40 HUGE Free Roam Maps For Assetto Corsa 2023 - 40 Download Links

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hey everyone welcome to the ultimate guide for asceter course of free roam we're going to be looking at 40 yes 40 free roams to put a set of course and all the links are in the description I'm gonna jump straight in but as ever do check out the rest of the channel there's lots more Sim racing on there and if you like what you see I'd love your subscription also check out simrace247.com for all the latest Sim racing and Motorsport news let's jump in then straight at number 40. first up today we have oi Wharf now this has got 32 pits it's based on a Tokyo Bayside drift spot it's really famous and with all of the tracks today guys I'm just gonna show you the track and I'm going to tell you if it's a paid for or a free mod some of the mods today you will see are free and paid for that means there is a public free version which is normally a little bit smaller and then there is the full version that you can pay or subscribe to next open at number 39 we'll have California coast this is a port from Grid 2 it's 9.5 miles long and it has eight pits I'm really interested in how many of these Maps today you will have because I've gone back in time a little bit and I've got some of the obvious suspects but I've also got a lot of maps that I don't think you're gonna have so do tell me in the comments how many of these you don't have in your collection and that you're gonna download next up we have something a little bit unusual that you may not have seen before this is called City 2010 it's actually ported from the city engine 2010 it's only got one pit but it's a really unusual map and you don't see this on a set of corset very often it's actually quite huge so do check it out download links are in the description next up at number 37 we have fujimikado now this is by spree 3905 it's 10 miles long it's got 12 pits 14 different layouts this is a really excellent track and again if you've not downloaded this it's a pretty essential track if you like 2 gain or drifting so this is fujimi kado foreign next up at number 36 is an old favorite and there's a couple of those in my list today this is called brassov it's by Sim track now this is a paid for mod and a free mod there is a free demo of this this is seven miles long and it's got one pit [Music] next up is a map that's been set in my collection for a couple of years actually this is called Sun City it's by spy Workshop or the ACs Workshop I'm putting it down as a free mod because I think it's been out for quite a long time now do check it out it's quite interesting and there are a lot of city maps today in my list and I think that's something that set a quarter is now doing very well thank you next up we're at number 34 and this is ensuka this has got seven layouts it's approximately 14 miles long the original track is by attack hatch and this was converted by Shin 956 this has got 34 pits [Music] next up we have Aquino 22. this is 5.3 miles long this is by project kado 40 pits and three different layouts now this is a really beautiful track and again absolutely worth the download I must say guys that when I'm editing this video because I've made it so big and it's got so many tracks on it my PC is really creaking so if you see any mistakes do Point them out to me in the comment section I'm trying my best with this video okay let's move on to the next track [Music] at number 32 I've put in the Isle of Man now I know there are a couple of Isle of Man tracks this is the one I'm featuring today it's 15.4 miles long and the Isle of Man is a really iconic circuit for those of you that don't know from different places around the world do check it out this is one of the biggest circuits around the UK at number 31 is our first Need for Speed track and this is Need for Speed underground this has got 33 layouts yes 33 layouts and I will put the Discord for the modders that have created this in the links in the description there are a number of Need for Speed maps and these are all fantastic ports just look how good it looks in a set of Corsa remember guys do support the modders any way you can even if it's with a thank you next open at number 30 we have Alto Teja this has been out for a while and it's one of my old favorites six different layouts it's by forehead and it's 20 miles long now I am putting this down as a free and a paid for mod because I know there are different versions that you can download next up and onto another old favorite of mine this is Wicklow mountains nine different layouts this is by Jake Grafton 24 miles long and this really captures the look and feel of driving in Ireland so do check it out over to somewhere a little bit warmer and drier and now we're at California highway this is by SMS and the reboot team I featured it in one of my videos recently this is a fantastic little track 13 miles long 16 pits next up is another drifting track now I'm classing these as free roams because you can really drive around to your heart's content this is Osaka nanko this is by the 90s golden drift project this has 32 pits foreign next up at number 26 is another conversion and I really like this one this is by bug X this is the car X Pacific Hills Port this is by akf fpv 32 pits and this is a pretty vast area that really you can again play around in your favorite car at number 25 on the list today is my first track by Todd K this is Topanga Canyon of four different layouts 13 miles long this is one that really cut my teeth on a couple of years ago when I started doing a set of course of videos and Todd K has been doing some amazing mods for assetto Corsa and Todd please give me the update to stake whatever you're doing let me take a look at it because I know everybody wants to see it so this is Topanga Canyon the next track on the list everybody