4 Ways How To Use Trello For Project Management (In Localization 🌐)

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hi everyone this is andre from localization academy in this video i'm going to present you four different options how you can use trello to structure and monitor your localization projects it all comes down to how we're utilizing boards cards the checklists and the labels if you want to find out different ways how you can structure maybe even things outside of localization projects then check out this video all right let's go sign up it's free create your account we'll use dealers from google to create account full name create account let's set up your workspace let's say if you are a localization company maybe you want to create a workspace for all your production or for all your projects so we are going to call this production okay try try try troll premium free for 30 days i'm going to activate this right now the reason why we're doing this is this thing so the premium allows you to view your data in new ways like timeline and if you've seen any of my previous videos you know that i'm a big big proponent and fan of nice gantt charts i think it's the best way how you can monitor your projects visually if you're a visual person so start free trial so i've surrendered my credit card so the whole idea with trello is that you create boards which are the visual let's say kanban boards where you have your cards and you move your cards through some lists which can represent your statuses or whatever you want so we're going to simply start by creating our first port so board title i'm going to call this one my projects and let's just start with the blue although i think uh success to every kanban board is picking the right background the way we're going to utilize the board the cards and the checklist and even the labels in this case is that we're going to have a board where we're going to put all of our projects and in this one we're going to use one card to represent one project this is the most simple way how you can do these things but i'll show you what are the limitations of this approach as soon as we create the card so by default you're going to have the you know the typical three statuses to do doing or in progress and done but what we're going to do is we're going to change this to represent our workflows so since we're tracking let's say all of our projects in this one board i think this view could be good for let's say higher level management where you really just need to get a quick peek of where all the projects are and if even if you're handling multiple projects especially if they're going through let's say a few workflow steps i think this could work unless you really need that granular level of detail which i'm showing in all of my previous tutorials where we really want to see if i don't know what say german translation was confirmed or if the translator or reviewer if they are available for the task and so on so these are very granular things which will be slightly difficult to track here so what was i think yes that we want to track the main statuses instead of to do doing and done so what we're going to do is we're going to say that we have a new project then the project is in translation then it's undergoing review and then we're going to do done what we're going to do is we're going to create our first card which is let's say project a what you can do on your project a is you can set a date which in this case would be the date for the whole project so i'm going to check the start date because we want to see the start date and the due date so that we can display the whole duration of the project and let's say that our project starts on 11th and it's exactly four weeks so it's going to end on may 6th do we want a due date reminder i don't think we want it and we're going to save it so now we have our date added for the card and you can see it here it's displaying right on the card so project a is going from april 11th to may 6th the way you can utilize the current setup is that of course once you i don't know land the project a it comes from the client you have the request and once you send it for translation or you start working on translation you move it here to the translation status and then once you finish translation you move it to the review and then when it's all finished and delivered you put it to done okay so this is a very simple approach of kanban boards i live i like common boards i use it for a lot of the things but i think when it comes to the projects especially if you need to follow certain dates which of course is what the project management is about then i think the kind mentor is not the best way to monitor your projects but of course it can give you some good ideas so let's go back to the new thing so even if we are doing translation we don't know what is the status of the languages we don't even know what are the languages right now so what we're going to do is we're going to utilize the checklists so what you can do in trello is you can create a checklist and we're going to say that this is a checklist for translation and i think within the checklist we're going to add check boxes or items for each language so german french japanese korean our standard set of four languages we don't need to assign people yet the good thing that i found just now is that you can actually add the due date or each item in a checklist so i'm going to do it and since we're starting maybe i should put it here so i can edit this and i can say this is 30k words and now we're going to add due dates to our items our checklist items or checkboxes so due date since it's 30k and we're starting on monday our due date will be three weeks from then so 29th so here we have a checklist for translation next what we can do is we can create another checklist on the same card which is project a and i'm going to call it review and this one is 40 hours and we can copy the items from the existing checklist for translation so i'm going to do that so i don't have to type it and now i just need to modify the due dates so the due dates for this one will be one week later so may 6th all right and that is our very simple setup for projects a where we have translation review and one card represents one project so now instead of just seeing that okay project a is in translation what we can do is we can take off the individual languages as we get the translations back okay and then when we have all the translations completed so you can see that the translation