4 Ways To Find A LOT OF NETHERITE / ANCIENT DEBRIS In Minecraft 1.21 (Java & Bedrock)

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This is how Ancient Debris generates in Minecraft.  As you can see, it is the rarest ore to find in   the game. It could take you ages to find enough  to make a full netherite gear. And besides that,   you will also need the smithing template,  which is even more rare. But don’t you worry,   because I will show you 4 ways to find  Ancient Debris for your netherite gear   and how to find that smithing template as fast  as possible. Are you ready? Let’s break it down! There are 4 ways to find netherite: using  beds, by mining, using TNT and by raiding   bastions. Before we start with these  4 methods, let’s look at this graph,   where you can see where Ancient Debris spawns.  Technically, it can spawn in every Y level of   the nether, but the chance that you will find  it above Y level 22 is so small that it’s a   complete waste of time to look for it there.  The peek is at Y 15 and it equally diminishes   going more up and down. That’s why Y 15 is  the best layer to look for ancient debris. Finding ancient debris can take time, but don’t  worry, because you actually don’t need that much   of it. You’ll need to smelt 4 ancient debris for  1 netherite ingot to upgrade 1 item. So, for full   netherite armor you just need to find 16 ancient  debris. For all your tools, including a hoe,   you will need 20. So, to create full netherite  gear, you will need to find 36 ancient debris   ores. If that’s sounds like a lot to you, don’t  worry, because you will see how easy this can be. Number 1: Using beds The first way to find ancient debris   is to use beds. This is because you cannot sleep  in the nether, and if you would try to do so, you   will regret it soon after your bed exploded. But  this is exactly why beds are the best and easiest   way to look for ancient debris early game, if you  take caution doing it. Just take a stack of wool   and a stack of wood with you to craft yourself a  lot of beds once you are down there. That’s more   efficient than coming to the nether with your  inventory full of beds. You will also need some   slabs, 1 diamond pickaxe and some food. Using this  method could give you up to 30 ancient debris p/h. So, get yourself to Y 15, but don’t just start  digging a tunnel yet. Be aware that you don’t   mine in a basalt delta biome, because basalt  takes forever to mine and doesn’t explode as   easy as netherrack. Make sure that you mine on a  chunk border. A chunk is a 16 by 16 segment of a   Minecraft world. The thing is: ancient debris  ores tent to spawn close to chunk borders. So,   mining on a chunk border gives you a higher chance  of finding ancient debris. To show chunk borders   in Java edition, just press F3 and G. It’s as  easy as that. On bedrock edition chunk borders   work the same, but the problem is that you cannot  show them like in Java edition. To know if you are   on a chunk border in Bedrock edition, you should  go to the 0 15 0 coordinates in your world. Or   just make sure that you can divide your X and  Z axis by 16. If so, you are on a chunk border. Dig a long tunnel on the chunk border. Then  make branches on the sides of the tunnel,   but only on the chunk borders. Now, you could just  randomly place and explode beds, but that could   cost you a lot of health and it’s dangerous.  But there is a safe way to use beds easily.  First, mine all the blocks in front of you,  without mining the ones in front of your feet.   Then place the bed as far as you can. There is  now a 3-block gap between you and the bed. Now,   place one more block to make that gap 4 blocks  long and dig 1 block down. Lastly, place a slab   underneath you, like this cobblestone slab. If  you now stand on that slab, and explode the bed,   you will take just minimum damage. Even without  armor, you just take 1,5 heart damage. With   iron armor you take half a heart damage and  with diamond armor, you don’t even take any   damage. And besides that, you don’t have the risk  that you will get lava over you or catch fire. Now that the bed is exploded, look around for  ancient debris blocks, as these blocks are   fire and blast resistant and will stay exposed  after the explosion. You can also quinch some   fires around you, because sometimes there is an  ancient debris block hiding underneath a flame.   But don’t spent too much time doing this. When you are done, just continue your path   straight. Dig some blocks into the next  wall and repeat this process. Whenever   you walk into too much lava, you can turn back  to your main tunnel and try a different branch. Number 2: Mining Maybe you think mining for ancient debris is a   waste of time, but you would be wrong. It totally  depends on the tools you have. You shouldn’t use   this method early game without any enchantments  because mining all the netherrack would take ages.   But this is different if you have an enchanted  pickaxe. Mining with the right enchantments could   give you 40 ancient debris p/h. The 3 enchantments  you definitely want on your pickaxe are:   Unbreaking III, Mending and Efficiency II or  higher. The first two are just so that you will   only need one pickaxe. The reason you only need  Efficiency level II is because this will break   netherrack instantly, just like an Efficiency  V pickaxe. But still, the higher, the better,   especially when you need to mine blackstone. Having this pickaxe will make it very easy for   you to dig tunnels through the netherrack. You  should mine like you are some kind of digging   machine by mining in circles like this. So,  you are mining a 4 by 4 area. As you can see,   this goes really fast, and you will find  ancient debris soon. When your pickaxe   needs to be repaired, you can use all the ore  blocks on your way like quartz ores to repair it.  Just like with the bed method, make sure you  are mining on a chunk border to increase your   chances to find ancient debris. You could mine  in one straight line until you bump into lava.   Then you can turn and go different directions on  the chunk borders. When you bump into a lot of   gravel you can choose to just go around it, or  use a good Efficiency shovel to go through it. Number 3: Using TNT The third method is probably   the most efficient method. You use TNT to blow up  big areas underground. Similar as the bed method,   but with TNT you can keep a safe distance and you  can make a chain explosion of as many TNT as you   like. Well, more like as many TNT as you can.  