knows about it this is Target Florio now this version is by simtrax it's 44 miles long and it's got 30 pits this has a huge amount of History around it and for a while it is one of the biggest race tracks in the world so definitely download it and know there's new versions being released as well and being developed so this is the Tim tracks version that I'm showing you today at number 23 we have another Track by Todd K and everybody loves this this is Mulholland Drive it's 12 miles long this is one of the tracks actually that does feature traffic and I will point out which tracks have got traffic on there the number of them do have the standard CSP flood but also some of them do have two real traffic now and I'll Point those out as we get a little bit higher up in the list and speaking of traffic this next one definitely supports it this is day Coco I've got a great video of how to set traffic up two-wheel traffic on the channel so do check that out this is an amazing mod I love this it's by soyo it's got 231 Pips you heard that right so it's a bit of a meeting place it's absolutely huge with the amount of roads that it's got and there's two versions of it so do check it out next open at number 21 we have project Toge this is 30 miles long and got 36 pits if you want a Toge or drift this is one of their places for you yeah foreign so we've made it to number 20 we're halfway through next up is Glencoe and I'm pleased to say my PC is still chugging along we're okay now this has been out for a little while but it's still a brilliant free roam 49 miles of Road in the highlands of Scotland to 50 pits what's not to like some really cool stuff on this if you've not driven this do check it out it's an essential next up is another track that's been around for a while and I really like this mod I was playing it when I first started driving on a set of course so this is of course Lake Louise 15 miles of road it's really cool this is a paid for mod but it does have some free versions as well so do check it out again all the links are in the description at number 18 we have our next Need for Speed track this is Need for Speed Most Wanted this has got four different layouts and it's by my mod cart now this is a great great mod again just look at the detail on this and been able to drive around these in a set of Corsa which is essentially an old circuit racer absolutely brilliant the modern Community is so good for aesthetic Corsa so a big shout out again to all the modders that are featuring today if I've not called your name out that's because it might not be on the track or I've lost it but I've tried to put all of these together so do give yourself a shout out in the comments section below next up we have another favorite of mine I featured this a few times this is Sydney West now this is a paid for mod but it's absolutely worth it this is by a set of mods it features a vast part of Sydney West in Australia 62 miles of Road and 30 pits and you can put traffic on this it is lots of fun so do check this one out next up we're at number 16 and this is kanazawa now this has got 11 different areas it's by Route 8 media I've put this down as a pre and a paid for mod because I think there are some free versions out there definitely another one to check out there's some huge parts to this map and there's lots of things that you can do on here it's not just about driving on the road so do check out all the off-road pieces that are on this map too next we're on to number 15 and this is karakora my featured this I think it was about four or six weeks ago really great new map 30 miles long it's based in Pakistan it's got five different layouts it's by me that's not me but the mother is called me really stunning scenery as well I love the Mountain View this is a really early development so do support the mod because I think this could turn out to be something very special for assetto Corsa next up we're on to Hong now this has got 6.2 miles of Road and I love how it features not only driving in the mountains a bit of togaine drifting but also going into the cities really good this is an essential for your collection foreign and this is Liberty City this is by Alexei it's got 32 pits and again it's another one of these huge ports that's a massive City for you to drive around on a set of corset it does need some Polish and I know it's a version where there's lots of work still going on on this and some of the other city maps so do support the modder and the version of this mod that I've got also comes with a winter skin so that's very cool too next I'll put at number 12 we have another favorite of probably most people watching this video this is Pacific Coast so this has got six different layouts 30 miles of road it's so peaceful and great driving vintage cars on this mod I absolutely adore it 55 pits now this is by Phoenix do you remember that this has got a paid for and a free version as well you will see some links on the free version website on where to get the next version if that's what you want next up we're nearly into the top 10 but not quite we're at number 11 and this is ACP metaverse now I'm gonna do a much bigger review on this it's by hyena the boss but I just thought I'd put it in this list today because it is a really cool concept so this is a 120 miles of road but it is a metaverse so you can do missions on here you can meet people race earn points you have a character in this so hyena is going to show me around in the next few weeks absolutely awesome and this shows you the flexibility of a set of corsets still next up then we're number 10 and I talked about the snake earlier on and here it is this is the snake it's done with photogrammetry it's by Todd K I'm desperate to play the next version of this because this is so good the road service is amazing two different layouts two and a half miles long and one pit