4x4 Journey to the Russian Mongolian Border • Season 3 • Episode 18

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shape metal was my livelihood but I never thought I'd be building gear like this every week we turn tons of Steel into rolling works of art some of the toughest gear in the world comes out of this Factory [Music] honey half the box no I'm test walkway good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my passion is taking more family to the edges of the earth boss the guy we know how to fly it hydrate guys [Music] [Music] waking up here in Mongolia is it's definitely something pretty special anywhere that you pull up doesn't matter where that you camp just off the roads there's something completely different to say just last night or yesterday afternoon on the way in here we saw some scenery that you know it felt like you know for like something that you'd watching it in the cinema as will drive him through the valley you know there's kids playing on fences there's Shepherds doing their thing there was a young girl on a horse herding this big herd of yaks straight into a pen and and this morning we've woken up and the same the scenery has changed again the surroundings change that much because of the amount of of herds of different animals yaks cattle sheep and all of the nomads riding around obviously up in the morning doing their early morning chores it's just an amazing place absolutely beautiful place and it's exceeded any expectation of what I thought this country would offer [Music] all right the plan for today the plan for today is we go there buy in do okay yeah so we take this road mm-hmm and then take it and then this is the right turn that we were supposed to do that's one we missed last night yeah okay and then just go there yeah once we get there we'll go down with head west yep how many guys we got today today about 800 and a little bit of tarmac tow so get some pipe ride yeah but then it's gonna be you know like we have to go through the big summits yeah that's that's a big guy we just had a look at the map with to me I'm where we got to get to by tomorrow night and I don't think it's possible we're perfectly honest with you yet the the terrain here is so slow and it changes so much you get from 50 kilometers in there and then you get sections down to 10 kilometers now we've got 800 KS the bank today 400 kilometers that is across these fields and through these Frey stuff I just thought with a convoy this size I just don't see it happening and then where were we meeting the people tomorrow morning tomorrow morning yeah how many cases that I mean all the way here it's gonna be late around 900 yeah if you look in the map here yeah we are somewhere around here yeah and then we have to go through all the way here here here here there the time that we're meeting up with we only have a particular window with them we only have at this one day - made up with them if we don't make it there in time we're not going to get the adventure that we're heading all over therefore we're heading right across Mongolia we're heading straight to the worst word we're banging straight in the direction of Russia we're heading straight for Russia near now you traveling down there Rob an exceptionally well comfortable car nice scenery good driver learning a lot about the countryside the country in general that's not even half a word yet maybe by the end of this trip well maybe you could teach by our Italian morning crew today we have a lot of ground to cover but with this scenery who could complain and best of all we're about to experience Mongolian hospitality at its finest so check this out we've found we just got lost and we met up with the convoy but it just so happened as we got lost they've been invited they were here waiting for us they've been invited into this Uyghur to try some of the milk from what these guys are farming so the whole family's inside let's cancel never love business this is awesome this is real Mongolia yak milk yeah which one facing which wound up to me I said this is the best food ever really yes cheese curds [Music] good it's about all know that flavor that's something Italian I'm back to correct and place that back Ricardo what the crust off the top sensible landlord that is Wow good what do you put that crime old home cooked like this because it's biscuits so all of these food is like the milk and the cream the cheese everything is made from yaks milk and everything is harvested by themselves like in its local and yeah everything is natural what did I have so much prepared you know it's always like this this is just our dish yeah because they they're just you know waiting for the unexpected I guess that's what I read as well yeah everyone's really welcoming and I always have the tea ready in yeah for people traveling through this is so far this is this is the best thing I've tasted in Mongolia there obviously you can't just you can't really describe a taste Kenya but the cream it's it's yak cream and this is like like double island cream on steroids it is how thick is it so thick so rich from the yak little homemade Connor cookies they've got the texture of probably a hard donut odd corn dough say but without the without the sugar without the sweetness yet it's this is just amazing this isn't like a typical food like during the summer time but you know they don't have any place to put the meat in like they don't have any fridge so like with the meat they get some of that did they dry it out but mostly that is just like dairy food like this mmm amazing this this is what we came to this country for this is exactly the reason we're in Mongolia out getting embedded into the culture with the whole family being invited into this go for lunch at the perfect time it just couldn't worked out any better [Music] [Applause] traveling through mongolia these small towns provide essentials to the semi-nomadic residents who live here and crews like ours who are passing through [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey young man dusty did you go to the pub oh no what is it with night pubs Randy the crazy Mitch doesn't exist is this a pretty typical supermarket like Indian towns like