4,000 Mile Tesla Winter Road Trip on Route 66 | Full Self Driving

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we just got back from a 4 000 Mile Road Trip in our Tesla Model 3. we went all the way from Las Vegas to Chicago and back for the holidays and because I didn't explain it to on the video uh I'll outline our stops on the way there and the way back here so on the way from Las Vegas to Chicago we took three days and day one we went from Vegas to Albuquerque New Mexico then the second day from New Mexico to Tulsa Oklahoma and then the third day from folsa Oklahoma to Chicago Illinois and on the way back we left a half a day early so our first trip was just from Chicago to St Louis uh day two from that trip was from St Louis all the way to Shamrock Texas day three we went from Shamrock Texas to Flagstaff Arizona and that last day was pretty short from Flagstaff to Las Vegas follow along and check it out day one of our road trip took a quick stop to my grandma's house to be the bearer of guests because of this Christmas time we got a lot of stuff to pick up and drop off for the family here is what the trunk looks like just packed with gifts and we can see our luggage back there we are Santa Claus huh yes we are and in the car we got coffee and stuff right here in the back we have our snacks but you can see we are pretty packed up back there we got a little mattress and some pillows in case we ever need to go camp mode here in case of emergencies unless you want to do it for fun again what do you think yes no yes no no so we're off and let's look at our first stop we're making all the way from Vegas to Kingman Arizona a little under two hours and there is the route 66 museum with the supercharger in the parking lot so that'll be kind of cool to charge while we look huh foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign made it to Kingman got the museum behind us just plugged into the 250 kilowatt supercharger how you feeling okay [Music] foreign here the little gift shop and Museum but with the car here the cars at about 78 percent we took our time in the museum too so that was nice so from 37 to 80 cost us about 14 and it's plenty to get to our next supercharger next destination easy enough just take it out here if I can actually twist it here get it right back it's already closed and we're good to go Flagstaff but first for some lunch at good old Subway [Music] you should probably buy your supercharged but we had a slept hard and we wanted to check out the museum so we don't mind taking so much your time but look what we got at the Museum actually we got the Route 66 passport so you can go up to certain places here it shows up like pretty cool attractions but so the museum we went to we got our stamp the date right there you can go along the whole route and there's plenty of stuff to kind of check out here you get a bunch of stamps but anyways now we're off to Flagstaff we got about two hours there we'll get there at 23 charge we have about to say right now how are you feeling can you make it there yes maybe get some coffee on the way but we are off to Flagstaff [Music] foreign [Music] we made it to Flagstaff for 15 battery this was like a super super hard superchargers will find it's kind of like in the middle of nowhere tucked into being a hotel here so it took us a little bit got into circles once we got here navigation didn't help too much but we're here at 15 and we'll be here for about it says 55 minutes to a full charge but we only need like 20 25 minutes to get to where we're going next oh really supercharger station little beautiful view of Flagstaff over the hill and little hotel we're going to stop in to use a bathroom get some snacks we're here in Flagstaff but that's where we're heading and I'm kind of happy we're not there right now because that doesn't look too fun so we cut the Flagstaff stop a little bit short it wanted us to charge a lot Fuller to be able to skip one supercharger but to be more efficient we're going to stop at the next Supercharger so instead of being here for like 40 45 minutes we'll go to the next one for 15 minutes only you stayed here in fifth time stop like a little more frequently receiving more [Music] made it to Holbrook so that stretch from Flagstaff to Holbrook that hour stretch what do you think was it entertaining or boring it was a boring route but at least we got a Burger King here to hang out a little bit and a faster charger 250 kilowatts compared to 150 in Holbrook so we'll hang out working for a little bit fast charge and then get back on the road all right so just eat it Burger King out here in Holbrook two things one having autopilot is like a huge lightsaber on his road trips and two of that charging was like 20 bucks but it went from like 15 to 72 percent and the difference between a 150 and 250 kilowatt charger is huge like we ate pretty fast in there and this charge like ridiculously fast that was that was pretty cool but onward two or towards Albuquerque [Music] thank you so we made it to Gallup kind of got pretty dark pretty fast we're going that way the sun's coming this way so the days are pretty short for us on this road trip but we made it here we got one more Lake after this to Albuquerque you'll be here for about 20 minutes not too much hair besides the Best Western Hotel behind me that she's already snoozing in the car so we don't need something like that but also it got pretty cold out I took my sweatpants off at the last stop because it was like 55 and now it's 37 so getting a little chilly getting closer to the storm all right so we are about ready to go we got one last leg here for day one we'll get to our next supercharger with 16 so plenty of buffer there then we got some family we're staying with in Albuquerque as well so we'll probably stay at this charger for a little longer than 10 minutes because we want some battery in the morning to actually get out and start right away in the morning so last leg of the day here we go foreign [Music] foreign plugged in back here nobody else here except one car way back there but it's about 8 30. we got a mall behind us we're gonna walk around a little bit it's like an outdoor mall but everything is closed but while the car charges while we wait for a pretty good charge so we can take off in the morning and not have to worry about it then we're gonna walk around a little bit pretty chilly out here but we are signing off for the night we got her family living like five minutes away or we'll stay the night there and then get enough charge right now to hit the road tomorrow and start bright and early anything else how do you think of day one how was it it wasn't bad yeah it was really a chill drive it didn't seem that bad more stops tomorrow hopefully we didn't stop too much it's like too many attractions here but we'll get more in tomorrow a little bit earlier have more time in the day to go and see some stuff eight o'clock in the morning just packing the car we hit the cold finally it's 21 degrees out right now so are you warm or equal I am warm oh sorry I cold I can't think right now we're freezing coming from Vegas 21 degrees and we're only getting into colder areas so this will be a fun day driving through what is very very cold to us and day two let's begin first stop Santa Rosa supercharger since there was a supercharger and then we'll see you from there [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you all right so we got here in Santa Rosa with eight percent charge and how was your nap it was really good drink coffee and you still fell asleep like 10 minutes afterwards huh yeah that was quite a boring drive not too much to look at but it's 11 degrees out so we'll go plug in really quick and then either stay out in here or go out in the hotel to warm up so it wants us to wait here for 55 minutes to be able to like skip this charger and skip this charger and go to this one way back there we're gonna not spend that much time here so we mentioned before spending a little bit less time at the superchargers just stopping more often so that's what we'll do here let's probably get hang out here until we have enough tires to get to this one and then we'll stop here for a little bit as well instead of waiting here for almost an hour so I just added this charger to our stop and you can see it took