44 Cats | Pawesome art moments 🎨

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[Music] playing artists is super fun now this is a masterpiece totally uninspired lampo real art is simple like this study in one color those styles are so outdated look the first feline style tower in history huh [Music] this is real art what they call art of food this art really affects me it makes me hungry [Music] oh no i'm sorry i couldn't resist what do we have here [Music] this it's all because of it's a true masterpiece me because of me i've been working on it for days [Music] we have some feline pop out here that's what i thought too ah a pizza conceptual out uh yeah that's what it is this is my work of art so interesting the other side of the mona lisa more real than a real painting yep i'm the best artist cat in town actually i'm the best no i'm the best what about me i'm the best artist cat puffy cats i'd beat you with my eyes closed in any art competition i'd win for sure how passionate i'll proclaim the best artist cat by organizing an art competition the winning world cup out will be featured in my gallery okay we buffy cats will take up your challenge fine as long as you don't mind when i win we'll see about that i'll see you all later at my gallery but boys you're not an artist oh yes i am i'm a scam artist welcome to my art gallery you can start creating right now [Music] i feel inspired i'll teach you an art lesson that you'll never forget [Music] what will you create meatballs something with my favorite subject food gold keep it up hmm i'm not so sure not working for me there oh it works better in my tummy okay let's start over what's your inspiration melody the color pink very interesting i'm sorry my furry fellows but you've got no chance against me a curious idea [Music] i want to make a uniquely feline work of art you're doing it pillow keep it up [Music] it's looking great yes nice but we can do better nice time for me to practice my true art i'm running out of pink [Music] my painting awesome a pink that is feeling blue genius me lady keep it up thanks la palette this one doesn't work here either [Music] let's try this one [Music] [Music] coming along quite well [Music] thanks oh [Music] who put this alarm clock here a time for out that's a good stuff [Music] [Music] do you hear me it's time to get serious over and out [Music] wait for my signal [Music] now [Music] good job now get that art away from here and destroy it why are you talking to your painting boss i always talk to my painting when i feel inspired hey my masterpiece it's gone mine too but luckily i still have my treats someone took all our works of art i'm sure boss is behind this oh i hope you find your art soon the competition is almost over my whiskers are telling us that our works of art are running away in that direction [Music] thanks whiskers hurry we can't let them get away this heart will stay buried forever blister drop the tires [Music] [Music] let's get rid of this art somewhere else [Music] puppy cats hurry we've got to get them back to the gallery before the competition is over [Music] we'll make them all gross oh no there's not enough garbage here we have to totally destroy this art no what did you do yeah they stole my idea of using food the planes already left how do we ruin the buffy catshot now huh i've got an idea the art is ruined we did a great job let's go check in with boss hey are those are our work they destroyed everything it's all over boss is gonna win oh we're not finished yet come on buffy cats time to put our talents together time is almost up [Music] three two one [Music] you're the reason our work was art napped aren't you [Music] nonsense i had nothing to do with it and now if you don't mind i'd like to get my award mr lapelette wait we're still in the competition yeah and we've got a collaborative piece an art piece more like pieces of art wow you're out united together as one it's a masterpiece it contains all your artistic proclaim the puffy cats are the best artist cats [Music] mission accomplished boss the buffy cats are never gonna win hey why are they so happy take a guess [Music] hey i was wrong about you boss seems you have talent after all [Music] hello buffy cats what a nice surprise are you creating another work of art it's an abstract painting i'd like to call it the thing in the middle of a painting but but i'm not sure which one of these things would work best in the center why don't you try this one a magnet let's try it [Music] wow it's a true masterpiece oh thanks to your magnet how can i thank you with a cat swap can you give us something to play with i've got your stating for you my bicycle bomb but is it fun to play with a bicycle pump of course it is pillow you can use it to inflate objects this cat art show was amazing so many wonderful works of feline art this painting is possible come on pilu let's follow monsieur la palette [Music] it's all good cop you can go thank you [Music] forgive him officer copp just takes his job very seriously but it's necessary to protect the works of feline art of my gallery here we go eyes open thank you all for coming i'm proud to introduce to you the dispotopolis a statue made completely of gold a unique piece unique just like my bowl of noodles it represents the first ball of wool cat pitcher in history oh the discardobolus is just the thing it's completely made of gold too close you've earned a citation but what did i do your stink is a misdemeanor possum yeah milady but i'm still hungry [Music] [Music] [Applause] citation do not touch the works of art it's a holographic strawberry you can admire it but it's not a real strawberry blister scab did you see that yes boss clumsy meatball is always hungry and so what so thanks to him we'll steal the discard obelisk and i'll have a wonderful golden crown made out of it [Music] you see that scab the hamburger sculpture by andy cattle looks real i heard the guests can contribute to the work of art by giving it a big bite me me i want to be first [Music] [Applause] you're in trouble meatball oh my meatballs [Music] you're under arrest for trying to steal this work of art don't worry cop meepo's just hungry he is always hungry ladies and gentlemen everything is fine let's go back to admiring z that is catopoulos it has disappeared thief my port is catopolis where is it company move did you do it where did you hide it i didn't do anything don't look at me i didn't take it weird it looks like boss is telling the truth well there's nothing left to see here i'm going [Music] hey boss we're here buffy cats we better follow him [Music] blister scab what do you know about the disc catabolists we didn't steal it i have the impression someone's just told a lie wow milady that's the perfect power to question suspects [Music] too late the discard obelisk is ours now bye-bye we've got to stop them no one commits a burglary when cops around i need to commandeer a vehicle to chase them this taxi will be perfect hello kitty what are you trying to tell me [Music] driver can we go already [Music] this taxi isn't suitable for a cat i need to find another one no problem cop the buffy cats have just what you need to chase boss blister and scab [Music]
Channel: Rainbow Junior - English
Views: 119,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 44 Cats english, 44 cats, 44 cats characters, 44 cats episodes, 44 cats theme song, 44 cats theme song lyrics, Buffycats, Lampo, Meatball, Milady, Music Video, Pilou, Rainbow, Rainbow Junior, cartoons, rainbow, song, tv series
Id: pdNXokTYNLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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