4X4 Adventure in a Sierra Jimny & JDM Kei Truck [OFF ROAD FEATURE FILM]

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Kangaroo orgies and TimTams... classic camping.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/geofft 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

HOw can these guys not have over 1 billion views yet? They've been doing videos for over a decade.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/UnapologeticCook 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/GoressenGlover 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Eurobeat hill climb at 1:10:30 is pure gold

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/rps1227 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Only halfway done and absolutely loving it. Well done lads. My first, and longest serving 4 wheeled companion, was a Jeep Wrangler that I had a bunch of adventures in. (Shame you don't talk about yours, Moog!) This reminded me of the good times we had and kinda makes me regret selling it a few months ago.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SetsChaos 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

05:57 they chuck rubbish away, then 2 clips later on when they try to offset their earlier mistake !

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/DaveSlaz 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Awesome to see how much they gained confidence from the start of the video to the end 🙂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PosteePat 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if there's one thing we love about as much as cars it's adventures and even better than that of course is adventures in cars so we're about to take an epic multi-day trip in our home country of australia in the gymnasium but not just the chimney we've also got my mad four-wheel drive k truck so this little car started as a completely stock gym it's got a bull bar it's got a cb radio it's got a snorkel it's the factory wheels i've painted black it's got some bf goodrich all-terrain muddy tyres on the top we've installed some roof racks and i've got this basket for carrying all of my stuff in on the back i've got some mighty car mods chopped fingers and in the boot i've got everything i think everything that we're going to need to survive for a few days out in the bush martin show us what you've got starting with your hectic pod filter this is my k-tip truck and while preparing it for this journey i realized that my air box and air intake was completely shagged so i only had 24 hours to fix it so i made myself welded up a pipe and a pod filter then i realized the water's going to get to it so i put this bucket over the top and i realised that wasn't going to work properly either so i've also got my snorkel just in case i get into any hairy situations now this is a daihatsu highjet it is full drive it's got low range it's got locking diffs it's got this overhang over the front which makes it not the best four wheel drive vehicle in the world but i'm very excited to see what this little thing is capable of and in the tray i've got all my camping gear i've got all my setup inside i've got my food i've got my navigator i think i'm pretty much good to go now have you got a two inch lift on this as well i've got a two inch lift and i've also got mud tires on it as well that came with the truck so we've we've both got the same lift so i got a two inch lift kit as well so we should have some decent clearance and we have got an epic destination people an epic destination and you're going to be coming with us we're off-roading we're camping we're cooking where i was about to say we're hunting we're not hunting we've got all the food we need in the back um come with us on this epic journey let's hit the road is it worth telling people we've got zero experience in this we'll just work that out very very soon fair enough in japan this tiny little four-wheel drive is a k-class car which means it has to be very small very light and comes with a 660cc turbo engine this version here that we got in australia has a 1.3 litre engine different bumpers and some flares these suzuki's have a cult following around the world and i've got high hopes for this trip in my little chimney and i'll be rolling in my daihatsu k tipper this miniscule work truck from japan is powered by a 660cc non-turbo engine making around the same power as a lawnmower luckily it's not all about power as this truck has some serious tech with switchable four-wheel drive low range and locking dips while these little cars may not be the toughest or most suitable off-road vehicles in the world we're going to be hitting the road and hitting the dirt for our very first adventure off-road with everything we need packed in the back to last us for a few days our first job is getting out of sydney and heading west into the blue mountains where these little cars are struggling to climb up any incline that's steeper than flat how's your little truck getting up those hills mate put flat to the floor my foot is literally in the carpet and i'm gaining on you i think like every good road trip no matter where we've been in the world we gotta start it off by going to get some servo snacks and i forgot my sunny so i also need some servo sunnies yukine yeah man 100 let's do it every good road trip starts with a pie and unlike the delicacies that we can get in japan australia has a little less to offer and austria remember in austria all the mad food as well that's crazy yeah man hey mate the chips you could buy in like 19 diggity six yes the same chips you can buy today so there's no hot food here there is look there is oh there is hot food here we got one dude all right the last one here we go welcome to australia servo hot food selection we've got a beef and onion that's a pie oh that's a bar you can see why you're driving easier because it's long and there's a beef pie look at that oh god no i don't fit your face no now we're four wheel driving are you ready yeah yeah that that there is an australian servo so is that that that there can you put them on so i can see what they're going to look like on me yes yes that's a tinder win right there isn't it they suited that's awesome i'm taking those that's unreal i've got no wallet can you hi i'll pay do the thing so excited justin bieber's girlfriend she's in the box is that a sex toy like a male sex toy justin bieber's girlfriend it's perfume perfume you put it on and it gets you the girlfriend yeah how much is that yeah thank you done you are into justin bieber's girlfriend's box that's right look at that oh what is that take some of that oh there you go so martin here you go mate i think they spray the cow in some kind of preservative that perfume that's so bad here you go mate get on get on the outside of that that there you you i'm not feeding you man you eat so that's the dutch feed oh i mean like what is that whatever it is like when you buy a steak it normally has an expiry date of two or three days yeah and that's about two or three years so i don't really know what's going on dude it's the shape of a love oh it is the shape of a love heart and now but what's meant to happen now martin well there's two of them oh it's like a slinky [Music] oh we're all fed up with an epic pie got some sunnies now we are heading on to lithgow in the blue mountains and then the real adventure begins i have a feeling that pie is going to repeat on me somehow some way i brought a toilet though i've got a proper toilet seat a shovel you're gonna dig a hole and then burn it these sunnies are all well and good except now it's freezing rain and i don't need them and i can't see it's meant to be some of the worst weather that we've seen this year all the way up and down the coast and inland and um we're gonna be getting wet we're just lucky we've got justin bieber's girlfriend to keep us warm now when you are using a radio it is important to come up with a call sign for yourself now do you want to have a mighty car mods call sign it's really simple this is how it works you get something about yourself that is considered maybe not very powerful and you add it with something powerful now i am going a bit gray in the old beard here and on the old head hair i'm basically going to be looking like santa claus by next christmas and i've added that to something powerful so for the remainder of this trip i shall be the grey wizard yes all right i'm chewing going to pick something of a similar vein and i'm going to go bald eagle and now we can get our radio talk on this is grey wizard the bald eagle over second hand gold equal to great wins at i want to know what your call sign