time significantly off how long we have to be here threat of 150 kilowatt charger walk around the hotel a little bit not too much around besides this hotel so we're gonna hang out here and someone parked next to us so we're getting like half of a charge splitting it with them so just hanging out for about 10 to 15 minutes before we go on to our next stop nine degrees right now here we're still heading in towards the storm so we get even colder how are you feeling about nine degrees right now it's really cold right now it's only going to get colder from here on out still in the hotel where it's warm a little longer than expected because as most of you probably know what Tesla is if you had a 150 kilowatt hour charger and someone parks next to you you split the stall with them so instead of the full 150 we're getting only 75 but with the 250s and for park next to somebody we still got our own hole 250 so it's a 150 here so I'm parked next to us so we're waiting a little bit longer than usual but like 20 25 minutes then we'll hit the road so we were here for like 20 minutes we have plenty enough battery to get to the next charging stop so we can rest a little sooner if we wanted to but either way we're off to tukumkari about an hour away here for the next charging stop and we switched drivers so she's awake and ready to go [Music] are you cool no I'm freaking cold I don't like to be cold quick stop for a little charge and to get some tissues and some snacks at the gas station one of us is not too happy about it it's a long walk it's across the street our car is like back there by the hotel and we're here far quick little stop here now we're off to Texas [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] we stopped for lunch the cafe was closed so we didn't get anything we're gonna get our passport stamped but we're here at Cadillac Ranch we'll check it out nice and warm out here um as far as I know Cadillac Ranch is just like like 10 Cadillacs just halfway in the ground for no reason and we're gonna go check it out you can like spray paint them obviously there's a bunch of scraping over here I don't know if there's like empty cans over there or cans to actually spray paint with but we'll go check it out it smells like spray paint too I mean not surprisingly so we weren't there for very long why won't be there for very long it's so cold it is pretty cool it's 22 degrees and what'd you say I thought that was good film my fingertips I've fallen off way to Chicago yet we're gonna die besides being really cold what'd you think pretty cool if we come back in the summer would you have a better time yeah it was pretty cool I mean it's pretty far from the road so we have to walk a bit but it's cool a lot of spray paint there too so it was fun we stopped at supercharged just past Cadillac Ranch because uh we need to charge and there was a LongHorn Steakhouse right next to it no like quick food fast food stuff and we are kind of tired of fast food we're gonna do too much anyway but we got take out from Longhorn Steakhouse ordered it while we're on the way here so plug the car in walked up and picked it up now we're just gonna eat some lunch in the car [Music] thank you [Music] we are here in Shamrock Texas just for a little bit Quick Charge before we make it to Weatherford we can probably get there right now if we draw pretty slow and take it careful but we're gonna get some extra charges to be safe hang a little bit I got some cool stuff over here so we'll walk around a little bit and check it out are you cool look behind me as a person who was dead pretty cool spot some old Route 66 things this Cafe is closed but it looks like it'd be pretty nice to go in [Music] you can probably hear it but there's music coming from I think that art on there it's it's pretty loud for a quiet town it's pretty loud music what do you think very loud it is December 23rd so we probably got a lot of things closed on our way back especially tomorrow but still pretty cool to see all the stuff from Route 66 out here and just like that after like 10 minutes we are off to Weatherford for some Lucille's barbecue [Music] foreign [Music] Oklahoma 19 18 battery left we'll plug in for a little bit before we get to OKC we got Lucille's here but how are you hungry um you can eat yeah I don't really know we'll walk in and check it out but the plan was to eat but I don't know we'll see we'll just plug in and see what happens so here's all these seals I'll go check it out they got a few Route 66 stuff in the outside here too just like everywhere else on this road so it's pretty cool well at least check that out so I don't know if we're actually eating here or not but they do stamp this Route 66 passport we got so I'll bring this in and get a stamp for all of those seals here in Oklahoma thank you we got our stamp and our passport and we got some hot chocolate hot chocolate and we're gonna hit the road again back to well not back to but on the way to Oklahoma City foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] City with 26 better left we've got a good charge before we go to pop's soda Ranch a pretty cool place that we looked up on the way to Chicago Route 66 and here in Oklahoma City we have a outlet mall Outdoors right next to us what do you think about that don't really want to go but if you really want to go then why don't you want to go it's cold down but don't you want to Adventure into new cities and new places it's outlet store we had it in Vegas but this is different and it's outside and we can walk around a little bit are you happy now that you actually found stories you like and we're walking around in the cold and we got some snow too getting chilly up here it's a nice small huh of course so because we went to um Kate Spade now we get to go to Nike and then we'll be ready to go to Tulsa [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so the rest of this day two was a lot of dark driving we went for dinner after we charged and then it was just driving the dark for like three hours so we're here in Tulsa at the Holiday Inn it's about 10 30 and we are signing off for the night and we'll go all the way to Chicago hopefully tomorrow that's the plan hopefully it's not too snowy or windy or cold we should be able to get there on time so day three coming tomorrow but for now good night good morning to you but we got a good run and got really good breakfast and we're going to see the blue whale what do you think about the blue whale it looks really creepy um but we'll find out once we get there let's see and hopefully by tonight we're in Chicago but we'll see what happens hopefully today we make it yes [Music] thank you the blue whale swimming is prohibited otherwise we would go swimming right now nice I'm not sure if that's open in the summer or not not sure what they even felt that's pretty cool little picnic area and then this kind of creepy looking thing it's pretty cool we'll walk inside see what it looks like we're inside the blue whale it's like a ladder here you could jump off the tail some letters here I mean you can't go swimming for the sign and it's like it's frozen anyway but that's pretty cool what do you think I think it's pretty cool we're in the whale the little Christmas hat on and they got slides here too look we got some steps here you can slide out the side of the whale it's a pretty cool place if you can actually swim during the summer to hang out here too cold to stay too long there but we're on our way to Joplin about an hour and a half to charge a little bit and maybe get some lunch if we're hungry but we'll see hour and a half a drive ahead of us foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right she got here Joplin just plugged in 250 kilowatt hour charger so we'll be going pretty quick and we're gonna go to the gas station here here's a bathroom get some snacks and continue on our trip so there we are out there a couple other Teslas with us and we're in the Come and Go gas station actually a lot to look around and hang out and it's pretty cool pretty big area what you looking for I don't know donut or ice or ice I got like barbecue chicken and like stuff here it's pretty cool so we got our charger over there the gas station we're gonna head to the Harley-Davidson Hideout we usually wouldn't go to some place like this but my