40+ Online Tools & Resources For Web Developers & Designers

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/BDMBlaze 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Brad is great.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this video is sponsored by dev Mountain if you're interested in learning web development iOS or UX design dev Mountain is a 12-week design and development boot camp intended to get you a full-time position in the industry to learn more visit dev mountain comm or click the link in the description below what's going on guys so I've been really really busy trying to work on my my courses my react course have another responsive web site course that I'm trying to finish up so no coding today I'm just gonna go through a list of resources for web developers and in what I mean here is not anything that you have to install not any Chrome extensions or plugins or anything like that these are all just browser-based resources and tools that maybe you guys can find useful and I'm sure a lot of you have heard heard of some of these but I put them all into a gist and I'll put the link in the description and I've separated them by category so we're gonna start with generators so a lot of you guys probably know and have used this before Lipson comm where you can generate dummy text if you're creating like a blog application and you want to see what a post looks like with text instead of just thinking of it on your own or whatever you can just generate paragraphs or words so we'll say generate five paragraphs and it gives us a bunch of text okay so very very simple and if you use Emmet in your text editor you really don't need it because alarm there's alarm abbreviation where you can create text so favicon generator this is by dynamic drive and this has been around forever I used to use this like a decade ago and you basically can just take any image so we'll go ahead and choose a PNG image of my logo and then click create icon and it can be a PNG jpg gif and it's going to create a 16 by 16 favicon okay so it's going to be an ICO file and you can download it and then all you have to do is put this script right near HTML and you have a favicon okay and this next one here is a maca root comm this is one of my favorites on this list because you can generate all types of data in all different formats so for here we have ID first name last name email gender IP address if we want to add another field let's say credit card obviously credit underscore card and then if we click here we can choose a data type and there's so many different types here I think there's 142 so we're gonna grab they even have like car models and stuff like that so we're gonna grab credit card and then we can generate up to a thousand rows for free I think if you want more you can actually pay a premium and then the format we have comma separated values Jason SQL firebase custom I'm not sure with that as Excel xx ml so a lot of different formats I'm going to choose Jason and then you can either download the data so you can download adjacent file or you can preview it and you can see it gives me a thousand rows of data to work with all right so you can import this into your database or just stick it in a file and use it that way and you can do all types of testing with data so very very handy next we have the mobile mock-up generator by ma cue phone and what this is is it allow you to take an image and basically put a wrapper around it like an iPad or an iPhone or a Google pixel so this is great if you if you create like a mobile application and you want to display it on your website you could go down here and you can just pick one of these and then drag your image into this box and it'll kind of create the wrapper around it and it gives you the exact sizes the recommended size that that you should use so that can be pretty handy next we have a logo generator so this is log of starcom and if we say create logo for free i'll say traversing media you can put whatever text you want here and it'll generate some logos and i think that if you want like full high-resolution images when you choose a logo i think it is a premium i think you have to pay but i wanted to include it because the logos are actually pretty nice most of these generators they have really crappy little icon logos but these these are nice i actually like these so if you guys want to look more into it you can i've never used it but it's just something that I find interesting this next one is a UUID generator so basically this is just it'll generate a UUID either version 1 of version 4 and it's just formatted in a certain way and if we were if we reload it'll be a different one so if you ever needed just an ID for some reason a UUID you can use that we have a hash generator so this if we type something in like hello it'll give us the shot 256 hash of that word can be helpful for like passwords and stuff like that and actually if you go to the root of this domain passwords generator net you have a generator for secure passwords and you can add all types of rules and stuff like that alright so for image resources we have pixels comm which is definitely my favorite for just finding you know high quality stock images for free and they're just as high quality as if you were to buy them off like iStockphoto or something like that I love this site I've used it for since it's since it's been around so if we click on one of these images here we can get multiple sizes so we can get like almost 6,000 with almost 4,000 what's this yeah hiding with and then large is 1920 by 12 80 so 10 if you want like high quality HD images I usually use this size but you can get smaller medium custom size so it's pretty cool and then you can obviously search for like let's say computer and that will give us all images with computers and there's quite a bit and then you can also search by color which is cool if you go to browse and then photos by color you can see if you click on the palette here you get different images based off that color which is really nice if we have some kind of you know themed here your UI or your website where you want the images to kind of match so that's pixels another resource for images is