Because even though this is the most efficient   method, it’s by far also the most expensive  one. So, you won’t be able to do this until   you’ve made yourself a gunpowder farm. But if you  have one, this is the best method to use, cause   it could give you over 80 ancient debris p/h. Using this method, it’s better to dig a tunnel   at Y 13 or 14, to lower the chances to get  these big lava falls. Just dig one long tunnel,   as long as you like. Then place the TNT.  You could place them all in one line,   but it’s more expensive and unnecessary. The  best way to place them is this pattern of 1,   skip, 2, skip, 1, skip, 2, skip. This way you get  a maximum explosion impact, with less TNT. Light   up the last TNT and get a safe distance. Ones your  TNT is exploding follow the explosions and look   for revealed ancient debris ores. Be careful  for big lava falls. As you can see, you will   find ancient debris spread around this new big  tunnel that you made. You only have to mine it.  But whether you like it or not, you will need to  find at least one Bastion and raid it if you want   to have netherite gear, because these are the only  places where you can find the smithing template   to upgrade your diamond gear into netherite  gear. It might not be the most sustainable   way to look for ancient debris, but while you  are opening all these chests in these bastions,   you have a chance to find ancient debris ores,  netherite scraps or even netherite ingots in   these chests. Sometimes even multiple netherite  ingots in 1 chest! The chance that you find   these varies per type of bastion, but I will  cover all of that in another video. For now,   it’s most important to know how to find the  Smithing Template. Bastions are found all   over the nether, just like nether fortresses,  except in the basalt delta biome. To find one,   you need to explore the nether. However, if you  find a nether fortress, there will be no Bastion   close by. An easy way to explore the nether is by  riding a strider on the lava. Place a saddle on   the strider and use a fungi on a stick to ride it. When you’ve found a Bastion, you need to know that   there are 4 types of bastions: Bridges, Hoglin  Stables, Housing Units and The Treasure Room.   You have a 10% chance to find a smithing template  when you open any chest. However, there is 1 chest   in the Treasure Room that has a 100% chance  to contain the smithing template. So ideally,   you want to find a Treasure Room Bastion.  You can easily recognize them by their shape:   2 big, colossal black boxes and a bridge that  connects them with these lava pools underneath   it. When you enter the lower boxes of these 2,  you can look down and see a lot of gold blocks   in one place. In the chest there you will have a  guaranteed smithing template. If you didn’t find a   Treasure Room Bastion, just explore the one you’ve  found and open the chests, because you still have   a 10 percent chance per chest to find one. But, if you are a bit lazy, you can use this   website called chunkbase.com. You can copy  your seed in here, select the version you   have and click on the nether dimension. Here  you can see the piglin icons with the chest,   which are Treasure Room Bastions close to you.  Just check the coordinate and copy it or write   it down. For more help with finding which  seed you have, check out the description. Bastions are dangerous places, mostly because of  the piglin brutes. They will always attack you,   no matter what kind of armor you are wearing.  They are very strong and can kill you in a few   hits. And to make it worse, they will disable  your shield for 5 seconds if you try to block   their attack! If you hit them, you will also anger  the normal piglins around you and that can make   things even more complicated. So, getting to the  smithing template could be very challenging. But   you can make it a lot easier for yourself however  by bringing a bucket of lava with you and 1 or 2   stacks of building blocks, like netherrack. Be  aware of your surroundings and make sure you   have space to pile up. When you see or hear  a piglin brute, pile up at least 2 blocks,   but more is safer of course. Make sure it cannot  reach you from the side or something. Then, just   throw your lava bucket on the piglin brute where  it is standing. He will slowly die in the lava,   but you don’t anger the other piglins around.  Just continue doing this and make your way to   the chest. You can do all of this easier  and safer when you enter from the roof.   You make your way down slowly and you will  have enough space to pile up if necessary.  When you are down there and open the chest,  you will anger all the surrounding piglins.   You can avoid that by placing blocks around  you and the chest, so the piglins won’t see   you opening it. In another video I will show you  how to completely raid a bastion, but for now,   just take the template and leave carefully. Now you have all your ancient debris and your   smithing template. Now you can smelt your ancient  debris and use the Netherite scraps that come out   together with gold to create a netherite ingot.  Use the smithing table to upgrade your diamond   gear into netherite gear using a netherite  ingot and a smithing template. Remember that   you only have 1 template now and you will need  to duplicate it for every armor or tool you want   to upgrade. To do that, you need 7 diamonds and  a netherrack block. If need to more diamonds,   make sure you watch my next video where I show  you the fastest ways to find diamonds. Or watch   my other videos about finding iron or gold. Thank  you for watching and see you in the next one!
Channel: The Mine Mentor
Views: 550,484
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Keywords: how to find netherite minecraft, how to find ancient debris minecraft, how to find netherite minecraft 1.20, how to find ancient debris minecraft 1.20, minecraft netherite guide, minecraft netherite easy, minecraft netherite fast, the best way to find netherite in minecraft 1.20, Netherite, How To Mine Netherite, Fastest Way to Get Netherite in Minecraft, FIND ANCIENT DEBRIS QUICKLY, Fastest Way To Get Netherite In Minecraft, Minecraft Ancient Debris, Minecraft 1.21 netherite
Id: OWaVN436nw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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