boy Nick is a big fan of motorcycles and stuff so we're gonna check it out just for him and let him know what we think all right electric vehicle owner is checking out the motor cycles from Harley Davidson I don't know what The Hideout is but we'll check it out all right Nick happy birthday Merry Christmas got you a little bell and we are back off towards I don't know what our next stop is but we'll we'll find out in a bit stopped in Springfield Missouri let's go let's go [Music] [Music] well day three of the trip we finally hit something here so three of those Chargers are out so there's only four cars there right now and we have to actually wait for the first time for a charge hopefully it won't be too long we'll see it's 12 30 right now we'll see how long we get we're just gonna stop for like five or ten minutes we have we can get the next one like two percent we just don't want to change it so we'll plug in for like five ten minutes go to the bathroom and then head out to Rolla all right we're plugged in a little seven minutes wait so that wasn't too bad we're gonna go to Max C store check it out a little bit we'll be quick here and we'll get going this little like gas station is just like filled with alcohol like filled filled huge place but lots of alcohol to choose from Quick Stop we got 76 charge which gets a roller with plenty of charge there for like 10-15 minutes and now we are on to roll about an hour and a half see you in a bit [Music] we're here in Rolla Missouri and perfectly there's a barbecue spot right in the parking lot here so we're gonna go get some lunch some brisket corn coleslaw bandanas barbecue what do you think very good very good this little place this is cool this is really good yeah this brisket with this Chicago sweet barbecue sauce is straight gas all right back on the road again roll up Missouri Bandana's barbecue highly recommend really good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right we skipped some video in St Louis because we met up with some friends and spend some time with them and hung out with them just kind of went to their apartment checked it out but we are now in where are we at Springfield Springfield Illinois across this parking lot from a grocery store which is closed and that's about it around here so we're hanging out in the car for about 15-20 minutes until we get to our next destination which we don't really know where is yet we're trying to plan maybe take a little detour to avoid some tolls or what's the quicker way here we're trying to figure out right now so we'll let you guys know what we hope we find out we decided to get back as fast as we can so we left that charger and we're heading to Normal Illinois to grab some late night snack grub whatever they got there kind of coming back to Chicago ASAP hopefully by 10 o'clock [Music] we skipped normal we went to Casey's here to get some food and they're closed because it's Christmas Eve and it's freezing outside it's nine degrees and it's super super windy of course once we got close to Chicago we are very close this is our last official stop but I'm scared to go out and plug it in because it's how windy it is and how cold it is so let's go I think I'll be quick I'll be quick ready three two one hurry babe oh but we're getting a pretty good charge I just plugged in we're getting 229 quickly to 250 242. 250. nine degrees winter storm we're getting over 250. the Tesla superchargers oh my gosh thank God thank God for real all right we stayed here for quite a bit to get some extra charge so we can go home and actually have some battery left and now I am more appropriately dressed to unplug our charger and our final stop and finally make it from Vegas to Chicago on day to me we'll get there it looks like 10 20 p.m a little later than hoped but kind of where we expected so let's get this unplugged and let's let's go she's on but we're probably won't record much stuff on the drive home because it's pretty dark outside so next time you see us we will be in Chicago let's go from Las Vegas to Chicago we made it we'll do a recap tomorrow morning it's 10 30 go spend some time with my family uh get settled and all that but three days traveling all day but we made it all right I told you guys we were gonna give like a recap of our trip here but actually this is the start of our trip back right now it's been a week since we've been on camera here enjoyed our vacation here in the Wisconsin Dells in Chicago we are on our way back starting right now five o'clock Tuesday evening hoping to get back by Friday night and our first stop from Chicago is Bloomington Illinois for some last Portillos and Oberweis right how do you feel about that I'm really excited all right actually we're about to leave and stop for some snacks gonna get some rainbow cone ice cream got 87 battery and we're gonna stop because she wants some rain ice cream ice cream two scoops [Music] [Music] all right after ice cream and a quick 7-Eleven stop we are now finally off to our first destination of Bloomingdale to stop at Portillo's we'll get there with about 33 battery leaving with 86 and it takes about two hours to get there [Music] foreign [Music] we finally made it to Portillo's here in Bloomington how was the drive it was kind of scary because it was really foggy get in the camera oh my gosh babe I'm doing something I can only do one thing at a time babe the first half was super scary we're like driving through a cloud going through Chicago it was super super foggy but I mean once we got on the actual real Highway it cleared up pretty quickly and it's just dark now and that was it so but the first time was pretty scary but now it's just dark and we're gonna get some late night dinner here and maybe continue on a little bit are you gonna get a hot dog or a beer sandwich or a salad yeah okay we'll see why are you laughing you ain't got a salad let me see the receipt did I say salad on there what'd I say what's it saying there beef sandwich where's the salad what salad they're out there's no salad in sight [Music] now we're in oberweights got a little shake or a sweet or something while we charge and then figure out what we're going next now to charge which is like a block away overwise all right we're here at the Chargers has got a few more minutes left but we're actually going to make it to our next charging stop with 18 battery which is plenty of buffer for me so I feel okay with leaving right now we got our Oberweis The Latte here pretty good we kind of ran through us pretty quickly we're gonna hopefully get to St Louis since 1205 we're trying to get before midnight and we're not gonna book that hotel yet because we're not sure if we'll make it there if we get too tired on the way we're going to stop in Springfield or anywhere else between here in St Louis um but how do you feel about getting there tonight you want to try to get to St Louis yes I think we can do it we got like three hours here and then really quick the reason we're taking this trip like starting in the evening instead of tomorrow morning we're gonna take three and a half days to get back so today's like a quite a bit of a head start for us to take our normal three days to get back to Vegas so we can spend more time eating seeing things and not have to rush too much although we didn't rush too much in the way here but I'm just gonna take our time maybe get back to Vegas like Friday evening every Friday Friday night the latest but um I'm just taking a little more time to get back there kind of enjoy the ride here and we know what to expect now so we're going back the same way we came here down Route 66 so we'll see some more things take our time a little bit more and then enjoy ourselves after St Louis as long as we don't hit any more fog or crazy rain we should be okay to make it there I feel pretty good get there around midnight and let's see if we can do it [Music] all right got here with like 13 battery plug in a minute ago just here for a little bit we might stop in Casey's because she's never been in case it's like a Midwest staple for some like gas station Pizza it's supposed to be pretty good I think it's all right but anyway we'll stop here for a little bit and then get to St Louis at about midnight and at the end I'll add up how much I actually spent on charging this entire trip last stop