40 Matt Session 23

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[Music] we're in session 23 of 24 sessions reviewing the gospel of matthew and we are going to focus on chapter 27 but we're going to go beyond that but before we even start before we even start i'd like to try to put this study in a little bit of a context we live in a culture that doesn't take the bible seriously during this first two centuries of our country's existence that was not true even people who didn't necessarily believe the bible still respected both the bible and the people who respected the bible but we live in a day in which the very concept of god himself is being devalued and certainly his word thus is being devalued and within his word the most important part of his word is the cross and that's being devalued not only outside the church but in many churches it's very popular today to struggle to be user friendly and to spend money on multi-million dollar media presentations and back the screen projections and so forth and so on not that there's anything wrong with these techniques but where they are an addendum to the word of god but it's interesting as you study your bible first of all to recognize one of our fundamental commitments is that it's in the inerrant god-breathed word of god but when you start in genesis 3 15 from that point on god declares war on satan and he's going to use as his mechanism the seat of the woman and that starts a thread from there through the whole bible the thread of bring calling the nations together to bring forth a messiah and to bring that messiah to the cross mel gibson did a marvelous job in his movie called the passion but it does leave a misconception that the crucifixion of christ was a tragedy not at all it was an achievement that was planned before the foundation of the world and that's what we're going to focus on tonight you go through every book of the bible it starts in genesis you get to exodus the the laying down of passover all as a formula for our passover the one that would be offered on passover on the very spot that abram offered isaac in genesis 22 and so forth and of course leviticus put down all the specifications hundreds of them you go right through every page of the bible speaks of jesus christ sometimes it's over sometimes it's encrypted but it's always there and when it does it usually speaks to the cross and paul reminds us that the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved is the power of god and a salvation you notice there's only two categories you either regarded as foolishness or you're using it to be saved one or the other first corinthians 1 18. for those of you want to make a note of that so we're going to enter into a portion of scripture that is especially hallowed we should we should never open the bible without praying but especially in this particular session let's start right now by borrowing our hearts father we just thank you that you've brought us here to this moment in time by your divine appointment and we seek nothing other than your purpose being accomplished in our lives as a result of this exploration of your word we pray that you'd open our hearts and lives to your word and that in turn you'd also open your word to our understanding apprehension as we commit this time and ourselves into your hands in jesus name so we're in matthew chapter 27. we've been exploring the final week of jesus ministry we started with the trifle entry that week started in 20 chapter 21 we picked up the olivet discourse in chapter 24 the last supper or last saturday to be more precise in chapter 26 now we also in addition to matthew recognize that mark luke and john all comment on these things and we've tried here and there where it me it had a point to make we indulged in taking a look at these other chapters but we're now in the crucifixion so we'll be exploring not only matthew 27 but picking up a few passages in mark 15 luke 23 and especially john 19. john's gospel is 21 chapters over half of them are dedicated to the first this final week so john has a lot of detail uh in in all of this so we'll get into it now we're going to be before pilate in the first part of this and then the crucifixion itself again we'll be touching on all four gospels to fill in the blanks here we've been experiencing six trials there were three jewish trials in previous sessions and there's now we're going to discover in effect three roman trials as it's usually reckoned and before pilate initially in john 18 luke records that pilate tried to get off the hook by passing this off to herod when he discovered that christ was a galilean he thought he could get out from under the responsibility it didn't work and uh back before pilate for john 18 and 19 and so that'll be the trials so let's jump in matthew 27 verse one when morning was come bear in mind now it's all night long last night they had the crucif they had the last supper they adjourned sang of him and then went to gethsemane where we had the prayer and finally the betrayal and arrest of jesus christ and this what we sometimes call in our vernacular kangaroo court that occurred at night illegally and we went through all the illegalities last time i won't go through all that again this time but they decided that they came to the conclusion they'd come to before they even started that they wanted to put christ to death but they didn't have the authority to do that that had been removed i'll review that in a minute but so now we're in the morning and all the chief priests and elders the people took counsel against jesus to put him to death and when they had bound him which also was illegal by the way they led him away and delivered him to pontius pilate the governor and now the scepter had departed from judah now you may recall in genesis 49 jacob on his deathbed you know while he's dying he's actually leading on his staff but he was his last comments was to make a prophecy over each of the twelve tribes in chapter verse 10 of chapter 49 he says the scepter will not depart from judah until the messiah comes and that's part of the torah well it turns out that there was a herod archelaus was replaced by a roman procurator by the name of caponeus there's about 7 a.d here and the legal power of the sanhedrin was then immediately restricted and the adjudication of capital cases were was lost they could no longer condemn someone to death under the court this is a normal roman policy and you'll find this in josephus you'll also find this in the jerusalem talmud now what's interesting when members of the sanhedrin found themselves deprived of their right over life and death they covered their heads with ashes and their bodies with sackcloth and they went around the city of jerusalem wailing woe unto us for the scepters departed from judah and the messiah has not come they actually believed that the word of god had been broken because the prophecy and the torah by jacob in genesis 49 10 would indicate that that the messiah should have come before the scepter departed it departed in their minds obviously in fact it did and and but they didn't realize that while that was going on there was a young boy growing up in nazareth at that time so pontius pilate now he served as the roman procurator from judea from 80 26 to 80 36 about obviously a decade after which he was recalled to rome and passed out of official history he was hated by the orthodox jews and never really understood them he was quite a character and i won't go through all the anecdotes as many of them recorded in josephus and others of games he played with the jews ordering into one place and then threatening them with other things and taking their money temple money for his own projects and there's a whole history here of audacity on his part there was a plaque found in caesarea uh that uh uh bearing his name and uh there's a replica now in caesarea the actual original is in the israeli museum you can see his name is on it it's uh they actually found it as a it was a seat when they were reconstructing the the uh amphitheater there they uh discovered what they had found a plate that was way back but being reused and began to realize how important it was and so you can visit when you visit caesarea that'll be pointed out to you but uh now he ruled judea in a reckless and arbitrary fashion but in 1836 he was deposed by vititalius and sent to rome and tried under caligula the record's a little confusing as to actually what happened uh there's some indicate that he was executed others said he committed suicide but both josephus and eusebius both record that he was that