unsplash.com which is really nice as well it has a similar interface similar layout and also gives you high quality free images I don't like it as much as pixels but it does have a really image placeholder service which I'll show you in a second and then if you want like PS DS and stuff we have free pet comm and they have PS DS vectors icons so just different types of images not just photos I haven't used this that much but it looks pretty cool and then source start unsplash.com is where you can basically get just URLs that include high quality images so you can get them by a user specific user from a collection fixed weekly daily photo what I usually use as a search term so if you want like let's say an image with nature and water in it you would just add this term to it and then you just specify the size you want you put this right inside your image source tag or your image tag source attribute and then you can also target specific photos as well with their ID okay we actually use this quite a bit in my bootstrap course because I didn't want local images you know download them and all that stuff so we just use this and then there's another one called placeholder comm same idea you just stick this in the image source tag but instead of images they're just like gray boxes that have the size and you would put the size in the URL like 350 by 150 alright so just another option for image placeholders and then for icons if you're not using a library like font awesome a material icons icon finder comm is really cool for free icons and premium they always put the premium at the top but you can see like these ones down here these are all free and they have complete sets like Flags world flags social media you know emotion emoji icons so there's a lot and you can search so if you search for a like computer you'll get all the premium at the top but then these are all free and they're all different formats SVG PNG illustrator and then all different sizes as well alright so that's icon finder calm so for code optimization if you ever want to minify your CSS or JavaScript there's a lot of sites like this but I think minify org is very simple just and paste it in here either CSS or JavaScript now if you have a big application or a big website and you have a lot of stuff that you want to minify a lot of different files you probably want to work it into your your workflow so using like a task runner or something like that so it doesn't automatically when you compile your code but if you have a small website with like one or two CSS or JavaScript files just go ahead and paste it in here minify it and just just paste it in your in your document so pretty simple and then this is code beautify dot org which actually has a lot of different tools you can see it has a lot of different tools here the jason view or if I click that I've already added something in here I guess it saved it so it's just adjacent object and if we wanted to minify it we could click minify okay so if we wanted to do that if we wanted to if we got like let's say just a chunk of jason that wasn't formatted and we could barely read you could stick it in here and beautify it in case you could go the other way as well and then it also validates it so if I take away like the quotes here you'll see we get an X right away but I can also click validate and it'll tell me exactly where the issue is okay so you can validate Jason let's put these back another thing you could do is convert it to XML okay if you wanted to do that I don't I haven't used XML in years but you can do that also to CSV so that's the Jason viewer there's a whole bunch of stuff so XML the Jason hexadecimal CSS beautifier this is pretty cool Jason to Java I already did this as well so I just put an object with a name and an age and then over here it creates an actual Java class with properties and methods that are in getter methods so if you want a quick way to create a JavaScript class with some properties and methods you can use this text mint of fire we have all types of formatters for different languages Ruby C++ Python string and number tools I P tools what else so for colors if you want like if you want to figure out the RGB value of of a hex color so this is light gray if we say convert to RGB it'll give us the red green blue value so anything like that and then there's like IP Tools hostname to IP so if we want to look at like google.com and check out the host the IP address you'll see it gives us this one DNS lookup if you want to look up like the name servers you could do that and it should be just NS one Google well that's DNS lookup this is name server lookup and I'm not sure why you would want to do this I'm just showing you that there's a lot of different things so you can see all the name servers there's a lot of different things you guys can check this out on your own if you want to look at some of this other stuff next one is code diff checker com which will just compare blocks of code and I've actually used this quite a bit when I can't debug I can't find anything through debugging or just looking at the code so a lot of times they'll get files from a student that is having an issue and if I can't see that if I can't find the problem I'll just paste it in here so like we'll say function and we'll just go ahead and console.log hello and then most of the time when I when I do find something when I use this tool it's usually like just a misspelling of something so let's say we had a thousand you know thousands of lines of code and we go and say find the difference it'll just show us the exact line where the problem is okay and it'll show us you know this this is wrong so that's differ then for converters these these are really for learning purposes let me just get rid of this stuff I've already done this so this is the Babel website and Babel is a compiler it takes late you know es6 es7 the the latest features of JavaScript compiles it down to old es5 code so if we do like Const Const hello and set it to anything one over here it's gonna compile oops get rid of that dot it's gonna compile into var hello because bar is es five okay it's the equivalent to constant es five and if we put like an arrow function here go like that