was like 15 and this stop is just plug in a minute ago so not that much yet but at the end I'll show you guys the calculator thing editing up so I can see how much I spent from Vegas to Chicago and back coconut water you have that at home same exact one well we got the coconut water no it's not it's an Aloe drink oh same thing no it's close enough no it's not there's our car plenty of charge to get to St Louis and we'll go spend the night there what do you think about that yes all right we didn't need that much to actually get to the hotel and the hotel should have a destination charger but we have more than enough to just in case that's not working or someone's using it so we'll unplug here nice and easy and get going foreign [Music] destination charger there's actually four of them here and we're the only ones parked so pretty sweet setup we got here for the night we'll get it charged up pretty good for the morning and we can head on out with the full charge tomorrow all right what happened so we check in but the person at the front that doesn't know how to turn it on he said turn on the charging stations for overnight charging okay you know how to turn it on all right then talk about it so we won't get charging for tonight but we have enough battery to get where we need to get tomorrow so it'll be fine would have been nice saying overnight charging but they gotta turn them on he doesn't know how to it's kind of new so we're here for the night see you tomorrow for day two good morning from St Louis Missouri we are here luckily we got the charger working this morning so we got a little bit of charge to go to Rolla Missouri I'm gonna stop for some barbecue there about an hour and a half away and it's time to hit the road on day two we are off with 57 battery good thing we've got a little bit of charge we got there with about 12 it says hour and a half 11 o'clock time of arrival let's go let's go [Music] foreign [Music] Missouri Bandana's barbecue behind us just plugged in to charge for a little bit so the Chargers ramping up I don't know if we're gonna eat here we just had breakfast a few like an hour ago so we're actually pretty full so we actually won't eat here we'll go hang out get a drink or something though so while we're charging and waiting for this to open we're actually looking through our passport looking for some cool places to stop here in Missouri so we'll stop at a few on the way back we got more time to do that and we'll go check them out see how cool they are we lied we got a snake thank you bandanas again your favorite stop why is it this is my favorite stop so far because I feel like their food is really good and they're affordable it's really yes all right we got a few Tesla's charging here there's ours in the side our next few stops will be all Route 66 passport stops check out some cool things so stay tuned I'm excited all right we're hitting all these the little Route 66 Museum and then we're gonna hit Carthage for this little Visitor Center and then we will hit this Welcome Center [Music] foreign [Music] Ty are you tired of the library gift shop Museum we'll go check it out sign my name too this one's pretty cool that's pretty cool and I I think it's it's free we just kind of walked in here it's so quiet in here I also Trails Association tell us about this [Music] history I can't hear you it's a murder mystery it's crazy this is pretty cool as someone who's 27 years old I can't really relate to a lot of this stuff back in the day but there are a lot of old things here to look at 1940s switchboard like I don't even know what that is what are they these are salt and Shake salt and Shake shakers all of these look at this isn't that crazy oh at least the one that's open that we've seen so far that's the only thing that's open what do you think about the museum very interesting we got a little gift shop next to the museum too we're walking around a little bit what do you think of the gift shop I like it it's really cute is it interesting very Nifty Nifty yes you are what did you say about these honey straws it's Sabers honey straw four for a dollar so what to do if you're a runner this is a good source of sugar or glucose so you keep the end and you got all right so there was like a half Museum half Library we got our stamp and we got a little four by four little car sticker that's pretty cool what'd you think of that one I like it this museum is truly interesting and it shows a lot of histories histories histories there's our vehicle next stop we'll charge for a little bit in Springfield Missouri before our next two stops at this passport here [Music] foreign [Music] gives 10 percent off to all Tesla's supercharger people so just let them know you'll be charging and going and there they are we don't need a charger get 42 plenty to get to the next charger but we want to stop get a drink some coffee and stuff so we're gonna charge while we do that nice and convenient last time we were here there was a little bit of a wait and some charges were actually down and it was snowy so this is kind of nice to see an empty supercharging lot and nice weather ask about Tesla perks there you go so you're getting some coffee I'm gonna get some Highland chocolate milk see what this is all about so they got plenty of charge in the just a few minutes we were in there we got the chocolate milk and as a supercharger the coffee is free oh really yeah so oh that's pretty cool so you guys know come to Mac's sea store out here in Springfield Missouri get a free coffee when you charge with 66 state of charge we have plenty of battery to get to Carthage it's our next stop here in the book to get our stamp and a free gift bag so that'll be cool what do you think's in there and then gift bag probably stickers oh that was my guess I was gonna say a sticker well why not [Music] all right we're in Carthage we were in a country which like an hour and now we're parked right there in this like really small but very like packed to cities it's kind of cool what do you think so cute so the place we went to for our stamp was the wrong address the up they moved locations apparently so we walked into like a soap shop or something like a little homemade thing it was pretty weird but really cool so we got a bar of soap two bars of soap for free and then we bought like a like a little homemade jam too pretty cool little shop but now we're actually here at the real place which we're supposed to be at so let's see what the goodie bag they have for us is all right here is the right place we're supposed to be at so let's go in go in all right back in the car show them what we got all right wasn't stickers we didn't get a goodie bag or a sticker but we got a book about the history it says then and now it's about their history here Carthage and she um recommended to check out this thesis oh goodness I can see it yeah I don't know if we'll actually stick around here too long we're kind of not a tight schedule if we want to get going a little bit but it's a pretty small town pretty cool we're like in the country for like an hour and all of a sudden like boom hit this like big bus in town with a giant church and courthouse and stuff so that's pretty cool but no goodie bag no stickers but we got a little booklet here with a history of a small town and then we'll go to our next stop now thank you so we're here at Carterville Missouri and we were gonna stop by at that Super Jam ice cream parlors tap but unfortunately they are closed so now we're on our way to charge the Tesla all right we're here in Joplin just plugged in with like 38 that one place was closed the other one it was a goodie bag so we're a little upset but that's okay that's disappointing it's not upset we're just disappointed we wanted goody bags a book is cool but we're not going to read that book last time we were here is the one with the Harley Davidson store all the way back there if you can see that Hideout it was no wonder walking through snow last time so what is better we'll hang out for a little bit grab a drink use the bathroom while we charge right here all right we charge to seven cents we're here's the plan charge at katusa then we're gonna stop at pops where'd that go Pops to get some soda it's pretty cool place we'll check it out and then dinner at Subway eat it while we charge an OKC