Freelance Web Designers Forced to use Web Builders!

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hey guys welcome to the blog but this is my new blog setup blog set up vlogs it up so somebody asked me does your freelance course teach you how to deal with clients that approach you to help them with their GoDaddy like web builder account or other template based services seems like lately while I'm trying to get better at coding I keep getting clients that as for help with their drag-and-drop type of web builders and don't want to pay more than a couple hundred dollars and don't seem to understand why I can't build a site exactly to their vision why straighting now you can see how that's frustrating what I would suggest to you well first of all as you get better with coding and you get into more web development where you're able to provide functionality like shopping carts ecommerce integrations etc when you start getting into that area and in the free land space PHP dominates by a long shot of all you can do with other languages like JavaScript node or Python etc that being said when you get higher level with your coding skills you're going to be able to do more functional or functionality related type of development which means you're going to be able to charge more but that said as I've mentioned in other videos web builders are just something to be considered as a toolset so yeah so you meet a client and only willing to pay two three hundred dollars for you to slap together something with their Wix or their GoDaddy builder or whatever it is if it only takes you a half an hour or an hour to do maybe takes you two hours and you made 200 bucks it's 100 bucks the hours not bad now you have to understand a lot of times or at least is singing a significant number of times you'll be able to put up a simple system with scared Squarespace or weeks or whatever a simple site rather and then they're gonna want more functionality they're you know I want to put ecommerce store what I'm gonna do well that's where you start charging more and now if you've established this relationship with them as their developer by how with their Squarespace site or whatever web builder based site then you're the go-to person you get that and there's other things you can get into you can get into helping them with organizing the site's content you can charge your IQ to get into hooking into their social strategy you can help them out with that be consistent thing you have to learn about in the web development game as a freelancer or in general is that it evolves what we do today as web designers or developers is very different in many respects from what was done ten years ago or five years before that the skill sets are very different I remember way back in the day a good friend of mine it was a very successful in the web space in the web field in the 90s mid-90s to 2000 very successful made a lot of money driving around BMWs and brand new house and all kinds of stuff and then he stepped away from the game for just like two years I mean goes between 98 and 2001 to three years and he came back into the game because he had a terrible divorce and his wife took half and he was uh you know he had to work again so bad money money management on his party spent like crazy so word lesson here when you're making a lot of money save save the more you save the more personal freedom you're gonna have so save save don't expect the gravy train of cash to continue perpetually big mistake always save and in a short period of time you find yourself a big pile f you money and then you're living on the Easy Street trust me when you have a couple years or for cash on hand cover all your bills aside from your long-term retirement savings you sleep really well at night you sleep like a baby you're able to negotiate contracts much more effectively because you don't need the money it's such an important thing but you can check out my video on that if you want to learn more so he had to get back into the game after about three years of leaving it and this is back in the time when and the technology was changing very rapidly today the web technology has not evolved it does not evolve nearly as quick anymore in fact it's pretty stable now since about 2012 was when html5 css3 was adopted the technology you know the 90s this is a slope of how difficult how quickly technology change you know every year was pretty drastic and then started curse flying out flattening out so now since it's about 212 things are pretty stable html5 is exactly as same as it was today in 2018 as it wasn't to 12 css3 is exactly saying jobs would pretty much the same PHP we went from PHP 5 to 7 but they're very compatible like we took a nap written PHP 5 and we converted to PHP 7 in I don't know a couple hours work not a big deal so you know it's not like it used to be anyhow so he back to Herschel's story so he went back into the web development gaming to realize whoa everything has changed whoa everything has changed yet to relearn a lot because of the rapid change you know those days so these days the technology is not evolving so quickly anymore which is good but the game is evolving in terms of the tool sets where you have the web builders like the Wix and the Shopify etc although we've had these things for years they're just a little bit more sophisticated but they still don't replace real web developers at the end of the day our high-end web designers and there's a lot more stuff to come into it now now social strategy is big SEO still their search engine optimization although it's not what it used to be it's just different again things are just different the money that you can make is still big it's just done in a slightly different way so if I had a client saying to me I just use a web builder can help me out sure I'll charge you blah blah blah and I'm still making a hundred bucks the hour or more whatever now I got another client in the roster and I'll leave you with this last freelancing tip one of the most important things you want as a freelancer is many many many clients you don't want to make the mistake of having just one or two big clients because if you have one or two big clients they will control you they will have control over you and they know it - Meghan smell it so you want to have many small clients I rather have a hundred small clients than five big clients why because if I lose one small client I don't care I have another 99 so you know hundred may be a little extreme but maybe you might have twenty five clients that keep you busy that's what you're also gonna find when you're freelancing and you're dealing with the clients they may come to you in in September and say okay here we want to do this we're gonna do this and you get your first payment as you should always and then you know October they deliver a few more materials then you you deliver some basic stuff and you need the feedback from the client and they disappear until until March happens all the time to get busy with things you know they put you on the back burner so that's why you got up many other clients that you can be rotating through and you know filling in those gaps when you know other clients have dropped off to do something else very important that you have a rolling roster if you will of clients in your freelance business again this is about personal freedom why do you become a freelancer because number one you could make a lot more money as a freelancer number two to meet just as important not more important you have a lot of freedom as a freelancer you can choose who you work with the type of work that you do when you work how you work where you work either all freedoms at freelancing gives you although when you're first starting out there's a learning curve but that's why I put out my freelance of course because instead of you having to spend years figuring out this stuff you can do my course and you figured it out just do a course a couple hours and you figured it all out save you a lot of time what a reason I put on my course is is because I want to I want to give you guys what I wish I knew back in those days you've heard that expression if only I knew then what I know now only so that's what I do I give you my twenty plus six years experience as a developer and longer than that as an entrepreneur to save you a lot of the headaches and a lot of mistakes I made so you can just avoid those pitfalls and if you look at the comments people comment under the YouTube videos beauty and people say these they followed my advice and Bob's your uncle everything is working cool so fast they were pretty amazed about how well it works there are some universal principle principles and lives they're constants that transcend time and discipline and that's what I teach you here and but I have to get into those details in another vlog all right let me know what you think about this vlog let me know what you think of this format the way my new set is and yeah that's about it we'll talk soon ciao guys
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 27,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web builders, freelance web design
Id: d3v4vukAxMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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