checklist is fully completed that's when let's say we move the card and we start working on the review the problem here is that the path to getting let's say i don't know german french japanese korean it takes certain steps along the way right as i show in the other tutorials what we first do is we send a handoff right then we want to get a confirmation about the handoff and then we get it delivered and in some cases let's say you want to book the reviewers ahead of the time you send them a heads-up and then you want the heads-up to be confirmed so these are the things that i don't know how in this current structure you would be tracking one thing that you can always do is you can use comments just to give yourself some notes like you would do on a on a pen and paper or maybe you could structure your check list items even further let's say under translation you would have i don't know german heads up send german heads up confirmed and so on so then you would have a lot a lot of checkboxes but it's always fun to take off things i think so that's one way how you can utilize this another thing that we're going to i'm going to show you is the labels which is another way how you can let's say structure things so in this case since we have our project represented by the cart and we have the workflow steps represented by the lists so the stages that we move through and we have our let's say subtasks for each language the way how we can utilize the labels is to simply give some sort of like a high level signal of where the whole project is so we can say that the green one will be called on track the red one would be [Music] delayed and the orange one would be i don't know let's say on halt okay so this one will be on track and the labels at least make it a little bit more colorful so you can see that our project a is currently undergoing review you can see the whole timeline for the project and we can see the green label which means it's on track and then if you open it here you can start drilling into a little bit more detail so you can see the status for the review for each language of your project and then if we have another i don't know project b which is let's say undergoing translation you can label it as i don't know delayed so it's late one final thing that i want to show you is the timeline the new thing that we activated with the premium feature of trello so i'm just going to quickly say that this dummy project that we just added let's say it started last monday and it's due i don't know let's say friday right so that's why it's too late okay so by default if you don't have premium version activated i think you would only be able to see boards that's that's the standard thing what trello represents for me but now that we have activated the premium what we can do here is we can change it to a timeline view so once you're in the timeline view by default the zoom level is kind of like weak if you zoom out to a month i think it's slightly better and here you can see the timeline for each card right this is very important as we go further into the other options because you can only see the timeline or the cart because that's where you set the start date and due date so that's the level of information that you're also going to get on the timeline so in our case we can only see that project b was starting on monday 4th and it's supposed to finish on friday 8 and project a is starting on monday 11th and it's supposed to be finished by may 6th you have several options how you wanna let's say group these cards you can just follow the list which follows the workflow steps order that we defined you can also use labels so for example here we see the projects that are that are on track and the ones that are delayed and that's pretty much it so i cannot even define unless i'm missing something i cannot even define what is displayed on the on the cards here i can always click it and go inside of it but it would be nice for example if i stick to the list view to at least show the labels on these cards i think this is pretty much a new feature and maybe it still needs some development some extra things but this is the timeline that we're going to get even for our future options and speaking of that i think we're done with option number one so let's get right into option number two for option two we're going to create another board so before i do that let me rename this one my projects number one we're going to create another board which will be called my projects number two and the reason why i call it my projects number two is because in this case we're also going to utilize the whole board to track all of our projects but we're going to change what each card represents okay that is always the most important thing what is the what does the card represent so previously one card represented one project and in this case one card is going to represent the main task of our project workflow so we have translation review and then we have delivery okay so this will be the cards represented for our projects so because we have the card represent the workflow step it doesn't make sense for us to do i don't know translation [Music] and review right because then we would have the translation cards under translation and then what would we do with them so in this case what we're going to do is we're just going to have to do then in progress and finally we're going to have done so very simple lists that we have here and like i mentioned each card will represent the the main task the workflow step of a project so what that means is that we're going to simply say we have a translation we have a review and we have a delivery okay this should be very familiar to you from the previous tutorials now the problem is that we don't know what kind of project this is so you can always put it i don't know into the title but what we're going to do now is we're going to utilize the labels to label these cards as this is project a okay so our green one will be project a no i don't need to save the information and maybe let's say the yellow one will be project b yep don't need this now the benefit of this approach is that now we can actually set the timeline for each task in our project workflow so for translation what it means is that our translation is starting on monday 11th and it ends on friday 29th okay the same way we can set up review so our review first of all we want to associate it with project a and then we set the timeline and we say that it starts on may 2nd and ends on may 6th and our delivery