he killed himself but whether that's actual historical or tradition is hard to unscramble he obviously did not do well the coptic church interestingly enough that's the church in egypt the christians in egypt came to believe that he became a christian his wife was turns out apparently and they believe he came christian i don't have any evidence of this but from what i know from the scripture it would not surprise me and i'll show you why as we go but moving on we have now a incident in the temple with judas then judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned repented himself don't confuse remorse with changing his ways sometimes he repented not in the sense that we use the term repent today the fact that he hit a remorse is is is all we're talking about here saw this connect he repented himself and brought again the 30 piece of silver to the chief priest and elder saying i have sinned in that i have betrayed innocent blood i find that fascinating by the way because we've learned already that satan had entered into him so when judah says that that satan's instrument announcing that jesus is innocent it's one of uh seven condemnatio uh uh uh mecca nations it's the opposite seven uh declarations of his innocence in the in the scripture anyway says i have sinned and i betrayed innocent blood and they said what's that to us you see to that so he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple departed and went out and hanged himself just an incident but it's extremely provocative because it was described some 500 years earlier because here's what happens the chief priests took the silver pieces and said it's not lawful to put them into the treasury because it's the price of blood that was prohibited but these guys had a good set of cpas on staff they couldn't take it and put it in the treasury because that was against the law but nothing prevented them from prepaying anticipated expenses it was the duty of the the temple authorities when someone when a stranger died in the precincts and no one was there to take care of it the temple had to do that so they had every year some number of people that had to be taken care of and buried and so forth and so they had they knew they had that to deal with every year a certain number of them so they also knew there was a piece of ground that was a special bargain that was for sale so they took the 30 pieces of silver and bought the ground and it says they took council and and bought with them the potter's field to bury strangers in wherefore that field was called the field of blood unto this day not just for that reason but for another reason that it will be explained in the book of acts but before we get to that in zechariah chapter 11 verse 12 and 13 he writes and i said unto them if you think good give me my price and if not for bear so they wait for my price thirty pieces of silver the lord said unto me cast it under the potter a goodly price that i was prized out of them and i took the thirty piece of silver and cast them to the potter in the house of the lord this was something zechariah was called to do some five centuries earlier i doubt if he really understood the significance but he records it notice the specifics the price 30 pieces of silver the location of the transactions in the temple the house of the lord and who ends up with the money the potter and that's exactly what happens there in the in matthew and so matthew continues then was fulfilled that which was spoken by jeremy the prophet saying and they took the 30 piece of silver the prize of him that was valued whom they of the children of israel did value and gave them for the potter's field as the lord appointed me well so far so good except we're troubled because we don't find that in jeremiah there is a passage in jeremiah 19 but it's not quite doesn't quite fit is as much as we'd like it to but see jeremiah was the first among the prophets so it's often used generically for the scrolls of the prophets and they it often is used to term to represent the prophetic books in general so that apparently is what uh occurs in the babylonian talmud and uh and so forth so that's the that's the way the scholars deal with what what seemed to be a discrepancy that jeremiah the prophet being a gen a senective he if you will the general for the specific the specific for the general that's the rhetorical device and uh but we'll move on now this man purchased a field let's this it was shifted to acts chapter one now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity speaking of judas and falling headlong he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out that was known unto all the travelers at jerusalem and so much that that field is called their pro in their proper tongue a kaldema which is to say the field of blood so that's also where judas ends up hanging himself and that's the other reason that area has that label interestingly enough but now we're going to encounter pilates shenanigans if you will he's going to actually have seven interviews with christ interestingly enough four will be outside three will be inside as he struggles to find a way out of the predicament he finds himself in and so in in a anyone that's been in an administration i'm sure will have a certain degree of sympathy for the predicament that pilate finds himself in because he tries again and again and again to get uh out from under this place that the jewish leadership has maneuvered him into so let's get we're gonna shift to john here to pick up he has a little more detail here pilate then went out unto them and said what accusation bring ye against this man you may recall when we closed the last session that they were the jews could not enter where he was because it would get in the way of their being able to celebrate passover so he arranges to go out to them if you will and so uh it's kind of amusing they're fastidious in terms of the rules of what thresholds they can cross and yet they're going to crucify the messiah on the day of passover i mean it's bizarre but anyway and another another summary issue you realize that the timing was not what they had intended the plan was not to take them on a feast day last of all the passover which is the big one of the year over a million people visiting jerusalem that are normally not there and uh they feared the people and uh who controlled the timing jesus did at the last supper he announces that judas is going to betray him that causes judas to have to fish or cut bait he's going to do it he's got to do it right now so he splits to make the arrangements and so what's interesting as you study the previous chapters we'll remind you that all of this the guy that's in control strangely enough is jesus christ but a pilot goes out to them and says what accusation bringing you against this man and the answer and said on him if he were not a malefactor we would not have delivered him up to thee kind of an arrogant approach to the procurator the personal representative of the ruler of the world standing there then said pile unto them take him and judge him according to your law the jews therefore said to them is not lawful for us to put any man to death thereafter has hide they want nothing less than the death penalty now he attempts to release christ several times here he tells them to judge them themselves he declares them as innocent a few verses from now the jews insist upon substituting for that holiday giveaway is barabbas rather than christ that's another thing he tried to do you'll see he thought he by giving him partial judgment that might satisfy them try to play on their pity behold your king he says and so on so now all of this by the way is that the saying of jesus might be fulfilled which he spake signifying what death he should die now what does that mean we need to realize that the official form of death throughout the history of israel is stoning that is the express formula in the scripture for blasphemy stoning and crucifixion wasn't invented until the persian empire about 90 bc and uh many people misunderstand the book of esther because it always in our english translation it says that haman was hung on the gallows no he was impaled actually you read the text carefully and but the people that really picked up on this and adapted it widely were the romans and so all of this it's interesting that in the bible it predicts that the messiah would be killed by crucifixion we'll look at some of those passages as we go and uh so this is this whole jurisdiction issue is what led to a different form of capital punishment not stoning but crucifixion that's exactly what