4/11/01: メジャー初披露 イチローレーザービーム送球

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well back here at the network associates coliseum in oakland not a very big crowd there wasn't a very big crowd last night only 14 000 plus the open days of course are uh struggling right now out of the gate only two and five after winning more games than anybody else in spring training but that's exactly what it's all about spring training is spring turning this is the regular season let's look at tonight's starting lineups with david it's now time for tonight's starting lineup brought to you by southwest airlines and mark mcnamara is in left field cameron is center field edgar martinez occurred all roots boone bell and anthony centers in right field wilson gibson and you look at that on base percentage of edgar martinez with all those walks 12 already in this young season so he's off to a fine start mark mulder being the pitcher the left-hander you see 59 fastballs he throws the off speed pitch mainly that curveball and change-up to keep those hitters off balance 413 era and we look at the uh the defense of the oakland a's and going around the horn jason giambi at first base mvp last year frank menoccino the second baseman getting his first start eric chava has a third baseman being out there every day tajada the reigning shortstop grand slam recently johnny damon in left field karen slong in center field and we have the right fielder another gmb jeremy giambi in right field look sal fasano is the catcher and that's around the horn so both managers have really shaken their lineup uh up tonight uh several of the mariner regular starters not starting tonight for example uh gehan is not sure starting at shortstop ichiro is not out in right field and uh mclemore stepping in getting the lead off role in this one tonight gets a start in left field and mark mulder misses down low and outside 54 degrees gonna be a chilly night here in oakland it's even a degree cooler than it was at the beginning last night ground ball backhanded in first base and uh mr giambi goes over in plenty of time to mulder so one down everybody well bundled up uh tonight these two clubs when they get together always are in for at least a three-hour spat one usually figures that when they're playing either here or at safeco mike camerons will step in and lead it off this is the first time we've ever seen mike mulder mike mulder a number one draft choice and he has a little bit of a problem at an old number one draft choice of the mariners used to have hindu and an old teammate of yours i'm talking about mike moore who turned out being a heck of a pitcher uh deliveries loan inside he will have one inning where he really struggles and then settle down well it's one of those things they can't get over the hump they lose concentration or something goes wrong and they can't control it mulder they say has added about four to five miles an hour on his fastball since last year in early september he had to be shut down because of a herniated disc in his back and a lot of people think that had the athletics had mark mulder when they played the yankees they would have beaten the yankees they would have had another left-hander to throw at as it was they almost did down low and outside of the two young left-handers that the a's have zito and mulder zito probably has the better stuff there's nothing wrong with mulders either into the hole and tahana throws him out made it look easy that was an easy play well you talk about paulie shortstop we always mention the big three but uh tejada ranging to his right there on the run gets a lot on this ball throws it on the back leg and remember cameron can run down that first base line well the oakland athletics so far in the four games between these two clubs almost literally have not been able to get edgar martinez out as he steps in there edgar taking a strike edgar martinez has been on base 17 of his 19 plate appearances against oakland this year unbelievable he's nine for 11 against oakland with eight walks and he was on all five times last night well we look at this dave and it's apparently that that they don't want to pitch to him they'd rather uh walk this guy let him run the bases and art hal calls that i'm not going to let him play tonight well he misses again with a fastball inside and a count two and one foul well as we look at those four walks last night uh remember he surrounded that with a home run the right center so edgar does pick a pitch out every now and then and hits it hard way inside to edgar and so the count is full three balls and two strikes and with his first home run last night john olurud is next and he got it so edgar martinez down on strikes perfect pitch on the outside corner looked like he took a little off on the change so one two three the story for the mariners against mr mulder and the eggs are coming up welcome back to network associates coliseum it's now time for tonight's starting lineups brought to you by southwest airlines johnny damon leading off again menicino jason giambi valdez tajata chavez long jeremy giambi and fasano doing the catching you look at tahata he has two of the three home runs this year and that grand slam we remember aaron seeley on the mound for the mariners you see 63 fastball that curve ball he 12-6 and and we look at the defense going around the horn and we start off with donald rude at first base a fixture at first base booty at second base look at third base david bell charles gibson getting a start at shortstop mark mclemore and left field tonight cameron in center field and we'll take off more later and andy sanders in right field just to complete it anthony sanders gets to start out in right field ichiro being given the night off as seeley uh starts uh the lead-off band johnny damon off with the striker sanders and damon lines it sharply into left field for a base hit damon who's been struggling of late has his fourth hit of the year in 26 tries just goes the other way with that sealy pitch and so he's aboard and frank minikino will be the hitter mendoquino making his debut tonight this year his 01 debut as the young rookie jose ortiz given his first night off of the year as we look at aaron silly we always talk about his curveball but his sinker ball is the pitch that he has to establish to get those ground balls a lot of double plays last night that's up and in as you know ceiling out of power pitcher good sinker great curve ball and a good change johnny damon uh last year the speedster with 46 stolen bases for kansas city speaking of kansas city boy they glad to get new york out of town yankees beat him again today yankees beat kansas city six straight times already this year that's when you start to get a phobia when they're on the schedule you look we got to play the yankees again yankees beat kansas city eight to five last four games they scored 46 runs against kansas city on the outside corner the man calling balls and strikes is jerry lane jerry paul schweibert first base and tony rondo and montague on the base pass and aquino pops it up anthony sanders plenty of time to get over there to make the easy catch so one down and the bottom half of the first jason giambi will be the hitter giambi one of the few a's that has hit anything at all and he's that guy in the lineup that you have to pretty much stay away from uh as if uh edgar martinez the same way he has seven walks of course edgar has 12 and they're trying to uh keep these guys from impacting the ball game by walking right outside well i'm a firm believer that you can give a hitter too much respect uh because remember they do make seven outside of ten i guess that pitch is a little outside well you get that call when you're mvp last year you get the benefit of the doubt from the umpires i fly ball to left field routine and mclemore is one-handed catch out there mario valdez is the designated hitter this evening he's got valdez in there he's got manukino in there he's got south masano in there as he's shaking up the lineup the last couple of games in his kind of little snake eyes well it's one of those things you debate as a manager are how you see them they're wondering okay my guys are struggling but i don't want to send the wrong message remember everybody goes over 22 for 20. it's just at the beginning of the year it's more emphasized especially when you come off winning 22 games in spring training more games than anybody in baseball wow you know what we say about that spring training those stats there they're in spring training there's a reason they don't count but also they gave themselves a pretty good track record last year to emulate by winning 91 ball games of course and winning the west well i think what happens when you have a young club like this they don't have a portfolio or a track record to reflect back on an old veteran player says two for 20 big deal i know i'm going to get my hits but these young guys they don't have that history so they start to doubt themselves yeah well you know you lose a randy villardi a veteran you know that already beat the mariners one game with a home run down there in texas you lose him and although you've got a hot shot rookie at second base he's still a rookie there you go and that's a strike on the outside corner to mario valdez now kevin apier and snaps yeah matt stairs you start taking away all those guys that have some history some background of going through some downfalls in baseball remember most of these kids are coming out of college or high school they've never done bad and this is pro ball everybody's going to stink every now and then seeley knows that damon probably more of a threat to go now with two down than he was earlier popped up into shallow left center field and drifting out charles gibson nicely done by charles gibson as he makes the catch and that takes care of the athletics here in the first leadoff single but damon stays over at first base and as we go to the second ola boone and bell do up for the mariners no score no score as we go to the second inning of play stan javier uh munching up on some sunflower seeds down there make your plans to be at safegua fuel for a weekend of american league west action it's the mariners and the angels a four game series packed with fun and great giveaways thursday april 19th the first 15 000 kids getting the wildly popular wizards of the coast major league baseball showdown 2001 trading card game friday april the 20th you can get your hands on a jbuener all-star collector pin courtesy of lowe's and wrap it all up with that mariner's uh train collection car