eat it fresh and no lollygag in between here and there what do you think I'm not Lolly gagging don't lie again let's get there we're getting hungry so our time for dinner is about 7 30. damn so no Molly gagging let's go foreign [Music] we made it to katusa or Tulsa the Hard Rock Cafe hotel casino all that right there we're gonna plug in charge for a bit maybe walk to the bathroom but it was kind of far so we'll see but anyways charger a little bit before we go to Pops soda ring we're gonna walk to the Hard Rock Casino um last time we were here I feel like I said a lot already but last time we were here it was so cold and snowy so we didn't really option the car but we're gonna walk this time and check it out hi guys it was actually cool I thought no no okay I thought it was cold it's 51 degrees and the entrance is actually right or one entrance is right there we parked right back there so not too bad of a walk at all whoa we're in the Hard Rock huh what do you think compared to Vegas hotels very interesting very interesting [Music] it's actually a really cool place check out this little like sports bar area it's nice this may look like Vegas but we're not home yet [Music] what a cool stop the Hard Rock Hotel Casino is huge in here free drinks walking around hanging out what do you think really busting we got lemonade no alcohol we're driving that's just lemonade you get it if you want but not for us this vehicles parking lot has a lot of charges when we left it was empty now there's four of us H staws available we're still getting a full charge so we're not we're not splitting it's time we're still getting over like 100 kilowatts right now all right we charged Sarah up to 74 75 about 11 next stop is one I'm excited about pops soda Ranch pop soda Ranch I hope you're okay and open they 've opened last time on the way to Chicago so hopefully they're open this time we'll check them out [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] charge pop soda ranch right behind us you ready yeah I'm really excited let's go babe that's a little soda bottle lit up in front it's open let's go in we got food here too look at all the different hundreds of different kinds of sodas here we'll find one that we want to try what do you think of all the sodas oh I'm overwhelmed [Music] ranch dressing that was a spaghetti how about this one mustard flavored soda these are all different it's crazy we got our passport stamped and we got six sodas I'll let her go through all the six that we got once you get the car so we got to OKC with 17 why don't you show us the sodas really quick before we eat a little bit waffles and syrup waffles and syrup pineapple ginger beer root beer root 66 beer [Music] and then we got some cream my cream my people whatever that is and peaches and cream which one do you think can be a favorite I think my favorite will be ginger beer oh I think peaches it's pretty good we didn't get the mustard or the ranch soda huh no because I don't know I don't want to waste my money there will do Facebook in the later video taste this Challenge in a later video if anywhere we're in OKC gonna charge up a little bit and then find a hotel for the night started at eight o'clock seems a lot later just so dark already but we'll see how far we get tonight nothing like some late night Subway dinner while watching murder mysteries it's fresh all right we just left the charger 89 we're gonna do one more two hour leg to Shamrock Texas stay at a hotel there for the night get there about 11 o'clock and she's booking it right now foreign [Music] we're here in Shamrock just plugged in came with like 10 charge we'll get a bit of charge overnight because we don't have a destination charger tonight so we got to get enough so we can leave in the morning we're gonna walk around for a little bit in the meantime how do you feel about walking around I'm kind of tired but but let's go walk to wake us up it'll feel good and then we can hit the hay for the night we are in Shamrock this might look familiar right up here yeah we sat there and took a picture we took a picture there we were here during the day last time though so this is a little different almost like a ghost town here in scary they're playing music over there last time I wonder what that is a club over there or something I'm not sure but ghost town tonight are you done walking around yeah I'm freaking it's not that cold it's like it's 35 because you got six stalls another model X over here is with us yeah it's a little corner off Route 66 out here in Shamrock all right it's recharged from like 10 to 80 percent um it costs about there we go 17.21 that should get us pretty good for overnight Sentry mode and pretty easily to our next supercharger tomorrow morning we are going to go to the hotel and call it a night from here so we will see you guys tomorrow at the beginning of day two and a half good morning it's 9 45 and we're leaving a little bit late because there's a lot of gagging over here we're not lollygagging babe good morning guys I just want to let you know I'm Not Lola gagging I just didn't really feel good so I took my time anyways we are off to Flagstaff today hopefully getting there I don't know we'll see [Music] we got 75 Battery next stop is Amarillo Texas we got there with 22 percent about an hour and a half let's go [Music] thank you we're backing into the charger I got a pretty good nap in how was the drive I was this wasn't too bad hour and a half we're in Amarillo Texas gonna charge up for a little bit pretty efficient Decker 29 percent she's plugging in right now I got a 250 charger here gonna stop for some food maybe get a Wendy's over there Mitch's Texas barbecue and a little gas station are you hungry yet or no are you hungry I gotta pee okay we'll go and use the bathroom and hang out walk around a little bit I'm not hungry at all it's a little early for me but this looks like a pretty sweet lunch spot I will however grab this coffee for myself try it out wake up a little bit what are you gonna get probably coffee again yeah again I'm gonna try the successful a few times I have to choose from regular all right pretty cool stuff a little playground over there too a lot of food options big gas stations right now we're off the highway too and we are parked right over there with other superchargers all right it's holding up pretty good so far what do you think how's the car doing good I think so so all right we should be good to go it says I got two minutes left to continue but we'll get to the next stop with 15 which is plenty of buffer there I don't know if we'll stay for 45 minutes we'll probably add a charger between here and Albuquerque just to spend less time at each one but we'll wait for lunch at the next stop too so two two kamkari we go we go here we go here we go We're not gonna stop anywhere in Texas for our stamps not a lot of options we're only in Texas a bit we're already here at the midpoint Cafe and they were closed remember yeah so we're not going and try it there we're not gonna go back their stop will be [Music] foreign [Music] all right we had a little sweet tea Fiasco spilling it over there we got our McDonald's picked it up gonna eat some quick lunch while we charge but over there by Holiday Express all right we got here at 27 there's the McDonald's right across a lot so we picked that up for some lunch and we're gonna eat while we charge because know what no Lolly gagging no Molly gagging try to beat your fishing here eat all we charge I'll stay here for a little bit and see where our next stop is at all right heading out of Kari we're gonna get to Santa Rosa with plenty of charge left quick little leg here less than an hour just had some McDonald's for lunch feeling good foreign [Music] battery quick charger 61 degrees let's walk outside it's nice out all right I'll show you how hard these Chargers are to actually do of course the button the one time pull the video out the button is not working usually open on its own you plug it in wait a few seconds and that's that's literally it hi guys we're here at New Mexico I don't know which part though Santa Rosa oh Santa Rosa it's actually nice doesn't the mother feel like Vegas I feel it's really nice this last time we were it was really snowy and I didn't really want to walk out yeah I made it a walk by the little dog