$40 Running Shoe VS $300 Running Shoe!!

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in this video i will be comparing a 300 running shoe to a pair that costs only 40 dollars if you watched one of my last videos you saw that i bought these the nike alpha fly next percent which are nike's most expensive pair of running shoes and after spending all of that money on these shoes i thought to myself how much of a difference is there really between these and nike's cheapest running shoe so that is what i will be digging into in today's video i will be doing a blind test to see if i actually can feel a difference between the shoes and i will be comparing the running economics between the shoes and i will also simply test how fast i can run in the different shoes but first i gotta find them by nike's the cheapest running shoe so let's just finish up this run and see what i can find online when i get back home [Music] that was a super nice little morning run and also luxurious one with the nike alpha vice i'm getting spoiled with those shoes so let's instead buy some really cheap ones here so what i will do is that i will find nike's cheapest pair of running shoes on their own web shop so first let's sort of their price beginning with the highest so these are the alpha fly shoes that i have and even though they are expensive in america they are way more expensive in norway here in norway they cost almost 400 but let's sort after the sheep test instead and see what we can find here okay so here we have some sheep shoes 40 dollars for this not bad these are the cheapest they look pretty minimalistic let's see okay but they are not in my size so let's see if these for 42 bucks are in my size yes they are in my size okay so this will be the ones i will go for they are called the nike renewam and it says they are designed with the everyday runner in mind and they they look pretty comfortable but i'm really curious how they will feel compared to my alpha flies the nike renew just arrived so let's start the testing so here we have the 40 dollar running shoe let's start off the comparison with comparing the weight between these and the alpha vice 348 grams for the nike renew run and the alpha flies weighing at 235 grams so the nike alpha flies are at least a lot more lightweight than the nike renew run so my next test will be the blind test and for that i think i need my wife elin's help and i need your help to tie my shoes you can't tie your shoes i'm doing a blind test can you please help me tie my shoe for so how this will work is that erlang will choose any of these two pair of shoes and tie them to my feet and without looking i will go out and of course i will remove my blinds when i go out running but then i will not look down and now then i will see if i can feel which or which are you ready yeah okay then i will can you lead me to the door okay so pretty immediately i think i know which shoes i'm wearing you know which is i'm wearing i do not know but this fuels feels very bouncy i can really feel the energy return so probably you know which is i think it is but i will wait until i try the other pair to give my final verdict which i think is switch but yeah these shoes feel amazing you feel fast in this use too much i can say i'm getting my blinds on okay okay i found the shack thank you for tying my shoes i used to work in a shoe store so yeah so you have a special skill set for tying other people's shoes they're all okay so let's try the other pair of shoes yeah this shoes feels comfortable as well and yeah they feel pretty nice but they feel way different than the first pair i was wearing the first pair you really get the bounce back in any turn these are pretty well captioned but you don't get that energy return in each step so i'm pretty sure that these are the nike renew the 40 dollar ones so now i'm looking down let's see yes i was right i have now ran with both of these shoes a bit more and as i said in my blind test for sure the alpha vice felt a lot more bouncy and the feeling of energy return you get from these are way bigger but with that said i also liked the nike renew they they do not feel that fast but they have a comfortable fit and the cushioning is pretty okay not as cushioned as these ones but i still enjoyed the feeling of running in this but with that said this felt a lot faster but let's check if that was just a feeling i got or if this actually will perform a lot better in my test as well so let's go out and see how fast these shoes actually are [Music] i'm ready to do the main testing between the 40 run issues and the 300 running shoes and the testing i will do now is that i will run six into all repetitions or one kilometers on the exact same route on the road behind me here and between each interval rep i will be switching between the two shoes and i will be trying to hit three minutes and 20 seconds for each interval rep and when i get back home i will just compare my average heart rate for the intervals that i ran with the nike renew run and then nike alpha flights and that should give me a pretty good indication of how good the running economics are in the different shoes and it's a lovely day to run some intros here so let's just get the warm-up done and then see how it feels to run fast in these 40 dollar running shoes [Music] i'm done with the sixth and last interval and it felt good especially on the intervals i ran with the alpha fly but once again it didn't feel bad either with a nike renew run but i just felt that i had to work a little bit harder to keep the same pace with those use the final testing of the shoes that i will do is a all out speed test and then i will simply do a 80 meters all out sprint here also here six times three times with the sheep shoes and three times with expensive shoes and of course with a long rest in between to recover and then i will compare my average split time for that 80 meter sprint so let's just get this session finished with some sprinting i'm not the fastest guy but it'll be fun to try to run fast and see how fast the shoes so i'm done with my testing and the session which turned out to be a pretty good session as well and i only asked joke back home and then i will share the results of my tests with you [Music] it's time for the fun part to share my results from the testing with you but before i share the results it would mean a lot if you hit the like button to this video if you liked it and if you want to see more videos feel free to subscribe to the channel and if you want to support this channel and my videos even more you can also check out my patreon page where you will get an exclusive podcast training programs and different behind the scenes stuff so there's a link to that patreon page in the description to this video as well okay so how did actually this 40 dollar shoe compared to the 300 dollar ones here i have the test results and for my one kilometer intervals my average pace with the alpha flies was three minutes and 15.5 seconds and for the renew run it was three minutes and 16 seconds so pretty spot on the same pace just a half seconds faster with alpha flies and when i saw this i thought okay i think the average heart rate will be way higher with a renew run but to my big surprise the average heart rate for both of these shoes was 153.3 beats per minute so no real difference the area and just a half of a second difference in how fast i ran the intervals so the 40 dollar shoe did for sure not perform bad in my testing but a slight disclaimer these tests are of course not super scientifical and also i think the nike renew run got a little bit of an advantage because i started out the first interval in those shoes but still really interesting and cool to me to see that they were so close in this test and when it came to my speed test i also here was just slightly faster with the nike alpha flies my average split tier was 13.6 seconds with alpha flies and 13.8 seconds with a nike renew run so what's the takeaway from this comparison first of all you for sure do not need to buy a super expensive pair of running shoes to enjoy running or even to run fast the difference you can do with just doing good training is far beyond what you can get from running shoes so don't be stressed if you can't afford to buy one of these really expensive running shoes if you have the bud yet and think they will motivate you to do more running just go for it because as i said earlier they are really fun to run in and that bouncy feeling is really cool and i also think it's a bit easier on your legs when you do hard sessions but as i said i also enjoyed a lot to run in the 40 dollar ones so that's such a cool thing with running that it really doesn't have to be expensive in any way hope you like this video and if you want me to do other shoe videos or comparison just comment down below what you would like to see and as always thanks for watching train smart have fun and i will see you in the next [Music] video you
Channel: Göran Winblad
Views: 77,282
Rating: 4.9115839 out of 5
Keywords: best running shoes, running shoe reviews, nike alphafly, nike alphafly next percent, running everyday, ingebrigtsen, running, running training, distance running, running tips, marathon training, running inspirational video, running inspiration, i ran everyday, running challenge, seth james demoor, the ginger runner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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