and we'll just say console.log oops console dot log one and over here you can see there's no arrow function it's just var hello equals function alright so they'll it'll just take any es 6 + and it will convert it and then also over here you can check the different presets because babel uses presets and react is one of the ones that are checked so we can actually convert JSX which is JavaScript syntax extension it's what react uses to display markup so if we put like div and in JSX you can't use class use class name so we'll say class name app and then div and then in here we'll just put an h1 and we'll say hello like that and then it's going to give us the equivalent in JavaScript okay so this is the JSX this is the javascript and what what would happen is you'd call react the react object and then create element the type of element you want to create which is a div this first of next would be parameters or properties in this case a class name and then we have an h1 inside that div so we'd have to create another element of h1 there's no properties or attributes so we'd have null for the second value and then the last value is the content that's inside so we'd have to keep doing this so you can see why JSX is basically needed for react I mean you could write it all like this but I don't know why why in the hell anyone would and we actually use this in my react course that I have coming up that I'm working on now so that's Babel that's the Babel rep and then we also have this sass Meister if you want to experiment with sass a little bit again let me just get rid of this looks like everything I did earlier for testing is cached so if we want to create a variable and SAS we use a money sign and we can say like color equals blue and then down here we'll put in a body element and we'll say that we want the color to be that variable so color and then over here it should it should compile what's did I do something wrong here style sheet women oh I you know what I put an equal sign should be : blue there we go so now it should compile and you can see we just get the standard CSS alright so if you want to experience experiment with SAS SAS royster.com is a good place to do that then we also have web web toolkit online comm which has the same thing for less if you go over here you see less to CSS there's also a bunch of other stuff that there's there's a minnow fire here for different languages and stuff like that lorem ipsum generator this has a lot of tools as well but for less if we want to set a variable we can say color and set that to red and unless you use the @ symbol for a variable so body and hate using these crappy editors so we could say like color and we want it to be the variable of color and we just click convert and then it gives us the the CSS for some reason it gives you the hex value instead of what you the color you put but that's fine whatever so that's for less next we have stack edit I Oh which is a markdown editor just get rid of that so for this we can just type in markdown so for instance if we want an h1 and we can put a number sign and say hello and I do have a markdown crash course on my channel if you guys are interested if we want an h2 we could say hello if we want a list we can put in an asterisk for each item like that if we want a link we can go ahead and say like traversing media and then some parentheses like that so that'll give us a link and then you also have like these tools up here if you want to bold something and you don't want to use the double asterisk you don't want to put it in manually you can just hover it and click bold and it'll add the double asterisk on each side to make it bold and markdown so it's pretty cool you can save files as well I usually use a vs code extension to do to do markdown and preview but this this is a nice little browser tool so next we have the Jade converter now if you don't know what Jade is it's actually known as pug now and it's a template engine it's often used with nodejs and Express for server-side rendering but the way that it's formatted over here you can see this is the Jade or pug code and it doesn't use actual HTML tags this is the HTML equivalent so it works on indentation if you want the head to be inside HTML you just put an indent you want the title in the head you put an indent and then attributes for instance type on this script tag would be in parentheses so this is a nice little converter too if you have a block of HTML and you're working on a site where you have to use pug god forbid I hate as I hate it I hate it but if you need to you can paste the HTML on here and get the equivalent in POG or Jade and I just don't like it I don't some people do some people like this syntax and they like like stylists the CSS preprocessor or using dot sass instead of dot s CSS where you use this type of syntax for CSS as well but I personally don't like it so for image compression we have a couple options this is compressor dot IO I love the interface of this website so basically you can just drag up an image in here JPEG or PNG and we or we can just select it so I'm going to grab the last thumbnail for my last video and very quickly it's going to compress it and tell you how much it saved it saved a 69% so it was 314 bytes before now it's 98.30 nine and what I think is really cool is this that you can actually see on the right is the compressed image on the left is the original so you can kind of match the quality and you can see there's virtually no difference between the smaller files so you should definitely compress your images and being kind of a hypocrite saying that because that's the biggest problem with my personal website is I haven't compressed the images and it just it slows down the load time a lot it's just something I haven't gotten gotten to yet which is a little embarrassing because it's pretty easy to do but yeah this will compress your images you can download the file you can save it to Google you can save it to Dropbox sorry about that friggin crow outside if you can hear him frigging barking but that's compressor dot IO now we have JPEG optimizer which is really nice for JPEGs I believe you can only use JPEGs here hold on guys let me show a little bit so