this yeah this is not the big one the big save market the biggest phony only on sort of look yeah yeah you know what I'd kill for an ice cream and a screaming oh they have all scream he was already destroying the join huh this is it this is the whole supermarket yeah that looks like a good is that dark chocolate I don't know that's it Bobby dark chocolate what else like what do you want got some chips and water and pickles yep I'm gonna look no I think they've got more than I thought to be honest with you yes seems to me a fair bit of stuff West there but coffee have they got everything you know the good offspring I'm getting ice cream bread what else do we know I just really needed coffee bread water so to me has told me this is a pretty typical kind of supermarket this is like the Woolworths or the coals of Mongolia in every village it's look it's not huge but I think the necessities are kind of here did you get the mint a there's a mint Mindy good girl plenty of vodka beers fresh fruit I haven't seen any meat here which I think that's what this is all about living off the land so they obviously they cultivate what they can and they harvest what they can and then obviously all the other basics they get in here so yeah this this is how they get by others tell us what we want some ice cream with the essentials now taken care of up and the bread coffee and water all that's left is a simple matter of payment which should be easy right crew 177,000 yeah what's up ten thousand one hundred and seventy six thousand is that enough well that's ten thousand sorry sorry okay yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine ten what are these ones there we go we got there in the end one final stop for fuel and we're off fuel in Mongolia is actually quite easy to come across every village that you pass has fuel and there are very remote fuel stops you'll be traveling through a valley and all of a sudden you'll see one of these little things pop up to bowser's the fuel is extremely cheap I filled up all of the trucks yesterday one two three four trucks three of them a petrol two of them have long range tanks in them and one diesel and it cost me 800 Australian dollars which is by far the cheapest field that I've experienced on any trip so far as the team finished fueling up to mirin by Yarra notice something isn't right with Vieira's truck today's a big day and now is not the time for issues the the two-door old made to start and drop out so by hours just notice that the bowl teachers starting to drop and that could be a problem that could be a big problem out here actually obviously we're not gonna be able to pick up a new alternator just the buds like one hour before like you know they just just coming into town like he called me on the radio and said like Samir can you come and check out the car and then I'd like we looked and then we took out the tester and then check the battery like the voltage and everything and nothing's charging so you really and I said dear father you guys make sealed-off knives you see you know because you've got so much water so many water crossings and the alternators and these things are so low they're notorious for it when I go out in the black chocolate got a sealed unit but I still carry a spare alternator always yeah or you carry a big Glock 38 and charger and a generator because in that way and I've done that two or three times on trips for the gents trap the generator on the roof and put a 30 amp charger straight on to the battery at least you can get out you know what I mean maybe you could try disconnecting the battery because maybe that's drawing a lot of power out of it but then you just work got to use any accessories yeah Tamiya looks like fire as old inators on its way out as soon as you put a bit of load on the system the voltage drops right down which is a good indication of that can't tell for sure but it seems that way and from the experience it's only getting it worse a penis - penis at a time as quick as possible as it as it dropped anymore have you turns on the light lights yeah yeah yes yeah so obviously make sure you got no nothing running out headlights everything get to kill everything the stereo the whole lot so that's a tough call the buyer has just had to make there's no point in him continuing on and getting more remote he's going to leave us to part us just from here and he's gonna head he's gonna turn left and head towards the pavement hopefully the alternator holds up long enough that he can continue on and let us continue on here on our trip wire is obviously used to this sort of you know this is his country this is the time there's no issue with us leaving him on his own he'll find his way home but to get keep pushing on with us and get more remote it's just it's not a smart cause you're done mate thank you for everything again I appreciate it we'll see you back in town yes or hopefully to me sad on a serious note are we in good hands or not do you trust him to lead or do you trust him for me to trust him to leave the rest of the family or what problems no there won't be any problems all right drive safe thank you very much hopefully hopefully we can rejoin again over the next couple of days if not we'll see you back in the city yeah that's actually that's pretty sad to be honest with you we've come all the way over here the whole Patriot convoy the men that brought us here the guy that started this whole thing for us and ultimately I think the reason that we're here obviously along with tamiya but bara was the first relationship that I had here he's obviously the hierarchy of the family the father is in the truck that I really really wanted the opportunity to drive that's not gonna happen and yeah it's it's it's pretty sad look we lost our captain yeah now we have a new captain you ready to steer the ship yeah and you said the Polaris is leading the convoy now yeah really disappointing there by here I had to leave that the part was just there but riding shotgun with him last few days what did I say to you yesterday every day is better than the previous day and now do you think it was possible yes we stand to get to know each other really well got common interest kids