is let us know get something about yourself maybe you're not happy with or something that's maybe perceived to be not that powerful and add it with something powerful and let us know what your call sign is the further we go the worse the weather's getting i was watching the news last night and um it was saying there was severe weather warnings i mean i was imagining we were going to be sitting around a campfire playing guitars making some food having some drinks but we might actually just be eating some tim tams in a swag are you gonna sleep in the trayview u i don't know if i can fit but i think i'm gonna give it a go if it's raining like this if it's raining like this is there room for two no lesser men may have turned around in the face of this weather but we are heading into the eye of the storm in our little cars and won't let any of the reported cyclonic weather dampen our spirits if we're lucky it'll clear up a bit over the coming days so we're going down mount victoria it's the back side of the blue mountains before you get out to the west it's notoriously steep and fast trucks are supposed to do 40 k's an hour limit i'm doing 51 so i'm breaking the speed limit for trucks but not for cars you can decide what kind of vehicle this is yourself you can just smell brakes in the air of everyone else who's just smoking their way down this mountain i just got chopped by a truck who's now doing 45 which might actually be doing me a favor but yeah man there's like safety ramps and everything that go up the side of the mountain in case you run into trouble [Music] we've successfully made it up and over the blue mountains so now we're heading to our first dirt trails [Music] all right so we are about to hit the dirt and so we just are pressuring down the tires which will give us a little bit more grip should also help prevent punctures i think it's very likely that someone's taking a dump around here because it absolutely stinks and there are flies [Music] everywhere so this is it mate we are on the dirt and look at this this is amazing beautiful you're flicking up mud everywhere man do you know where you're going mate i've got no idea but the road is going that way so i am going that way are you still in two-wheel drive dude i'm still in two-wheel drive i'm getting where i need to get to it's so steep actually i'm in first gear and i'm pinging it off the limiter just getting up the hill i think i'm going to need some low range action soon we are going to struggle once it gets a bit more gnarly than this australia is the driest inhabited continent in the world 70 of the land mass is either arid or semi-arid land meaning it gets less than half a liter of rainfall on average each year and this makes it very prone to fires not too long ago much of this area was burnt out by huge bushfires that took weeks to get under control the landscape has already started to bounce back but the views through the blackened tree trunks give you a stark reminder of those times many of the access roads we're taking are actually the fire trials that crews use to get down into the bush and help control the burns [Music] this is probably nothing compared to what we're going to be getting too soon got to find a place to camp eventually as well man make some food how's your little truck feeling so far so good mate i mean this is pretty mild stuff but it's working it's all working really well so far feels good what mode do you have your jiminy in at the moment for this stuff i'm just in four-wheel drive at the moment just normal four-wheel drive just engage that i'm not in anything low yet the biggest problem i'm going to encounter is that i'm essentially sitting on a wooden box so there's not much padding when you go over the heavy gnarly stuff first mud mate let's get it done i'm going down yeah man i'm through come on little truck [Music] scraping stuff scraping stuff but i'm going to get through it yeah yes he's through oh that's all sub frame [Music] all right this one looks pretty deep actually [Music] [Applause] jimmy she's deep she's going though yes [Music] i got there yeah i don't know about this one man it looks pretty hectic i know i have to hit that straight yes so you can't drive that way or it just rolls over so this is this is spotting right like we go and we walk it out first and then you drive it and i radio you to make sure i think so this this looks just work out if i go down there straight and then straight well you look the other example is what other people have done here you can see sort of grip in the side you know what i mean maybe they had like intense articulation though to get their wheel sideways like that i reckon you can do it man i reckon you got this this is a good test for the chimney yep looking good keep those wheels straight down the big hectic bit straighten her up nice you won't tip it feels like you're gonna but you're not gonna looking good feels sketchy as that's great man it looks good yeah i'm gonna straighten her up a bit and now you're gonna ride this wall i reckon a little bit yep looking good still slow it down a bit yeah dude it's going to sort of start to fall in but that's all right yeah man [Music] you are three wheel driving my friend same again for the rest you got this dude oh oh she's stuck at the back no back her up might have to back it up and you have to turn the wheels there you go now i see what's happening is your back wheel's locking up so i reckon you've got to go back a bit yeah and maybe come right over this way or right over towards me same as the other one yeah man that's it that's it keep it slow keep it slow keep it slow a little bit of wheel spin there yes that's great man slow it down a little bit for this it feeling dude this is awesome i'm through jim you did it man the chimney just did some very very impressive driving through our first big obstacle i have a truck i can go around so i'm going to take that opportunity because i'm going to get my car stuck in the first half hour of my adventure and just work up to it that jimmy is impressive very very impressive dude we're getting everywhere in these cars we won't get stuck anywhere the whole weekend throw any hill at us any rock any rut any puddle we're getting through all of them we will not get stuck sure mate have a bit of faith mate sure mate all chimney adventures time to hit the road and we know this is not the craziest four-wheel driving but it is our first time out and a really good opportunity to get to know our cars see that bit's high yeah that bits deep how high is your intake off the ground currently it's like 400 mil oh well you're not going to make it through there no i need a snort put your snorkel mod on so we've just checked this uh water over here and it is too deep for maddie's mad intake now i do want to just give maximum props for a little pod with a paint container over the top of it um that's amazing and it actually works now the intake on this was busted yesterday and of course being a hijacked you just can't get intakes in australia so therefore that is what uh marty came up with that's freaking awesome martin how are we getting through this water mate because this is the highest water we've gone through yet today with my snork so i actually made a snark out of leftover pvc pipe and what we're going to do is attach my snork which i've been carrying in the tray to the intake a little bit like that it's got to back this hose clamp off attach the snorkel to the intake and that will give me your snorkel chimney style dude that's so good that's the plan if she stays waterproof it just gives it a bit of extra chance of survival it's gotta get it's not yeah it's not great just we can come back a bit actually towards you yeah a bit more let's see how where we can put it that's on as long as that's tight that'll do i'll tighten it up and we might cable tight to the cab there yeah i'll cable tie the top one and i've got a different filter for the top because because it i only realized that the intake was actually not only the air box was broken so air was going to get in that way and in fact dust was getting in that way and i didn't realize and what i also noticed was when i washed the car the sound of the intake would change because the filter was getting wet so that it would make a different noise and go slow and then then i realized that not only that the actual boot that connects to the engine itself to the intake manifold that was split and i can't get any of those parts here so that's going there and then we're going to throw this adapter on and then that pod filter on there that's gonna sound so good filtered air man full snork stuff [Music] all right shall we have a