prophet prophesied getting back to matthew when he was accused of the chief priests and elders he answered nothing kept silent that was also prophesied by isaiah we'll look at that here shortly then said pilate hearst thou not how many things they witness against thee and he answered them never a word in so much that the governor marveled greatly well it's impressed he's puzzled he's impressed and we're gonna see that was also mentioned by isaiah that we'll look at in a little bit here then pilate entered into the judgment hall again and called jesus and said on him art vow the king of the jews i've gone back to john here to pick this up jesus answered and said sayest thou this thing of thyself or did others tell it of thee and pilate answered and said am i a jew thine own nation of the chief priests have delivered thee unto me what hast thou done jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight that i should not be delivered to the jews but now is my kingdom not from hence the power of their said unto him art thou a king then jesus said thou sayest that i'm a king. that doesn't ring in the old english like it would today it's sort of like you said it in our vernacular yeah you said it i mean yeah it's absolutely okay to this end was i born and for this cause came i into the world that i should bear witness unto the truth everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice and this is where pilate cynically skeptically rhetorically says what is truth i said and what is truth when he said this he went out again into the unto the jews and said them i find in him no fault at all so on the one hand pilate reveals his cynicism by that rhetorical question didn't expect an answer not realizing that truth was standing before him but at the same time he's not offended he goes out and declares him innocent again and the crowds out there and they were the more fierce saying he stirth up the people teaching throughout all jewry beginning from galilee to this place now when pilate hears the word galilee he sees an escape hatch galilee the pilot heard of galilee asked whether the man was a galilean as soon as he knew that he belonged into herod's jurisdiction he sent him to herod who himself was also at jerusalem at that time both pilate and herod did not normally live there and uh herod was from galilee he was there for passovers the big holiday season pilate's headquarters was in caesarea that was the roman headquarters for the region but he had a palace in jerusalem just for these occasions and you need to understand pilate's agenda he's been he's stuck with this very troubled troublesome place to to to lead to reign over his report card gets punched on how quiet it remains his nightmare is an insurrection his nightmare is an uprising and so all he wants is peace and quiet because that what that's what rome will hear about that's all he cares about is what is the roman impression and so uh but now he finds out that his problem person here that he's trying to get off his hands is galilean that's herod's turf fantastic so as soon as he knew he belonged under herod's jurisdiction he sent him to herod who himself was also jerusalem at that time let's say we're picking up this there in luke now which herod are we talking about remember we talked about four different heroes that you need to know well this is herod antifas he was the son of herod the great and malthus a samaritan woman so he's half idioman that's edom edom isn't is the enemy of the jews always has been still is and half samaritan so he does not have a drop of jewish blood in his veins so the galilee of the gentiles as they call it seemed to fit dominion for that kind of a prince and he ruled as the tetrarch as they call it galilee from in perea from the fourth bc to about 39 a.d according to luke and he was superstitious we find he was very fox-like in his cunning jesus calls him a fox in fact and he's holy entirely immoral and uh john the baptist rebuked him of his gross immorality and in the defiance of the law of moses and leviticus 18 is what condemns him and of course john the baptist pays for that formal public exhortation by having himself beheaded in effect that's all in josephus too by the way so on the death of his father although he was younger than his brother archelaus he contested the will of herod who had given the other the major part of the dominion when herod died most of was left to archelaus an activist goes to rome to challenge that that will and rome sustained the will but assigned him the tetrarchy of galilee and perea so that's just sort of a booby prize if you will now he was educated with archelaus and philip his half-brother son of mariamne um daughter of simon and imbibed many of the vices of rome you'll be quite surprised when you his first wife was a daughter of eretus the uh the king of arabia but he sent her back to her father betraya for the sake of herodis and uh the wife of his brother philip whom he had met and seduced at rome and since the latter was the daughter of aristobus his half-brother and therefore his alt his niece and at the same time the wife of another half-brother the union between her and antibes was doubly sinful that's what john the baptist was you know haranguing him about that caused him of course caused his death ultimately we'll hear more about him as we go anyway when herod saw jesus he was exceeding glad for he was desirous to see him of a long season because he'd heard the many things of him and he'd hoped to have seen some miracle done by him so as far as hair is concerned he was ready for a magic show then he questioned with him in many words but he answered him nothing jesus refused refused to speak them he had no reason to he wasn't even jewish let alone in the leadership the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him but jesus jesus making no defense here to inherit with his men of war set him at naught and mocked him and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe and sent him again to pilate that was herod's approach to flippancy he couldn't get any real answers he wanted so he honors them as a king and sends him back to pilate so there's there's apparently in the process here some light-hearted kidding going back and forth because the result of this is that herod and pilate become good friends interestingly enough the same day pilate and herod were made friends together for before they were at enmity between themselves so somehow in the styling of this chicanery herod used it to to uh break the the ice so to speak uh with the pilot so the two of them become friends but they both have a very dismal future see pilates perplexity set bound herod and the inefficiency and the flippancy of the man is revealed in the gospel account but this served to bridge the chasm between the entity of herod and pilate both of them were to be stripped of their power before long and to die in shameful exile so they both heading for rocky terms when gaius caligula became emperor and a scheming favorite herod uh agrippa the first that was the enemy of antipas was made king in 37 a.d herodias prevailed on herod antipas to accompany her to rome to demand a similar favor herodias really had him around her finger she's the one that had her daughter asked john the baptist's head and all that earlier in the gospel you remember and anyway the machinations of agrippa his enemy in other words and an accusation of high treason against him however proved his undoing and he was banished to leon in gaul where he died in great misery so that ends antipas enough of him let's move on and pilate when he called together the chief priests and the rulers of the people said to them ye have brought this man unto me as one that perverted the people and behold i having examined him before you have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him no nor yet herod for i sent you to him and lo nothing worthy of death is done unto him you hear pilate he's he's giving this guy a clean bill of health so you know what's with you guys i will therefore chastise him and release him see now he's he there's a they had a custom established that they release a prisoner because the passover was holiday season that was his gesture to the public to release a prisoner and so he's going to have him flogged but then release him for of necessity he must release one for the feast now matthew explains this a little better probably now at that feast the governor would want to release to unto the people a prisoner whom they would and they had then a notable prisoner called barabbas now this guy um well we could get into