4x4 Family Camping in the Wilderness

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[Music] here we go beautiful place very shallow that's cool [Applause] um one thing i do need to do is put something behind the rear tyre just lift this side of the vehicle up be i hi hello did you wake up are you on an adventure are you okay hey guys mike here and welcome back to another video obviously i'm here with megan and max they're just over there meg's just getting set up and she's just attending to max at the moment he's seven months now so time goes fast and uh he's just chilling out inside the jeep until there's somewhere for him to sit and watch the world go by but it's a pretty windy spot so we just thought we'd do a little bit of prep before we got him out he's only just waking up here he is the little man seven months now the last time we went out with him he was only four months old so uh he's come a long way since then he only lasted about three days when we come to honestly it was a bit early and he was going through some brain development stuff and it's always a bit tough when they do that but now he's he's on good form at the moment isn't he it's been quite a long time since i went out camping last because max was such a nightmare last time yeah yeah unless you get the awning out and um get camp set up you know so then this guy can can relax look at him he's just looking at everything he's gonna be full overlaid for him isn't it [Music] [Applause] we are expecting a bit of rain so this might come in handy problem with this how do we want it yeah level the dream mate i'm just gonna film like here just where there's a bit of a breeze and the ground's quite flat here you can keep the moses away [Applause] it's broken that's it yeah we'll let pull it back again was it snapped oh it's come out here as well that's actually a major flaw in their design it's totally broken honestly arb as well i mean it's all come out at this end too spent a fortune on this thing so um pull it all the way out that's a little deep what do you think we bought it just for you you know hey we bought that annex room for him actually on the side of the awning it's something i've rarely used myself but it gives uh meg and max just a place to chill you know breastfeeding when max wants to play you just don't have to worry about the mosquitoes at this time of year the fly's really kind of non-existent but it's just a few sort of knocking rounds but in the summer obviously it's a lot different as you've seen before but yeah should be got a nice camp spot for a couple of days it's a lot to set up just for one night um but you know if you plan on staying here a while then then it is nice but yeah he's he's pretty chilled really aren't you you have to get out on the lake mate you see what we can catch you're having fun love loving it yeah aren't you i like it it's great taking you along for these camp trips you just get on with all the jobs that to me is just kind of run-of-the-mill jobs of setting up a camp but to you it's like you really love it it's like therapy is it like therapy the yeah is i've not been out in such a long time either no i suppose not it's not bad is it it's not a bad spot right mate wish you better i usually just put it under the table good to go [Applause] max [Applause] it's a pretty good view isn't it there right oh that's campbell's set up then and uh it's looking pretty good courtesy of megan well done you see there's something left what unbelievable i'm shaking obviously get beaten up for that yep off camera [Music] yeah but that's camp set up i don't know you've got a way bigger cup than me it's just an illusion it's an illusion because it's one cup inside another cup you see so i actually i've got less than you because this is the height of it i think you're like optical illusion but that's camp set up it's looking good but it's a really nice spot actually one of my favorite spots now i think because it's just quite quite accommodating in terms of having a beautiful lakeside camp you've got the grill cotter there with a fire pit and some logs and things and a mosquito on your head and sweet yeah mosquitoes on your head so definitely an all-time favorite and i might put my hat on do you know what what i forgot my hat no you didn't prepare the orange one oh well done thank you i'm sure i've had it for you i thought you prepped that for yourself no no it's for you i pack my own hat i'll go and get it skills it's a real beautiful spot definitely a very windy place you know when you're in a big open exposed areas like this the wind can get the better of you so i'm just going to tie the very very top of the rooftop tent down diagonally to this rock guard here just help for the yeah stopping uh the wind from getting the better of us oh hello hi all right yeah [Applause] skills so oh let's gotta do it is it bark looks pretty uh pretty thick should we try out oh what's happening mate so look at me look at the fire i know you're in awe but who is this [Laughter] there are more manly men around than me he's not looking at the fire mode max he's just looking at my receding hairline i mean it's a lot of birch we don't need what's underneath it i'm just using it to transport the fire look at that young boy now it feels a bit more like camping doesn't it mate felt a bit like butlins earlier see this meg mummy you put that annex through mate it was like thought part but we you know we're sort of going back the right way again leave that there it's pretty burnt actually there you go anyway we've got a fire we'll just wait a while and that's a plunker yes what's going on mate are you a smelly little poo bum oh maybe you just need a hug maybe that's what you want my dad's definitely going to be like oh he's got such a wonderful soprano voice your father's going to try and enlist it with the village choir me [Music] [Music] hmm are you up to hey see how i go with