JPEG optimizer you can up grab a file so we'll grab the same one you can choose the compression level so 0 through 99 resize photo if you want to resize it so we'll say 400 pixels now this is going to make the file size very small because we're also resizing it but let's go ahead and click optimize and then you can see we have saved 94 point two percent so it started as 307 and it ended as 17 kilobytes which is a lot but it also resized it down to 400 pixels okay so and the original was 1280 so that's that now we have 4 PNG images is tiny PNG and I believe you can also do JPEG as well yeah you can also do JPEG so let's grab the same JPEG and it'll go through its little process throw some confetti up and it gave us a 74% saving so it saved us 232 kilobytes it ended at 82 kilobytes this is which is a little bit under what the compress dot IO site gave us all right so there's a lot more those are just the ones that I've used for this validation and compatibility if you want to validate your HTML and CSS you can use the w3c website which I'm sure a lot of you guys know of so if you put an address in here like traversing Mediacom and you'll see that I don't have any HTML errors but if we put it like let's say let's do google.com and most of the errors and warnings are just stupid things a lot of them I don't even understand so this has to do with like UTF with encoding yeah another thing with encoding so it's the display inline box is not a display value I think they meant inline block the bgcolor attribute while they're using bgcolor it says use CSS instead so it just gives you not really arrow is like it's nothing that's gonna break your site but just little tips just to kind of make it you know optimize it and then in the best way possible and then on the other hand if you want to do CSS I mean that's HTML but it was validating the inline CSS if you want to do just CSS you can go to jigsaw dot w3.org slash CSS validator and when I check my site what I find is mostly unnoticed unknown vendor extension it has to do with the vendor extensions and they're all in the the files CSS files for like plugins that I use in like libraries like font awesome so you can see this stuff's from font awesome this stuff is from bootstrap and it's all this unknown vendor extension which is not is not important to me but you can go ahead and search you know any site you want and find find warnings and errors so this here can I use com is very popular I'm sure a lot of you guys have used this if you want to find out the browser compatibility for a certain feature like let's say grids CSS or cou sigrid CSS but CSS grid and you can see that the green is supported the light green is partially supported so IE 11 it's partially supported with the prefix and then red obviously means that it's not supported which Opera Mini it's not and then you can also see any known issues ok resources you can also send feedback if you want so it's pretty cool so if we search for like service workers and we can see that ie 11 does not support service workers or Opera Mini which doesn't seem to support anything and then you know all at the last whatever number of versions of Chrome have supported it so you know background sink API so that provides one off parent synchronization for service workers so this feature is looks like it's only available in Chrome I'm not sure what yellow is what is yellow Oh 50% okay so all right so I guess yellow is 50% and you could search for like the fetch API which you can see is in all browsers except ie friggin ie biggest disappointment in web development history alright so next thing we have the keg acts table for xmas script so this just kind of its kind similar to what we just looked at except you don't type things in and it just shows features of JavaScript so this is all es6 stuff so like the spread operator you can see is supported in all these browsers except ie of course and it's not just browsers so these are all browsers this is polyfills so like babel closure for typescript it'll show you ES 6 shim and then over here we have like servers and runtimes like nodejs so if this stuff is you know available on nodejs so this is es6 you also have es 5 which should be all green really except this dupe thing I don't even know what that is and then 2016 + so things like generator functions async functions then we have es next which is the absolute like latest stuff that is not it's not finalized or even near finalized so everything is basically red here it's all experimental and stuff like that so it's a nice chart to check javascript fom compatibility alright so in browser coding I'm sure a lot of you guys have used stuff like code pens is really cool if we search for like I don't know let's say landing page just to give you a project example I think I come up here somewhere no that's alright let's use this one here so basically you can do anything anything that's just client-side HTML CSS JavaScript you can do here so you can see they have actually this looks like it's using using react so if you go to settings and you go to either CSS or JavaScript it showed yeah they're using react here so you actually can use react and other scripts in here as well you can use libraries jQuery stuff like that you just include it in here they even have like preprocessors like babel CoffeeScript which I don't think anyone uses anymore typescript and then if we go to CSS you can include things like bootstrap font awesome stuff like that you can also provide a CSS normalized file a reset HTML you can use a preprocessor like pug again which I hate you can use markdown code pen is definitely my favorite one of these types of sites because there's actually there's a lot of them I like how its set up how you can you know make this bigger and make that bigger so I put a lot of my sent my sample code from my videos on code pen if you guys a lot of you guys probably know that if we go to my let me see can I search for I'm not logged in so see traversée and so this guy here shark I can't say his name sure Shara show you rah sure Bom he made a tribute page to me which I just found yesterday when I was looking at this and that's really flattering he put like a picture of me might my