area over there last time it was super cold but this is 61 and sunny it feels like Vegas we must be really good we must be close stay close to Las Vegas Nevada yes we're going in the holiday and not much around here besides this so we'll go oh we make a deodorant here [Music] we're traveling with that model S everywhere we go to charge we see him with us California okay science places California It's a Long Way from Home For Real all right we're gonna leave Santa Rosa next stop will be Albuquerque almost two hours away and uh we have plenty of charge to get there so get there at 22 discharging trip cost us about ten dollars so let's unplug and get going foreign here in Albuquerque plugged in with 30 battery we're gonna stop this Enchanted Trails RV park next but we're by the ABQ mall last time we were here again it was dark and cold we stayed the night here in Albuquerque last time so we'll walk around a little bit the wall That's nice out things should be open yep you wanna go walk yeah we're gonna walk to the mall because last time it was close right tell them what happened last time we were driving by with the homeless person oh yeah it was late at night and we were getting out of the parking lot and I saw this homeless person was walking away and then a few blocks after there was like a busha set on fire so he is acting sus so I feel like that was him what's up the bush is on fire yeah it was a big bush it's a big fire everybody should you call the cop or something but I was like uh no we're not from here we're just passing by yeah some homeless guys had a bush on fire right like past this corner over here and we were driving out last time very interesting very sus Mexico people on Lookout we have also been listening to murder mystery podcasts on the way here so what do you think about the murder mystery podcast so far some of them are soft some of them were like not really interesting the one we listened to now though part one two and three yeah very interesting and we got a Target so I get some deodorant I ran out yesterday I've been using hers and we're gonna use a bathroom all right we got my deodorants we are walking back to the car now what happened in Target so we walked into Target and then we saw like these police officer security guards talking to kind of like a homeless person kind of it was a homeless person yes he is clean anyways anyways he's trying to insist to go inside but they're not letting him allowed to go to the store okay they're kicking him out there's a big argument they're like I have security uh people a couple officers on the entrance and last time we were here we said that homeless person caught a fire to the bush so New Mexico is two for two with suspicious activity yeah all right so we got the mall right here superchargers walking back to our car right back there you can see them lined up beautiful Mountain View we have plenty of charge to continue our trip let's see where we're going next all right 82 supercharge I forgot we're going to the enchanted Trails RV park to get a little stamp for our um passport then we're going to Gallup New Mexico so bit of a leg here up ahead let's get going ABQ Uptown New Mexico Mall Albuquerque nice Mall suspicious people yeah all right here's a passport goes to sign it yeah I mean the Christmas tree oh really I know hi hi you're a sticker this is our sticker so cute a bunch of old photographs other ancestors all right cool little stop at this Trading Post trailer park a little gift shop show them what we got oh I got a sticker we got a sticker and Enchanted Trails Enchanted trails in our stamp right here and there's a stamp from Enchanted Trails pretty cool pretty cool huh pretty cool stop next stop is Gallup New Mexico about two hours out a little less we have 77 we'll get there at 27. enough we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] to eat some dinner where Cracker Barrel Cracker Barrel's cracking all right we plugged in with 26 just started charging now uh next up might be Flagstaff for the night for the hotel for the night we'll see if we just stop before them but I think staying here for about half an hour while we eat our Cracker Barrel should be able to make it to Flagstaff Cracker Barrel take out to eat while we charge save some time your salad I got uh chicken and french toast and some good Mythical Morning Good Mythical Morning on YouTube doesn't get much better than this except for our Ranch incident happened a second ago open the ranch explode over the place so we had to clean that up but we're good we're at a 150 charger and splitting so we're only getting 60 kilowatts of power here so we're gonna add the Holbrook charger on the way we already have enough better to get there with about 25 left over stop there for a little bit it's a faster charger anyways at 250 so that'll be awesome charger fill up it before a final destination for the night which is Flagstaff and also a good update on the cost of our charging sessions last time was a little under nine dollars um I'll add them up at the end to see what our total cost is for the trip here up to Holbrook Arizona [Music] all right just plugged in and Holbrook 25 of charge will sit here for a little bit enough to get to Flagstaff see how long that takes we were here last time this is where we got the Burger King before but the Burger King is the only thing that's around this entire area and we have an empty supercharger here 12 stalls and it's just us so we'll walk around a little bit keep our legs loose and then call it for the night in Flagstaff yes so there's been a lot of rock chips in my car driving across the country obviously I don't have ppf on it I don't see or knows anything too crazy but we just saw something actually on the way here a little bit of you can even see it here so I get the camera on it yeah a little bit in the windshield there I mean it is not cracked just like a little chip there kind of annoying I mean you can't see it from well I mean you can now you think you know we're set but we'll see hopefully doesn't get any worse I don't think it will but from Vegas to Chicago and back so far no like big apparent Rock Chip something crazy happening and we're already almost back home so keep our fingers crossed that that's the worst of it but that is kind of annoying huh yeah yeah hopefully no more five percent uh here for like 10 minutes costs us almost thirteen dollars and we have enough to get to Flagstaff for the knife we have plenty of charge so we should be good and last stop off to Flagstaff [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right made it here 21 battery we got the uh overnight destination charging to plug in behind us a little bit of snow on the way here I can still see it coming down pretty good what do you think I got scared of the snow it was kind of a I mean going so fast in this kind of hard to see with this dark windshield but we made it and we're safe and here for the night all right so do you want to go plug a car in I don't know how you know how to do it I I suddenly I don't remember how oh why that's annoying all right we are plugged in and charging we're at the destination charger here at the hotel this is just a regular EV charger these are both Tesla ones but we couldn't use this because this Model S parked like this so we couldn't squeeze in here so we just used this one got this charger got the adapter for it so it all worked out here we are the snow one last time we're out of Chicago almost in Vegas but one more night of snow for us I guess huh all right we're in our hotel room signing off for the night the good thing about the destination charges that will wake up with the full charge courtesy of the hotel here free for us that's cool and we'll catch you guys for our last day from Flagstaff to Vegas tomorrow should be a short trip day three good night good morning good morning from Flagstaff Arizona day three and a half we have a short trip to Vegas like four hours so we slept in a little bit it's like 10 30 right now we're gonna take our time getting back but get there relatively soon supposed to sunny out we'll go check out the visitor center here really quick get our stamp for our passport uh get some lunch and then start heading home and with the charge I got 90 battery I could have gotten 100 but I didn't want to leave it