with the pepsi and fred meyer all-star train car call 206 622 hits and stop by america's team store 1-0 on that john hollow pull sharply but foul down the first baseline grounds crew here does it great job this this place is always a mac as far as the outfield grass is concerned the infield grass slowly tapped to manukino frank throws him out that's a base hit for ichiro well it's one of those things uh they play each row a little different and then fillers cheating so they can cut that ball off john o'rouge you can play a little deeper he doesn't have that uh god gift of speed yeah obviously i'm assuming they're playing at that depth that's a base hit for me ichiro by the way getting the night off here is booney and there he is ichiro when you come out to safeco field and watch batting practice and he's and i don't know whether he's ever going to do this in the game or not podesta is going to get a little heart attack but he loves to go out there and catch fly balls behind his back batting practice they say he did that in japan not on my watch i'm a center fielder i don't know allow that kind of stuff you can style and do all that stuff after you make the out three and on booney well as we look at the stats al martin and brett boone are the only ones ever faced uh mulder so he has a little bit of idea how he throws boone a shot to left field a bullet and it'll go all the way to the corner hit hard off the wall damon will have to come up on the grass to get it he almost fell down and brett boone has a one-out double well he worked him into account of course 3-1 count mulder throws a fastball and you let a hit or no pitch is coming we call it a pitch basketball middle and booney gets the head out and laces this ball gets it by johnny damon he doesn't have a chance to cut it off it's an automatic stand up double and that'll bring up david bell bell who had an rbi last night and also had one of the greatest plays i have ever seen defensively made one of the greatest plays i've ever seen defensively and he takes a strike in the eighth inning watch his play as johnny damon bids to punch one into the hole first of he falls down knocks it down picks it up while almost flat on his back he throws out one of the fastest men in baseball and that's the degree of difficulty with johnny damon running you know you have to be quick you don't have time to spare just throw the ball big curveball for a strike that time and when mulder gets that big bender over he can usually be mighty mighty tough how to play took a little bit off that time well we talked to a few of the mariner hitters about barry zito's curveball they were all kind of amazed that it broke so much and so tight went straight down and they all walked back and says okay i have a better idea next time we face him i'll be looking for that curveball the mariners last night three for seven with men in scoring position and the bottom of the lineup which has been struggling really had some production in it last night swaying and a miss and the ball dropped but fasano picks it up and tags out bell so he's on his way back to the dugout and anthony sanders will get a shot now well anthony sanders jumping up the bit uh to get some at-bats and show luke that his spring training was no fluke that he can play trying to uh put together a few hits to get a little bit more playing time anthony ended some pretty tough lockdown in texas he had to fall harder than a couple of occasions one i recalled a making an unbelievable backhand and stabbed it and keep the ball from going into left field sharply hit but right to tahana on one hop so brett boone is stranded at second base he's double for not coming back it'll be tahanis chavez and terence long against seeley still no score a change from aaron is down low ball one ball no strikes that guy with that drum out there in the bleachers you might be able to hear it has been here for a long long time they've got another one yeah it gets into your system after a while can you imagine sitting there right behind them all games charles gibson has got a shot so he's made a fine running catch in the outfield and he's fielded a routine ground ball lou wants to find out if this kid can play short stuff well lou uh you know there's some worry on loose part if carlos being goes down he doesn't really have a shortstop and gibson is that guy if you look at uh luke giving a day off took ian because you know he hasn't been swinging a bat you don't want him to take it out on the field of course he's been flawless on defense but gibson has shown that he can make all the plays in third in the outfield with a glove he just has to hit a little bit more a strike to eric chavez change away so canada texas down in anaheim again tonight rangers spoiling the angels home opener last night there's no score in the second inning tonight well dave eric chavez is one of the guys the coaching staff is worried about because uh he's never done bad in his career going up anywhere and he's had 11 strikeouts early went up after that high fastball and tomahawkdin into the corner ball kind of dies out there sanders has to go dig it out and gets it back in xiamen's got a high rope that time right up in his eyes for the concern they had with all the extra batting practice in the cage hitting early today they're worried about his head they know he can hit but you look at that fastball how high is that out of the strike zone and he gets on top of it tomahawks like you said and that's a tough pitch to handle they always say don't swing at the high one because you can't hit it he can yeah he sure can terrance long they hit him this gets off to a slow start too curveball just misses might be a tough night for a curveball pitcher to get a real good feel on a chilly night like this with the seams on the baseball fastball although i haven't seen there he goes there's celie going to his mouth blowing on his fist yeah blowing on his fist to get some moisture in those fingers and uh you've got to have a little moisture on your hands to grip that ball to make it spin just messing with his curve again and when he's messing with it he's missing outside well that gives you the indication that the curve is not breaking as much we call that backup breaking ball it's not as uh tight and you say the grip he's losing a little bit slipping off his finger high fly ball to left center field and cameron's got plenty of room to get over there tagging chavez and he's going to hang right around there at second base and jeremy giambi will be asked to drive him home jeremy and a can of corn into shallow left field easy play for mclemore and no problem here in the second inning for sale despite the one out double by eric chavez he is dead out of second base the a's don't score we have no score after two going to join the ministry and here is dan wilson to lead it off against mulder right down the middle this time well you see the mariner hitters the first time up uh off mulder they want to see a lot of pitches they try to get him to throw his breaking ball so they can see the rotation that ball hit into right center field but moving over jeremy gianna charles gibson will come up he does not have danette batten this year georgetown charleston wearing those pants right there on top of the shoes that's not the charles gibson i know strike on the outside corner well he usually shows a lot of blue on his on his socks and uh like the old negro league players but he's down low today you can see him kind of like uh some walkers better watch he's going to step on his step on his fans like he's got slacks on down there huh that's all over the shoe new style he just changed things up curveball that time but he missed fastball yeah right down the middle mark balder look at that glove remember last night if you were watching when there was uh some uh some discussion between lou pinella the home plate on fire at that time ed montague after yeah the two-tone variety right there yeah after art how was complaining about john hallama's glove being two-tone and john halama had one last night just like it basically just like it two-toned rules said it has to be one color but art howe went out and complained about halama's glove because mike sosha came out and complained about mulder's glove earlier and he wanted to just complain he wasn't going to protest the game because he knew he had a guy pitching tonight with the same type of glove he wanted to figure out a game earlier if it was okay to use that two-tone glove macklemore with the count two and one on him and a ball hit hard but right at terence long so the side is retired in order here in the third by mike mulder which is mighty impressive coming back fasano damon and minakino no score we have no score dave niehaus with dave henderson as we go to the oakland half of the third inning let's check the two gloves of the two pitchers last night john halama on the left he has the brown webbing mark mulder tonight has the black webbing in the brown gloves so it's just just the opposite well that's what we're talking about we want these colors here this color here to be the same and uh it's supposed to be uniform color one color so you don't distract the hitter it's in the rule book but they're letting them get away with it there's mr mulder and here is sal fasano the catcher one of those guys every clubhouse has got to have i mean he's a backup catcher but he's kind of a raw rock guy but a guy with a nice sense of humor god takes this game real seriously too and can catch and throw that's why he's here and you always wonder how these guys can you know throw out a 220 average every year but if you can catch and throw and handle the ball game you're going to be on a staff and a change at the knees last year when kevin apier was pitching here and of course they were teammates in kansas city too the silent went out there and chewed on him like i've never seen anybody in my life well i've played behind cape and april and i've wanted to do that too he's a moaner and crybaby charles gibson showing that good arm on yeah south masano you know rolling over the big catcher gibson knows he's got a lot of time i mean what do you really think about kevin well remember no catcher likes him none of his uh teammates like him he runs around the pitcher's mound and complains all the time we just say grab the ball and throw it and shut up johnny damon had a base hit to left field and he takes a strike if you're now with the mets tonight by greg maddox two-nothing atlanta over the minutes oh and two on johnny mike remlinger and john rocker also combined