listen yeah a bit of clutch man we'll start it i can hear it suckin [Music] that's so good it's great all right martin here's the game plan more importantly is it waterproof that's what's good we're about to find out but here's what i reckon we do so send the chimney through first i'll be on the other side if you have any struggles at all i'll swim out we'll stick a strap on you and then i'll pull you out good luck looking good oh it stinks oh it smells so bad it's so good smells like dead animals is that a thing oh it smells so bad [Laughter] well done little chimney all right so i'm attaching this strap in advance hopefully i won't need it but you know i've got the train it's super easy to connect i'm going to do it so that if i do get stuck i'd have to wade into it at that height trying to do this underwater hopefully i won't need it but as a full driver i'm just going to send that it's time to send it all right first water crossing very nervous come on little truck we got this let's go oh oh yeah that's it now go a little keep track whoa oh i got wet yes awesome unstoppable oh it stinks and it's on me oh it stinks like the truck is just managing it beautifully um the chimney looks more composed and is obviously handling it better being that that's what it's made for but considering this is a farm truck and a trading vehicle that can also do this i think it's just incredible i just love it definitely something i'd look at modifying but in terms of how it's handling it it's amazing i'm getting bounced around a bit it's not particularly comfortable but again trader you that's just the way it is that's a capable little truck mate [Music] all right look at this wow this is awesome you can't get here unless you have a full drive or something that can go through all those tracks that's amazing how good is it this must have been crazy when the bushfires run can you imagine what it would have been like standing here when all of this is on fire yep and literally all of it the only thing that's left is like this kind of stuff grassy stuff everything else is burnt while we're here we're going to pick up some garbage take a bunch of bad stuff out with you that otherwise wouldn't get taken away leave it better than you found it exactly after a quick cleanup to keep australia beautiful we are back in the mud oh it's deep it gets very very deep [Music] yeah you'll get there though mate oh my god i do not know if we're gonna make it through that [Music] [Music] oh i thought i was stuck for sure oh my god oh wow oh i think i drowned my motor it's a bit dumb yeah hey truck another one yeah okay truck oh that's a bit deeper went great though [Music] the truck is starting to get a bit gnarly again in front of me dude you might want to go first with your nice controllable auto descent yeah suddenly get a lot of that kind of rock left and right action bit craggy isn't it i noticed that on a camera it's a bit hard to tell grade like it's hard to tell just how steep something is without being here it's kind of getting a little bit um a little bit steeper than we've seen so far today i feel like i'm about to fall out the front of the truck really worried i'm gonna hit my head on that i just saw another car suspension on the side of the track which is not a great sign it just looks like it wants to flip me sideways so quickly and my wheels are under me so you get a weird sensation where you don't have the wheel out in front of you where you would normally expect the grip to happen the grip happens under your butt so you're kind of hanging off the front of the car totally different sensation of driving a car in a road that's for sure the terrain soon goes from goat track to flat track so we can pick up the pace with our huge engines over the last 13 years of making mighty car mods we've done road trips in countries all over the world and while we've driven to central australia now is a really good opportunity for us to explore our own state of new south wales and four-wheel driving is a great way of just slowing down a bit and seeing parts of the world that you may not see otherwise [Music] we've got one more stop up ahead and then we are setting up camp for the [Music] night do [Music] do [Music] yeah man look at it go it's got it's mad little bucket intake i hit my head on it every time i get out that's to stop the rain getting in it's amazing yeah and it sounds really daughty it's getting everywhere it needs to get to just we got a short walk up here mate go check out the sights and then um then we set up camp mate gonna go camping mad i don't think i've ever been camping before we've heard about an incredible sight that's just off this four-wheel drive track so we're going to check it out that's weird i've never seen a rock like it it really feels like it's falling i feel like the world's supposed to be this way yes it's like a coliseum of rock isn't it yep there is some aboriginal artwork here now the aboriginal people are the indigenous people of australia that were here for tens of thousands of years um before white people arrived and what's amazing is that this artwork has stood the test of time there's like big hands there's little hands and the more you look the more you see them popping out of you yeah you sort of look at the rockfall and then you suddenly see they start appearing it's really really cool there's sites like this all over australia and a lot of them are hard to access i mean we're lucky to be able to get to them the way that we did which you couldn't do in you know you're just your normal car so it's it's pretty special kind of place like this and i've never seen like this this rock formation is just incredible i think it's important to know the history of your of your country of its indigenous people and their culture and their stories and their music and so we can kind of have a better understanding of how everyone's going to share because we've got to share it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing you've got to share and and sharing in different people's cultures a really good way of learning about them and learning about yourself as well with the end of our first day coming to a close it's time to hit the road and go and set up our camp for the night all right this is where we are camping for the night beautiful and it's just started raining the weather has just turned that cloud has just come in i feel like we're in a cloud it does it's i bet it's pretty amazing um you're going to sleep in the back of your trays so you're fine you're off the ground i'm gonna try um i'm gonna set up a swag um underneath a tarp just for double because we're meant to like we're meant to have like severe weather tonight so right this is like okay this is annoying but it's okay but it's meant to be actually dangerous in some parts of new south wales all right let's do it man three two one camp is done go the weather is looking pretty shabby and it's expected to be terrible later so i'm using the jimny as a bit of a weather break so i've got that there i've just attached a tarp to the top of it and then down under here i've got my swag now of course you could just camp out in a swag but if the weather actually does get feral i'm going to be happy to have a little bit of protection there to keep things dry particularly that we're not just away for one night it is a multi-night journey so that is the chimney setup i can access the car uh from my little shelter there which is awesome and now we'll go check out marty's k truck which does look like it's wearing a top hat i'm utilizing my tip tray as a roof thing so i've got your max tracks which you let me i've tied them into the back of the ute and i've used the top and i've tied some ropes down and i put my swag in the tray because i'm 185 centimeters and the tray's 188 i fit with this much room to spare yeah it's not going to be comfy but at least i'll be dry if the weather does get bad which they say it's going to but who knows and i reckon you'll be fine and the good the genius of this you got access to all of your crates and stuff i have like the hardware stuff and then in that i've got like clothes and sleeping bags and you know changes like i can get changing here i can sit in here and hang out with all my friends with the camp set up now i'm going to show you how to cook a steak now the first step of getting a good quality steak in your mouth is making sure you buy some good quality meat now you want to get a steak that has been grass-fed not grain fed if you can grain fed is cheaper but it means that the cattle may have been force-fed grain which could make them sick and then they've got to give them medicines and other things