at 100 overnight that's not too good for like a long drive to the battery so I set it to like 80 woke up to 90 and then now we're here at 90 better plenty to get us to where we need to go next so off we go foreign [Music] Flagstaff with our passport gonna get the stamp at The Visitor Center which is right to our left station it is I don't know but here we go come in here oh there's our Amtrak stuff cool stuff on the back of this cups mugs Christmas ornaments patches all checked out leaving The Visitor Center we got a nice little bag with our stamp and what else did we get from The Visitor Center ornament like there's two cards collecting ornaments don't forget their old Christmas tree the front it says Flagstaff Abacus has Route 66 how perfect huh how perfect just like my baby we got our stamp right there in the visitor center off we go for lunch we're going to the Roadkill Cafe in Seligman Arizona about an hour drive from here you can see it right there and then we'll continue on to charging Kingman and then make our final trip back to Vegas and in Seligman we have this little sticker too or a sticker stamp for this Cafe so that's why we're going there to get a stamp get some food continue our trip [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] batteries it's like the most historic town we've been to we're going to eat really quick and then get some pictures look around a little bit but it's pretty cool huh I'm excited yes let's go I think this is a real jail yeah it says oh dang we're definitely going in there after we eat Phil's Cafe from them and then this is what we got a little sticker it's pretty cool I think you hear his homemade it seems like he's a homemade dessert section homemade soup a little family-owned business back in the day it's pretty cool while we're waiting for our food we're gonna walk around a little gift shop they have back here the bar area and all that cool stuff red salad everything here is like homemade it's pretty cool like coffee too yeah pretty good oh my God on the tail end of our trip this might be our best meal yet puddle is that wonderful how was the food I feel really good obviously the best food in Chicago but the best food on our trip here with the experience and the family-owned Vibe and stuff those everything is good that was pretty good highly recommended all right let's go check out the town a little bit so this is the original route C6 Road like the OG OG Road I believe and this town is actually where the movie's cars is based out of radiation Town Radiator Springs I believe who were wrong I think it's right um and they're supposed to be like old cars around the neighborhood over here and we'll try to find some maybe that's one from Cars I'm not sure but there's another one over here too pretty cool all right we're gonna get in the jail get into jail I wonder if these I don't know if they're original or not but it's pretty cool there's nothing else there's nothing in there come on hurry up for the video for the YouTube well face your fears babe okay good night no here's an old car too did you see it right here it doesn't fit in here at all so the history of these is that on this day in 1863 absolutely nothing happened that's pretty cool all right one more thing for YouTube go take a poop in here there's two we can poop together come on let's go no sit down no so Seligman pretty cool town all right which is really dirty driving through five staff in the snow but it's a pretty cool town here next stop will be Kingman about an hour away we'll charge there we will arrive at 30 we got 59 right now let's go let's go [Music] thank you [Music] all right Kingman Arizona Route 66 Museum which plugged in here 250 kilowatt charger we got here at 30 percent we'll use the bathroom gonna drink or some stuff and then by the time we're done you're ready to go little train action this place might look familiar this is where we got our passport at the beginning of this whole thing so we are very close to home let's go let's go look for any souvenirs plates a bunch of other souvenirs also and the museum upstairs the whole trip comes full circle this is where we got our passport to even begin with Good Times I'm sad our vacation is almost over I'm not even getting sad you don't want to go home yeah I don't want to go home I'm gonna go on vacation got I think 12 or 15 charging stations here right inside this Museum here's a regular parking lot so a pretty convenient spot all right I thought we need to stop one more time before we get to home but our next stop is actually home two hours we'll get there with plenty of battery and this is the the last leg of the of the trip here's our murder mystery you're watching how do you feel I'm really getting sick you're getting sad we'll stop at UNLV first to get a book for her so I won't go home just yet but yeah this is our last supercharger here goodbye superchargers goodbye superchargers and vacation for now back to reality all right I can't believe we can make it from Kingman Las Vegas after like half a charge that's crazy it's two hours away it's crazy but here we go well it's UNLV first but then this is it wrapping up quite soon [Music] babe [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right babe we're back in Vegas we're back in Vegas how do you feel a little bit sad for real no I'm not being exaggerating why I just don't want to go back to school but I have to and back to reality and I don't know I just enjoy our time together you're sad yeah but it's okay it'll be okay here we are one last stop UNLV Student Union University of Nevada Las Vegas for those who don't know to get my book for the semester so is this our is this a vacation stop or are we doing a vacation I think we're done on vacation dang it it's not Route 66 but we'll show you around a little bit this is the Student Union I've only been in here to use the bathroom before and I'll do it again little Jamba Juice action a bunch of little places to eat and we're gonna walk out these doors to hit the bookstore right across the alleyway over there this is where you order food and they delivered in campus what they put the food inside and then they will deliver to you a little robot thing yeah that's pretty cool that's pretty cool here's the bookstore where it says bookstore welcome to my anniversary and it's called UNLV anniversary University owner of Las Vegas here we are the bookstore oh this doesn't feel like a vacation style it's not a vacation stuff but you know what they got a better basketball team than Illinois uh this year I think they do next stop is officially home I don't want to go home we are officially in front of our garage back in Las Vegas how do you feel I'm not ready we went all the way from Las Vegas to Chicago and back to Las Vegas over 4 000 miles we'll recap it on a little bit what it was like what distracting Tesla was like all our experiences but we finally made it made it back home safe all right we just got back from our road trip the next day here so we're gonna go through some stuff that might be some questions or concerns you may have some questions that some family and friends have asked us about our road trip here so first of all people want to ask about the charging cost the total charging cost for our trip and do you want to tell them here we edit it all up so our total charging costs is 499.61 and that's the total from from Vegas to Chicago and back the total of the whole trip all right we're making edit so you had one job what was the real cost 4 49.99 449 or 4 000 miles or about 500 bucks and then um going there was what do you think on the way back it a little bit cheap 192 and 97 cents and the reason for that is because I think on the way back well all the superchargers are priced differently Depending on time of day and peak hours and stuff so we're always going to have some variability but on the way back I think we're jumping a little bit more at night and maybe this just changes their cost so it's not just all like a flat rate for x amount of Miles depends on the charger the price of the charger and there is quite a variability there so long time yeah and time of the day all that stuff yeah so it's not always set in stone x amount of money for X miles it just depends on the charger they all have different rates for different times of day different