on that one hitter and ending each so seven innings for maddox a little inside that time two balls and two strikes back with a fastball and misses well cd wants to keep damon off the base because you know he can slow down a ball game you have to keep him over there close at first base see minutino on deck uh doesn't want to walk him you're not gonna walk gonna pop him up and right there the shortstop charles gibson so here comes man aquino as damon heads on back to the dugout small stocky second baseman frank finishino packs a little punch in that bat you got to be surprised uh about the power he has being a little guy hi papa cameron he's got plenty room and another easy inning here the third for mr seely we have no score going to the fourth mike cameron's going to lead it off as we go to the fourth inning against the mighty impressive young man out of michigan state mark mulder right up the middle and there's the mariner's second hit and the first time that they have had the lead off man aboard in an inning well i think that's what you look for when uh you first you face a pitcher for the first time the second time around the lineup how they react they get a better idea how hard he throws his breaking ball you get a little bit more comfortable seeing the release point you see cameron he says i know his fastball jumps on it first hits it right back up the box so here's that guru struck out on a 3-2 pitch in the first inning slowly tap to third nice big hop for chavez and the bounce throw the first base in time so around the horn five four three then aquino bouncing that ball over to first base i think this is the fear lou pinella has with edgar he's walked so much that he's going to get anxious and jumping you look at this replay cameron right on top of mennochino he has to get out of the way a lot of speed at first base camera and trying to break up that double foot but we don't want edgar to get over anxious because he's walking so much that uh he wants to force it to play ultra the big curve for a strike on the inside corner well nobody enjoys walking four or five times a game that means you went up there for free run the bases for free we call it he has to make sure that he swings at strikes and if they want to walk him take your walk and don't go out of the strike zone and right off the end of the bat and eric chavez throws high and over giambi so ulroo just keeps on going that'll be an error on the third baseman eric chavez well that's one of those areas that we call lackadaisical it's not a real physical area it's one of those ones where it's an easy play you feel the ball throw it a little side arm and flip it over there ball gets away from and of course when you throw it away in this coliseum there's a lot of room back there for over the run so chavez overthrows uh giambi and bret boone who doubled into the corner his last bat got a man out there another double would score a little bit outside ball one one ball or no strikes no television tomorrow radio only jamie moyer against tim hudson broadcast time at noon on carol newsradio 710 on the mariners radio network warrior five innings in his first outing against texas tim hudson has had two outings it's 13 innings given up four runs well we look at david moyer with the five-inning pitch it's kind of like spring training luke wants him to stretch that out a bit get into the sixth inning seventh inning and uh you know hand over the ball to the bullpen at least get seven innings out of jamie an easy roller back to the mound and mulder throws him out so the error doesn't hurt no runs a hit an error and a man left and to the bottom of the fourth that's when scooting right along we still have no score jason giambi will lead it off here in the fourth jason popped up to macklemore change outside another change that drops in and over nicely yeah i'd like to explain uh what we mean by crosshairs on a guy in a batting order as edgar martinez and giambi have you start to count off o2 the pitcher likes to throw pitches around the strike zone those uh borderline pitches so they don't give you anything good to hit and when you have crosshairs on you in the lineup they want to stay away from you so they nibble at the strike zone if they walk you fine so you got to hit like o2 pitches when you step up there just outside mario valdez playing on deck and that's another change boy's sawing a lot of changes the steady diet changes 3-1 change now he's been throwing fastball in yeah you look at the numbers and there's a reason they're trying to stay away from him 350 average look at that the rest of the team not doing very much went after a pitch right in on him and it's a towering pop-up to boom pretty good location well we'll talk about location and we'll take a look at the sequence we'll look at the pitches here starts him off that pitch away the runner wants to run it off the plate second fish down low the perfect pitch third pitch just off the corner doesn't want to give in to his power you see him running the ball just nipping at the corner doesn't really want to throw him a strike not too concerned if he walks it then he gets 3-2 throws a fastball i'm throwing everything away i can get inside on him and he does jams it nice pitching by aaron seely starts off valdez with a curve for a strap as we went through that pitching sequence dave does that remind you of something up and in low and away it all boils down to that it all boils down to that simple effect up and blowing away it's a simple form what a change eight five all outs two ground ball outs nice fly ball pitcher and that's away and it's sliced right down the left field line toward the corner foul and i think what seeley's done he's shown these a's hit her that he can throw a change up and uh that's not that's probably his third best fish to change up and he's put it in the back of their mind that okay he has that change up running off the outside corner so that makes his fastball that more effective thing that blew me away is the 3-1 change that he threw to jason giambi you don't want to throw him a fastball not three and one a hitter's hitters count here comes uncle charlie right here with low i wonder how the curveball got that then uncle charlie as long as i can yeah yellow hammer yeah probably uh satchel page remember he named all his pitches might have been fly ball hit to left field and a rather easy play out there for mr mclemore two down well let me ask you are you looking for an easy way to buy mariners tickets just log on to seattlemariners.com your official source for seats for all the big games check out the mayor's newest ticket value it's a wednesday family four pack four tickets four hot dogs four pepsis just 45 the next wednesday family four pack night is coming up on april the 18th as the mayor's face the texas rangers seattle seattlemariners.com connect with it one week from tonight april the 18th hey rod the rangers will be at safeco here's miguel tejada ground ball over the mound nice play by boone and he throws him out so another easy inning for aaron sealy we got her dandy of a pitching duel going down here in oakland california as we go to the fifth the mariners nothing the a's nothing so here we go to the fifth david bell struck out in the second inning mulder stretching out with the big curve this young man is impressive anchor martinez has nine home runs right here at the oakland coliseum number nine coming last night yes on the inside corner david bill he didn't like it he said that ball uh left tenders have a natural the ball comes back a little bit when they throw it in the inside corner of the movement he says this ball doesn't come back it's inside you see that left tender throw that ball down and in mulder and uh just nips the inside corner david bell didn't agree with jerry lane might recall it was david bell who was the victim of uh arguing about not that but the high strike early in spring training he was ejected and i think his second first or second game of the year down in arizona kicked out of a charity game yeah anthony sanders went after bad ball so he's quickly got two strikes on him certainly has been doing nothing but throwing starts today high fastball popped up tajada the shortstop for the uh and i think that's where that high strike call we've been talking about comes into effect it's not necessarily the umpire's gonna call it but players are gonna swing at that high pitch out of the zone a little bit more often this pitch is out of the zone and sanders pops it up tough pitch to get on top of dan wilson of fly ball to right center field strike one boy i'll tell you win a lot of ball games you start everybody out strike one that's what llama was doing last night that's what mulder and seeley basically are doing tonight curveball well i think as a hitter you have to walk up there and make a pitcher uncomfortable to throw you strike one especially with a fastball and the way to do that is cheat start the bat early hit that ball about 400 feet foul and that pitcher will think twice before he throws a fastball first pitch most notorious first ball fastball hitter i think i ever saw was paul mulligan he was on dead red from the moment he stepped in and it not necessarily a strike either he could hit uh the chest high ball one in the dirt he would just put it and play hard fastball wow mighty close and i can just hear the echoes from the dugout from david bell saying you called it on me be consistent out there you always hear that from the dugout so wilson takes him full there's charles gibson do next and he walked in so he got him strike one strike two and walked aaron seeley has done a marvelous job he's the man down there on the left mr mulder dandy himself we're going to have to go ways to uh top kevin brown and curt schilling the other night an hour and 55 minute ball game they grabbed it and threw it and didn't even let the food warm up in the clubhouse last night and off to the right side this time and aquino will throw out charles gibson so here in the fifth no runs no hits and one man left no score halfway through it yeah a little bit of a chilly night here in the east bay welcome back to the oakland coliseum as we go to the bottom of the fifth inning the fans are bundled up rick rizz along with hindu david henderson outstanding pitch ball game in the first of four and a half innings and rick we have our old-fashioned pictures duel right here these pitchers are taking control and sitting these guys down in a timely fashion real quick yeah aaron seely off to a great start so is mark mulder and the first pitch a strike on