his background but i'm not sure that relevant to us but barabbas was obviously a murderer he's a zealot a politically uh visible character therefore when they were gathered together pilate said to them whom will ye that i release unto you barabbas or jesus which is called christ for he knew that for envy they had delivered him he realized that the leadership and by the way the people that have analyzed this feel that could be as few as 13 people that caused all this a majority in the sanhedrin that had a a a a quorum of that few that that's all it would have taken in any case pilate saw through all this he knew that this was just a he was being manipulated to accomplish their agenda and he's trying to find a way to frustrate that and when he sat down the judgment seat his wife sent unto him saying have thou nothing to do with that just man for i've suffered many things this day in a dream because of him claudia procla is uh she apparently was a proselyte uh uh so she apparently had converted judaism and or there is also uh traditions that she became a christian and she uses this phrase that just man and that recalls plato's prophecy in the republic that a just man who is suffering for all kinds of uh of uh he suffers for all kinds of uh restoring righteousness and uh so it's an idiom in in the greeks apparently and uh so she apparently was a parasolid at the time of her death and uh uh became a christian and she is she and pilate are both honored in the coptic church interestingly enough but anyway she sends this message to pilate and that's got him on his edge he's on the edge anyway and now that makes him even more nervous but the chief priest and the elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask barabbas and destroy jesus so they they bribe you know how a mob is the well-placed influentials can cause it to pick up on this so they yelled for barabbas governor answered and said unto them whether the twain will ye that i release unto you and they said barabbas said to them what shall i do then with jesus which is called christ they all said unto them let him be crucified the governor said why what evil hath he done but they just cried out all the more saying let him be crucified you don't reason with a a mob obviously when pilate saw that he couldn't prevail nothing but that rather a tumult was made that's got to make pilate nervous he does not want an uprising over this issue he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying i am innocent of the blood of this just person ce to it big mistake on his part because it was his job to protect the innocent that was part of his job description he failed to do that he acknowledged him innocent but didn't have the courage the moral backbone to stand up to what's right he was more fearful of damaging his report card to rome then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children who cry has echoed through the centuries and is widely misunderstood and of course widely exploited by the anti-semites if you want to blame someone for the crucifixion of christ blame me it's my fault my sins that put him on that tree then released he barabbas unto them and when he had scourged jesus he delivered him to be crucified this guy barabbas let's think about him for a minute he stood under the righteous condemnation of the law he'd been tried and convicted for murder and who knows what else he also knew that the one who was to take his cross and take his place was innocent so he's sitting in a cell he knows he's guilty and he knows the guy that is going to take his place is innocent he knew that jesus christ was for him a true substitute he knew that he had done nothing to merit going free while another took his place get the picture here is that clear and graphic they changed places the murderers bonds curse disgrace and mortal agony were transferred to the righteous jesus while the liberty innocence safety well-being of the nazarene became the lot of the murderer they took change positions barabbas has installed all the rights and privileges jesus christ while the latter enters upon all the infamy and horror of the rebels position the delinquents guilt and cross become the law of the just one and all the civil rights and immunities of the latter are now the property the delinquent got the picture where are you and me we're in barabbas's shoes we know that we're guilty we need to know that that's what the law is all about and jesus took our he's wearing our shoes so to speak that's why he shortly will cry out my god my god why i still forsaken me that's the only time in eternity he didn't call him father he couldn't because he's in our shoes pilate therefore took jesus and scourged him and the soldiers planted a crown of thorns and put it on his head and they put on him a purple robe and said hail king of the jews and they smote him with their hands and they did a lot more that's not recorded in the gospels we'll talk about that next time the soldiers of the governor took jesus into the common hall gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers and they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe and when they had platted a crown of thorns they put it on his head in a reed in his right hand and they bowed the need before him and mocked him saying hail king of jews i'm just repeating from john to matthew because each one gives you a slightly different perspective and they spit on him and took the reed and spot him on the head and after that they had mocked him they took the robe from off of him and put his own arraignment on him and led him away to crucify him let's pick it up in john again pilot therefore went forth and saith and then behold i bring him forth unto you that ye may know that i find no fault in him then came jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe and pilate said to them behold the man when the chief priest therefore and the officers saw him and cried out saying crucify him crucify him paul said on them take ye him and crucify him for i find no fault in him and of course this has been immortalized by the artists very graphically of him his hope was that he might elicit the sympathy of the crowd seeing how he had been abused but obviously didn't work the jews answered him we have a law and by our law you ought to die because he made himself the son of god that must have shook pilate he hadn't heard that the father therefore heard that saying he was the more afraid for a good reason and when again in the judgment hall and said jesus what's heart thou but jesus gave him no answer then saith by unto him speaketh thou not unto me knoweth not thou not that i have the power to crucify thee and have the power to release thee he answered thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above therefore he that delivered me unto thee had the greater sin and from thenceforth pilate sought to release him but the jews cried out saying if thou let this man go thou art not caesar's friend whosoever make himself a king speaketh against caesar these are the jews talking at any other day they chafed under the idea that caesar was in charge here they're making a point of it and because they know his mentality they know that that the one before whom pilate trembles is caesar when pilot therefore heard that saying he brought jesus forth and sat down in the judgment seat the place which is called the pavement but in the hebrew agave and it was a preparation the passover about the sixth hour and he saith unto the jews behold your king and they cried out away with him away with him crucify him pilate said to him shall i crucify your king the chief priest said we have no king but caesar they have just renounced the jewish they have just renounced their entire history and all that god has done for them hosea predicts this in chapter 3 verse 4 for the children of israel shall abide many days without a king and without a prince and without a sacrifice and without an image without an ephod and without tear of him afterwards shall the children of israel return and seek the lord their god and david their king and shall fear the lord and his goodness in the latter days and that's yet to be future but it will happen cloudy though it may look at this point in israel's situation then they delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified they took jesus let him away and he bearing his cross and forth into a place called the place of a skull which is called in the hebrew golgotha and if you've been there you've seen it there is a place that has uh the face of the cliff somewhat it's been obviously damaged by all kinds of