peak hours and everything like another question we had was about the full self-driving Tesla so we we bought full self-driving for the trip here we get like a monthly subscription and what was their experience like with full self-driving what'd you think I was scared in the beginning because I don't know I feel like oh should I really trust this car to drive by itself I mean when I turn it on it did really good especially when like up going to the mountains and down and like next to the big trucks and it went pretty smooth I wasn't scared to drive after like 30 minutes of driving in it I would recommend the full self-driving in terms of long road trip across the country but for you to have it monthly I don't think so just because I think it's expensive and I don't think it's worth it just yet I think full self driving is not there yet I think there are a lot of issues not a lot but like getting on and off the highways I noticed a lot of just like speeding up to get on slowing down take it off like you know if you get off and go on 17 you got to slow down and make a sharp turn it takes a while to slow down and it kind of gets jerky a little bit there but in terms of like the standard autopilot versus the full self-driving on the highway is having that auto lane change is super super awesome you don't have to disengage to change lanes and that was Flawless the entire time I mean if the full stop shouting itself it's really safe you're not gonna get an accident but it's not just like Smooth yet and if you're paying that much for it and expecting it to be full full self-driving it's just it's just not there yet but um I think for a road trip autopilot would be it'd be it would stop us for sure but it would be a little bit more annoying having to disengage to switch lanes and re-engage where the full self-driving you just turn the blinker on and it goes for you if you wanted to you can even turn that feature off but just do it automatically for you but um I think either way um autopilot or full self-driving versus not having that at all on any other car would have been like a nightmare for us going across the country it was a million times easier to just put it on and relax you wouldn't like we would drive all day and we wouldn't feel like fatigued or tired afterwards we'd get to our stop our destination and and feel fine yeah so another question we got a lot was that we were going home for Christmas and there was a huge storm in the midwest where we went we actually left the day later that we wanted to to kind of avoid that storm but with that we hit the back end of it which we didn't get a lot of snow but we got like Sub-Zero temperatures for most of our trip on the way there and how reliable were the superchargers do you think I we didn't have any problems until we got into Illinois um the rest from Vegas to you know New Mexico New Mexico to Oklahoma and Oklahoma to to Illinois we were fine until want to enter Illinois yeah so so um if you watch if you watch out of spec you know Kyle you saw I mentioned his video about like the nightmare that Evie drivers had during the winter this winter storm and we did not have that pretty much at all we stopped at one charger so we were like very close Chicago and it was late at night it was below zero were out of like eight stalls like three or four weren't working but um there was like one other car there's we just we just had to move and we plugged in fine and other than that like we had no issues on the way there or the way back besides just that little thing there and it's very important to think because it's like if you get to a charger with like 10 15 battery and you need the charger to work and it doesn't work then you're kind of screwed and Tesla is like the gold standard with reliability there so it's not something I was worried about at all to be honest even though I know I'd be super super cold um even if it was snowy you know there's a danger of driving the snow but like in terms of charging I I knew it would be okay another road trip question not tests are rated at all was um I was just traveling like in the winter versus Summer and this is something that we noticed a lot the uh the driving times felt a lot longer than they actually were because during the winter the sun sets so early compared to the summer like it was 4 30 and it was dark in most places so or getting dark and we were driving until like eight or nine o'clock at night so after driving like five hours in the dark you know it feels like it's super late when it's really not and even though like like I said the test like said earlier the Tesla self-driving for like the full self-driving it made the trip go by a lot smoother a lot easier but it still just felt like long driving at night for a couple hours in a row whereas if we went in the summer I cross country summer road trip it'd be much much more preferable I think for us I think because it'd just be sunnier for so much longer it would be easier and things are open later and it's just like those dark areas you get to sometimes in the country you don't have to worry about that in the stomach if it's sunny until like eight or nine o'clock at night so another question I get a lot is did I have like ppf for my car and I don't um and you know driving across the country there and back I would expect to get some like rock ships and stuff like that but honestly I didn't get any I looked at my car it looks pretty good um so people are worried about getting a Tesla and having ppf and just you know to avoid Little Rock chips in the paint there's plenty of ways to to fix them I think if they do happen um I was expecting maybe a little bit to go there across the country but I didn't get any Raptors in my car but I did get a little chip in the windshield which ppf would not have prevented anyway a message for another windshield I don't know if you can or not I don't think you can but she found that when we were like already already on our way back in Arizona um during that last little stretch there we I was behind a truck and you know you heard it and we're like oh that didn't sound too good right so we stopped the charge and then what'd you find and then I was being nosy and I was just looking around the windshield and I was like oh I saw a small rock and I was like scraping it yeah yeah it was like just a little bit okay yeah you guys saw the video it's it's not something that's gonna go across yeah and it is on the windshield so if I had ppf it wouldn't have stopped that from happening anyway but like the front bumper of my car and everything it had a few rocks with it but as far as I can tell it handled it pretty well I don't really see anything no yeah you can tell it's just it's just the windshield so in terms of if you think you need ppf or not I I don't want to sway you one way or the other but I don't have it and I was fine going across the country Chicago and back so yeah and the most important question for last week a lot of these from people who don't know much about Tesla or EVS at all is it even possible to take a long road trip in an electric vehicle or in a Tesla what do you think obviously we got they're safe and back home safe and made our Drive easier much easier and comfortable and I don't know I just feel safer and I wish I can have a test on one day I I would say it's not only possible I think it's easier than going in any other car not I wouldn't say in an EV I don't know if I rely on all other chargers like I said I refer to out of spec Kyle's amazing job up there you can see he does a lot of other EV charging networks and stuff like that and they're just not up to the gold standard of Tesla so I don't know if I would go on a road trip in any other EV besides the Tesla but I will say traveling in a Tesla with the reliability of the supercharging network and the autopilot or full self-driving makes it much much easier to do a road trip in compared to any other car so not only is it possible it is much easier in my opinion would you agree 100 all right that's all we got thanks for watching um
Channel: Vegas Tesla Family
Views: 11,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UZWqp4_wePg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 18sec (5838 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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