Ichiro Suzuki Defensive Highlights

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one pitch on the way swung on and a high fly ball hits a deep right field again and Ichiro goes back to the track to the wall and makes a leap one pitch Right Center in right center [Applause] and he rips it to right field it is deep and tough Ichiro holds it in foreign [Music] [Applause] lines it to right Ichiro sliding in a snow cone when he brought it up hits one in the other right they're chasing to roll back still going back on the warning track leaps and hauls it in and then crashes into the wall and holds off giving out in the right center field makes the play he's still very short-handed right fielder and a breaking ball and a Fly ball to right field beats her out of the track he's to the wall makes a leap and makes it catch up against the wall as he bangs into the wall that type of speed that one to left now towards the line with ahead of Steve great arm wall comes home [Applause] and it's a Fly ball into Right Center on the run as Ichiro he makes the play and the first pitcher swung on hit well to right field backing up his Ichiro he's at the wall he looks up he lit and he makes the catch What A Catch by Ichiro banging up against the right field wall guys it's a right long run Ichiro got it and he could still run him down as Seeger hits a shot out to right field Ichiro cracks leaks and makes a brilliant catch on the warning track at the base of the wall after the first pitch slicing long run Suzuki and sliding up against a barrier wall he caught it unbelievable nice more is going places lies it to Lefty oh look out the lights Joe just trying to get to a place where he could see the ball right center field Ichiro slides makes the catch tagging is Zimmerman it is a catch but one two took something off of it Ichiro backing up backing up bleach and makes the catch eat your own fine play one out Brendan Ryan and that one is laced to right field and is it caught yes it is Ichiro with a shoestring catch saves two runs and Brendan Ryan could not believe his luck Batista in the pitch on the way in his high fastball bounced into the hole on the right side for a base hit here's Batista around third back throw to the play the adventista is meet he is get me what a throw hits that one a ton itro goes back at the track at the wall got it oh my goodness [Applause] Fly ball short right Ichiro coming in in a hurry and he makes the catch to end this game Jason with a high fly ball right Suzuki back on the track at the wall but he makes the play for the first half book that's right very good Ichiro slides did he get it he did that's the second sliding catch that Ichiro has made driven a right field Hiro on the run on the track and he makes the play and crashes into the wall and holds on Ichiro Suzuki took an extra base hit [Applause] there's some magic in that 41 year old right arm and in the right field Ichiro going back he's there and makes the catch Shiro moving very well out there given to center field Ichiro back still back on the track and he makes it over the shoulder catch for the second out as low goes back to First all right now he does and lines it to left Ichiro slides makes the catch and on his way home and scoring is Walsh Edison Volquez and Oakland starter has yet to be announced Ichiro reaches up makes the catch Lynn swanlike out there by your teammates and opposing players he does hit the ball of right field and ichio makes the sliding catch so-called tags but he can only go back a second to right Ichiro got it with a leap two outs in the 16th and now it has driven out to right field each Euros there fights the Sun but makes the play to get out of the inning I thought I was going to check up a little bit off the bag and down the line and the rays are back on the floor into second [Applause] that's a long run Ichiro slide [Applause] live ball right field long run for Ichiro he slides and makes the play here is Pujols and there's the ball into right field well hit back his Ichiro on the run a leaf and a catch two out [Applause] my drive Heathrow coming on makes the catch Joyce has to scramble back to second he said that back tightness that he had is Stefan Romero drops one out to right Ichiro back to the wall I'm just gonna wait to see if he caught it because these guys have been doing it all games smokes this one to right Ichiro off the club and he makes the catch he worked on that all spring was launched in the air to ride down the line Suzuki whale get there for the catch what a game he's had flipped down the line Ichiro in Pursuit and he goes to his knees and gets it Runner tags and gets the third Ichiro in right was it near the right field future on the bird still goes to the warning track reaches Zab and he makes the catch [Applause] and a line drive at 32 road to come in and make the catch [Applause] and that baby is gonna be in time he didn't hit the catcher and he hits that one to left field hits it deep Ichiro back at the wall each release and he got it he's flying ichiral fashion who was their first round pick but yeah I think he might have been the first pick sliding catch by Ichiro James Shields Kemp drives it to right center field hits it pretty well each a row after it reaches and he got it it's a row crashes into the wall holds on record after agency I think Fly ball center field Ichiro angling to get away from the Sun and he makes the play you can see as it was glinting off his sunglasses he was made but High Fly ball deep right going back Ichiro at the track gonna make a jump for it wow throughout [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Made The Cut
Views: 1,202,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB, baseball, 2020
Id: pnzgoNELh3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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