erosion uh the place of the skull a little more up on this one uh we'll get to that in a minute back in genesis 22 we studied the the abraham's offering of isaac and on mount moriah now if you look at topo map the mount moriah is a ridge system starting low in the south and rising to the north it has a mountain to the west called mount zion there was a valley between the two called the terrorian valley it's filled in now pretty much the mount of olives is to the east and it separates from mariah by the kedran valley and the base of the mount of olives at the kingdom valley is where gethsemane is and to the south there's another valley called the hinnom valley and uh now what's interesting is ofel the original salem that melchizedek ruled on was now at the southern tip of this about 600 meters above sea level when david comes along there's that the plague that he the lord is wages that causes david to buy a saddleback a thrashing floor is typically a saddleback where there's a prevailing wind that was the thrashing floor of aruna which is often confused many people when they look that up you'll find that there's an apparent contradiction in the scriptures um some people think there were two different places no um vernon or ornan as i sometimes said and he bought it for 50 shekels of silver and then in first chronicle that's in second samuel 24. in first chronicles 21 it says he bought it with for 600 shekels of gold and that apparent discrepancy is understood by most scholars is that he originally bought just the thrashing floor site but then later paid for the whole hill uh so it because that becomes then of course the site of the temple and uh there's no relationship with this the temple itself and the offering of isaac that's the jewish tradition that's where he did it i don't think so i think he did at the top of the hill not halfway up because bear in mind there was a city down here at the southern tip and where he ends up going is at the peak and if we get into that a little closer there's the thrashing floor of aruna and that's at about 741 meters above sea level it's gone from 600 about 741 meters by then but at 777 meters it happens um we have the peak a place that's called golgotha now we'll talk a little bit more about this it's interesting to me i regard gogotha as valid not because of the skull appearance on the cliff although that is striking that's not the point um there's some other reasons there's about 18 reasons in the scripture that cause me to believe that that's where it actually occurred all the burnt offerings and all the sin offerings were supposed to be done on the north side that's leviticus 1 and 6. in fact not only are they on the north side the bird offerings leviticus one and the synopsis leviticus six they're also strangely outside the done part of the they're actually resolved outside the camp in leviticus 4 and 16 and even the writer to the book of hebrews speaks of christ as being offered without the gate on the north side outside the camp and that's exactly where gogeth is in contrast to the traditional site that was picked by constantine's mother um that's celebrated as the church of the holy secret i don't i don't hold any um credence to that personally and as they came out they found a man of cyrene simon by name and they compelled him to bear his cross when they where they crucified him and two others with him on either side one and jesus in the midst we could spend a lot of time talking about the crucifixion let me just summarize a detailed article that was published in the american medical association in march 21st of 1986 or simply says due to the pain endured by the weight of the body hanging from the nails which damage the medial nerves and tear at the tarsals that's in the wrist not the fingers that the respiratory torture the cramping the pleural effusions chest cavity concluded that death by crucifixion was in every sense the world excruciating literally out of the cross the word excruciating just means that out of the cross the whole idea is suffocation because the hanging on the wrists compresses the chest and the only way you can get relief of that by pressing up on the feet where you die of suffocation often a crucifixion could take as much as nine days to kill a guy could hang there in pain and torture for many many days and it was on usually right up at the crossroads as rome's warning to the masses to take them seriously and you can tell it would be impressive there's a very detailed very extensive article the ama journal that goes into all the medical aspects i didn't feel that was necessary tonight but c.s lewis goes out a little differently back in something he wrote he creates the universe already foreseeing or should we say seeing there are no tenses in god the buzzing cloud of flies about the cross the flayed back pressed against the uneven stake the nails driven through the medial nerves the repeated incipient suffocation as the body droops the repeated torture of the back and arms as it is time after time for breath's sake hitched up if i may dare the biological image god is a host who deliberately creates his own parasites causes us to be that we may exploit and take advantage of him here in his love this is the diagram of love himself the inventor of all loves he was crucified on a cross of wood yet he made the hill on which it stood pilate wrote a title at title actually and put it on the cross he wrote it personally apparently and the writing was jesus of nazareth the king of the jews according to john pilate wrote it didn't have it written he wrote it himself interesting he apparently was fluent in three languages he would be where in his position this title then read many of the jews for the place where jesus was crucified was nigh into the city and it was written in hebrew and in greek and in latin apparently in that order now you and i would just normally read on but whenever you and i stumble and might miss something the pharisees come to our rescue because the next verse oh let's here's what it would look like apparently and that's you know all languages flow towards jerusalem right so it goes from right to left yeshua is the first word next word is hanatsurai the nazirin the malik the king ha yehudam the jews yeshua for jesus the nazarene the king of the jews fair enough so much so good except then said the chief priest of the jews to pilate right not the king of the jews but that he said i am the king of the jews what's the difference very important difference that you and i would miss because we don't know hebrew but i would pilot pilate did what he did deliberately this wasn't an accident what i have written i have written is what your text says what it actually says in the greek is it's present it says what i have written will always remain written is what he actually said what's going on here pilate's got a game going on here's what his epitaph actually read if you take he knew that the jews are into acrostics psalm 119 is an acrostic every line occurs you know it's about 22 groups and every line occurs starts with the first letter the second group second letter it's an acrostic all through the book of esther there are acrostics if you're a hebrew scholar then you're into acrostics so the he knew that the jews would not miss what he just did because the first letter of each of these words the yod hey vav hey and that's the way a rabbi will speak of god he won't pronounce the name he'll pronounce the letters hey the unpronounceable name of god amen now you can go to i'm not suggesting that pilate really understood that he was the the son of god but he knew i'm sure that this would exacerbate the people that had put him into this predicament so i think he did as a minimum he did this deliberately to antagonize the jewish leadership what i have written i have written like that sort of here you brenner are saying that don't you okay then the soldiers when they had crucified jesus took his garments and made four parts to every soldier apart how many soldiers were there a little test question will be on your final exam how many how many soldiers were there there were four apparently every soldier apart and also his coat now the coat was without a seam woven from the top throughout they said therefore among themselves let us not rend it but cast lots for it whose it shall be that the scripture might be fulfilled which saith they parted my agreement among them and for my vesture they did cast lots these things therefore the soldiers did don't misunderstand john i'm not suggesting that he's suggesting that they did this to fulfill prophecy you