really excited on how this is going to develop and I know there's a lot of love for this foreign so we are in the top 10 and at number nine we have high Force seven different layouts including many with traffic and that's two-way traffic as well really cool this has got a huge amount of open road for you to try on and it's in a beautiful part of the UK so if you're not from the UK and you want to understand what village life is like this tells you really well this is just like driving in the Peak District so definitely a big thank you to the modder on this one and guys when you drop on their pages to download do say thank you or support them any way that you can we're at number eight then and this is snuck into my top 10 list because it's so well done this is Burnout Paradise by PG simulations 12.4 miles of Road and eight pits but just look how good it looks now with CSP and pure and soul and all the goodies that you've got on that sky looks amazing the water looks fantastic this is absolutely ready to play so a big shout out to the mother on this one I absolutely love this port really good stuff this is Burnout Paradise so we're at number seven and you know there's going to be some big hitters now in this top ten and this one is one of the biggest this is Bella Vista 11 different layouts it's by aesthetical subtracts hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles and this is a true free roam you can drive anywhere so you can drive straight across those forest and field if that's what you want to do this is a paid for mod Link in the description it's absolutely worth it one of the best free roams on a set of Corsa and something else it now supports traffic so do check out the latest updates okay next up we're on to number six and again a huge huge mod this is Amiga Hometown I've covered this a few times recently because it's quite a new mod to me but over 600 miles of Autobarn and road it's based on real life areas in Germany 52 pits traffic works on this that CSP flood or what I've got on here which is the two real traffic I think about 150 cars on here just to give you a little bit of an example this is brilliant for burning up and down the Autobahn there's a great great Community around it as well it is a paid for mod but again a bit like Bella Vista absolutely essential and next up we have another pay for mod but this does have some free versions this is La canions by Phoenix 77 again for many people this is still one of their go-to free roams and that's because there are so many different ways to play it anything from Pursuit Chasers to races or just cruising around it's absolutely brilliant so la Canyons is still up there as one of the best free roams on a set of Corsa and we're now at number four and this is FDR now I'm going to show you a little bit of this because there are literally hundreds and hundreds of roads on here that you can drive 14 different layouts 64 pits it's an absolutely awesome mod that's getting bigger and bigger and this is again one of those where you really want to support the developer and see where they can take this this is a paid for mod again the link will be in the description and this is number four on the list [Music] so we're into the top three can you guess what's here probably so number three we have Union Island four different layouts 20 miles of Road 45 pits this is by Ben o bro and it's a free mod now everybody loves this it's one of the best mods out there just for cruising around and especially if you get those sunrises and sunsets right I will say guys that are nowhere into the top three now if I've missed any mods out it's not on purpose I was trying to compile the best list I can 43 roam tracks is a lot to compile so if there's something you think I've missed drop it into the comments but this is Union Island absolutely essential in fact most of the mods on this top 40 list are essential the next one absolutely download it this is Glenn Shield it's got an amazing Community around it this is by Grant Hendry it's got two different layouts and one of the layouts where you can drive up to 500 miles of Roads you can see the kind of roads that you're going to be driving on here there's no Auto barns as far as I'm aware there's no traffic click on here yet but there's lots of Easter eggs to find in you there's a big online community so do check out the Discord for a lot of the maps today I'll put all the links in the description so we've got to number one and can you guess what it is of course it's shitoko I still think this is the king of free roams it does what it does so so well 120 miles of Road an amazing online community 32 pits eight different layouts there's traffic on it either through CSP flood or too real the community on this is really what makes it too and it's so much variation on this mod now so it's brilliant do download it the link will be in the description I can't believe anybody watching this video wouldn't have shitoko but you never know as I did say earlier if I've missed something out I've not done it on purpose I was trying to get as many together as I could do check out the rest of the channel if you like the video give it a thumbs up see you soon guys
Channel: Sir Spats Gaming
Views: 112,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assetto corsa mods, assetto corso top mods, assetto corsa best mods, assetto corsa graphics mods, assetto corsa the best mods, assetto corsa graphic mods, assetto corsa updates, sol 2.2.5, new mods for assetto corsa, assetto corsa mods 2022, assetto corsa best mods 2022, assetto corsa 2022, assetto corsa tracks, assetto corsa free roam, assetto corsa mods graphics, assetto corsa free roam map, assetto corsa mods downloads, csp 1.80 preview 115, assetto corsa rally track
Id: i6pebj49SV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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