48 HOURS IN EDINBURGH - ft. 18 of the BEST Bars & Restaurants (inc Speakeasy Cocktail Bars)

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welcome to Edinburgh hey I'm Jesse behind the cameras will and together we are top drawer we're in Edinburgh Castle Scotland one rose architecture beautiful places in words we know there's incredible food and drinks in here we have been asked her to ever so many times in a small space we've got so many places that we want to try out and there was not massive so that's seen it [Music] morning you know what was nice is not getting in somewhere super late last night well I'm feeling kind of swag my new case died dollars-- cool we landed it was dark but it wasn't that late and then we handed out with some pizza so we headed down to a place you could recommend a called pizza goose met Patrick when they owners I asked why'd you call it pizza peeps he said well Vinny really wants to open fleet the place I really wanted to open a comic book store so he's quite a fuse those together they were able to Pete his place and filled it with comic book paraphernalia we had these things with Dragon Balls which was stuffed with blue cheese and red onion they were nice when they will obviously as we just got Scotland on our pizza we had haggis semi rogue and black pudding semi row together fully wreck and also they have this great initiative where they have a pizza of the month and for every one of those pizzas they sell they give one to homeless nice a legend got your little GoPro charge on my new away suitcase well done our morning run whether or not we get comment a lot being like how do you eat know much in there you know not get fat well run those you starving well I'm starving me cuz we're gonna help one of the best brunch places in all of Edinburgh pantry pantry owned by a couple met university that used to be teachers and they open this place four years ago they now own four different place in Edinburgh we've a thank you very much this is the one they have all read about this is sunshine on Stourbridge it's a load of roasted vegetables guacamole spicy kind of relish on there this is a pimp I fry this smells so good despised everything and cooked everything so well it's way more than just vegetables on toast pit my fries there's a creamy haggis mate that sunshine of Stockbridge surprised me vegetarian and vegan if you took off his little poached eggs on top right sun's out where we going Arthur seats where we going why we're not walking because the orcs like to our long I'm a [Music] just really far away right we're at coal town house right in the third edible castle and I'm here with eight Scottish locals and we'll all these beers here all brewed here on site upstairs calm down here out the taps unpasteurized fresh blue beer some stay consistent all the time other ones come and go with the seasons this is the Japanese rice beer unagi this would not be a brilliant I think this is the best builder upstairs there's a Prosecco bar and a pizza oven they got from maples you get to take the roof off to lower it that's dedication for our pizza isn't it well yes boss [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're gonna go try an ivory but we gotta get Jesse in the attire before he has the army where doesn't live yeah you fit the bill mate let's go get armory I called the label out and to pull each other off first made New York in 1889 by 1899 strong sales particularly popular Scotland no one knows it's a peculiar flavor it's nothing to do it iron which is poori why they take the zero out zero how many zeros are there an Iron Man one right now it's gonna [ __ ] hey be my guest may blood listen that's nothing natural about that it's like just drinking like nuclear waste I think that's all please no JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter in Edinburgh they say that she modeled Diagon Alley on Victoria Street that run right now but we're not here for any potty privileges we're here for point our ghost with the most putting the hog in Maga they're three sizes small medium large basically they put a piglet pointer and grunter and if you want to do it properly get the stopping an athlete sauce none of this mustard mayo crap that's rude one of Edinburgh 's classic steep lanes with not a lot on it really is this little place wings I'll give you one guess will that's what they do accurate yeah they did chicken wings what page was a smoky lately barbecue this is a baby blue which is Buffalo blue cheese sauce we've got Bango Bango sriracha and then one that we'd actually know because the ingredients were around your business's head they are smother look at that oh yeah big up away for the baggage I'm just going through our Cornwall video that we posted last video looking at some of the comments because you guys have some imagination it's a guy called bombs illa 85 I wish I had a nice car and a hot girlfriend I could give a good seeing to you after fish and chips what I've done with my life right well are you hungry yeah I mean I'm not I owe the bon vivant sounds like a French name however is not a French restaurant I found out heard incredible things about its place oh here we have a smoked salmon roulette on a charcoal cracker targets Bom Bom of course with bacon and chili jack that's the best time ever have a mushroom and sausage roll the truffle mayo time with fake cheese hey food here is good like that's Wood Pellet recommend the bomb the book and nut fantastic service great food great drinks quick thoughts we've also got a shopping list for the best on our in Edinburgh a lot that sound of lucky look how lucky action - Oh anything you just said I was like that can we've come to lucky liquor company because be highly recommended by these two broads luckily came very well recommended from the guys at what was that place called BOM BA Bom Bom Devon that's correct yeah come on let's go sighs what would he call but luckily there's the menu changes every 13 years all the cocktails are made using 13 ingredients and they