get along really really well together I'm learning so much about the country it is hard to describe it I don't know how I'm gonna describe this to anyone back up and it's really disappointing for me [Music] it's been a few hours now since BRS departure from the convoy and Tamir is taking the crew to what he claims is the perfect spot for an afternoon snack and a quick fish so to me what's the plan for lunch ma'am where we got to pull off for lunch thinking we go to digital Moodle that's the river crossing that we have to do we go there and plant they have lunch and while we're cooking lunch you know I I would like to have their small opportunity to go fishing a little bit yeah yeah perfect man yeah if you only got fly rods with you your spin rods to copy that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] while some of the team are trying to catch some lunch Sarah and Bobby are preparing a backup option and they better make enough for two more because we've got guests walking over from their nearby gears that's so awesome we got to go in women that have just pulled up with it started to sit down and have a beer and so past our friends they bake a nice coffee here and dumplings after sitting in the longer today any more luck no so we kind of gathered there's a bit of a language barrier but we think they're from those girls over there yeah yeah this lady she's all the way from there yep and then this lady she's over from here yep they're together like you know because they're bored our Qaeda board kita she's entertaining a well tell away said this built beautiful country yes Valentine yeah not not only the foreigners say like it's amazing like the Mongolian satyam is wrong [Music] [Music] hey on the right here in seven on this board it says be careful your order Porter another province boy close out with a Russian ear very close should be dak across there for 20 did you bring your passports I did sure did we're getting pretty horny I'm in I'm just looking at my watch for 3050 meters Wow look at that view on the left there me [Music] looks amazing it looks like we can see into Russia I love that on the rock man can you actually save Russia from appealing to me yes yep that's it [Music] yep there is no why can you believe we're right next door to Russia that's pretty epic oh this view is too good to drive past but not all the crew are keen on walking out to the edge this is like my eyeball over at night that's what you do this on purpose how you feeling are you feeling all right um no no no what's going on meet the fetus wedding talk me through it look you just don't like it I know how far can you go I'll get up here I have always had a few hearts for as long as I know and mr. Schine because coming on the troops with the Patriot eyes or the Patriot family I suppose you had to see some amazing places and obviously a lot of those come at Heights if you think back to my labs when we were over in Utah last season this is exactly what happened to Maddy he's losing it freaking out again getting all sweaty it's can we have a little bit of wild a feeling how could he don't make this all about me I could hear you breathing over there I could you you can't look that way I know most like a doubt hopped out of his Karen it's good in all jokes aside we are at the peak we're at the summit brought yeah this we're not gonna get any more how many people come up here is this a destination is this a main locker a thoroughfare many people travel this or not really now that no one travels this so we're pretty lucky to be yeah I mean you'd like the way you cut that coming up here yeah special man I was it was pretty tough even the 200 was feeling that I turned of would fit was feeling all right why didn't my ranch Tony hey it was it was Phil also got into first key librarian job a lot of that I Christian year think we had that we would like sleeping back yeah when two local range as well Jimmy steer walk yeah when he's driving the petrol okay because that petrol is you know it happened this is no coward no you're talking oh that's wrong that's wrong no more sweets for you oh well what do you reckon time pretty special spot like every other spot but I think this one is a little bit special we got Russia just to the what is that the North now yep yes I Russia is just to the north this is what happens when you bring tourists the Mongolia me we have to stop at everything - no no tourists the adventures adventurers what an ending to another magical day in Mongolia and you think about the things that we experience here today you know that you might not say in a lifetime and to finish and finish it up here up on this summit again you know with with two countries side by side the whole family together the sun's about to set we're going to drive into into the late afternoon and set up camp work we're taking our time as much as we possibly can just to enjoy this as a family [Music] we've covered around 500 kilometers of the 800 kilometers we were hoping to bank today and with the light fading today's journey ends here near the border of Russia in western mongolia today really was a big day and it isn't completely over just yet this kid on the horse bareback Kitty no shirt babies on the horses no Saturday [Music] [Music] [Applause] sorry how cool that would be for them to see next time on Patriot Games the crew make it to their destination on the western edge of Mongolia where they come face to face with Mongolian Eagle hunters after a few important lessons the crew will get to experience Eagle hunting firsthand hi in the Altai mountains [Music]
Channel: Patriot Games
Views: 66,153
Rating: 4.9557662 out of 5
Keywords: Mongolia, drone mongolia, mongolia trip, mongolia aerial view, genghis khan, patriot games, patriot campers, 4x4, camper trailer, offroad camper, mongolian food, inner mongolia, travel mongolia, 4wd, mongolian timelapse, travel, Polaris, polaris rzr, Polaris general, camper trailers, travel vlog, mongolia travel, Overlanding, landcruiser, 4x4 recovery, horseback riding, wild horses, reindeer, wild camping, camping, russia, russian border
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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