eric chavez line drive center field cameron comes up reaches down and he makes the catch nice play by mike cameron and andy you've been out there many many times that's one of the tough plays for any outfielder well it's pretty tough to judge how well he hit this ball you don't know if it's going to sink on you or rise and cameron gets a great jump you see him get those fingers down in case the ball dives on him but uh that's dangerous for center fielder because if it dives on you gets by you but when you got a gold glove like cammy no problem he's about ready to win his first gold club isn't he came close last year one out here's terence long up high ball one all center fielders have a proverb you don't have to get one to deserve one everybody knows who has the gloves out there line to john alderwood at first base he makes the catch right off the top of the dirt so two outs for the athletics here in the fifth and you look at terence long's face right there he hits a line drive you see the doubt am i ever going to get a hit when young players start off cold they don't have anything to uh look back on that they're never going to get a hit you see oh rook with his gold glove nice play footwork you see him always moving throws that glove down makes a nice easy play he's got the hardware to prove it he's got that trophy in his locker back home in seattle winning his first gold club last year so quickly two outs brings up right fielder jeremy giambi curveball a strike going one jeremy is over one has flight out to mclemore in left field no score one and one yeah it is on the chilly side tonight but i tell you what this must feel balmy compared to the start that aaron had last year at comerica park in detroit well we helped open up the new ballpark for the tigers it was 36 degrees at game time and then with the windchill factor it was like 14 degrees and aaron threw a four nothing shutout yeah i was glad i watched that one on television right up high ball three three and one on giambi there's the pride of paul's bow right there aaron seeley started washington state drafted by the red sox pops him up back it up charles gibson back out of the infield portion he's got it leaning to his left and that's it for the exit after five no score nothing nothing ty as we head to the top half of the sixth inning mark mulder the young man from the south side of chicago he grew up near the same spot where i grew up on the south side went to uh michigan state is 23 years of age it's from south holland illinois same town that uh lou boudreau grew up hall of famer with the indians here's mark mclemore back is over two tonight last time up lined up to long in center field ball one mariners have only two hits so do the eights one and one mark mulder introduced himself you see there are 64 pitches to the mariners up and in pitch number 65 ball two two and one and we always talk about the a pitcher facing the club for the first time they always have the advantage because nobody has anything to go on any history with the pitcher and this is mulder's first career start against seattle we saw him for a little while at spring training and that one start and you and i were talking with uh jason is ringhausen last night before the ball game the asian closer about mulder he said that so far you know he'll he'll go along and pitch very well but then run into that one bad inning he has yet to do that he's gone to three and two on mclemore strike three called one out for the mariners here in the six strikeout number five for mark mulder one away we look at this pitch right here it's perfect pitch he's trying to throw this ball low on the knees but he gets it right low on the outside corner one of those pitches unhittable says i tip my hat you made a great pitch on me i'll go sit down here's center fielder mike cameron mike has one of the two hits off of mulder tonight a single up the middle and a center field in the fourth oh and one cameron came into the ball game banning 360. oh one two one after a pitch down away oh good change up for muller and uh i think cameron's thinking like me this guy is in a rhythm he's throwing all his pitches exactly where he wants to so you gotta get him out of rhythm get him to back up a base up and away one ball and two strikes that's how you get a pitcher out of his rhythm you get him to back up third base and uh get him in a stretch so he can change the pattern get him out of his rhythm misses outside ball two two balls and two strikes good eye by mike cameron fastball in and he misses with it not by much ball three full count three and two and you can see him just nipping at that inside and outside corner edgar on deck cameron taking some mighty close pitches one away one in the last two out of play in the first base sign and the couch stays full of three and two edgar martinez we showed a picture there of edgar on deck he's he's been going to school this is his first look at mark mulder he's studying every pitch he's had two advance against him he's filing away just a lot of information right now before he gets up there cameron doing his job making mulder work and throw a lot of pitches in that number two spot there's another foul ball out of play and i think it's very important a cameron gets on base so uh they pitch to edgar differently of course with nobody on base they can just mess around throwing any pitch but with cameron on base they have to throw to uh jordan edgar curt ball got him look strike three call so back to back strikeouts for mark mulder here on the top of the sixth inning two down six strikeouts for mulder and that was a heck of a fish well we talked to israel house about mulder and we look at this 3-2 breaking ball and it's right there remember that's not an easy pitch because you don't want to walk him he has confidence like an old veteran is he said this guy pitches way beyond his year you see six strikeouts and uh a lot on the looking variety so two up and two down here's edgar for the third time tonight and he takes a look at ball one well these are the kind of at-bats edgar has to really concentrate because they don't want to give him anything to hit and he can't go out of the zone and make it out just to make it out so he gets to play you know because nobody wants to walk four times not fun edgar not in front of the count of two and oh edgar took one out of the ballpark last night to right center field his first home of the year well here's a look at the home run leaders brought to you by home depot most career home runs against and edgar has 24 against the minnesota twins ball four so edgar martinez with a walk on four straight pitches mariners have the goal head to run aboard with two outs here on the six and that's only the second walk given up by mark mulder and edgar has to really concentrate from getting bored of walking and saying if they're not going to pitch to me i'm going to go out of the strike zone to try to get hit and that could be very dangerous when you do that yeah you don't want to go out of the strike zone that's the ninth time that edgar has walked in five games against the oakland a's here's john o'leary john is all for two he was safe on the throwing air the two base thrown here by third baseman eric chavez his last time up in the fourth no score we're in the sixth one and one into one of the key at-bats in last night's win was the long battle between carlos guillaume and gil herodia early in last night's game carlos made him work a 12-pitch at bat with two outs and he walked that led to a run dan wilson had an infield single and then david bell lined to base it to left field mariners picked up their first run last night well you're talking about key and heredia he ended up with 91 pitches but he was stressful the whole time and carlos game extended that inning so much the mariners came back and scored the next inning also all two two and one on olaru carlos played an outstanding ball game last night has the night off tonight charles gibson getting to start at shortstop mulder's second start of the season lost against anaheim five before going five in the third innings line drive into left field johnny damon is there and he makes the catch for out number three after five and a half innings of play here at the oakland coliseum still the mariners nothing and the athletics nothing no score a real pitchers duel tonight as we head to the bottom half of the sixth inning only two heads aside and uh young mr boulder and the veteran aaron seely andor getting the job done in a hurry tonight well the thing about it they always talk about batters slumping you look at 57 pitches for aaron and 84 for mulder but sooner or later you're gonna have to start giving these pitchers a little credit don't you think absolutely they've been both outstanding here's catcher sal fasano a chex ring costs him a strike going one for one is brought it out to gibson it's short well you hear all the talk about the oakland a's struggling with the bat and all that sooner or later they're gonna have to give the mariners pitching staff a little credit they have something to do with it five games against the mariners this is game number five between these two clubs there's a three and one against oakland they've done it with pitching is it a coincidence they're not swinging the bats well well yeah they're facing the mariners staff down and away one ball and two strikes on fasano as a team the a's this year in seven games banning only 219. got him one out for the athletics here in the six aaron seely with his first strikeout tonight fastball up well just challenging with a fastball thinking breaking ball and of course when sheley has that good breaking ball all the hitters in the back of their mind are thinking okay here comes that curve oh there goes a fastball right by you both these guys have a breaking ball that makes the fastball even look a little quicker here's johnny damon oh and one johnny damon one for two tonight but damon against seeley a 3-57 hitter against aaron with a home run and aaron has punched him out nine times one ball and one strike damon one for two now banning just 148 but normally gets off to a slow start fouled away and the count is one and two last year he was over 17 to start the year the year before that one for 16. however you take a look at the numbers at the end of the year that's when they count last year with kansas city this guy hit 327 and scored 136 runs to lead the league the curve is popped foul and how to play in the third base side and it's still 1-2 and it's amazing that a player has a history like that uh his april's or