Blowing Beaver Dams Up With Tannerite Eps 27 - 3 Beaver Dams - What A Struggle

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yeah another one right there make it look really [Music] big big beaver though [Music] oh we got some rain coming in [Music] any oh mother freak line with what's up guys we're out here we're going to be blowing up some beaver dams today we're getting ready to Jay actually Justin told me this Trapper Jay whatever you guys want to call him uh he actually told me this last year when we blew up a dam that you guys can't transport any of this stuff after it's already mixed so we're out here where we're going to be blowing the dams up get ready mix in our tanerite we got the we have three dams we're going to blow up Mr Spire here Seth Spire this is his family's property and we're just helping the farmers out the best we can and uh yeah cheaper than an excavator yep cheaper than an excavator and it's a lot more fun so stay tuned guys and we'll get right out get on the side here go over that way keep going there you go Telly [Music] went little more [Music] more all right quite a bit we can always fit more in if we think we need a fit more you're basically losing it all yeah this is going to be the big batch so we might as well put a little extra in it what do you think we got to do one small badge don't we for the B [Applause] yes It Don't Fit the bucket does it no plan's got an iglo cooler we're going to fill up he wants to blow it up so bad I don't know why and he wants to get in a on a tube and go down the thing after oh my God he's getting a carry away with it yeah I'd say it's got about [Music] perfect yep so you'll do the big one first have to go the other two well we're just going to get the hole ready and probably place the bucket go get those holes ready get the buckets ready throw them in there bam we'll drive down you'll do the yeah yeah I would say the homeowner can watch from somewhere yeah well there's a big not a big but there there's a nice won't interfere with us running down to the there's a nice D there's already kind of a natural hole right here Jay's just going to make it just a little bit better we're going to shoot be about 75 yards from here shooting right here and big old explosion a lot more water than I prer that one log right there would come out oh yeah let me try to grab it [ __ ] it's solid solid yeah I I almost brought the chainsaw too do stay in that water like bring bring some sticks in or something and sit it on it think it's moving here it's [ __ ] pretty solid it is you want to put some sticks or something so we can set it on the sticks like in the bottom the bucket yeah but I need to get a backf than that trying think have anything at all my here we go there you go oh yeah I'll pull it yep that guy out how big a hole that well take out this whole section right here easily that yeah and the water will eat the rest away yeah it it's crazy the water gradually eats us all way and it gets it back down basically good thing is you can come out here and find out if there's any Beaver left I I told Seth I said I think there's a couple more left in here but and get them while they're rebuilding yeah it'll be easy to get them get them trapped I wonder how long well you got to think too I mean Seth how many did I trap the first year I was here six was it I thought it was like 10 you got another six I think I've trapped like anywhere from 20 to 25 beavers out of here cuz I've trapped it for 3 years me that bucket yeah just to make sure it fits water was a little taller than I thought it was that'll be perfect that'll be perfect when to get jammed in [Music] [Applause] there going now the Tad more work than an excavator but it's still cheaper and more fun let me lay down get my foot in there and jam it in there oh yeah that'll blow that should be perfect well I uh had a dead bullet missed twice Jay adjusted it so I can see it a little bit better take number 69 I can hardly see it I think I'm about to get like right beside the damn thing I I can just vaguely see it I try one [Music] more yeah what okay well I literally can't shoot it Jay's going to shoot it from about 30 yards away I can't hardly see the target he [Music] for all well guys I forgot to do an exit interview uh one went Kaboom the second one did not go Kaboom uh not sure what happened I'm not sure if the first shot cuz the Water started coming over the dam and I don't know if we hit the top of it which caused a hole and then water filled it up I'm not really sure third one went really big Kaboom and I don't think I got any footage of that so went terribly but it was still fun appreciate you guys watching
Channel: Trapped UP Outdoors
Views: 7,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a0sqr7EQer8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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