4 WAYS To Destroy Your Enemy Without Fighting! Wise Quotes About Enemies

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how to destroy your enemy without fighting number one stay calm don't let your enemy see you upset the main thing a bully wants is to get a reaction from their target don't give them the satisfaction stay calm and cool lets the bully know that they have no power over you number two look them in the eyes this sneak psychological tactic can be very disarming next time your enemies tries to push you around do your best to make and hold ey contact it makes you look more confident which might be enough to throw them off their stride plus they'll be forced to really see you and maybe think twice about being so unkind looking them in the eyes and laughing or smiling can be especially effective if they're trying to get you upset that's not the re action they'll be expecting number three team up with some trusted allies dealing with an enemy alone can be really difficult as Sun Su famously pointed out you're much more likely to defeat an opponent if you outnumber them talk to some other people you trust about what's going on whether they're family members friends or people in your professional support network if your enemy sees that you have a bunch of other people in your corner they're more likely to back down and leave you alone number four build yourself up instead of bringing them down disappoint them by being the bigger person when you lash out at your enemies it shows that they've gotten to you which means they've won on the other hand a true enemy will hate to see you happy and successful which means that living your best life is the best way to defeat them a few ways you can do this include focusing on self-care do things that you find enjoyable relaxing and fulfilling spending more time with friends and other people who lift you up instead of bringing you down making a list of your strengths and positive qualities repeating an empowering Mantra to yourself if you found this video helpful hit the like button and subscribe to our channel for more videos like this thank you for [Music] watching
Channel: Be Wiser
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Keywords: plato quotes, inspirational quotes, ancient greek quotes, philoshophy quotes, socrates quotes, quotes, socrates life quotes, powerful quotes, socrates quotes about life, quotes about life, life quotes, deep quotes, quotes channel, life changing quotes, greatest quotes, death quotes, be wiser, 4 WAYS TO DESTROY YOUR ENEMY WITHOUT FIGHTING, enemy quotes, how to win an argument, How to destroy an enemy, enemy quotes tamil, sun tzu quotes, sun tzu
Id: 1CrfPSDlK2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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