grass-fed means the cows have eaten grass so we're starting with that you want to let them get up to room temperature and then you want to season them really well so canned cooking doesn't have to be hard you just got to be prepared i've got this little bucket that's got all the stuff that i need every time like seasoning so we're just going to go for salt pepper a little bit of oil and then i've got something special in here that i'm going to be showing you later on so we're going to rip out the steaks and give them an epic amount of seasoning the cooking surface that you use actually imparts a lot of different characteristics on the food that you're cooking so i'm using a cast iron skillet if you're cooked using a fry pan or using a different kind of pot or a barbecue they're all different tastes this here i use over the fire and is really good for meat so we're going to put that on and get it super hot he's been a vegetarian for pretty much his whole life so i wouldn't say that i don't trust him with making a steak but it's gonna be very interesting to see how this turns out that said when he gets his mindset on something like chimneys or going forward driving and camping it usually happens so the same thing happens with a stake or onto a winner because the jimmy's a winner the jimmy gets bogged and the steak sucks we probably should have stayed home so i'm not putting anything in there until it's super hot which brings us to the next question how long should you cook a steak for now hundreds and hundreds of years ago nobody was running through the bush after some lightning hit a tree and then burned a kangaroo and went oh look at that it's a fully cooked kangaroo oh no i don't want that one i want that kangaroo that's only a little bit cooked because i want it rare i want it medium rare i want it blue people are either eating sashimi they're eating raw stuff or they're eating really well done stuff now this idea of just having it slightly seared that's the stuff that modern humans invented i don't know why we're getting a little bit of oil on there now and we're getting our nicely seasoned steaks and we're putting them on there we're going to lay them away from me how long should you cook it for what you can do with a measuring tape i reckon that's about 12 mil thick so 12 minutes 6 minutes on each side you can get your timer get your phone out that is it so i'm going to lay it on there lay it away from me if it doesn't sizzle it's not hot enough that is the sound that we want to hear so that is on that is on now here's the trick people here's the trick i'm getting my timer we're doing six minutes aside but we're gonna be swapping every minute this is the key it's not six minutes then flip it six minutes every single minute we're going to be flipping these for 12 minutes all right that's been one minute so we're flipping and look at that look at all that salt and pepper and seasoning making these delicious crusty vines [Music] so i was actually raised vegetarian even though i grew up on a cattle farm and so i hadn't eaten any meat until i was about 30 years old all right we're doing our last flip and now is when i'm putting some sauce on you don't want to put your sauce and all your herbs and stuff on there too early because it's just going to burn this is japanese miso danish butter with garlic that i've cut up and rosemary so this here a little knob of this is going on the top of each steak it's just going to cook up we want to make sure they are completely covered in that flavor so we're going to do the last flip look at that butter all right get all that sauce around there and now heat off we're gonna put them to the side to rest and we're gonna rest them for half the time they've been cooking we've just got to one minute so we are flipping them again yes we're flipping them off the heat it's going to be amazing oh it smells so good grab it i have a plate with llamas there you go you are on i'm not done you're so juicy just hang there oh my god hang there martin not done we just get you oh the garlic oh the butter all of that that's all taste dude this is impressive that is all flavor for a bit of a knock you should be eating you're a bit of a not meat guy dude get into that i'm going to sit down sit on my chair dude get into it homegrown garlic rose me from my neighbor's tree that is good to go that's really bloody good i kind of thought it wouldn't be i wouldn't say i was hoping it wouldn't be that's one of the nicest stakes i've ever had how is it mate it's pretty amazing really yeah and we are so flavoursome we just getting rained on come on guess we're eating in under your tarp oh man at least we got our dinner cooked the kate truck made it i know i legitimately thought you'd be pulling out of every hole or it wouldn't even be here i honestly thought we'd be sitting around a campfire with a banjo well that would be nice instead we're sitting under a top are we the only people camping in australia right now with no beer yeah good are you supposed to bring beer apparently you're also supposed to be in like not a cake now to finish off the day i do have a little treat i'm going to let you nibble on my balls again that was so good last time so i've made them this time with uh goji berries with ones almonds and cashews yup and cinnamon put your balls in my hand dude you always got to cup it when you eat it that is dessert might need a few bites there it is see in the morning everybody you're cooking you're 10 out of 10 mate thank you mark just like my camping equipment your camping's amazing so that ends our first day off road in the suzuki chimney and the daihatsu k tipper it's it's 3 30 in the morning and i'm hear some kangaroos having sex outside all right and it's raining so much i don't know what kendra's having sex in the room i guess i guess they don't care because that tenders [Music] so um i slept pretty well other than the kangaroo orgy that was going on around here which was very very noisy a good tip when stuff's really wet is just get yourself a chamois like same thing you dry a car with and i'm just going around i'm going to dry my swag with it not much of it's wet but it's better than packing it away soaked and if you've got no cover at all then you should definitely clean it up and then gonna pack up the tarps and then today we're continuing on to i gather drive around in mud and probably get bogged it's gonna be excellent how'd you go mate i did well um not a drop of water in there man like everything in there is completely dry and i had my hardware and my clothes and my drinks and my pack of tim tams dude that's amazing did you hear those kangaroos oh yeah never heard anything like it i was like either marty is having some weird dreams in his tent or that's a kangaroo party because now they're looking a bit look at him they look a bit awkward look at him but do you reckon she's called him because i reckon he was like we really had a thing like you know this is it this is us forever and now she's all like meh oh that was the vibe i got okay there is three of them though so there's obviously a bit of triangle going on there martin um it's probably trying to have some breakfast cool what are we having i like your raincoat i don't i'm not going to usually bar i'm safety hiveys you're going to cook anything i don't really want to cook anything in this right i'm i'm glad we didn't bring a gazebo though a gazebo hectic wind it would have blown away wouldn't it well gazebos are a bad idea if it's windy right look how windy it is mutton though it may be a little bit soggy our first night of camping is a total success we're now fully rested and ready for whatever lays ahead of us on our mad off-road adventure all right we are leaving the campsite good morning bald eagle this is great wizard how you doing mate mate i had such a nice dry sleep is it even a four-wheel drive thing if you don't say mate before every conversation mate that is a good question mate uh i think we need to start the day by um going through some rivers mate river crossings cool never done one of those before there's one just up here uh we're not getting any wetter considering it's pissing down anyway this is true i'm looking forward to getting muddy today into the mud hole mate water crossings are one of the more risky obstacles when off-roading it is possible to be swept downstream if the water is too deep or moving too fast recovery gear is a must and walking the crossing first is a good idea unless of course there are crocodiles all right mate i'm going to go down through this river if i get stuck can you pull me out i think what we're meant to do is i think like you're meant to try and get