4 Years of Competitive Fortnite Progression..

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starting in 2018 with my first ever fortnite post my grind to become the best began as you can see I was sweating it out in the dusty Depot and even as a beginner I was clearly the most dominant player around just kidding at this point I was playing fortnite on my PS4 in college casually I was just one of those guys going for some casual Pub dubs this was before competitive was really a thing there was no World Cup there was no cash cups or fncs there was only simply public matches I kept playing the game casually until the day World Cup was announced and this is when I was like oh snap this game means business I gave it my best shot in the World Cup I don't have any footage from it but let me just tell you I failed but at that time I was like okay if this is what competitive fortnite is I gotta get a PC ASAP so that's exactly what I did I got a really cheap start in PC but at the time it was able to get me like 60 FPS in endgame and 144 in regular games so it was good enough and then shortly after I switched to PC of course I switched to keyboard and mouse the Java new note today so at this point in time it's season X of fortnite chapter one and this is where I have my first ever recorded highlights from a tournament believe it or not this was my first season on keyboard and mouse and I got my first earnings in that season I got 200 earned from a top 200 in Trio fncs I'm not gonna lie I was kind of felt different in my first season on keyboard mouse I don't know what happened because now I'm some hot bleep here's some of the moments from that tourney that got me my first ever earnings I can't help but laugh while I watch this but honestly it's not it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be my voice just got really high I'm gonna shut up too this guy's weak that guy should be foreign first off like where is our teamwork bro we're literally just soloing in these end games I don't know how we got earnings also like I am talking here I just couldn't record my mic back in the day but yeah bro we got the magic number of 169th place and 200 earned one more highlight from season X because this is like the starting point of our competitive progress this is my first ever solo cash cup highlight at this point I had only ever broken top 1000 in a Solo Cup once and it was a 395th place it's pretty impressive but clearly I need to gain some consistency get that game going right now let's go bro moving into chapter two my focus wasn't so heavy on fortnite competitive don't get me wrong I did play all the events but I spent most of my time in Creative Arena and kill race Wagers yeah you heard that right me and my Duo way back in the day did Pub Kill race Wagers while they were really popular and you know I don't mean to brag but we got around like a thousand dollars in earnings but because I didn't scram Robot review my placement stayed pretty bad I was averaging between one and three thousandth place but if we pass forward one year from this video it is now chapter two season four because of all that time I spent in Creative in Arena my mechanics improved a ton over that past year I literally just made montages like every other day but at this point in time chapter 2 season 4 I switched up my content and started making tutorials that's when I actually started growing a pretty large audience and what you're seeing on screen right now is my 10 000 subscriber Montage let's see how much these mechanics have improved believe me and she waits with the money I've been putting in the mattress put it all together [Music] I feel horrible maybe we can talk again soon to be foreign so you can see my mechanics have improved a lot over the past year but I still have a very 50 50 playstyle if you don't know what that means you can see in the Montage that almost all of my kills are just 50 50s where either I set up a bad edit and the enemy has a clear chance to shoot me or I just jump in their face and we're just shooting each other to see who gets the kill that's called a 50 50 and I was not very good at avoiding those back in the day nonetheless major improvements from a year ago and throughout the rest of my fortnite journey I've been making tutorials tournament highlights and pretty much just seeking out any way possible to improve so right here at this point in the video this is where the real competitive progression Begins by making tutorials I was forced to really look at my gameplay since I'd be editing it like six hours a day and I started figuring out new ways to improve because I'm staring at this gameplay all day and I'm like dude this is garbage so let's make it better like I said season 4 wasn't just the start of me making tutorials I also started doing a little bit of tournament highlights this right here is from the Nikkei 30 cup and it's pretty much my first tournament highlights since season x a year ago let's see if we can notice any Improvement okay I make it to the last moving Zone here but look at this I have a free left side that entire left side looks so free but I just cut back to the other side and start tanking Zone my awareness levels need some work foreign that was honestly not too bad I got some pretty nice refreshes and everything in that end game I play 741st in that tourney but most of my placements are still under a thousandth place at this point one more really key thing that happened in season 4 was I made a specific tutorial that pretty much nobody in the community had ever talked about and I personally think it's still one of the most important tutorials to date the video was called how to piece control without taking damage remember how in my Montage I said I had a very 50 50 playstyle well this specific video was meant to fix that I popularized the idea of how to piece control from behind a right hand Peak and over the next year or two I've just been working on mastering that to the highest ability possible over the next few seasons I did have a couple really good tournaments for example the very next season I got a 189th place in a Solo cash cup my best yet but it was definitely a fluke because my second best placement of that season was 1400 but I studied that footage and learned from it and going into the next season I had my most consistent season yet with like four top 1000s this season