so-so it's about 2 40 and then he gets to june july and august and he hits 400 430 for the full month and it does average out when you're a veteran here's a look at the last three years in april for johnny damon he's averaged just 250. inside he backs away from ball two two balls and two strikes in an effort to change those numbers what do you do that last week of the spring well they say it has something to do with spring training and uh and i'm more that it's weather if you start off in the east in the midwest it's just gold ground ball chopped to short and gibson boots it after he tries to make the transfer johnny damon is safe over at first base out of there by charles gibson he's trying to get the ball out of his glove he lost it andy and i think uh you look at carlos guillen there looking at it and the speed the speed makes uh gibson hurry a little bit on on anybody that doesn't have that kind of speed he just feels that ball cleans he goes to first but back of his mind is johnny damon running i have to hurry a little bit stand it off the heel of his glove johnny damon on it first base with one out here in the six no score brings up second baseman frank manaquino who is over two we'll see seeley make a few tosses over the first base to keep damon close we'll see aaron use the slide step when he delivers to the plate to give dan wilson a chance to try to throw out damon should he try to steal and johnny damon is not a guy that runs a hundred times trying to steal bases he just doesn't get caught he had 46 bags last he only caught five times pitch out by dan wilson holding it first base damon and it's one and on manukino rivers thought that damon might be running with the first pitch they call for the pitch out one on one away makes the decisions for the athletics throw to first base to get damon back let's see what art has in mind during this advantage he's got giambi do up next ball two two balls in those strikes well seeley has to be a little bit careful right now because this is where a guy like minotino can hurt you you get 2-0 your your thoughts are with johnny damon at first base you throw a fastball right down the middle and he's got a little sock for a little guy flat out twice live ball into deep left field mclemore will have the room out there in front of the wanting track to make the catch two away as johnny damon makes his way back to first base you're right little guy has some pop in his bet well he got the pitch he just missed it and uh and seeley looking back saying okay i remember that in the scouting report but uh i got away with one see the disgust on the chinos going back to the dugout i got my pitch i should have headed out of the ballpark one on two outs the rough thing about the air now hindu is that you've got to take a look at gmb for the man aboard jason giambi is all for two his flight out to mclemore left has popped up to second baseman brett boone ball one and they pitched him very carefully through this whole series and the same with edgar martinez the ambi's the guy that they're gonna throw the pitch just off the plate just inside and uh try to make him get himself out with a ball one and one changeup from aaron seeley aaron went to three and two on giambi in that last at bat in the fourth inning then got him to pop up ball two two and one last year's american league mvp but against the mariners this year giambi banning just 154 but he can do a lot of damage with just one swing in the bat no score bottom half of the sixth one on two outs your eyes on damon that's ball three three and one on gmb on deck is mario valdez valdez all for two tonight with only four advance on the season oh rick we get a shot at the outfield this is where if you're in the output you back up a few steps because you play this game like it's late zero zero ball game giambi a double you got a chance to keep gaming from not scoring there you go swinging a miss throw down a second by dan wilson is in time to get johnny damon it bounces in gibson covering with the catch and then the tag on johnny damon to retire the side so that's it for the a's after six innings of play still no score no scores we go to the top half of any number seven here in oakland dan wilson and charles gibson combined on a fine play to throw johnny damon in the bottom of the sixth inning with two outs damon running and watch his uh play right here in this throwhand do to get johnny damon well the throw it's uh it's a one hopper and you see gibson get right down in there dirty and trying to block this game and he gets a little elbow from johnny damon when he slides into him gibson usually want to get out of there a little elbow to the face right there but uh he was out and we get a shot at dan wilson going yeah yeah all right got one of the best base dealers in the game nice play charles that was our pennzoil protection play brought to you by pennzoil got his head in there made the nice play brent boone leading off the seventh inning fastball from mulder up and away ball one got a game great pitching tonight booney one for two with a double down the left field line ball two well that's the type of ball game you start looking for a hero somebody sit on a pitch 2-0 fastball and hit it out of the park this guy could do it he hit his first home run of the year on sunday down in texas the left center field he had 19 home runs last year with the padres who missed the last six weeks of the season with a knee injury big swing and a foul and the count is even on bread of two balls and two strikes mark mulder didn't pitch against the mariners last year was 9 and 10 for oakland in 27 starts breaking ball here you go nope do you peel down to the first base umpire making the call is paul schreiber and the count is full on boone three and two americans have had their lead off hitter on only once tonight against mulder fouled away still three and two on brent that was a single by mike cameron leading off the fourth hindu and when you can do that you stay out of trouble well the art of pitching getting ahead of the fit the hitters and aaron seeley doing the exact same thing and yeah most importantly staying away from the dangerous guys jeremy giambi and edgar martinez live ball down the right field side slicing foul and out of play up in a crowd and it's still three and two players wearing their sleeves underneath their jerseys on a cold night up in in ball four so brett boone with a lead off walk here in the seventh inning third walk given up by mark mulder and only the second time the americans have had that lead-off man aboard well time for the time of the ball game where lupinella he says okay i let you guys swing the bat and all that now i'm gonna have to start managing take it out of their hands and put it in his hand and dictate the ball game trying to manufacture a run right here and david bell can lay down a bunt of first base as boone gets back chavez charging in from third base gianby playing at the bag to keep brett close there's a look at chavez at third one attempt fouled away by bell again another chance oh and one on david made that incredible play last night and a ball hit by johnny damon into the hole at short diving stop the ball released behind him david fishing for the ball spinning around on his backside the seat of his pants threw damon out at first base what a great play well the defense really crashing in on david bell and uh you see first baseman third baseman really crashing in about two or three feet when he turns around they're right in here and so lou might be inclined to take the butt off but attempt up the first base line and it's going to roll foul oh and two on david bell and now david will have to swing away as boone heads on back to first base last night dan wilson had two sacrifice bunts one up the first base line where ramon hernandez catcher ran up the back of the pitcher trying to feel the ball i believe it was matthews and valdez uh was playing first base at that time that he blocked and impeded dan wilson's right to run the first base so lou thought it was an instruction inside one and two not umpires of the crowd wanted jerry lane to call that one a strike missed inside one or two on david away activity down to the oakland bullpen right-hander jimmy mercier warming up former mariner came over to oakland from tampa bay last year pitched very well for the athletics outside and off the glove but fasano way in a second this would be called strike three and david bell can't believe it so david bell turns around now and heads on back to the dugout he didn't like strike three call then him back in the fifth inning jerry lane says strike three this time it's the third time that david has struck out blue comes out of the dugout and now lou is going to pick up the conversation with jerry lane you cannot argue balls and strikes and i think blue has just been out there to try to try to get an explanation of what happened because the the ball wasn't caught by fasano and usually when a catcher can't catch it it's usually not a strike and david bell thought this pitch was off the plate away and uh he goes to lou and says i didn't foul it off what's going on this pitch is outside it looks like it's way outside and you can see fasano trying to frame it trying to frame it and bring it back to the strike zone so it's a pitch way outside that lane calls punches him out with one out and one away toss over to first base and boone gets back and i thought it was going to be a ball right away because number one it it was a ball yeah looked outside but and fasano didn't catch it and like you said he was trying to frame it so i mean that's he was caught in the act well the bottom line if the catcher doesn't think it's a strike yeah fly ball into left center field calling for it terence long to center fielder but cutting across is johnny damon to make the catch right in front of long two outs well they got to have a conversation about that because the center fielder is the boss and uh he gets everything johnny damon of course a former center fielder used to that role calling off people and taking charge but uh terence long he's got to have a little meeting with the guys i'm the center fielder it's my ball when i say i've got it i'm in charge out here with johnny damon cutting across to get to it two outs one on and here's catcher dan wilson still no score we're in the seventh alone inside ball one remember years ago back in 1990 junior and senior playing together senior was out in left field junior was on in center senior was calling for the ball it was his it was on left field junior came flying