through and then i wait rather than me follow you so that if you get stuck then i can pull you out and vice versa dude you're on a bit of an angle there man i'd go a bit of right hand down oh dude your wheels off the ground your rear left wheel is off the ground you might need more speed mate you might need more speed oh um drive go back a bit back a bit if you can't go back i'll just pull you out um i think my problem is that won't actually engage forward drive anymore oh here we go here we go here we go there's something wrong with my transfer case i think oh [Music] dude you're good oh that was sketchy oh that was weird all right i'm coming through let's go chimney [Music] it's not the kind of river that would really stop this normally i don't think except that when i went through and hit that dip i heard like a clunk noise and then i looked down and my transfer case selection was like see how it rolled just then yeah it's like it's in neutral so the transfer case isn't in high or low and then when i tried to put it back in it was like grinding and then finally clunked when i yanked on it okay and then it was in gear and then it would go so it's just almost like maybe it wasn't selected properly because it just popped out okay but i mean as long as it's all right now though i think so i mean as long as that says yeah full drive because i look down and it didn't say full drive anymore because in high range it doesn't come up and neutral but then in low range it does but that wouldn't activate okay are you good now then yeah seems all right back on the road yeah man so we've got a bit of um driving on sealed roads now to continue our adventure to the mountains so just going to put some more pressure in the tyres people do use air compressors and stuff like that that they mount in the back of the four wheel drives we're just using this little um ryobi inflator deflator you can use it for doing air beds and stuff like that as well but it is accurate because you can just put in exactly what pressure you want and then hit go and it'll just do its thing so more pressure means better on road performance from our tyres and while we wait we're cleaning up just a little bit more of australia [Applause] [Music] there are over 800 000 kilometers of road in australia that's the distance to the moon and back again it's a big place with so much to explore our little vehicles have proven to be capable off-road and while by no means highway cruisers they get the job done on the blacktop too all right we've just swapped cars for a quick drive what i can tell you is this little k track is one of the most uncomfortable cars trucks i've ever driven isn't it bad it's like sitting on a wooden box dude i'm tripping out because i have a comfy seat and i can see my bonnet i can't believe you've spent the last day or two driving in this kind of lack of comfort especially when you bounce off some big pile of mud and it like your head hits the ceiling then your tailbone hits that seat how is your comfort level going in the chimney mate i feel like i'm in the rolls-royce man i'm like got side support i've got squash on my butt this thing is incredible what a vehicle and it's more capable than the k truck as well well it might be more capable in the dirt but it's not more capable of actually tipping which is what this truck does that is actually its job correct and we've been picking up rubbish and we're going to tip that out yeah it's amazing man so onto the mud trucks we're going to go find some more mud i think now yeah we're on to um sunny corner mate which is a place i used to go dirt bike riding when i was way younger actually awesome i'm keen to see it let's do it [Music] so we just pulled off the road back onto the dirt and this is a massive state forest and we've basically got to get our way from one side to the other side so we've got to make our way through it i understand it's going to be pretty muddy in there as well yeah after all that rain last night it's got to go somewhere uh which is going to be hectic and uh people do get lost in there so on our garment we're basically going to be leaving little waypoints breadcrumbs a little breadcrumbs so we know how to get back out again if we can't find our way to the other side so going down and then martin you know what i'd like to see you do a jump no well yeah i'd love to see you do a job no i would love to see you get your diff lock and doughnut on do a good luck doughnut there you go good luck donuts i can make that get lost i can make it happen [Music] so we've started here marty we've come all this way through here through here through here all the way up here and now we're there at sunny corner yep and where we're camping is there so we basically got to make our way through the forest here and that will actually get us to up there so national park that's where we're camping so we're basically going to be going through there up to there now on here we've got the waypoints that we put in yep so basically we just follow that that's all the trails in there too yeah and that's going to take us to where we're camping so basically we just followed that and hopefully we shouldn't need to retrace and you can you can add waypoints if you need to right as we go just if so if you get to an intersection you're going to go left or right you drop a waypoint there so you always better get back to that industry exactly hopefully we won't get lost though we can just keep going through but in case we do then we have that it's cool we're headed out ready to go yeah let's go let's do it so the truck that we're doing today is rated as difficult now that does seem a little bit concerning except the k truck and the jimny i think are more than capable and marty and i now have at least a day or two's worth of four-wheel driving experience under our belt although australia is most commonly known for kangaroos drop bears koalas deserts and beaches seventeen percent of the land is covered in forests both natural and plantation while only two or three percent of those are commercial plantations like this one they exist only where there's plenty of rainfall and this area was originally home to one of the largest silver mines in australia and for a time experienced a gold rush it was named after the sunny corner company that first found it now it's home to a sustainable commercial forest and access is provided for recreation as well as many of these roads are access roads for large logging trucks and machinery the wood is harvested and replanted every 30 years and turned into framing for houses fencing chipboard paper and cardboard these dirt roads provide us with a chance to explore deep into the landscape that is super popular with the off-road types man that's super steep i know it's game over if you roll down there yeah if you're lucky one of those trees will catch you but i definitely don't want to find out just go slower right yeah just got to be careful what i'm learning about four wheel driving is that not all four-wheel driving is like in and out of mud holes and over big rutty stuff like a lot of it is trails and access and getting to the places hey and also trying to make sure you enjoy it as well like there's no use just driving along being scared the whole time and worried you gotta i guess trust in your ability and uh trust in your equipment as well kind of like dirt biking except you can take a whole tray and a whole car of stuff with you yeah true [Music] the hills start getting steeper and the surface looser asking more of our little four by fours with long descents into the valleys and steep climbs out it's a chance to see how well our vehicles can handle the varied terrain often the only gauge of how steep it actually is is to look at how much of an angle the trees grow out of the ground to try and stay vertical chasing the sun [Music] your average soft rotor or suv could make it up some of these roads but it's uncommon to see anything but four-wheel drives on at least all-terrain or mud tyres out here the forestry employees run fairly serious rigs with recovery gear for when it gets muddy or something gets stuck they've also borrowed my air filter bucket mod idea bucket bucket except mine's from bunnings all right creek crossing here we go these do make me a bit nervous mate it's very steep on the way out in case you roll backwards or flip or something i'm just going to stay out of your way so i'm just going to stay back a little bit all right full stand here we go i'm in four wheel drive low range oh she's up dude it's a steep hill though yeah nice right i'm coming up now mate this is the uh steepest we've had so far i know some people do like properly crazy