again will be associated with project a and we're going to set this one to simply may 6th there simple as that now since we have the card represent the let's say the main task the main workflow step of a project we can now utilize the checklists in a more granular way so the problem that we had in option number one is that we didn't know how to track the different sub statuses right so that's how we can utilize the checklist in this case so we can have headset sent and where are we going to put german french japanese korean and then i'm going to create another checklist which will be heads-up confirmed and i'm just going to copy the items from this one all right then create another checklist which will be handoff sends copy our items because they're the same and then we have another checklist which will be end of confirmed copy and that's that and once it gets delivered well technically we want to also track delivery right delivered just copy it here because we want to be granular and only once everything is delivered then we consider the whole thing done so the way it works how you go through the project in this case is that this is basically like all the main things the main tasks that you need to do for your projects and you start from the top so first of all we start with translation right right so once you start working on a translation let's say you move this to in progress right because we're moving we're working on translation and the way that we handle this is let's say we have send the handoff or translation on project a and then when the handoff is confirmed we're going to do this and as we start getting deliveries we tick it off and once we have everything delivered we're going to move the translation for project a to done and at the same time let's say once the translation is completed we can start working on review but let's say you can this is where it's a little bit better because let's say excuse me let's say that your i don't know translation is done for the asian languages but the european languages are not completed yet but at the same time you can already have review going on or uh the asian languages right and for the european languages you could have at least done the heads-ups so in this case you would just copy all the checklists from the translation into this one because we're doing the same let's say the sub statuses so heads up send heads up confirm hand of send hand of confirm and delivered i'm pretty sure there must be a way how you can let's say copy multiple checklists i think maybe using the the butler which gives you some sort of automation but that is let's say out of the scope of this tutorial okay so i'm just going to quickly demonstrate that i'm not just speaking like like an idiot so let's say we want to do subsent and heads up confirmed alright so what we did probably is in this case let's say japanese korean are delivered but i think we would have already sent heads up for everything and technically everything would be confirmed and then when we do end of scent we would probably only send it word to asian languages because the translation for those has been completed right so just to demonstrate how it works with multiple projects is that you will have another translation and in this case maybe what i can do is i can do a copy of the translation so that i copy all of the checklists so i think this is actually what i was talking about before maybe there's a way how you can automate it and maybe you can just create some i don't know some template card that you just create a copy of and then you just um create it for each project that you need it so we're going to copy a card which will be again called translation the label we don't need to copy we need to copy the checklists and we are going to put it into to do position two create okay the dates have been copied as well but let's say that this is project b okay and all the checklists actually that's pretty good thing the way that they copied the checklist is everything is unchecked so i'm going to actually copy this one again i'm going to use it for view and this time i can leave the labels as they are so this will be our review and then finally let's do the delivery for our project b and i'm slightly going to adjust the dates so let's say for this one the translation started this week and it goes i don't know two weeks all right and review starts on april 18 and let's get it for one week so april 22 so we deliver on april 22 correct so when you have multiple projects going on if you really want to just zoom into one project and you don't want to i don't know look at the color coding you can utilize the filters so here you can just filter project a or project b now finally let's have a look at the timeline how it looks like now so let me zoom out to the month and this is where you can see things so the problem here is that it doesn't show our labels which is what i was telling you about before so one way how you could technically handle this is that you would actually put your project name at the start so that way you can see the projects here or let's try the labels so here we have our labels and this i think is slightly better so you can see our project a which has the translation going from this to this review from here to here and then we deliver and then we have project b translation review and delivery so i think it's starting to look slightly better the the thing that we don't see right now is we don't see let's say the translation timeline for german french japanese and korean which brings us to option number three so i'm going to create another one and in this case i'm going to create a board only for one project so we're going to say project a and the reason why we're creating a board for one project is because we're going to have a lot of parts here just for one project so it can be overwhelming if you're managing multiple projects and the reason why we're going to have multiple projects is because we're going still lower and lower okay the first option was one card equals project second option was one card represents the main task or the workflow step of a project now in the third case we're going even more granular and we're going to have our card represent a subtask for a language so what it means is that we're going to have let's say translation german translation branch translation japanese translation and same way we're going to have review german review french review japanese review korean and then we have delivery all right so now we don't need to set