across and caught the ball in front of his dad senior was hot says i got it i'm the boss out here you're not dad i'm the center fielder well i'm still dead out here too son and you don't do that to your pups out here and senior was upset 99 pitches for mark mulder round ball to short tejana's there little toss to man aquino covering second for the force on brett boone and that will retire the side we go to the bottom of the seventh inning here in oakland still no score jason gabby leads it off and he takes change for a strike from aaron celio in one nice pitch jason giambio for two he was in the box when johnny damon was thrown out at second trying to steal to retire the site in the sixth aaron seely has pitched a great ball here now let's see if he tries to make him chase that breaking ball in the dirt seeley has one of the best curve balls in the league there it is but he left it alone ball one one ball and two strikes and rick you saw the little shake of the glove of dan wilson catching that means bouncing i want you to bounce his curveball so he can chase a ball no one two curve check swing did he go he did not the appeal down to the third base some fire ed montague two and two tonight's paid attendance 16 652 a lot of hot tully's coffee being served tonight on a play on the left field side still two and two on gmb there's been 24 plate appearances since uh the last base hit a mike cameron single back in the fourth inning combined for both these block flips that gives you an idea what these two starters have been doing celine mulder strike three called got him with a fastball up and in jason giambi is caught looking and that is strikeout number two for aaron ceiling well that's what they mean by uh call it the same both ways you're gonna call it on david bell calling on jason giambi this ball in a little bit a little bit up runs back over the plate uh borderline pitch but he's called that pitch all night on the mariners you see the late movement on that ball coming back to the strike zone so the mariners dugout saying call it both ways and jerry lane has been calling that pitch for strength in the inside corner here's designated hitter mario valdez valdez oh for two he's popped a short flight out to mclemore in left field ball one jim mercier warming up again for the a's last night six and a third and here's seeley working into the seventh inning his last start he won six innings in a 10-2 win against oakland back home in seattle game three of that series and i think that's what lou is looking for his started pitchers to go deep in the ball games and of course uh sealy has that in his repertoire over 200 innings pitch every year 2-1 this guy has been one of the most consistent pitchers in the major leagues last five years 84 pitches baron up and away ball three three and one low score bottom of the seventh inning on deck is shortstop miguel tejada there is one last night five to one to improve their record on this road trip to three and one fouled away full count three and two and hender behind in the count aaron a few times he's been behind the count has come up with a quality pitch and i think that's the key because uh one swing of the back could change this game around and when you get three and one the hitter knows the fastball's coming that means you gotta run it to the outside corner make him go opposite way if he is gonna hit a home run up and away ball four so valdez with a walk in that's the first walk given up by aaron seeley tonight one on and one away for shorts on miguel tejada tejada has grounded out twice and that's what aaron seeley would like to him do right here a chance for the double play he has grounded out to gibson at short he's also grounded out to boone at second base there's a look at valdez first pitch is a strike on to how to own one now this is gibson's first start at shortstop replacing carlos key in there tonight he's talking things over with brett boone booney said listen anything back to seeley miguel tejada banning 345 against sealy line drive into left field mclemore comes up with a dive and a rolly catch mcnamore in left field sinking line drive mclemore comes up to make an outstanding play two outs for the a's here on the seventh well you said it rick you look at uh mark out there mack he's not played a lot of outfield but he's a good athlete you got to make a decision quick on this ball because if it gets by you you're going to score from first base he makes a decision i'm going to go for this ball and it's going to stay up for me a great catch by mack and lou doesn't have any fair any fear of putting him in the outfield and you look at tahata going what do i got to do we always say line drives no good base hits are a lot better what a catch by mclemore in left field eric chavez a strike oh and one a rolling catch out there by mclemore to rob miguel tejada so two odds for oakland with one on eric chavez tonight he's one for two with a double down the right field line and hindu he tommy hawked the pitch it was way up in it drilled it down the right field line ground ball wider first but right there is brett boone easy play for booney and that's it for chavez and the oakland a's in the seventh inning what a game for aaron seeley and mark balder but mulder's done here comes jimmy cyr no score after seven no score here the oakland coliseum as we go to the top of the eighth inning and ichiro will lay things off he'll pinch it for charles gibson to try to get something going and ichiro has his fans here at the oakland coliseum jim mercier is the new pitcher he'll take over from mark mulder to work the eighth inning andrew only been in a couple of games with a nice era but uh the three walks and now the important thing about mercedes is that palm ball the screw ball that he throws and hopefully somebody told ichiro that uh it is his outfit you know that screwball it's uh ethan's pitch that goes about 60 70 miles an hour but with a lot of movement here's ichiro to lay things on pinch hitting for charles gibson all in one each euro batting 364. one home run that was the game winner down in texas first game of this road trip swinging a miss and the count is on two and i tried to warn him about that he did the scouting report but uh until you go up there and see it yourself everybody can tell you that he has a good uh screw ball but you have to go see the speed yourself hopefully he'll make the adjustment he's seen it one time fastball high outside one ball and two strikes all the cameras japanese media pointed right at number 51. fly ball into shallow left field tejana going out that ball is going to drop in a bloop single for ichiro off of the ball is johnny damon so ichiro with a pinch head lead off single here in the top of the eighth inning the mariners have the go ahead run aboard well rick he didn't hit it good but he did make the adjustment on the screw ball he got the screw ball stayed back just enough hit it off the end of the bat but uh that high fastball before this gets your eyes on about 80 miles an hour 90 miles an hour then he comes with that 75 mile an hour love 30. serve it out in the left field johnny damon no chance no that's a blooper right in between johnny damon and miguel tejada going down on the play so ichiro is on at first base here's mark mclemore but it tossed the first and each row gets back marco for three made that great catch in the bottom of the seventh inning and the ball hit by miguel tejada way up close is chavez up high ball one is mclemore showed bunt oh he's starting to look at the defense you see eric choddle is right here he's way in uh defending the bunt and uh when a third baseman charges that far lou has a tendency to say swing the bat and he did with ichiro running and macklemore fouls it away so that's exactly and he made the call with lewis thinking about swinging the bat and eric chavez says thank you very much you called it away well this game is pretty simple the uh the defense dictates what you do as a manager and a player and if he's going to take the bun away that far being this close in and when he squares around lou has no choice but to let him swing away take your chances there goes the runner swinging the ground ball wide up third gets on by chavez ichiro heading for third he's gonna make it easily so lou says okay if you're gonna take away the butt they'll have them swing away a base it through the left side by mclemore and now the mariners have runners on it first and third with nobody out well we saw the defense of chavez trying to cheat you see how close he is lou has no alternative but to let him swing away and when you're playing that depth any ground ball is going to get by you so uh chavez was cheating a little bit you see ichiro running he sees the ground ball sees there's nobody at third he's going to make the third standing up easy and the ball wasn't hit that hard so it's going to die out there in left field so ichiro had the chance to scoot around at third base the go-ahead run is only 90 feet away well that's why you don't play third base defensive that way that close that quick so you you're supposed to let the guy bunt the ball and then charge you can't charge before he squares around or the manager has no course but to let you swing you're still gonna make the play on the bunt if you laid back a little bit here's mike cameron with nobody out ball one to put it in a nutshell eric chavez got caught cheating a little bit mike cameron checks in with third base coach dave myers cammy one for three that was a base hit the center field the single in the fourth go to first mclemore gets back you have good speed on the bases ichiro at third mclemore at first base on a play in the first base side one and one on cameron mike had some good advance in last night's game he was one for four but he also had a sacrifice fly to driving a big run late in the ball game well you've got the guys at the plate that you want you got cameron edgar and ole root coming up with a guy on third so you got your rbi guys in place with a guy on third less than two outs no out so this is a game right here inside ball two two and one and again cameron looks down at myers at third base coaching aaron seeley has pitched a tremendous ball game tonight giving up only two hits nothing nothing time aaron has a chance to give aaron a run right here on the eighth there goes mclemore swinging a ground ball to short mariners will get a run they'll stay out of the double play cameron is out but he picks up an rbi mariners lead one to nothing lose sense mclemore ichiro scores from third on the infield out by