one oh so gutty we haven't got any sauce come on maxie boy [Music] eat your eggs it'll make your buns stink maybe you can um may eat your stinky eggs and be happy mew there you go there's some eggs for you want some water it's looking good isn't it yeah i think you'll have a comfortable night tonight it's quite warm hopefully you don't have to worry about him though but there's a company in the us morrison outdoor who meg contacted a long time ago max was a bit too small back then but she was thinking of the future and they've started making outdoor camping gear for kids and this is like a down sleeping bag basically for children and uh you know it obviously stops them suffocating themselves which is one of the concerns when they're real small and uh i think it's down minus six isn't it yeah minus six and up to 15 degrees yeah and um it's from six months as well six months to 24 months hopefully he can get it's staying but he's such a tall boy i wonder if we'll get yeah yeah he's got a little little bit of room down the bottom there you know he's got quite a bit of room but uh yeah it's really nice actually and hopefully he'll have a warm night and we don't have to kind of worry about him because when we first went camping he was four months we were checking on him all the time weren't we almost freaking out a little bit because it was kind of early spring and stuff well not early spring but it was still a time of year where it drops a little bit at night yeah and you just don't know what to really clothe them yeah with when the with the temperatures here as well sometimes it can be really hot in the day and then really cool off at night so at the beginning of their sleep you have to sort of dress them less and then when the evening really rolls in you have to put more clothes on them which is kind of tricky yeah man the flies are the mosquitoes are picked up this wind's gone completely yeah the lake is still and the mueg have uh have cashed in yeah max is pretty tired he's starting to get agitated so uh meg's just breastfeeding him in the the annex room and uh she just reminded me of how valuable the alex room is i don't like the annex room very much but you know i totally appreciate how useful it is you know in a country where you've got a lot of bugs and uh you've got a baby and you want somewhere where you're not offending them off while uh feeding the baby it also helps get him to sleep a bit as well when you're moving around like this obviously it's gonna sort of disturb him but yeah it's a beautiful evening the wind has just completely gone which is which is nice and the lake is looking pretty spectacular i was hoping to get some fishing in today but all around this area here where we're camped in fact around the whole edge of the lake when i looked at the scan in the shop it's only about a meter deep in fact less than that i think less than a meter deep because they can't really take the boat there but you know you can see the bottom it may be 50 centimeters so the deepest part in the middle is around three to four meters so i think tomorrow when we take the boat out i'm gonna scan around and see what i can see what i can get hopefully we'll all be on the bait together which will be nice but i've blown up the rooftop tent mat and megs is going to make the bed and get everything ready while i take max and then hopefully we'll get him down to sleep it's dark enough up there now that he should be able to just relax whether it's in the summer it was extremely bright given its daylight all the time [Applause] see him wow [Applause] [Music] meg little man's off to bed he's had his dinner and i made the bed up there so it should be nice for him meg's just putting him up there now but uh yeah i'm a little bit gutted i didn't blow the boat up obviously it's too late now i mean when the compressor goes and everything you know he'll get woken up it's really loud so i have to wait till tomorrow but we might be here tomorrow night as well um so yeah we'll see how it goes with him but it's a very chilled out spot you know this is the thing about coming out and doing stuff like this as a family it's just about unwinding really but you can see some fish activity and some big splashes too i guess as the water's still now you know you've got a bit more activity with the flies and i've got a bit of a basic fly rig with me just to try out um so yeah it'd be interesting just to go out tomorrow if it's still try with some lures and mix things up a bit and see what happens but yeah it's not very deep there around two or three meters so yeah it's a good sign though [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there how's your little sleepy bag he really likes washing me mummy in the face yeah with his slappy his seal pup hands [Music] one little pig yeah hey welcome to the world where am i he just sat out in the wilderness yeah it's just very blunt my head's a bit loose i've gone for more american style pancakes he's not sure about that he's not gagging though it's just it's tart [Music] okay [Music] my little nap thank you mate i want one too man it's how mama rolls that's like gourmet who cooked that pancake it's perfect so normally i'd use a compressor to fill the actual base up this is a seahawk 3. the one i mentioned i got gifted in the last video series i did where i was traveling and it's a really great boat really good budget base i really like it um but so it's actually faster to use this and then finish it off with the compressor just to get it to half a bar for the right pressurization so i'm gonna do this first [Music] so cool he's on an adventure [Applause] [Music] stop enjoying yourself so much you're always having so much fun you look amazing you look so good the potato you look like a human potato oh you're like a giant flower hey this is this is you're all the rage right now all right oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice