5 मिनट के अंदर-अंदर बन जाने वाले जूस रेसिपी | 3 Healthy Morning Juices

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In this video, we'll learn 3 refreshing juice recipes Our first juice is packed with the goodness of beets and carrots and the sweetness of apples - ABC juice Then we'll prepare a glorious green juice Each glass of it is packed with the nutrients of so many veggies And finally, we'll be making a Clean Carrot juice using a secret ingredient What's special about all 3 juices is that you can prepare them within 5 mins You may be thinking - when should I take these juices? You can replace your evening tea or coffee with these nutritious juices If you do heavy exercise in the morning, then you can drink them for an energy boost after it If you want to fast once a week to detox your body, then you can switch them up and drink them And the next time you have guests coming over, offer them these juices instead of the usual tea or coffee Keep in mind - all the juices we'll be preparing today are nourishing juices For detox, the best option is ash gourd juice, which we have featured in our other videos So come let's start with our recipes All the recipes shown in this video can serve upto 2 people First we'll prepare ABC juice, which is our apple-beetroot-carrot juice For this juice, you need 1 apple, 2 medium beetroots, & 6-8 carrots You can pick any carrot according to the season This juice tastes great with both orange and red carrots And finally, for flavour, we'll add 1 small piece of ginger First we'll cut all our ingredients like this so they can easily be added to the juicer Have you ever looked carefully at a chopped piece of beetroot from inside? As rough as it looks from the inside, it looks as beautiful inside Whenever I make this juice, I look at this piece of beetroot and think how beautiful Mother Nature has made each fruit and vegetable Similarly, chop your apple and carrots too One by one, add all these ingredients to the juicer Keep in mind that excess ginger will make your juice pungent & irritate your throat So add only a small piece of ginger For extra freshness, you can add a fistful of mint leaves too You may wondering which juicer are we using? We're using a slow-pressed juicer Look there are 2 kinds of juicers - centrifugal and slow-pressed The problem with centrifugal juicers is that they produce too much heat And some of the nutrients may be lost because of this heat On the other hand, a slow-pressed juicer, also known as a cold-pressed juicer, slowly squeezes out the juice, which preserves the nutrients But don't worry about it. Use whichever juicer you want If you don't have a juicer, no problem! You can use a mixer. Just add all the ingredients and blend them You can add some water if needed Then using a thin cotton cloth, take out the juice like this There you go! Our power-packed ABC juice is ready! This is an excellent post-workout drink which you can have after yoga or exercise Children or adults, everyone loves this juice Be careful not to add any salt, sugar or chaat masala to it Doing this drains away all its nutrition For those of you who have Diabetes, please avoid this juice For them, we'll be sharing a special juice further ahead in this video We don't drink our juices while following the Satvic lifestyle. We eat them! Didn't get it? Before taking each sip, we squish it around in our mouth for 5 seconds so that it can mix with our saliva By doing this, when it goes into our stomach, it can be digested easily If we gulp down the whole glass at once, there's no benefit we get from it Come let's move onto our 2nd juice - green juice Are you one of those people who upon hearing the word "green juice" think about a bitter juice you have to forcibly gulp down holding your nose? Don't worry about it all! Today, the green juice we're going to prepare isn't like any ordinary green juice We call it Glorious Green juice It truly is a super tasty green juice One glass of this juice gives you the nutrition of so many veggies To prepare it, you need 2 medium sized cucumbers If you don't have cucumbers, you can use a small bottle gourd as well And if you live outside India, you can take 3-4 celery stalks too First we're going to take a fistful of spinach leaves, 1/4 cup mint leaves, 2 medium sized apples. You can use pears instead of them too And finally, one small piece of ginger Roughly cut these ingredients While preparing any juice, try to follow the 80-20 principle It means you should use 80% vegetables and only 20% fruits Juices with more fruits are better suited for those who are trying to gain weight If you want to maintain your weight or decrease your weight, please follow this 80-20 principle After cutting them, add them to the juicer Personally, I love mint leaves. They make every juice taste better Be careful to add spinach and mint leaves along with your juicy veggies in between Doing this will allow your juicer to function smoothly You shouldn't dump all the spinach leaves into it together and find that your juicer stopped working You can add the cucumber with its peel on too if you want If you're using a blender to prepare this juice, then first add cucumbers to it so that the rest of the veggies can mix easily with it These cucumbers already have so much water that you won't have to add more water to this juice Finally, you can add some lemon juice to it. Not too much. Just 1 teaspoon This will make it even tastier There we go! Our Glorious Green juice is ready too! Mmm! No one can even say that we added spinach to it it tastes so sweet because of the apple Now it's time for our last and most special juice - Clean Carrot juice Preparing this juice always reminds me of a sunset for some reason I think this juice is like sunset in a glass To prepare this, we need 2 medium sized carrots You can pick either orange or red carrots according to season 2 oranges or mandarin, 1 small piece of ginger, & 3 cups of chopped papaya which is our secret ingredient Have you ever had papaya juice before this? No right? So come we'll make you try it! Like always, cut all your ingredients first This juice is a perfect option for winters because all its ingredients are available in winter season The fruity fragrance of oranges, the shining colour of carrots, the creaminess of papayas I have a lot of fun preparing this juice We'll add all the ingredients to the juicer one by one If you're using a mixer, take out all the seeds of the oranges Otherwise, your juice will taste bitter Papaya will bring a little thickness to this juice which makes it a really filling juice Whenever we don't feel like having fruits for breakfast, we take this juice instead Come, we've prepared all our juices But you may wondering - what are we going to do with all this leftover fibre & roughage? You can add it as compost to your plants or even use it as a body scrub We want to know how you use your leftover fibre Share it with us in the comments below And yes, when you prepare these juices, do click a picture of them and share it on Instagram by tagging us so that we can share your photo with many other people And if you want to find out many more recipes like this, then order the Satvic Food Book from our website today You'll find Satvic recipes of everything from soups, salads, & main courses to smoothies, ice-creams and desserts And if you want to find out more about the Satvic lifestyle, do attend our workshops We host them every Saturday where you can get detailed knowledge about this lifestyle That's it for now. We'll see you soon
Channel: Satvic Movement
Views: 10,072,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: juice recipes for weight loss, juice recipe at home, juice recipe apple, juice recipe and benefits, juice recipe apple orange carrot, juice recipe by satvic movement, juice recipe carrot, juice recipe cucumber, juice recipe cleanse, juice recipes, juice recipes lemon, vitamin d juice recipes, apple juice recipe easy
Id: VCd_1UG4eJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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