can read it that way it sounds well they did this to fulfill prophecy no they did this but it happened so that the prophecy would be fulfilled because all this was written in advance and we'll show you where that happens in a minute now they're stood by the cross of jesus his mother and his mother's sister that's going to be important for another little comment i'll make mary the wife of cleopas he cleopas was one of the two guys on the mass road that sunday afternoon that we'll come to in our next session and mary magdalene and when jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciple standing by whom he loved who would that be john indeed that's what he always referred to himself he said unto his mother woman behold thy son then saith her disciple behold thy mother and from that hour the disciple took her unto his own home very strange when you think about it jesus had four brothers and two sisters at least two sisters but he consigns his mother to none of them but rather to john the apostle i think that's interesting see two of his brothers become believers after the resurrection jude and james but not before then apparently but he does he he assigns her care to john the apostle and who eventually becomes the pastor in ephesus and mary settles in ephesus apparently died there they have a tomb they believe is hers and so forth um what's interesting to me is what many people miss and i don't think you'll find this in any commentary but i'll let you do your own study and come to your own conclusions but i believe ii john of john the three epistles john wrote five books gospel john book of revelation and three epistles first epistle is really a sermon very very profound important epistle the other two are very small little notes but john the second john as we call it i believe is a person note to mary and i think you can prove it from the text but uh it makes it closes by the way your the children of your sister greet you and that's why it's interesting that mary does have a sister in fact she's at the cross too so for what it's worth and uh i'll let you charge on that on your own but um john apparently does the other reason he may have assigned her to john is because john died a natural death all the others suffered martyrdom and now which is the cause and which is effect yeah i'm going to try to split those hairs there were then two thieves crucified with him one on the right hand and the other on the left and they that passed by reviled him wagging their heads saying thou that destroys the temple and built in three days save thyself if thou be the son of god come down from the cross if you and i were writing the shooting script we would have had a great answer for those guys but that's not what happened likewise also the chief priests mockingham said with the scribes and elders said he saved others himself he cannot save if he be the king of israel let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him yeah sure thing he trusted in god let him deliver him now if he will have him for he said i am the son of god so they're mocking him all of this is was written 700 years earlier we'll look at it in a minute one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on them saying if thou be christ say thyself and us but the other answering rebuked him saying dost thou not fear god seeing thou art in the same condemnation and we indeed justly for we receive the due reward of our deeds but this man hath done nothing amiss and then he turns to jesus and says lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom and jesus said unto him verily i say unto thee today thou shalt be with me in paradise fabulous fabulous event the day will come before the being the seat of christ that we're all going to stand there and receive the rewards for what we've done and i'm sure that this thief that was saved in the last few seconds of his life will be simply glad to be there and not assume that he has any credit on his account and i think the lord is going to march in front of him the thousands of people that came to faith from his testimony guys who are on death row and saw this and came to faith because of this and will be in heaven because i am and i think he's going to be i think he will be astonished to discover that he is far more on his report card than he has any idea conversely i think there's others that are very very prominent in christendom that may be indeed be in heaven but may be very surprised how much of what they're doing is accredited to the flesh rather than the spirit moving on now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour from what is it noon to three right and about the ninth hour jesus cried with a loud voice saying eloy eli lama sabachthani and by the way anyway this is to say my god my god why is thou forsaken me this is commonly reported in many commentaries as in the aramaic but it proves to be a very complex linguistic problem douglas hamp's book discovering the language of jesus insists that jesus spoke hebrew not aramaic and it's quite a comb that i've been studying and it's quite interesting he's really gone into this and even though there's some borrowed words from aramaic they were borrowed into the hebrew so this is the fact that it's not a big deal except that you put put your caution flag up sometimes the common traditions even in the commentaries is not necessarily correct this apparently is hebrew but the main point is jesus among other things is calling our attention to psalm 22. let's take a look at psalm 22. we'll just take a few selections here it opens up my god my god why is thou forsaking me why aren't thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring oh my god i cry in the daytime but thou hearst not in the night season i'm not silent but thou art holy oh thou that inhabits the praises of israel our fathers trusted me they trusted and thou just delivered them they cried unto thee and were delivered they trusted and they were not confounded but i am a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised with people all that see me laugh me to scorn they shoot out the lip they shake the head saying he trusted the lord that he should deliver him let him deliver him seeing he delighted in him that sound familiar didn't we just hear this but thou art he that took me out of the womb and that has made me hope when i was upon my mother's breaths i was cast upon me from the womb thou art my god from my mother's belly be not far from me my trouble is near for there's none to help many bulls have compassed me strong bowls of bashan have beset me round they gaped upon me with their mouths as a ravening and roaring lion what are these are these cattle from the galan heights i don't think so i think they're demons but that's neither here nor there i am poured out like water all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax it is melted in the midst of my bowels my strength is dried up like a potsherd my tongue cleaveth to my jaws and thou has brought me into the dust of death for dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me they pierced my hands and my feet this is in the book of psalms written by david some 700 years before crucifixion was invented i may tell all my bones they look and stare upon me they part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture what astonishes me about god is his precision this precision well continue in matthew 27 some of them that stood there when they heard that said this man called for elias and straightway one of them ran and took a sponge and fill it with vinegar and put it on a reed and gave him to drink the rest said let it let me let's see whether elias will come to save him jesus when he'd cried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost the jews therefore because it was the preparation that the body should not remain on the cross on the sabbath day for that sabbath day was a high day that's not saturday by the way that's where everybody makes a mistake it's the feast of unleavened bread it's a high sabbath one of seven high sabbaths during the year beside pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away they break the legs because that prevents the person from relieving the pressure on his chest that forces an end to the process that was the way if they had uh reasons to want to get it over with they break the legs then came the soldiers and break the legs of the first and of the other which was crucified with them but when they came to jesus and saw that he was dead already they break not his legs that's rather strange to me you're a soldier now you're a career soldier