rock crawling gnarly like vertical stuff but this is uh pretty steep for us mate i can barely get over those hills probably like when we've got cars at racetracks it's really hard to see just how fast you're going it's also really hard to see just how steep this is but i can tell you it's really steep my garmin's saying that this part was uh 32 degrees of incline wow that's crazy let me know when you're up and i'll try and get up there too i'm not sure exactly what it means but once it goes over 25 it goes orange and now over 30 the thing's turning red great all right see you out there in a second here we go steep lines are crazy you can probably start making your way up here now i reckon mate all right on my way here we go all right this is very steep i actually have to stay in first gear because i don't have that low down torque to hold it but if i stay in first i can keep the revs up the power bed is like 5 000 rpm and this little three cylinder when your wheels are pointed straight and you're going up it doesn't feel that crazy when you're looking up the hill it looks wild this little bit of the hill or feels like you're gonna fall off and then go back down again it's all good keep the revs up plenty of grip here we go oh joking around a bit it's hard to keep your foot still when the car's joking you around so much rough area makes it a bit trickier look it goes the thermometer fan will probably come on after this because this is actually quite taxing on the engine full revs a lot of load first gear slow not much airflow good man i'm just coming up the top now all right so that was a super steep climb but our mad little cars have made it to the top of they have top of a thing they have so this is awesome because this like four wheel drive manual has this actual track listed and we're doing it in reverse but it's awesome because it's got like little codes which i didn't understand at first but it's like track junction which is where we are now it says turn right so we're going to go that way it also says sp sign posted and there's one that says brown butt mountain trail brown butt and then the track drops steeply into the creek so we just did that crazy ascent yep no doubt there's one i'm going back down which is going to be a bit scary then back down and then throw a crate this is awesome and it drops steeply yeah it's also got longitude latitude which is mad because if you get lost you can be like well you know punching your gps the actual coordinates and it'll show you where to go really helpful maybe take something like this with you if you're going to do one of these things four drive tracks close to sydney much like what we just went up now we're going down same thing first gear pretty much hands off a little bit of break if i can but i've got to be careful i don't lock wheels up she feels alright like it's very steep but it feels controlled so far like it wants to run away in those stink bits and i'm sort of letting it then break when i know i got grip you keep going again feels okay some seriously steep downhill big rocks i'm trying to avoid it's a bit slippery just always conscious of that sub frame yeah man it's so steep here my stuff is just all fallen off the front seat down onto the floor yeah i'm just picking this line down behind you because anywhere else i go i think i'm going to smash the out of the sub-frame all right i think we're down now mate doesn't look too bad around here the deeper we go into the forest the more technical the tracks start to become more water crossings more washed out and rutted tracks and loose rocks that mean our average speed drops right down this makes it hard to predict exactly how long a trail will take when the service changes so much in a short time luckily we have our camping gear with us so if we get stuck we can also stay overnight some tracks can be deceiving with parts that look well graded but actually have huge jagged rocks sticking up in the middle trying to remove your sump or subframe sometimes it's better to find an easier path which are often labeled cheat tracks which means you can continue rather than get stuck on something just for the sake of it however if there's a particularly challenging part of the track getting someone to spot you and walking at first is always a good idea all right so that i reckon is the most hectic hill we've got so far man definitely i reckon because of such a narrow wheelbase there's a big dip on the right and i reckon if i hit that i'm going to bottom out my sub frame and then i'll be like this way in a hole so i think i'm actually better off if you hit that you'll go over yeah i'm going to the left because i think those those tracks sort of use the middle and then use the left yeah but that's pretty gnarly especially you can see the rocks you lose heaps of grip on the rocks don't you yeah i reckon just stick to the left and when you get near like three quarters of the way up hook hard right because let's see how the track kind of goes around to the right so that you're staying on the plane of the track rather than staying on that angle and then your car's going to be going over so i can follow that middle line go around that big hole and then up to the right you're going to spot me yeah i'll hang with you so i'll just be on the radio we'll get you get you up there all right here we go [Music] left hand down a little bit [Music] fantastic that was wild lots of sharp craggy rocks too your ground clearance is literally making it by millimeters all right mate coming up oh man it looks good i take a similar line to what i did i reckon looking good hug that left edge man the grip's amazing yeah it's crazy just trying to keep my thumbs on the outside of the steering wheel because it just thrashes around so much we've made it to a clearing perfect for setting up a quick lunch of japanese ramen on our camp stove then we're back into our mad little off-roaders honking our way down the [Music] mountain all right so the reigns just kicked in again mate bit of a steep descent again this is a bit tricky because we can't just go straight down it yeah man this is um this is a little bit tricky actually i'm just gonna put the cv down man oh i'm sliding around give him some space man you were three wheeling just then all right i think that's the worst of it mate you can probably head on down [Music] that's some tongue out driving i'm turning the wheel my car is going straight we're actually pretty lucky it's not pouring with rain now if this thing was all mud it would be very sketchy [Music] oh there it goes you gonna gone okay mate yeah i just bashed the out of the subframe because my my wheels weren't gripping up and so i sort of went off the trail a bit yeah all right well look it uh looks like the weather's turning bad i reckon we just uh make our way to the next camp mate so we got still a little bit of a drive to go but um it is getting later so let's go set up camp no worries i think we're through most of the gnarly stuff now anyway aren't we no [Laughter] it's actually easier than you'd think to get lost somewhere like this where trails double back on themselves loop around and the only reference you have are trees and ants nests we weren't clear on which turn to take and we ended up on a trail to nowhere which had a few tricky sections by doubling back and checking our maps both digital and paper we were able to find the correct trail and continue on our way to a challenging downhill section and creek crossing [Music] so we got a bit lost and ended up taking um this road here which is just a dead end that leads to a campground so now we've got to come back down it was a little bit sketchy getting up and it looks even sketchier getting down uh you good muddy i'm good to go i ate a tim tam just in case nice all right let's do it man so you're just going to left wheel straddle the side right wheel straddle the center yeah that's it that's it oh that was hectic that looked sketchy for a second there man all right do you want to help you get down yes please right somebody mate's going to send his full dwarf van he's going to full send straight down this hill he's not scared of no roots he's not scared of no rocks he's going to send it straight down the rock well mate ready all right mate i reckon you just the line you sent me down is perfect just go as slow as you can yep looking good beautiful you won't hit this rock you've got heaps of clearance straight or right hand down no perfect just exactly where your wheels are just keep going man you're right you're right yep keep going bit more right hand down and away you go not that much yep beautiful perfect thanks mate all right so about to cross