again little dude he's like whoa really shallow [Music] it's the wind there's gators everywhere well the fishing didn't quite go according to plan we puddled right out into the center and incredibly it's still only three meters deep out there so pretty shallow but uh max had a meltdown because he had some wind and he was tired and then after that he went to sleep and then so we all fell asleep and i guess the wind brought us here which were quite near to the vehicle again but um yeah maybe later on this evening it might be better for fishing i might if the wind dies down and they come up like they did last night i'll put a dry fly on and see whether that will that'll bring them in but um yeah we'll see maybe it's time to return to base well we're back on dry land now it was a pretty uneventful uh trip in terms of fishing but um you know that's parent life for you the mind is willing but the body can't uh max is asleep now we got him off the boat and he's um over in the annex room now just in his bed he really needs to sleep as well or else he'll be you know pretty tough later on i think meg's has gone down too but i'm going to leave my kit set up here um because later on tonight i'm hoping the wind will really die down and then you'll start to see the fish come up again the temperatures you know not too bad actually get sunny a bit later on so it should be good but i'm going to get some wood cut and uh yeah get some lunch on someone's wide awake dog it's a hunting dog i expect it has a gps on it yeah it does i better get max up high in case hello doggy hey dog you're wet what are you even up to thank right you i expect you're supposed to be looking for moose mate not us shame there isn't another log that isn't rotten as hell there are all the ones underneath yeah yeah everything's just totally rotten it's all rotten oh that one looks okay actually god knows where that pup's gone uh [Music] hey max doing perfectly fine and then you just came and totally took over like always yeah but that's because you presented yourself as incompetent so uh i stepped forward i don't know i don't listen to powder i don't know why you don't listen i never pay attention oh okay well let me help you meg what are you doing i know what i'm doing i'm gonna splash you with powdered milk in a minute wait what's going on over here we're having a domestic you witness you're witnessing a domestic oh your mum just smashed me with powdered milk it's a good job you're not you know you're breastfed mate because if you weren't breastfed you'd just be chewing the milk good dad joke your mum wouldn't know how much water putting still still got got more than six brain cells i don't have many brain cells because i'm breastfeeding a million gazillion times a night yeah it's true i'm living for a another human being it's true love you're a hero too right you know anyone saying you're not where am i putting the milk uh just tip it on the ground okay um it goes in the flask doesn't it yeah okay no don't spill any good job huh get every last drop did a good job there meg it's impressive i've lost the top of the floor so man the rain's coming which is a bit unlucky really i do enjoy camping in the rain i gotta be honest it's really nice i find it a bit homely actually when you're in the tent or you can hear the rain but one thing it does certainly mean is when you get home there's a lot of kit to dry and you have to wait for a good day fortunately it doesn't rain much here but uh interestingly enough the rain stopped there's no wind though and on the lake there there were loads of fish coming up when i got the rods and wanted to try out like a dry fly setup i bought for a spinning rod i can't really afford a fly rod it's going to have to be next year i'd really like to start fly fishing next year but i was just going to try this out just to kind of give me a bit of a broader range of options when i'm out there if they're not taking lures and now the rains come again so i'm gonna have to wait a little bit but uh max is pretty overtired this always seems to be the way when you you come out camping i mean we bring a lot of equipment with us for max we bring his seat so he's got somewhere to sit and kind of observe us while we're doing chores around the camp um we bring like a rug for him a skin rug and also like a a little nest that he can sleep in and that's what he sleeps on up there the skin then the nest although we bring the skin around with us and he can kind of chill out on it and stuff and play on it but you know it's always the way that you do something new with kids and the routine kind of starts to get obscured over time and has to kind of reset itself to get into a new routine so the chance is the sad thing is really to camp with him and the longer you camp with him is what i'm trying to say is the easier it will be but you have to go through this kind of stage of of adjustment for him for him to be able to adapt to basically new environments so we were gonna pack up and uh head to somewhere a bit closer to home on a river um just up the ongoing elven where the fishing's pretty good actually but uh you know what this spot here is really nice and now the rain's come you know we're here till tomorrow and that's just the way it goes so uh yeah filled up from the lake obviously we can get this boiled you don't want to just drink it although it's pretty safe to drink around here but you know you never know are you squatting flies again there's one on your head mate oh gosh all over him it's a good job you're well protected dirty flies all over here this is better what's that the eggs yeah it's a clean pan isn't it [Music] stop enjoying your eggs so much please can you stop enjoying your eggs [Applause] [Applause] this is my plan really to come through these reeds and sort of stealth and then just appear the other [Applause] side so talked about taking a chance with the weather