40 Pounds Of Tannerite Blowing A Beaver Dam Up!!! (parked ranger on wrong side)

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foreign [Music] [Music] what's up guys I'm out here today with the old famous Trapper Jay and uh he called me up last week and said hey I got about 47 pounds of tannerite and we need to blow some dams up I said well I have a dam so we're out here today we're gonna blow this damn up we're getting ready to do some prepping and figure out exactly where we want to dig this thing up at it's a big old Dam though a lot of water back there if someone wants to come out here to dig this hole for us we'll shoot it [Laughter] yeah stay tuned guys we'll be with you foreign [Music] I think we'll kind of cut some of these little sticks here don't mat down this grass will help you we'll be about seven we'll be about 75 yards or [Applause] known to move Dead Fast some reason all right we got it all buried and packed pretty tight yeah should be a big boom I haven't done one this big yet pepper days done a few of them pretty big if you haven't went and seen them videos go check those ones out because that water comes a flying we almost lost the camera if I remember right here yeah all right we're gonna go get everything set up get the camera situated and then we're gonna fire in the hole we've got a few leaves to go through but they'll be all right thank you [Music] foreign [Laughter] yeah it's there it's just hanging off oh my God oh my God hey addicting yeah that was awesome you did Miss I kind of jumped the gun just a hair I might have guys died that was so awesome okay I'm gonna fly down hey dude that's awesome look at all that yep I told you that big pile of would probably be gone it looks like the Missouri River a little damn right out wrong way the Drone was up there a long ways and she took on some debris I didn't think it was up there still after that that's the most I couldn't hear it I've had [Music] all right we're about oh roughly 200 yards roughly before we just shot that Dam this is where the tube is and it is just flying through that too so awesome but this is probably the longest damage okay you can walk out there now [Applause] is that panoramic costs a hundred dollars that's a really cheap excavator yeah you're 100 right I never looked at it like that yeah I mean that's a deep hole we've we've just created this we put the screen back where it was that's where the original screen was and Navigators will have to move somewhere else foreign here's our GoPro tree I'm still setting strong you need to get your uh yeah all right here too oh dude it's plastered here it says as we walk up on it it's not clean anymore I'm gonna get a bath tonight that was awesome I probably won't ever do four pounds of tannerite anymore it's hard that's what I told you earlier it's hard to hard to justify it now I asked him I said so on the little little dams do you just do like two to four pound Tannerite and he's like well probably but after you do 50 pounds you don't want to do two to four you want to do 50 pounds or more so that was awesome um we'll be doing that again for sure I got several dams I'll order more
Channel: Trapped UP Outdoors
Views: 268,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s0dyZTsWnZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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