son and my daughter so thank you to you man that's that's pretty cool I really appreciate that yeah amazing person help has helped greatly and learning web development thanks man I really appreciate that if you're watching but some other stuff would seamless at this here so this is my code pen right here so they have this project as like the the big one and then some other ones and it shows the views and people can like followers of 352 followers so i really like code pen it's it's a great resource and then you have jsfiddle which is pretty cool i use this well i don't really use this anymore but it's used a lot for a job script examples not not so much full projects like code pen but more for like testing JavaScript so you put your HTML over here and your CSS here JavaScript down here and you have to run it which I don't like it doesn't just it's not completely like auto refresh you have to actually run it but it's it's alright and then live weave is another one that I found that I don't really use some people tend to like it so it's similar to jsfiddle but you can add like what's this you have a CSS Explorer where you can change like properties and stuff over here in the GUI I don't really know how to do it I haven't used it but it is another another resource for writing code in the browser and code I don't have it on here but cloud 9 is really cool as well it's basically a full IDE in the browser and then this right here I find interesting this repple dot IT which if you want to write like Python or nodejs and stuff if you want an environment to do that stuff this gives it to you so I think I do have an account actually let me just log in with like Facebook oh I don't not logged in to Facebook all right let's login with Google so if we say start coding now and you can choose like Django Express nodejs so just like an empty nodejs environment let's grab let's grab Express and it gives you like like just a standard Express server you can bring modules in like body parser looks like they're using SQL Lite here for a database and just running the server and you can see over here it actually is it running run the repple so I actually just discovered this but I'm definitely going to look into this so if I click restart so server started and hello Express app so it's just putting out this route if we put another route in here like let's say slash test and we go down here and say testing and save and then restart if we go over here can we I don't think you can edit this but if you click on this right here it actually opens your application in a new tab so if we go to this URL slash test excuse me we get testing okay so you can actually create note applications Django applications right in the browser so this is this is something that I find really cool and it will look into it some more I just I just stumbled upon it so I'm gonna log out of that alright so for snippet tools we have github gist which I'm actually in this is this is a github gist it's used where you can create actually let me just go to the URL so you can create different gists of different file types excuse me so if you put like dot J S or a dot PHP it'll give you automatic syntax highlighting this particular file is a markdown file since I did dot MD I can just I can use markdown here to create links and lists and headings and stuff like that so that's definitely what I use for like public snippets and then you also have paste bin which you can just you can create these things called pastes which are basically just just snippets of whatever in this case he has like a bunch of looks like a host file or something but yeah you can save you can make them public or private API so it has its own API as well which actually actually I may do a video on this using this API but anyways it's a place to store code in just different snippets so color and design if you want to figure out a design scheme this haile pixel comm is pretty cool if I just drag around the mouse it'll change all different colors let's say I like this green here I'll click and it'll put it to the side then I can find another color like let's say this screen click will get another side and we want maybe a dark green and then maybe we want like I don't know like a brownish and then we have all the different hex values for it so let's see what's the settings so we can change RGB values HSL values and we can figure out a color scheme for our website or whatever and then we can implement that into into our CSS so that's all it's a pretty cool tool get color schemes of websites so this is style style style if I'm EECOM basically we can put a URL in here like let's put we'll just put my website so I'll say Travis Lee mediacom and styler fie me and what it's going to do is it's going to get all the color schemes of that website and give them to you so if you like the look of a site and you want to get all the colors all the values from it it'll give you those it'll give you all these hex values it'll also give you some tobacco free stuff image dimensions stuff like that I don't know what the hell why this looks like this that must be like the big background image or something so you can get like any color scheme if we do let's say Facebook we all know the Facebook colors ok there we go so we have like the Facebook blue the white gray stuff like that so just it's just a cool resource if you if you like a site and you want to kind of see what's what scheme color schemes are using UI gradients com if you want to generate CSS gradients you can kind of scroll through these if you like any of them and you can also say show all gradients and there was just a ton of them to choose from and if you like one you can go ahead and click on let's see you can get a jpg which is cool so you can make it an image if you want or you can get the CSS so you could just grab this it has the prefix and all that stuff and it'll give you that gradient okay and you can put that on in your background of your website or whatever so CSS button generator I don't use this I don't really like the look of the buttons but I guess I mean I guess you can change above you can change like the size the colors the font stuff like that see box you can add like box shadow