it's coming in the distance there oh but it's okay i'm gonna i'm gonna stick with it i'm gonna stick with the fishing for a while just see how it goes you know or else i'll never get out and do this and uh i'd like to get a little bit of fishing in before dinner i mean i i can't imagine myself catching anything but uh yeah we'll see [Applause] so [Applause] so you think arb were really really good quality but uh only used it maybe nine ten times it's already starting to tear all the way along this piece of fabric it's a shame they just didn't use something a bit more robust it's almost like a really thin nylon one of these sorts of types of nylon that you could just really easily say if you do buy this this product which is probably pretty unlikely because i very rarely use it i mean it it's good when meg and max are with me but uh i prefer being out in the elements a little bit and having a rain cover overheads but you know it is it is flawed bit of a shame do you want to go home have you had enough of this camping malarkey all packed up ready to go yep why do we sound so happy about that i'm really tired i haven't seen last night was awful but yeah my last night was priest this guy we we i think the wind was waking him up and he was scaring him i think that's what the problem was and then it's also that sleeping bag thing he's in though because when he's at home his hands are free and he grabs things in the night like his dummy he puts it in his mouth you know it's how he kind of like soothes himself he can't do that with these sort of sausages on his hands so you just hear him doing this in the tent like trying to figure out what's going on and then he gets eggy and starts uh yeah he gets a bit upset yeah and he kind of wakes up so you know it's a new thing for him it's not it's not his normal routine and you know kids are all about routine to be honest but well he is anyway i mean i'm sure there's lots of kids out there that are lucky kids but yeah i think he he'll be glad to be back in his cut to be honest but he's pretty good isn't he yeah he's chilled he's i think he's enjoyed his time definitely yeah of course he has he's loved it he had an amazing song but uh he said today he's woken up with all the signs of okay i've had fun let's go yeah which is fair enough really i mean the issue is is like what we talked about off camera the rooftop tent just isn't practical anymore like if it's not big enough is it no it's not big enough and i i personally would rather just i was going to speak swedish than my brain just i'd rather get rid of the rooftop tent all together and uh and find find a new system right rather than upgrade to a bigger tent on the roof even heavier even more weight i mean that one's 43 kilos i don't really want you know some big hundred hundred plus kilo roof top scent for a whole family up there yeah but maybe maybe one day we do do that you know when he's older maybe we've got another another baby or a couple of toddlers and they you know they're more sort of like engaged in this kind of thing and less dependent on all the cues and routines that they have and then uh you know big ten the whole family up there might work but yeah i'm not sure it's difficult isn't it like the annex room on the awning has a lot of potential yeah shame about the quality despite it being arb yeah and it the uh the floor's very crinkly it's loud if yeah if you've got a sleeping child in there you're definitely gonna wait wait it gets woken up yeah i mean if you brought a carpet with you that you rolled out flat on the floor unless they had some camp beds in there you have the table in there it is essentially like a small room yeah but the problem with it is is it makes a lot of noise in the wind so you'd have to literally stitch guideline d-ring sort of tabs everywhere on it to sort of pull it out and make it make it taut so it doesn't make so much noise in the wind and it can be insulated easily as well i saw a guy online put a stove in one or a diesel heater to make it winter crews do really i mean um it would be interesting to see what other people's opinions are and what they do as a family when they get out but um yeah absolutely you know what do what do other people do out there i mean maybe we just ditch the roof tent ditch the awning room keep the awning just as a rain cover when it's a nice day and the flies aren't bad and we just get a normal tent yeah you know cut down a lot of weight in the jeep simplify it up a bit yeah i don't want to move any for any more i mean i see people start with rooftop tents and and this sort of vehicle camping thing and then they turn into like full-on yeah rigs like oh this is as far as i want to go with it and i still want to keep it camping i think it maybe makes more sense to get rid of the rooftop tent get some more bags for our roof rack so that we've got good storage up there yeah and maybe get a big ground tent that we can just pitch up wherever because i mean to be honest in sweden it's pretty flat it's just that obviously if for example the awning is attached to the car so you have to be able to go where with the car somewhere flat which limits your options but if you park somewhere and just go oh there's a flat bit over there yeah just take the tent and pitch up there can't you the tent the roof tent is brilliant in a way because the pros are that you're up above the ground you don't get all that moisture and dew it's very well ventilated it's never musty in there it's always feels fresh um you know you could argue that you've got this kind of illusion of safety from predators even though the reality is is it's not probably the case if they wanted to but that's just kind of a fantasy thing here in sweden i mean in some countries it's probably a real thing which is why it was invented in the first place but um you know it's comfortable and like we've traveled before and we've driven to really