4chan's Infamous Stalker | The Philmarilion

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This is sort of a mystery I suppose, but I didn't really feel right flairing it as such. Mostly it's just a weird and disturbing real-life story, nothing paranormal, just really creepy. What do you guys think? Was this just an elaborate troll, or was the stalker for real?

Personally, I think there was way too much effort and detail put in for it to be a joke. I'm legit creeped out after watching this and I feel bad for Phil. Dude just wanted to chill on 4chan and make dumb posts. Who would ever expect something like this to happen?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ShiversTheNinja 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Also, shout out to Atrocity Guide - just found out she's one of our subs! :) Go subscribe to her, guys - she makes excellent content and tends to talk about stuff you don't hear about much which I think makes her channel pretty special.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ShiversTheNinja 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the word stalking tends to conjure images of cloaked figures hiding behind bushes or lurking in dark alleyways but in the age of the internet stalking can often mean something far different while it's not possible for interactions between people to exist solely in digital space the human capacity for infatuation and obsession seems no less potent this story is one such instance it occurred several years ago on the anonymous message board fortune where user developed a bizarre and unhealthy fascination with a fellow poster join me for an in-depth look into the infamous saga of the film early on the story of the film early on began in June of 2013 on 4chan sports board a user who went by the name you TV whose real name is believed to be phil caught the attention of another anonymous user who took a unique liking to UTV's posts on a near daily basis this anonymous user would collect UT B's post and use them to create a visual collage posting them to the sports board this continued for several months with the stalking becoming progressively stranger and more elaborate at one point the user even went so far as to print out several of UTV's post place them on a hamburger and pretend to eat them another 4chan user dubbed you TVs fan as the archiver and the name stuck for months the archiver became something of an inside joke on 4chan with some even jokingly accusing UTB himself of masquerading as his own stalker for attention but one thing is for sure you TB did not appreciate this attention and would respond with aggression to almost every post archiver made oddly enough the archiver rarely responded to UTV's aggression instead choosing to remain silent until it was time to post the next collage the most obvious question is why although the reasoning behind the archiver's obsession with UTV is unclear we can make reasonable assumptions as to why he was targeted UTV was considered one of the more popular and frequent posters on the sports board and being what is known as a trip user any term used to describe a member of an online community who's chosen to post under a trip code rather than anonymously like most of our Chan perhaps he presented himself as an easy target for an aspiring troll UTB certainly wasn't the only popular trip user on the sports board but as is often the case on 4chan a certain chaotic randomness seems to be at work and perhaps Phil is simply the unwitting victim of such a phenomenon however on October 6th of 2013 the tone of the archiver stalking switched from jocular fun at the trip users expense to something much more unnerving as the true extent of the archiver's obsession was revealed at 2 o'clock the archiver made the following post I have been with you TV for 255 threads this is the last one my parents discovered my UTV works and they have insisted I remove everything of the type from my computer and be done with it they will be monitoring my activities now to be sure I cannot do it they have given me a day to remove everything and this is my final message I am sorry to you TV and hope he sees this and understands I have one more gift to share with them the gift the archive referred to was a PDF file which he titled the Phil merrily on many of you will recognize the wordplay from jr. R Tolkien's epic fantasy The Silmarillion and much like the Cimorelli on the film early on is a comprehensive collection of writings dedicated to its subject but in this case the subject wasn't a fictional race of elves it was 4chan user UTB it begins with an introduction stating since the beginning of June 2013 I have taken a great interest and a sports trip user UTV I have archived his post and made these archives public and celebrated him in many ways some of which I've made public such as our 100th anniversary celebrations however most of the things I've written about him have no place in the public eye this is a collection of private works stories images and other features about you TV that I cannot place anywhere else and I'm merely keeping for my own usage and viewing it is for him the archiver States I do not want anyone else to read it however I cannot stop you from doing so needless to say this request went unheeded and soon the film era Leon had spread across all of 4chan and Beyond within its 97 pages the film era Leon reveals an exhibition of devotion that is at times light-hearted and funny and others downright heroine the range of absurdity in these writings stretch far and wide with inclusion such as a song parody titled the ring of Philip in which the archiver sings love is a burning thing and it makes a Philip II ring obsessed by a wonderful trip I fell into a ring of Philip a mini golf course designed using UTV's Post as its terrain [Music] an entire city built using UTV's post as its raw materials a UTV cruise boat in which one might cruise to various UTB continents fake dating profiles for both you TV and the archiver complete with a conversation in which the two found themselves admits to budding romantic connection a detailed bank heist in which the archiver meticulously planned out the robbery and escape they might one day pull off the archiver as evident and much of the film ireli on wanted nothing more than to be close to UTV and he demonstrated this sentiment by illustrating his own architectural plans for a house in which the two of them might share a life together in order to feel as if they were actually cohabitating the archiver made up a list of chores which he assigned to UTV chores which the archiver deliberately refused to do in his own house in order to imagine UTB was simply slacking off and to complete his roommate fantasy the archiver posted sticky notes on food items in his own fridge as if they were purchased by UTV [Music] as for the moments the archiver must leave the house he constructed a belt of UTV's post which the archiver would wear while running errands although many of these posts managed to walk a thin line between psychotic and comedic making it somewhat difficult to interpret much of the film early on could easily be read as threatening such as the hypothetical ransom note addressed to UT these parents in the event the archiver chose to kidnap him and keep him locked in his bathroom even a funeral plan complete with parlour layout and eulogy should the worst happen to Philip all of this is merely a sample of what's included in the PDF document and for those interested in reading it in its entirety I'll leave a link in the description below the film aurelion concluded with a daily UTP post count spanning the entire four months the archiver spent documenting him followed by an extensive diary in which the archiver journal his emotional attachment to Philips post each day needless to say the film early on was met with shock from the 4chan community with responses ranging from dismay to amusement many cite being creeped out while others described it as the greatest thing they've ever seen in their life but the person who definitely wasn't amused was UTV himself understandably he was terrified he reportedly went into hiding and even claimed to have contacted the police although I'm not sure if anything ever came of that or not we will likely never get satisfactory answers to many of the questions we have such as who was the archiver and why would he make such a thing we can only speculate as to whether the archiver was a genuinely disturbed individual who struggled with attachment disorder or a dedicated try willing to write a deliberately unsettling epistle area as a method of shock humor but one thing is for certain the film early on has earned a place in the bizarre annals of the Internet's ever-growing history once again I'd like to thank YouTube user Astoria who recommended this topic and I'd like to offer my gratitude to all my subscribers we recently hit 1,000 subs and I'm deeply thankful to everyone who has supported this channel thus far I couldn't be more excited for the future of atrocity guide I hope you all feel the same if you haven't already subscribed yet please consider doing so and if you have any suggestions for future videos please leave them in the comments below also if you'd like to stay up to date on channel news you can follow me on twitter at atrocity guide
Channel: Atrocity Guide
Views: 569,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4chan, creepy, stalker, weird, atrocity guide, the philmarilion, philmarilion, philmarillion, UTV, the archiver, Archiver, obsessive, bizarre, internet rabbit holes, 4 chan, stalking, horror, Bob Hickman, Karin Waldegrave, Yvette's Bridal Formal, silmarillion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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