wilbur creek dude this is probably like the most technical thing we've come across we've built up some rocks here so just straight down keep your wheels straight sort of ride that edge yep looking good yep that looks good man a bit further to the passenger side yep that way a little bit going left yep and you're going to kind of come down here down here towards me from inside the car the perspective is totally different yeah it doesn't feel good it feels like the front wheel is about to go off the edge of a cliff and the car toppling over sideways is a real possibility and now this way i'm gonna back up and try a different line this is why spotting is so important at times like this right hand down watch out watch out now we got to get you through there oh great that's the sketchiest driving i've ever done that there for me is the four wheel drive equivalent of hitting turn one at sydney motorsport park at like 170 180 k's an hour sketchy all right mate that's it just really really slow slow as you can go this is wild turn towards me mate that's it oh oh i'm beached or something oh oh full lock that's it mate that's him mate really really slow full lock right hand down full lock right hand down down here i can see the wheel that's actually quite helpful oh slow slow slow straighten the wheel mate straight oh that's crazy slow down all right you know it's just your rear wheels up in the air that's all right all right rear wheel's coming down now and we got touchdown mate you're on the ground well done good job mate that was crazy that was crazy yeah all like wheel up in the air and tipping over and stuff you feel so out of control like what are you gonna do just fall down the hill i guess so and steeper than it looks like on camera always yeah and then ride home with me in the gymnasium man let's drive in this creek yeah i have no idea where we're going though [Music] and with that we've reached the bottom of the valley and the only way out is up including driving upper creek and onto some more challenging hill [Music] climbs [Music] the car just wants to go down and you take the break off a tiny bit and it's just sliding and slipping and looking at your car i thought you're going over and if you give it a fulcrum that is the wrong fulcrum it goes oh i'll just go this way yeah because gravity says i should instead of that way which is where you want to go what i'm so impressed with is the amount of grip that you get from muddies yes and a bit of suspension clearance although limited in some ways like my my little truck had more problems on some of the trails with the big rocks or i'm just hitting them yes than some of this kind of stuff although that was next level yeah but some of these fire trials you could get down in a corolla like some of them if you needed to that there you're only getting down in a car like this that's kind of lifted with proper tyres and stuff for it we've made our way to the bottom of the valley yeah we've got to make our way all the way out and up we have been lost a little bit but the track is only this way it's either drive up this creek or drive up the hill so we're gonna go up the hill uh and we're just gonna power on now and get to our campsite because we are gonna be losing light in a couple of hours um and we still have quite a long way to go by lots of things so i've achieved a lot nothing's broken not yet not yet shouldn't jinx it we haven't had flats no we haven't had beginners like breaking we haven't put them on their lids you having fun i'm having fun it's totally different than anything i've done before when it's your first time doing it it's just kind of it's weird because you don't know how it's meant to feel it's probably the first time you do a track day which for us was maybe i don't know 15 years ago or more and you go whack in your car corner that fast can you break that weight yep and then you get more and more threshold of what you can do i reckon this is one of the only kind of first times there's maybe two where you need to bring a raincoat every time this trail has thrown one last challenge at us a narrow path with no cheater tracks in sight so if you can't go around it you've just got to go through it we're finally out of this forest and ready to set up camp i really really thought for a second you weren't going to be on your side yeah and your thing looked like i was going to tip over more than once too very capable little vehicles though they're very very capable it's going to be an awesome night mate and a continuation of what has been an epic adventure i'm going to get the barbie awesome there's nothing better after a big day of adventuring in your mad fool drive truck and you're mad for drive chimney than a tasty meal now last night my friend cooked me one of the best steaks i've ever had in my entire life so tonight i'm gonna return the favor by cooking him one of the best sausages he's ever had in his life now these are particularly interesting because they are vegan that's right vegan vegan sausages martin a vegan sausage i thought you'd be into it because you know you were veggie for so long do you want a jack or a gym jack a jack there you go mate awesome cooking by the river yeah there you go mate now i'm going to be cooking this up on a little weber which is like a mad little gas barbie um these things just do a really good job of sausages all the heat stays in it all the moisture does vegan sausages are shite you might be asking yourself what's in a vegan sausage you haven't had this one yet dude what's in a vegan sausage let me tell you water plant protein soy and pea oil coconut oil flavor natural flavoring vegetable powder beetroot powder spices herb and spice extract doesn't sound that bad as long as you didn't call it a sausage you'd probably have a go at it anyway all we're going to do is throw those on the barbie they don't need long between 10 and 15 minutes turning regularly stick them in a sanger and make a mad dinner so what's for a sausage sandwich yeah like a bunning sandwich dude come on bit in the bush dude that's awesome you're gonna love it mm-hmm so we're gonna throw them on do you have to like oil them up or salt them or anything no man these are good to go you can throw a bit oil on there if you want to but wherever there's a knife like that they sort of keep the keep the moistiness and the juiciness throw them in 10 minutes let me tell you something excellent sausages now the lid is closed that's called barbecuing when the lid is up that's called grilling some people don't know the difference barbecue what does it mean barb means beard q means butthole barbecue means beard to ass because they used to put an animal on the spit and then they'd cook it that's what barbecue actually means you cutting up some vegan cheese as well mate no mate it's not vegan is that just normal cheese yeah okay there's no rules that say your whole meal has to be vegan no of course not but a vegan sausage with normal cheese sounds delicious you can have a part vegan meal if you want yeah well i guess that's like having a part meat meal i mean most meals are part vegan aren't they if you have some lettuce with it well here's the thing mate you could eat a steak with some salad that's a vegan meal with a side of steak it's about time we turned our snacks though martin i'm not being rude but every time i put my arm on this and that slides down it makes a weird noise like this if i lie on it so it goes down so don't be thinking i'm making weird noises it's much hair okay if you say so gourmet cheese gourmet red gourmet vegan snacks hey martin yeah do you think that after 13 years of making this show together we've hit a turning point and now it's actually just all about off road like is this better than is this better than silvias and skylines and supers and mr2s and golf r's and minis and 240s and super gramps geminis rx-7s like is this better or is it it is well we it just took us 13 years to work it out some people went and bought a full driver for some hilux thing and just went in the dirt once and went camping and cooked a vegan sausage and went this is live and barry this is life this is the best thing that's ever going to happen and this is what we're doing forever we're going camping for our whole life people love camping man they love full driving everyone loves it there must be a reason so this is it this is it you're doing it sell everything yes get rid of all the cars yep two-door sdi gone lotus gone 240z gone and our thing should just be called k-truck and jimny.com right do we own that domain yet no but we should probably buy it before we put on this so that people don't buy it what if we got it would you say it