border so border radius if we wanted it not to have any curves we could do that and it generates the code down here so instead of you having to type it all out and stuff you can design it here and then get the code all right so this is HTML entity lookup I didn't really know what other category to put this in but if you want like a copy right if we search for copy you'll see it'll give us the entity value which is this right here also gives you the entity number but even if we just put C in it'll just go out and search for things so if you want a scent symbol any symbol you want that's available with HTML entities you can easily look up here alright so responsiveness there's actually a lot of sites like this but this is one of them responds inator where you can put in a URL and it'll show inside here so you can see what your site looks like responds in on a small on a device on a mobile device I believe we can change how do we change the how do we change the device I know that there's a way to well maybe we can't maybe you have to login I could have swore you can change it to like an iPad and stuff like that but you don't I mean you don't really need this with Google Chrome tools if I just go to travesty Mediacom and go to my chrome tools and click on right here we kind of get that functionality anyways so iPad say iPhone X so it kind of gives us that functionality anyway it just doesn't give us that the wrapper around it and we can change it to landscape or portrait so chrome tools does a lot of a lot of stuff I do have a crash course on Google Chrome tools if you want to check that out what's my browser size if you want to know you know what size your browser is that this is the current width and height of mine if I go ahead and change it you'll see the bottom number is the width so that's going to go ahead and change so it's just another simple tool and you could create that very very easily wire framing I personally don't use either of these but these are some free online wireframe tools this one's pretty cool app dot mock-ups with a Q comm and you can have like little text boxes and different shapes and stuff different icons those templates you can create all different pages SVG so there's a lot of stuff you can do here this is AK a pretty intuitive interface or not intuitive but it just has a lot of stuff but like I said I haven't really used this and then this other one here wireframe dot CC is very very simple from what I can tell so you can just create like different blocks you know if you if just well why isn't that staying no I'll just click the box so that'll create a box so if you want to just kind of sketch out like what you want as far as your layout it has a grid background so you can align things properly you know it's not the coolest thing in the world but it is free and it is something you don't even have to sign up for you can and you can save here your ma your mock-ups and stuff like that but it's just a tool that maybe some of you guys can use so speed test website speed test it'll show you the different tile Oh times for different areas this will be embarrassing but we'll go ahead and do mine and the whole reason my site is so slow is because of image compression I haven't I just haven't gotten to it yet but we'll go ahead and do that and in word we're saying location New York and you can see the times here so 257 milliseconds and then all the different files as well so I have some major optimization to do on my site I just needed something up really quick just to show my courses it's not like a site where it's not the most important thing in the world my content is my youtube my udemy courses that's that's the stuff I focus on but I do need to make my website a little more optimized ping DOM speed tests just another one so this one you can you can do so you can test out speeds and you can sign up and you can get more functionality as well I think you can pay for more functionality and then down here this is a really cool resource this is public API s and I actually get a lot of ideas for projects from here there's all different categories and this is just a github page but there's all different categories that show you the different API s and kind of what they do shows you if you need off if you need an API key to use it if it's HTTP if it if it has cross-site compatibility so if cores is enabled and then it has a link to the documentation of that API so like even icon finder has its own API what was the last one I did that I found on here there was one was it pixabay did I find that here Yeah right here pixabay so this is actually when I did that react and pixabay video I got that idea from here and you just click go and it takes you to the API page so if you're thinking if you're having problems coming up with projects and you know how to just make simple HTTP requests whether it's with you know fat chair if it's with Axios or if you want to do react or if you're using angular the HTTP client use some of these api's and build projects this is just a really awesome resource alright guys so I think that's going to be it if you have any other tools or resources like this and you even want to share them maybe I can put them in here just nothing No like learning websites or anything like that I'm gonna do a separate video for that like tutorials and websites with stuff like that but tools and then you know I guess other image resources if you guys use something else things that will quickly optimize your code just just quick little things rebels in the Edit in the Browse are stuff like that so that's it hopefully you guys enjoyed this little video you know I'm gonna I'm trying to finish my react course and I'm also working on a responsive web design with sass course and those should be done pretty soon but that's it for this video guys I will see you next time
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 87,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web developer, web developers, web development tools, online tools web development, web design tools, website tools, web developer resources
Id: 4JC8ahZneYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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