mike cameron and the mariners score the first run of this ball game to take a one-nothing lead here in the eighth and that's what you can do if you're a manager and you have speed on your ball club you don't have to wait and see what happens you can send macklemore that had you know over 20 bags last year stolen bases so you stay out of the double plate and you get another man in the scoring position while scoring the run and here's edgar fastball at the knees for a strike going one had girl for two tonight one for one last night with a home run to right center field and he walked four times oh and two there's a look at ichiro coming home hindu yeah cameron hits this ball uh of course ichiro going on contact the balls hit uh to the shortstop and you're gonna score easy one ball and two strikes and now that's a big run out there at second base and mark macklemore to give the mariners a little bit of breathing room they have a one-nothing lead here in the eighth we're gonna have some activity down to the bullpen for the mariners hero sasaki saved last night begins to warm up and it's low to edgar for ball two two balls and two strikes ground ball deep it short tejada with a backhanded stop and he gets edward first two outs mclemore has to stay at second base here's a look at your les schwab league leaders with the highest on base percentage after the sixth inning the mariners on top hindu well that just says it gives it it takes a little time to get started uh these guys get their base hits and they cause all the trouble after the sixth inning leading baseball followed by san diego and philadelphia they're going to take the bat away from john olerud so john will get the intentional walk right here and he'll work to brett boone the right-handed bada booney against jim mercier the earners lead one to nothing on the infield out by mike cameron that scored ichiro who got things going here in the eighth inning with a pinch hit blue bass hit into left field mclemore followed with a single through the left side of the infield with chavez playing up close at third base there's ball four so all the route with the walk now the mariners have two on with two outs brings up second baseman bret boone boone has been a boy a couple of times with a walk and a double ball one all-around at first back the moor on it second with two outs and a run in one in one account everybody wants to get a look at that uh screw ball that messier throws and boom gets a good look at it right there puts it in his memory bank and says okay i got the speed down i got to look at it and so uh now i got a chance to hit it aaron seeley says thank you very much for that run phyllis aaron is trying to get another fly ball into deep left center field terence long on the run reaches up and he can't get to it it's on the track and off the wall mclemore will score john ulrich right behind him a two out two run double by brett boone here in the eighth inning as the mariners grab a three nothing lead clutch base hit terrence long slow getting up he just missed it deep in left center field well boone coming up with a big hit after they walk uh john o'rourke we look at this pitch it's that palm ball he gets it right in the middle of play and terence long he says i got it i got it i got it just runs out of room and he starts to smell that gap that wall out there and when you get on that uh warning track it's just off the tip of his glove he says he thinks he should have caught that ball that's why he's laying down and he has that look on his face that i make that play brad boone with a two-run double with two outs here in the eighth inning john ulrich scores behind mark mclemore darren is with a three-nothing lead for aaron seeley there's a strike on david bell and david bell uh having that conversation with gary lane the umpire last time up didn't say the right thing and the count is owen two on david down all the route hustling around to score run number three there's a look at boone out there at second base his second double of the ball game scoring a couple strike three called and david bell tosses the bat away can't believe it he thought that pitch was low but the mariners come away with three runs we go to the bottom of the eight mirrors three the athletics nothing well the mariners now lead oakland three to nothing as we go to the bottom of the eighth inning a three spot in the top of the eighth now here's a look at the base runners by inning hardly any for the oakland a's aaron pealey aaron celia's pitched so well well you look at this at both pitchers pitching great and uh the base runners the four base runners in the eighth inning the mariners come up with that big base hit we've got some defensive changes for the mariners each hero in right field he came up with that lead off bloop single to get things going in the three run eighth and now over at shortstop is carlos gehen ichiro pinch hit for charles gibson tonight's starting shortstop aaron seeley has pitched very very well look at the numbers for aaron seely seven innings he walked only one line drive right back up the middle of base hit for terence long so he jumps on seeley's first pitch and rips it right back through the middle that's only the third hit tonight off of aaron seely activity down to the mariners bullpen you see the right-hander paniagua warming up along with the veteran left-hander norm charlton and aaron seeley giving uh lou a lot of innings and lou in return says okay you only got 92 pitches i'm going to let you go ahead with this ball game and see if you can get out of this jam give you one hit or maybe two because it's not the go-ahead run to tie and run it plate yet got the bottom part of the order jeremy giambi pops one up shallow center field cameron coming in calling for it mike says please get out of my way and he makes the catch one out for the athletics here in the eighth bret boone hustling out there to help out but cammy had time to hustle in and make the play so one on one away and we're gonna have a pinch hitter for sal fasano here is ramon hernandez the band for fasano hernandez the starting catcher banning for fasano who gets the start tonight rosano the backup catcher in oakland so art howe goes to his bench to get ramon hernandez banning 280 no home runs and a couple of runs ban it in well a simple play by art howe getting uh hernandez in the ball game because he's the better hitter of the catchers and he plays the majority of the time and he forces lupinella not to do anything because if he sends a left-handed hitter up there he's got norm charlton ready for the left-handed hitters in the bullpen blue has so many options down to the bullpen with the two left-handers in charlton and rhodes and very effective right-handers and jeff nelson and paniagua and a set of men and then you've got the closer and kazuhiro sasaki then you got the long guy ryan franklin who's been absolutely brilliant and in relief these guys before long they would be fighting over the ball they're all pitching so well that uh it's going to be tough who to decide to go in the ball game first pitch a strike to hernandez 0-1 aaron seely right now seven and a third the longest by mariner starter the first week of the season infield double play depth one ball and one strike aaron seeley 94 pitches hindu and what he's done is he's thrown about 15 changeups and that's a a little bit more than he normally throws he usually goes with a curveball but he's going to change up a little bit more this part that's inside ball two two balls and a strike oakland made it very interesting late in the ball game last night coming back a few times the bullpen got the job done behind john halama sasaki picking up his fourth save of the year along with the win on a play on the first base side and the count is even on hernandez at two and two aaron seeley's complete game shout out against the detroit tigers in detroit last year was one year ago tomorrow when he had that shutout on a bitterly cold night in downtown detroit inside ball three full count three and two the a's haven't been close to a run tonight except for the one out double by chavez back in the second inning he was stranded there one on one away lopped up first base side no play for john ulrich even with all that room over there on the first base side and the count is still three and two on hernandez we often wonder how does a manager make a decision to take a picture out of the ball game when he's sailing like this with a shutout uh it's really dictated by the lineup the hitters coming up johnny damon coming up and the score uh if hernandez gets a hit the time run will be at the plate so lou's probably forced to take celie out of the ball game dan wilson wants a fast ball away ground ball base in the right field heading for third is terence long the throw by ichiro beautiful peggy got him holy smoke on laser beam strike from ichiro to the third baseman david bell and terence long is gunned down at third base what a throw two outs and with that base running by terence long he keeps aaron silly in the ball game he forgets it's ichiro in the outfield it's a ground ball where you can never make this out this is the tying run you can't he throws a laser low to the ground about six feet off is that a strike if you can call that as an umpire that's right down the middle strike baby look at that arm people terrace long makes it ill he'll advise trying to go to third base no way he should try this but this is a beautiful throw a strike right down the middle like david bell was a catcher and do it doesn't get any better than that a perfect perfect perfect throw by ichiro to third baseman david bell a line drive strike right to bell he was waiting for terence long to get the tag on the sliding long what an arm on this young man from japan terence long is back inside the dugout with two outs here in the game what a throw and a young mistake uh right there there's no way you should try to get the third on that ball because the time runs coming to the plate and that's the only reason aaron seely is in the ballgame you look at ichiro saying hey guys you didn't read the scouting report i've got a cannon out there here's johnny damon and he takes a pitch outside ball one mariners lead three to nothing johnny damon is one for three that was a leadoff single way back in the first inning it doesn't get any better than that what a throw by ichiro strike on the inside corner 101. folks we get a chance to enjoy this one one more time after this pitch coming up to johnny damon i mean it was absolutely perfect no 1-1 ground ball to short carlos