and you're ordered to go break the legs it doesn't sound like you normally have discretion why not just break them and get on with it you followed your orders right this one doesn't one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side forthwith and there came out blood and water and he that saw it bear record and his record is true and he knoweth that he what he's that he saith true that he might believe he's piercing with the spirit now why why why did that happen because it was required to happen but the soldier didn't know that these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled a bone of him shall not be broken i'll show you three places where that shows up and again another scripture said they shall look upon him whom they pierced if you look at exodus chapter 12 that's where the passover is first instituted by the lord to moses it says in one house speaking of the passover it shall be eaten thou shall not carry forth out of the flesh of brought out of the house neither shall ye break a bone thereof express requirement in exodus 12. repeat repeated in numbers 9 verse 12 they shall leave none of it unto the mourning nor break any bone of it according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep it that soldier that roman soldier unknowingly was making sure that that offering of christ on the uh would fulfill the passover requirements interestingly enough psalm 34 20 echoes he keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken interestingly enough there's also a passage in zechariah 12 that's interesting for several reasons let's just read it first it shall come to pass in that day that i will seek to destroy all the nations that come against jerusalem this is an end-time scene in front of us here and i will pour upon the house of david upon the inhabitants of jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications and they shall look upon me the one whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn wow that's zechariah now it turns out that there's a hebrew construction there at asher if you will that occurs 159 times in the old testament in 158 of those times the jewish scholars always render it the one whom in this case and only this case does the official jewish publication say because they have thrust him through they twist the grammar here to avoid what it really says and i just received a 35-page paper from a doctoral candidate i i he's got his doctor my one of my phd guys bill welty where he got into a major dialogue with some of the jewish experts wrote a 35-page paper on this very issue and just shreds the fact that the way they twist this particular uh interpretation to make it so it doesn't sound christian in the old testament the tanakh the old testament in 158 it's 158 to 1 so to speak but in any case it says they shall look upon me whom they have pierced now the there's a an elephant an ep there that are floating between those words which also can be translated the first and last the alpha the alpha and the tau the alpha and the omega but that's a whole another debate look upon me the one whom they have pierced is what it says and that's the prophecy when jesus comes back he will be showing his scars the only thing in heaven that's man-made are his scars behold the veil of the the temple was rent and twain from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went to the holy city and appeared unto many now what's going on here nobody knows i've been through all the commentaries many many dozens of them and they're all speculations some of them are very logical speculations but respect they're all conjectures have no idea who they were they obviously he's the first of the first fruits the feast of first fruits he had the first it wasn't just the first fruit it's fruits plural and so christ is the preeminent one the first one but there were others with it to fulfill the the the the the model there but uh who were they what were they going what was going on there's no other creditable mention of this anywhere in the scriptures we'll have to have to wait and see now when the centurion and they that were with him watching jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying truly this was the son of god and many women that were there beholding afar off which followed jesus from galilee ministering to him among which was mary magdalene mary the mother of james and joseph and the mother of zebedee's children salome different salome now we get to another thing joseph of arimathea an honorable counselor which also waited for the kingdom of god according to mark's account here came and went in boldly into pilate and craved the body of jesus and pilate marveled if he were already dead calling unto him the centurion he asked him whether he had been any while dead and when he knew it of the centurion he gave the body to joseph so first of all it's very interesting well there's several things here joseph aromathea obviously had significant political access and crowd you you clout you didn't have uh you didn't go up to the personal representative of the rule of the world as just mr joe off the street that but he received joseph feremia interesting enough now it's my understanding that both that the the law required that even a case of a criminal that the body would be the possession of the next of kin so this implies not only did joseph have access to to uh pontius pilate which is impressive but he apparently also had a kinship relationship but what's not recorded here but i have it on good authority from no less than chuck smith of calvary chapel one eastern he pointed out that there is an unrecorded conversation here pilate is astonished he's in effect saying to uh joseph varimathia you just made this new grave for your family it's never been used and you're going to give it to this criminal and job says oy vey it's just for the weekend the john account mentions something else that's worthy of mention after this joseph of maramithia being a disciple of jesus but secretly for fear of the jews besought pilate that he might take away the body of jesus gave him to leave and he came therefore and took the body this word secretly is a mistranslation that's an adverb the way you've translated here the word in the greek is actually an adjective he was secreted he was in hiding he tried to defend christ before the sanhedrin in an earlier meeting so his life was at risk he was in hiding which was another reason that pilots receiving him astonished him because he came out of hiding to beg the body how do i know that because of one letter one letter difference in the greek makes it an adjective not an adverb he was secreted for fear of the jews not a big deal but i'll just show you the precision always fascinates me and there came also nicodemus which at the first came to jesus by night remember john 3 and all of that and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes about a hundred pound weight myrrh of course because that was an embalming uh ointment then took they but joseph and nicodemus the body of jesus wound it in linen clothes with the spices as the manner of the jews is to bury now the place in which he was crucified there was a garden interesting thing that people miss right literally a five-minute walk from golgotha is the garden tomb and there are about 18 specifications that it fits that are in the text they never present it like it was actually they just say it's supposed to typify they they go softly on this but the more you study this the more you can convince yourself it actually probably was the tomb there next to it is a 250 000 gallon cistern which implies that that area belonged to a single owner and that that tomb was apparently the tomb of the owner so it was a rich man's tomb carved in the rock there's more to it i'll come to that in a minute in the garden a new sepulcher wherein was never man yet laid there laid they jesus therefore because of the jews preparation day for the sepulcher was nigh at hand so it's right almost next to where all this is going on it's not very far and when joseph had taken the body he wrapped it in clean linen cloth laid it in his own new tomb which he had hewn out of the rock and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher and departed and there was mary magdalene and the other mary sitting over and against the sepulcher there's good more to this i'll come back to that in a minute but now the next day that followed the day of the preparation the chief priests and the pharisees came together in the pilot saying sir we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive after three