the cards in any way to associate them with a certain project because they're already part of the board which is about project a so now that i loaded up the tasks let's fix the statuses the lists so the list will be very similar to what we did for option number two so this will be to do in progress and done all right so let's look at the information that we want to be tracking for each of these things so here we have the dates and this is where you this is what allows you to go very granular so we can set the dates for each subtask and of course it would be way better if i just first set up the first card and then i just copied the things that i need so i might do that so we have the date set so the way how we can utilize the checklists is that we're going to create just one checklist right now because we know this is for translation so what we're going to do is we're going to say let's send it's a confirmed end of sent and of confirmed and delivered okay so because our card is for the let's say the the the the lowest level in our hierarchy which is the german translation there's nothing below this so we are only tracking so we we only we only need one checklist which is for the sub which is for the sub statuses so that is that means like if we are securing the translation now how are we going to utilize the labels you can see that my tasks contain let's say the the subtasks for each language and for each workflow step and then we also have a delivery which is kind of like a bigger task so since we're mixing these two what we can do is we can use our labels to say that let's say i don't know the blue ones will be the main tasks and the yellow ones will be the subtasks so in this case this is subtask and our delivery will be the main task there's of course the option to utilize the labels to represent the projects which is what we did in the second option and that is how you can utilize one board for all of your projects okay if we use the labels for our projects we can technically load up all the sub tasks and even the main tasks here in one board and maybe that is what would work for you because especially if you use the filters you can get by but if you have a lot of languages and a lot of workflow steps so the combination of the languages and the workflow steps would give you a lot of cards so that's why i think maybe it's simpler to use one board per project but of course if you use the filters it can work of course let me just say one thing here is that everything that we do here is really really manual so i don't think that trello is the best way i think all of the other platforms that we tried before are much simpler and much more suited to what we what we want and it's easier to maintain so this is just like to give you a couple of options maybe to think about how to use channel 4 for other things okay so now that we have our card defined what i would have should have formally done is to create the other cards as a copy so that i don't have to type it again so translation d e what we're going to do is we're just going to copy it to french copy it to japanese and copy it to korean okay and i don't want to make the same mistake for review so i don't know why i forgot about german so let's do german let's label this as a subtask and let's set the date so start date is may 2nd and we finish may 6th safe and checklists are pretty much the same that we have for everything so the sub statuses so now that i have defined german i'm going to get rid of these guys and i'm just going to copy it into french into japanese and into korean there we go now i'm not sure i don't think that trello ever had any way to order things i'm not sure if i'm missing something but i'm just going to order it manually so transition first german french japanese korean i think this is german friendship and it's korean and then we have done which is behind my camera so the way this would work is let's say you start working on translation so you ideally of course i guess start working on translation for all the languages and here getting very granular is let's say our german has been i don't know confirmed french has been confirmed as well japanese has been i don't know just said and japan accordion has been also just sent okay and then once we have some language delivered you take it off and then you move it to done so translation for german for project a is done and this is what actually allows you to see our army set dates different for different languages so let's say our french would be i don't know two days later so you can set it here and the reason why this works is because it gives us the timeline that we always wanted so if i go here session months and here you can see the schedule the only weird thing is that because we have this ordered by the the list so the things that need to do are still on the top you cannot expect the same you know waterfall nice gantt chart like we have in other places i think there is probably some way how you could do this but i don't know how to do it right now and we're also missing the the delivery date because i only set the due date so [Music] if i three why is it twenty-three should be may sixth there we go may 6th if we go back to the timeline there is our delivery so now that i switched to the monthly view using the label i think this is way better because it groups things together the only thing is that our main task is slightly away although i think if you used let's say the green one for the main tasks and the yellow for the subtasks i think you would have a nice kind of like a wrapper here for the main tasks and then you see the subtasks below so i think this looks pretty nice if this is the level of the information that you want okay all of these different options are based on the level of information and the data that you want to see and that is important for you to manage your projects now for our fourth final option which is kind of like a bonus just to give you an idea how you can do it differently is that what we can do is create another board which will be about our projects and in this case what we're going to do instead of tracking the tasks or the projects or the subtasks what we're going to do here is that we're going to have each card represent the language on a project so therefore we need to set up our lists our main let's say kanban statuses based on the workflow steps that we have for the project so let's say we have to do we have translation we have review and we have delivered okay so like i mentioned the idea is that we