rocky um kind of terrainy places the jeep's been articulated like this and we've had this perfect flat bed up top yeah and people have looked at us in all kind of yeah yeah yeah because they want to be able to drive up this crazy track and pitch a tent and have a great view but they can't so you can see the pros and cons in it um i'm a bit stuck really i don't it's sad to get rid of the roof tent because we've got lots of memories um you know we've obviously traveled a lot with it and i don't know it's just a part of our history but um you know obviously things are where the family is getting bigger new things are moving on the other thing is a trailer with a big with a big roof scent on you know you you get like a camping trailer so the jeep just kind of loses all that gear off of it maybe apart from the awning you keep that on there and like some of the equipment in it that you would use for basic camping but then you have like a kind of family based trailer but then this is just going way into a zone that i'm not i'm not cool with their gear is old yeah it's just crazy money it's crazy gear and but there'll be room for a canoe then on the roof and bicycles um and then and then you might as well just get a caravan or a motorhome this is what i mean with four wheel drive capability and small terrain tires and then you can probably go anywhere that's big money that's big money yeah but that's what i mean like the further you go like you see these rigs online that are like the tardis they have everything in them and you think to yourself well just get a van or like a unimog or something that you can live in because you get to a point where it reaches a line where you think the the rooftop tent and the pop-up tent and the awnings and all this stuff is just it's not there's no point in it anymore you might as well just leap over the line and be like okay i'm in a room yeah because you're kind of saying that anyway it's difficult so you either keep it camping or you just go yeah you lose them we're all going on a summer holiday caravan i mean that doesn't appeal at all i mean obviously we do a lot of bivvy camping we haven't done as much since the babo's born but you know that's just the reality of life but as he gets older we'll be putting the backpacks on again and we'll be doing our sort of usual trips and stuff yeah definitely you know so there's that element of camping oil i love more than the jeep really the jeep's convenient when you're traveling and you're touring and you're like okay i want to go to france and and then i want to go to all these other countries you know so there you go like that makes it really cool but again like i don't know where this is going i think we've this was supposed to be an outro well you know these things happen people are interested in this they are do you think yeah i think i spent 50 percent 75 percent of the audience switched off when they when they saw a baby when they saw the jeep in the first shot no but um yeah i know we've enjoyed our time and max has enjoyed his first uh time out on the boat yeah he loved that space it's amazing the weather's been a bit diff you know a bit changeable i enjoy that though we've experienced the most not we haven't experienced thunder and lightning or snow no but you know what this wind is a saving grace today because last night it hammered it down and everything's soaked the roof tent the awning all our gear got drenched and um you know when you get home we have a dry room at home in the cellar like that we've renovated as a kit room and everything gets hung up and it dries and it's kind of ventilated so that's good but this wind's dried everything off for us um you know so we don't actually have to do that when we get home so i'm really grateful for this horrible wind and the mosquitoes have gone they're just all in here actually just waiting waiting east waiting for the for the calm so should we get this little this little yes we'll have to go home so he can nap in the car well this is the end of our trip so uh you know we've been out for three days two nights yeah it's been nice you know giving us something to think about for how we're gonna take take the gear forward or backwards um i don't know maybe you guys can help us in the description just some suggestions you know maybe practical ones would be great um as well like uh you know just just as in yeah we don't have a lot of money so uh it would be sell the rooftop and invest that money in something else kind of thing like practical kind of steps to a different setup or improving what we've got but anyway thanks for watching i hope this video hasn't been too boring we'll probably entitle it two tired parents take young son overland camping and don't get much sleep and don't say don't say much that's the title of this video yeah their brains have totally turned to mush brain cell but we're out and that's the important thing i'm sure there are many families that don't get out for years because they they think it's you know it's not possible and it is possible it's just difficult when you don't do it for long periods of time anyway echo's going echo i need to sleep in the jeep on the way home sleep in the gym all right let's go thanks for watching guys bye
Channel: MCQ Bushcraft & Wilderness Life
Views: 38,218
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: Camping with a baby, how to camp with a baby, newborn camping, wilderness camping baby, overlanding baby, 4x4 camping, Jeep camping with a baby, camping gear for babies, MCQbushcraft Jeep XJ, Off grid camping 4x4, bugout vehicle, vehicle camping, overland camping, happy baby camping, baby travelling, baby sleeping camping, baby in wilderness, family camping 4x4, family camping wilderness, mcqbushcraft family, mcqbushcraft gear, jeep xj build, jeep xj camping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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