days i will rise again you know i find that fascinating jesus said it again and again and again to each of the disciples and they didn't get it the girls did a couple of girls did but the guys didn't but the enemies remembered that and they understood it it's fascinating so command therefore that the sepulcher be made sure until the third day left his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people he has risen from the dead so the last error will be worse than the first that's a interesting remark they admit the first thing was a big mistake i suppose it was the earthquake the darkness that could be felt and you could make your list you know they do is a big favor here they assure that the roman authorities would make sure that there would be no chicanery okay pilate said to them i love this and i'll notice this carefully path said unto them you have your watch go your way make it as sure as you can i think that's an interesting remark do you hear in the echoing in the intonations there even in the translation that pilate was probably not surprised when the tomb was empty three days later you have your watch go your way make it as sure as you can i see a certain cynicism coming through doesn't he have confidence in the roman soldiers so they went and made the sepulcher shore sealing the stone and setting a watch anyone touching that stone would be under penalty of death really let's take a look at isaiah there's two passages you have to read in all this one is psalm 22 we skim that through let's take a look at just 12 verses isaiah 53 it opens up there's actually a verse ahead of this i'm saving that for tomorrow whoeve believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant as a root out of a dry ground he hath no form nor come in this and when we shall see him there's no beauty that we should desire he's despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows acquainted with the grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not get this surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we'd esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our inequities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way but the lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before shearers is dumb so he opened not his mouth he was taken from prison from judgment who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth verse 9 i always used to assume he made his grave with the wicked that makes sense and he was with the rich in his death well he was certainly in arimathea's graves so he's really rich i've assumed that he died between two thieves i was studying an interesting commentary on the book of leviticus when i do my leviticus research by andrew monarch and he makes the point that's not what it says he made his grave with the wicked well that creates an interesting problem because he is apparently his grave is among other graves of wicked people but it has to be levitically clean what does that mean maybe it's great looking andrew bonar in his commentary in leviticus says the following i'm quoting the very spot that criminals were put to death was where joseph's new tomb was hewn out of a rock the stony sides of the tomb the new tomb the clean place where jesus was laid were part of the malefactor's hill his dead body is with the rich man in and with the wicked in the hour of his death his grave is the property of the rich man yet the rocks which form the partition between his tomb and that of the other calvary malefactors are themselves part of golgotha the fact that is not what monarch describes is that it's carved out of rock and it has to be part of the hill you follow me now as i read this i will just having been there i just visualize it but then i noticed something i went back and i checked the title page bonar published his commentary in leviticus in 1846 that was before they discovered the garden tomb he portrays this picture from leviticus from the text in leviticus now we've all been there those of you have if you're not you want to do that it fits the situation exactly and uh continuing the uh the uh i guess a couple other things i'm going to say about this i want to throw in here general charles gordon a distinguished british general was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1852 he discovered the area that's derisively called by some people as gordon's calvary he was looking out his hotel window and happened to notice the cliffs and he sort of saw the skull kind of thing so he investigated and that's called was called gordon's calvary by people who think well obviously they're the holy sepulchre that's the real place that's somewhere else and it's now known of course as a garden tomb he discovered that in 1883 43 years after bonar describes this in the from his in his footnotes and so forth in the book of on his commentary on the book of leviticus i think that's very fascinating anyway finishing the isaiah passage yet it please the lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities isaiah 53 a summary of all the new testament epistles tucked away in what some people call the holy of holies of the old testament so we talked about jesus arriving in gaga there just to review again he reviews the offer of the wine so forth then he nailed the cross between two thieves then we had the first cry of the father forgive them for they know not what they do the garments were allocated the jews mocked jesus conversed with two thieves second cry you'll be with me in paradise and woman behold your son behold thy mother and so forth the third cry darkness then from noon to 3 pm my god my god why is that forsaken me he cries that i'm thirsty they feed him on a stick with a sponge on a stick he drank the vine vinegar the sixth cry it is finished father into your hands i commend my spirit and he dismisses his spirit the temple curtains torn roman soldiers declared surely was the son of god just a quick summary of the whole thing seven cries from the cross father forgive them for they know not what they do today thou shalt be with me in paradise woman behold thy son behold thy mother my god my god why hast thou forsaken me i thirst and to tell us die it is finished or more precisely paid in full john 19 30. and then father into thy hands i commit my spirit he himself dismisses his spirit i'm fascinated the way salvador dali chose to portray the crucifixion incorporating what most people would know the background of that happens to be a three-dimensional representation of a four-dimensional cube a four-dimensional cube unraveled in three dimensions it astonished me to realize that salvador dali had that much sophistication in his background well next time by the way you know what that is a picture of that's a picture of the garden tomb taken at night almost 2 000 years ago that terrific once you have photoshop you never trust any photograph you see again right because it even has a stone that's been lost there the final session next time the resurrection read the rest of matthew 28 or actually all of matthew 28 mark 16 luke 24 and john 20 and 21. that's your assignment for next tuesday and i'm going to add one other thing also add first corinthians 15 what paul would suggest is the most important chapter of the entire bible and we will deal with that next time as we wrap up our study in the gospel of matthew let's stand for a closing word of prayer father we recognize that we've been walking on holy ground we thank you father for having brought each of us to such a time as this where your very word is being challenged the very achievement that you've gone to such extremes to execute on our behalf is demeaned ignored or denied yet father we thank you that you've brought us here we pray that through your holy spirit you would reveal to each of us just what it is you would have from each of us as a response to this ultimate act of love on your part we do pray father that you would increase in each of us a passion a hunger your word and specifically for the works that you've done for us we pray father that you would help us to grow and grace the knowledge of the one who hung there for us that we each of us might be more fruitful stewards of the opportunities you place before each of us as we commit ourselves right now into your hands without any reservation whatsoever in the name of yeshua our lord and savior whose name we do pray amen [Music] you
Channel: The Reconciled
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Length: 79min 42sec (4782 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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