have one card per language so i'm going to add these korean and now here is the tricky part is how are we going to use the dates so you cannot set the date here for german well technically you can set the date for the full duration which will be pretty much the duration of the project right so in this case it would be i don't know from 11th to 6th but the the confusing thing is that because your card your each language is going through different workflow steps right as it is in the tms uh it means that ideally the due date and the start date would change based on the current workflow step that the language is in i think maybe there's a way how you can do it through automation but that's let's say too much for me so what we're going to be doing i'm trying going to show you now so dates so i'm going to show you so in a while i'm going to show you how i'm going to let's say create a workaround around this the way how we're going to do this is since this is our project we're going to again once again create labels for the project so let's say this is project a and no i don't want to do that and this will be also project a this will be also project a and korean also project a okay now how are we going to utilize the checklist is we can technically create one checklist where you're going to put all the sub statuses that we want to track confirmed deliberate and the way it works is that let's say you have a german in the translation so i don't know you send the hand off it gets confirmed it gets delivered when it's delivered you move it to review and that's when you sort of reset the checklist so that's one way how you can do this or of course you can always create checklists for each stage which i think would be way cleaner way to do it so here we would have one for review and with all the things so let's go back it's let's say we're doing the translation so we did these things they confirm and then they delivered and in the meantime we already sent the heads up for german it was confirmed so then we can start working on it we send off the handoff and it was confirmed and so on so this is another way how you can do this and of course if you have another project which has i don't know let's say french again what you would do is that you would set it to project b okay the thing is that right now like i told you right now we don't have any information about the dates because only thing we can set is that okay let's say our german is going from 11 until sixth right four weeks and that is what is going to show up on our timeline but this is not that useful because in most cases at least based on my experience you want to have all of the languages run pretty much in parallel and handle the whole project at the same time so i'm going to actually get rid of the date and the way we can sort of hack this is if we want to have that information about when we are running a translation when we are running review and when we are trying delivery is we can add kind of like a supplementary card and we can say that this is i don't know translation or our project a and we're going to use this card to set the date from 11th until 29th and then we're going to create another card here which will be for review put it on the top and again this will be for project a and our checklist no and our dates will be starting on the may 2nd going all the way to may 6th there so now that i added this supplementary cards what you can do on the timeline is that you can actually see them so if i zoom out to the month you can see the translation and review if i change this to the labels you can see our project a has translation running from here to here and review from here to here so it requires a little bit of extra effort but in this case you set the dates for let's say all the languages so at least this is kind of like really like a workaround this is really kind of work around for you to be able to see the tasks for your projects on the timeline if that is what you like to have done if that is what so this is kind of so this is kind of like a workaround if you really want to have that timeline for your projects displayed the problem is that it's kind of like the maintenance thing on this thing so let's say if we are doing translation for german french japanese korean german is already in review let's say as we go the other languages will also move forward into the review stage so now our translation is done so here is the question what do you do with this card you can leave it there until your whole project is done and then once it's done you can just archive all the cards that are related to project a which is good thing because you can still filter it so that would work based on my few experimentation with trello during the live stream these are the couple of options that i thought of the problem with trailer no matter how much i used to love trello i think it's really still great especially for the basic things with the cards is the hierarchy of the information so you really need to do some workarounds because it's about the way how you utilize the workspace the boards and the cards and maybe the checklists and the labels to structure your thing it's not as straightforward as creating tasks and subtasks and sub sub tasks in other platforms right it was one of the main criterias that i was looking for if we can easily create subtasks in the other platforms so here you cannot create something like sub cards or something like that you can only create checklists within the cards which of course depending on the level of information that you need to track for your project it can work or it cannot work another thing again like i'm pointing out in the beginning is that unfortunately if you really want to use the the timeline and have it displayed visually you need to get the premium thing of travel so yeah that's it take care [Music] you
Channel: Localization Academy
Views: 1,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use trello, trello for project management, trello tutorial, trello tutorial 2022, trello boards, trello board tutorial, how to use trello for project management, trello tutorial for beginners, trello project management, trello project management tutorial, trello, localization project manager, localization project management, project management, project management software, localization academy, localization, localisation, translation, andrej zito, andrejzito, AZ, l10n
Id: o1vcdD7vhHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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