was called ktruckenjimmy.com i i just wonder that website when you go there just a picture of a vegan sausage and the only thing on that website is two recipes your vegan sausage recipe and my steak recipe no that's going to be good that's your one oh it's got fat didn't it it's time mate the best sausage sandwich you've ever had yeah i'm the healthiest i'm giving you that one straight sideways please that way yeah you've got to remember because i've been veggie for so long in the 90s vegetarian products are not like what they are now really it was like not chicken and nut thing and they were definitely not those things now it's hard to tell that a not sausage is not really a not sausage it's really good man that's right thanks martin i kind of wish i brought a real sausage i'm not selling any of my mad cars by the way you don't have to just be a four-wheel driver or a nissan maggot that's it or a track guy because no last week i was driving my lotus this week i'm driving a chimney that's cool isn't it yep i think just car people want to try and stick everyone in a thing yep because when i got a mini everyone's like oh minnies are really lame but sylvie's are awesome but then i've owned a silvia at the same time i own a mini so i might call this sylvia guy or am i a loser mini girl that's just like people want to want to categorize you don't you you're a hairdresser oh but you also ice skate and you help kid like you know kids with early education or you know what i mean like yeah well that's boxes yeah let people be what they want to be experience as much as you can what i love the most about this is a new experience doing new things learning how to drive off-road growing my experience as a driver learning how to maintain the car learning how to modify the car yep that's really what it's about man after a good night's sleep we are back on the road headed to our final destination how you doing in the k truck this morning mate any morning in a cave truck that's achieved what this has is a good morning i'm stoked man well man this is our last day so we got a bit more dirt to get through than a river crossing been a lot of rain so we'll see how we go uh and then on our way to our final destination i'm so happy with what these cars have achieved man like i'm looking forward to getting home and servicing it and like checking how it all went like i'm yeah i'm really stoked and there's still so many more mods we can do man we're only at stage one four-wheel drive mods that means there's 98 more stages to go yeah that's right we haven't done like any crazy recoveries we've been lucky with the weather and with the surface yeah i mean look it's been rainy but it's it's been okay we're still rolling and we're still rubber side down which is a good thing [Music] it turns out the river that we were worried about crossing was nothing to worry about at all and now we are almost at the end of our trip being four-wheel drive newbies we didn't really know what to expect but these mad little cars haven't failed us once and all that's left to do now is enjoy the drive [Music] going on the west side [Music] [Music] under the ocean waiting for the world to die [Music] go [Music] let's go make it last forever listen to the highway [Music] with the last of the off-road tracks behind us there's only one thing left to do and that's to find out which one of these cars is going to be the king of the mountain we've made our way to mount panorama the famous racetrack in bathurst that's home to the supercars series and we're about to embark on the slowest battle to the top that this circuit has ever seen okay mate we've made our way to mount panorama in bathurst in our mad little cars and now it's time to battle it out to see who's the real king of the mountain key to the mountain at the speed limit because it's a public road although i don't think our cars are going to be able to break the speed limit here anyway no very doubtful mate let's see that little jimmy can catch the mighty k truck [Music] i'm doing 46. i'm doing 51 kilometers an hour and i'm coming for you mate feels like i'm fully racing i'm not going anywhere i'm falling away dude top of third gear here we go go chimney go jimmy 56 kilometers an hour all right i've hit 60 so that's my speed limit and that's about as quick as it'll go up this hill anyway this is the world's slowest race in history mate i don't think it's called a race if this is as fast as these cars will go and we can't catch each other i'm not going to back again with a steep bit mate here we go that's 60 that's as fast as i'm allowed to go he's not catching me but i'm not he's not going to get me up these hills the hills is where i'm going to catch you mate 1.3 liters of power here we go no chance man i got my bucket doors next to me i'm down into second gear come on chimney let's go all right i'm really gonna struggle with this yeah chimney i'm gaining on you i'm gaining yes go jimmy go jimmy [Applause] that was on the limiter i'm going 49 kilometers an hour and very very slowly gaining on you i'm dropping 44 42 40. i can't catch you man i can't catch you what a joke [Music] this is the hardest time you're pulling away you are legitimately pulling away my foot is in the carpet dude yes top of the mountain my friends man the k truck dominated the dirt it's now dominating the mountain what an absolutely freaking awesome little truck man i made it to the top the head of your chimney that is gold man that is gold what a treat man that was awesome we made it to the top this is it man this brings us to the end of our adventure it's been an awesome couple of days out on the dirt it's been cool hanging out really really impressed with the cars man they did really well or the truck whatever you call yours it did great we've made it to the top in about four minutes which i reckon faster than the supercars do it so we have made it to the top of the mountain mount panorama in fact in bathurst now i'm so impressed with how the little suzuki chimney did this is my first time driving anything off-road of any substantial off-roadness and the little car did amazingly but i think the real mvp we can all agree on is the truck well the k-truck that's not really built to be doing this kind of stuff it's built to be putting around the farm or you know a trader union japan tipping stuff off and it made it the whole way it just impressed me a little mountain goat man yeah and i think it was just good because something really different for us you know we're kind of normally making fast cars sometimes really fast cars or nuggety things now these are nuggety but they're slow but still really really fun it's a different kind of fun than drifting or drag racing or circuit racing yep but it's still fun is it just as fun martin oh it's different and different you know what i love about it all the cool stuff like it unlocks so much stuff doesn't it there's a sign that says four drives only you send it down that track yeah there's a truck that you could never get a normal car oh i think we can get through there like no doubling back just go for it have some fun and a lot of problem solving like working out how to get your little car up through that stuff and there's so much crossover as well like when you're making performance cars you're looking at suspension you're looking at wheels you're looking at tires you're looking at intakes like this is just the same but kind of opposite and it's the fun little thing that happens as you're doing these kind of adventures you start thinking about oh what can i what can i improve or what areas do i need to sort of work on and now i've got a little list in my head of how i can make this even more mad yep so it's even more capable awesome man well well done youtube thank you very much good job we finished off in style i think there's only one real way we need to finish off this trip mate no finishing it off please no in action no no just a little no don't don't oh i don't have enough of his pointers there we go now we're sharing it man sharon justin bieber's girlfriend that had just worn off from the camp show so good you can have half the slinky because it's a long drive home thanks everybody see you next time and we hope you enjoyed the adventure merry christmas everybody [Music] you
Channel: Mighty Car Mods
Views: 2,184,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mighty, car, mods, mcm, MCM, moog, marty, turbo, jdm, how, to, diy, do, it, yourself, nissan, subaru, supercharged, race
Id: 7tfSBS3HyTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 19sec (4699 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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