have make themselves and you can see in the back bar all lit up all in different colors I'm Negroni man so I'm gonna build a brownie fresca isn't a Brody frisk was made with a structure gay I'm gonna grow a van well I'm gonna grading man I won for a Negroni fresco coffee how many grating man's like water foolish top-jaw pandering sons barbershop just lick - cheering right [Music] and is barbershop but an open door and it's half past 10:00 p.m. that's because ladies and gents suta [ __ ] speakeasy stop my umbrella we'll start day two we didn't do a run this morning because we're a bit too much whiskey last night so we've decided to get a morning coffee fix at Cairngorm coffee court can go because all their coffee beans are roasted in the cankle mountain just an hour north of Edinburgh what a tutorial that whites banana sandwich you probably see a recurring theme here that when most places we go see we're like try and seek how best cup of coffee we can find black coffee was real good doesn't it will like it was spot on oat milk in there as well love yes we live on camera mate that's very exciting with our fans so Neal Forbes the shift director of this place says that cooking is so Neal Forbes the chef director this place says that cooking is an emotional experience using all the senses we're in cafe scent honoree Neal is chef director here and has been for the past 12 years what are we gonna do today Neal we're gonna show you around the restaurant a little bit we're gonna chat about what we do what we believe in here they're carefully since honoree is one of our biggest sellers here is venison will figures and venison we have so venison yeah we got a large right then I think I've just done the foraging can I know we'll probably glaze you a creme brulee that touch of French yes so I took my cue here yep that's absolute divine Neal creme brulee infused with sweets to sleep rather than your no vanilla I liked that her be slightly an Essene taste country amazing to meet you and learn about all the great things you do here and Edinburgh in general once again we'll top jaw is introduced us to a very lovely chef doing brilliant things I love that absolute legends this is Queens arms Neal has just tourists to come here this is a beautiful cozy really really lovely little pub quick little beer will as well love you long time I go there okay boom I could happily settled in there for an afternoon of pike shopping canoe we've had this thing called the gourmet mash bar here mash as in Te'o mash specialists I'm quite treat this mash is coveted just this year they've won Trip Advisor's best casual dining restaurant in the UK this lamb shank slow braised in garlic rosemary red wine tomatoes got a scotch egg and rare breed pork and the side served on a chana and potato rosti make mr. cheese roast is what I'm talking that was some smashing mash right there well it's colder now well isn't it I think it's called it cuz we're near the sea we're now in leaf still cut a part of Edinburgh it's a different district but right now we're here for this little restaurant behind me Aurora [Music] this is Trip Advisor's number one restaurant in Edinburgh because the food it kicks out is so exquisite this is a butternut squash milk boy this is the order pasta this is a wheat pasta man looks like rice cooked in like a blue cheese sauce this is their signature dish braised pork juice oh well it started collecting the flavors that you don't you don't think I've had like Ray's porky in language teen bisque you're not I mean I'm a really really great this place I really do even if you're just not going to leave at all then just in Edinburgh this is worth a trip Lee there's an interesting place a lot of people who work in Edinburgh living Lee and absolutely love it it's where the rules of golf were first made it's where the say limes Rick was invented and in the 1960s there was about 90% of all Scotch whisky being made right in the legal but we're here at the Nauticus right now we haven't had applied attendance yet but also we've heard the cocktails of sublime so let's go over Kyle owns the Nauticus she's made me like a twist in the 20th century so it's whiskey wiping paola cure orange clear lemon juice that's nice that's really nice heard a lot about this it with new sandwich shop with alby's kind nearby are those hot savages over to 10 p.m. and their real trip what's great big rips beef short rib red sauerkraut rock it that's a big good guys this is awesome Jesus Christ we're back to where we were earlier it's the raw mile down there's a little bark of devil's advocate but fighting til whiskey doing well not many other places have know how many whiskey's wipe his ass sweet smoky this is paradise pubs funky delicious well that's yours songs up right these little postcards here on every table do you fill it out and give them at the bar they'll post off for you and their expense what is your quickly goes right back and ranch we decided to call it because over our 48 hours we've got early flights in the morning this has been a great trip I mean the highlights for me have been the bomb of our last night loved it in there Neil for today what a legend and just just Jeremy how beautiful Edinburgh is and how easy it is to get around and how friendly and welcoming everyone has been this film is been completely self-funded like so many of our films on our top real channel so please just give it a little like little slap that subscribe button and really helps us on our journey and thank you very much for watch
Channel: TOPJAW
Views: 667,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOPJAW, TOPJAW FILMS, Jesse Burgess, Will Warr, edinburgh, scotland, irn bru, food vlog, best restaurants, what to do in edinburgh, where to go in edinburgh, food and drink guide, fringe festival, fringe edinburgh, best bars, what to do at fringe, 48 hours in edinburgh, funny guide, food vloggers, time out
Id: aiE_t4fqerQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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