season six was probably my biggest groundbreaking season yet I started a new series on my channel where I bought review a pro player before a tournament and then try to apply those tips and tricks that I learned from the vodder view in the actual tournament this forced me to step out of my comfort zone and learn new skills that before I would actually never really attempt the best tourney was when I was trying to play like Benji fishy I got a 187th place oh let's go so many mats oh no I fell at this point it seems like my mechs are pretty good despite me falling there but the two biggest things I need to get down are consistency in my mechanics and game knowledge which photography and the pros is definitely gonna help with that which is why this was one of my biggest seasons of improvement because I knew I needed game knowledge and by voter viewing Pros every tourney I was gaining that knowledge going into season number seven I decided that I was going to take a break from Trio fncs and focus on myself as a solo player my solo placements were starting to get really close to money and pretty consistent so I was like if I focus on this for one season I think one it'll help me become a better player overall but also I might be able to make some money in solos this season I had some pretty crazy tournaments but the last one was the craziest of them all kenbeans decided to help me out and Coach me in the last solo cash cup let's go driving let's go you got lots of truck endings here you're almost in you're almost in one more box you can always hold you have 120 Minutes you have it you have cow as well you could play a good layer you have five bills y'all Cannon after this maybe match right there come here baby boy let's go Cannon we got seven builds match match okay you can't have it you can't have it one more Chuck Hannah you got five bills five bills bro while we didn't break top 100 it was crazy close and I definitely see Improvement in that tourney I look more calm still a little bit frantic but more calm in these end games my mechanics look sharper and more consistent everything just is starting to fall into place it's because I've been doing all those Pro voter views and really learning my game but now it's time to skip ahead a few seasons to almost present day chapter three season two this was the season that finally broke through in the first solo cash cup of the season I hopped in ready to pop off and this is from my last game I needed to get around 115 points to qual here's what happened foreign first place no it's okay going into the next week I knew I had my strats down and I knew I had the skill to make it happen this was the most confident I ever went into a solo cash cup at this point in the video I think you're going to be able to see how much I've progressed as a solo player the opening game of the second cash cup of the Season went like this foreign games I had ever played up to that point in the last game I needed to clutch up a lot of points and it could not have come down more to the wire foreign foreign I managed to pull it off but I totally flopped in finals if I'm being honest I'd never made a set finals before but hey at least we made it to one now now that's cool and all with the solo grind but whatever happened to fncs you know I quit in season 7 of chapter two but I actually came back in chapter three chapter three season one I played with Roadie and we did all right but we had room to improve we scrimmed in the off season and came back in season two there were three qualifiers for this fncs we managed to make semi-finals in all three and because of all that time I spent working on my solo game I actually became a really good solo clutching here was my best clutch in fncs nice nice feel it baby Hop Off King yep they got nothing look at him look in there like a Flopper all right that should be ours nice that whole tarp in front of you is ours still got that missed I'm not sure they had any heels oh I'm scrapped yeah now while it's a positive thing that I got good at solo clutching all that time is spent working on solos alone set me behind on communication and teamwork so I knew going into the next season that I needed to work on that but I actually ended up swapping teammates and playing with Ken beans in season three season three fncs was different than the previous ones in order to make semi-finals you had to get top 250 instead of top 500 and despite the harder qual we managed to clutch up and make every single semi-finals I was igl this season with Ken beans and you can definitely see we were playing together in this end game this was probably the craziest game I've ever played in all of fortnite to clutch up qual for one of the semi-finals yep I got you through other one the storm coming there's more behind again come on come on come on one more in one more in two more attack dead nice breakthrough breakthrough breaking breaking breaking you're alive 94 94 points so much mass if you need I'm really close I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good no wait for you I'll tell you your top five top three also all solos let's go I think we did it again now that season we didn't make Heats but we did make two set finals lobbies in performance eval cups nothing crazy but hey it's a start going into season four that's where we are at present time I think you can notice the Improvement has been insane over the past few years but more specifically over the past few seasons making this video just fueled my grind even more and I'm so ready to pop off in the future it's currently mid-season four and Ken and I just had our best tourney of all time if you want to see that I definitely recommend clicking that video on your screen right now I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: JivanTV
Views: 2,170,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Itsjerian, Vibin Jivan, Jivan progression, fortnite progression, raider464, Kenbeans, How to go pro in fortnite, 1 year progression fortnite, how to win in fortnite, sypherpk, 1st place fncs, 1st place world cup, 1st place cash cup, 1st place elite cup, 1st place divisional cup, 1st place challengers, fortnite, fortnite tutorial, fortnite tips and tricks, fortnite streamer, fortnite timeline, og fortnite footage
Id: t1OwrmYb2s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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