screws and you're going to send them through those holes into the drawer box itself and that's going to hold the drawer face on there nice and tight to the drawer box then you can pull it out screw it in from the inside remove those screws and then those screw holes are going to be covered up by the hardware that's going to go on there and you've pre-drilled for your hardware that one works great so if it's an option and you know what the hardware is do that it's the best darn it i said that none of them were the best okay they all work great but that one works really good well there you go i know i went through those quick but hopefully you got something out of that and like i mentioned at the beginning of the video if you have some helpful tips or tricks that you think people would enjoy seeing comment down below i'll go through there i'll try and pick out some of the best ones and i'll do another video like this if you haven't already subscribe down below go check out my website there's a link in the video description where you can get sweet merchandise like t-shirts and motivational posters and coffee mugs and all that stuff and if you want to support my channel even further you can do so at my patreon page there is also a link in the video description good day
Channel: Bourbon Moth Woodworking
Views: 445,505
Rating: 4.8980374 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking tips and tricks, woodworking tips, woodworking tips and tricks for beginners, woodworking hacks, woodworking tips and techniques, woodworking hack, woodworking tools, woodworking tricks, tips and tricks, woodworking tips & tricks for beginners, workshop tips and tricks, woodworking techniques, best woodworking tips and tricks, workshop tips, woodworking tips for beginners, how to, workshop hacks, woodworking tip, woodworking tips tricks and secrets, wood working
Id: mVef2v1OYhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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