skiing will go to second for a force right there on hernandez and that will retire the side and here's a look at that great throw by each row to get terence long at third base for the second out of the inning it was perfect mariners lead three nothing we go to the ninth three nothing mariners lead as we go to the top of the ninth inning here in oakland and hindu what a great throw by ichiro to nail terrance long at third base in the bottom of the eighth well you look at this form right over the top a perfect strike to david bell at third base and i think the most impressive thing about this is the height of the ball it's only about four feet off the ground a bullet david bell gets in his catcher's gear and says fastball right down the middle and he hits a glove that was absolutely perfect here's a look at it one more time the base hit by hernandez with long aboard long's heading for third look how quickly he gets rid of it and he throws a laser beam strike right on the bag wow what a throw well that's what stars are made of you make plays like that and that gets around the league real quick we've got a new picture for the oakland a's left-hander mike magnation in relief to work the ninth inning and he delivers a strike on new shortstop carlos ski in 0-1 so this is gehan batting in sanders spot in the order as you take a look at magnani and his numbers in just two games fouled away by carlos owen to the count what's even more impressive well that's pretty impressive what he did he's been sitting the entire game on a cool night here in oakland he goes out gets a lead off single to ignite a three run top half the inning then in the bottom half the half of the union comes up with a great throw and we're talking about throwing out a guy a center fielder in his own right that has great speed aloe smacks away from ball one one ball and two strikes well we'll be seeing that one on the highlight shows later on tonight well that's how you serve no notice to the league uh you you set a precedent hey i'm throwing out terrace long not some big lead-footed catcher i'm throwing a bb serve notice to the league that i've got a cannon out there and uh from now on people won't even run so don't try to take the extra base on me i get you three-nothing mariners lead ground ball to short tejada toss across got him good hustle by guinness coming up the line but one out for the mariners here in the top half of the ninth inning we've got a new catcher ramon hernandez it was hernandez who got that base into the right field that made terence long think that he might be able to sneak into third base but forget about it and let's face it and we were talking about the base hit uh in regards to aaron seely that base hit gets him out of the ball game if terence long stays at second because lou's not going to let him face the tying run at the plate and at johnny damon he had charlton and paniagua warming up here's dan wilson looks at a pitch low ball one we always talk about one pitch one play turning a ball game that was a big play that turned everything around kept sealing the ball game and uh just get the used sazaki to close it out popped up into shallow right field jeremy giambi is there and makes the catch for out number two so the a's will see kazuhiro sasaki in the bottom half of the ninth inning and here is ichiro as you take a look at aaron seeley back inside that dugout who pitched a masterful ball game tonight and here's ichiro getting a great hand from the the fans and a couple bluebirds out from the oakland a's fans but uh he's on display he's putting on a show for people and that's what it's about entertaining and he's a great entertainer very entertaining young man he has a flare bottom little tapper back to the mound picked up by magnani to throw the first is in time to get each row hustling up that line to retire the side we go to the bottom of the ninth inning kazuhiro sasaki will take over for that man who pitched a great ball game after eight and a half mariners three the athletics nothing well here we go to the bottom of the ninth inning in oakland the mariners leading the athletics by a score of three to nothing say friends coming up tonight at 10 p.m it's the northwest sports report lot coming up especially to talk about this ball game tonight in oakland game two of the three game series 30 minutes of local sports news you want to know about tonight at 10 p.m pacific the northwest sports report right here on fox sports net right after the game here he is kazuhiro sasaki saved last night his numbers on the year well the big number the four saves a five strikeout he has uh that pitch we call the fang working but uh when he has a big lead he works more with his fastball he introduced the oakland a's last night to a curveball first pitch that uh tahata jumped out of the way of because they haven't seen that on a scouting report that ball comes right at you and breaks over the plate and a guy that doesn't have a breaking ball you're not looking for it you think it's coming right at you makes him even tougher he doesn't have to throw it all that often just knowing that he's got it how about these numbers hindu for aaron seely eight shutout innings against oakland well pretty impressive uh he silenced the bats of the oakland a's frank minaquino leads off the inning ground ball to the right side brett boone is right there one pitch and one away for oakland here in the night a chance to pick up his fifth save of the year already needs two more outs that'll bring up jason gianvy and you kind of like facing this guy with a three-run lead instead of a one-run lead you know with the game on the line and the ninth if you want to piss the g-ombi giambi he can hit a home run he can do anything he wants because nobody on base he's not the tying run fastballs a little hide outside ball one the a's coming into the ball game as a team banning only 219 and they have only four hits tonight one and one on gmb a three-run top of the eighth for the mirrors and it was ignited by ichiro's pinch hit single to left field then in the bottom of the eighth inning that great throw here's the splitter did he go yes he did and the count is one and two on gmb then in the bottom of the eighth inning it was ichiro's great throw to get terence long at third base for the second out of the inning trying to go from first to third on a single by hernandez so what a contribution by ichiro in a short period of time at the end of this game he was not in the starting lineup fouled away still wanted to well that's a great uh weapon to have on your bench sitting there when you can use him if you're luke panella you know this guy can ignite a ball club when he gets on base there's a threat he can steal and score from anywhere when he does get on base something's going to happen and lou just had his ace in the hole sitting on the bench for the right moment to use it and how about two other guys popped up in behind third base david bell heading back he's there he's got it leaning back and he stays with it to make the catch for out number two nice play by david bell so the a's are down to their final out but how about luke pinella taking off the bunt for mark mclemore in the top of the eighth inning giving mclemore a chance to swing away and then mclemore coming through with a ground ball past the third baseman chavez playing up close well there's a veteran player he sees eric chavez playing way too close and trying to uh charge the bunt he says all i got to do is put this ball in play and not hit it right at him it's going to squeak through because he's playing only 10 feet away from me and lupinella sees that and says hey go ahead and swing away make sure you get the ball on the ground though there's designated hitter mario valdez mariners one out away from a shutout win tonight here in oakland that's tough to do against this ball club in this ballpark can do which is now a good hitter's ballpark well sooner or later they're gonna have to start giving the mariners pitching staff a little credit instead of saying oh we're just not swinging the bats well are we in a little bit of a slump now this was pitching tonight aaron seely eight innings gave up only four hits one walk struck out two absolutely brilliant today and then you got this guy to close it out two outs of nobody on the 1-1 splitter check swing didn't go ball two two balls in a strike early start tomorrow radio only tomorrow aaron seely on your left eight innings gave up only four hits and sasaki trying to close it out heck of an outing tonight for aaron swinging a miss at a good fast fall and the count is even on valdez at two and two just radio tomorrow when jamie moyer goes against tim hudson in game three of the series and then it's down to anaheim for three against the angels a little bit outside ball three full count three and two on deck is miguel tejada but sasaki trying to close it out here with two outs in the night fouled away still three and two well this is a kind of at that you can bet the farm the house everything that three and two you're going to get a fastball because there's no way that if you hit the ball the ballpark nobody cares they just said don't want to walk you to start an inning put the ball in play but just don't walk baron is off to a great start on this first road trip of the season fastball got him swinging strike three the ball game is over kazu strikes out marielle valdez for the final out of the game and the mariners shut off the oakland a's here at the coliseum a final score of three to nothing sasaki saved number five on the year aaron seely hindu was absolutely brilliant and what a contribution late in the game by ichiro and mark mclemore well it's pretty easy to pick two stars out uh aaron seeley pitched a great ball game and ichiro with a great throw and the ignition of the offense late in the ball game they're both players of the game so the mariners win the opening two games of this three-game series and tomorrow afternoon we'll try for the sweep so for david henderson dave niehaus ron faley i'm rick rizz saying so long everybody from the coliseum final score mariners three and the athletics nothing
Channel: MLB Vault
Views: 2,043,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, シアトル, シアトル・マリナーズ, Oakland Athletics, メジャー, オークランド, Baseball's Best Classic Games, オークランド・アスレチックス, メジャーリーグ, 野球, Seattle Mariners, マリナーズ, 大リーグ, 野球速報, アスレチックス
Id: XRmgx39AKZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 4sec (7144 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2010
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